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How are your Custodes doing?

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Swordofmandulis, that’s an excellent write up of the event and your experiences. That matchup with Ultramarines would have been incredibly difficult. Great job on the event.

Thanks, I did play 2 more games, but didn't get the write ups on here yet.


Will add them if I can copy from discord

Game 4 of the warhammer GT heat 3. I'm feeling kinda good going into day 2, albeit with a fairly hardcore hangover. I've already achieved my target of 2 wins and if I can get a half decent match up in one of these 2 games then I can end up with a positive result. Unfortunately this is not it. Three knights all loaded out the same with avenger gatling cannon, thermal cannon and ironstorm rocket pod, supported by an ad Mech batallion with 6 snipers. The mission is vital intelligence and its vanguard strike deployment, I win the roll off and choose my side and he deploys first, I do my best to hide in a tiny terrain peice and he of course makes me go first. So I decide I should try to hold an objective at least, I move one of my sagittarum squads through the ruin but of course they are now exposed. His turn and with the deployment he's able to march all three knights out on to objectives, he duly blasts the Sagittarum squad away and at the end of the round it's 6-0


My turn 2 and I only have 1 play, he now has the movement to prevent me hiding any more and if he scores all of the objectives again its 100%game over, I feel like it kinda already is but hey let's try and make him work for it at least. I advance the vexilla, this is a full on hail Mary, I roll a 3 for his advance which isn't really enough, so I CP it into 6, get in. Everyone else moves forward to get into a firing position. I teleport homer the terms in on the vexilla and they are 5 inches away from the centre where one of his knights is standing. I also bring the wardens in behind his lines to try and kill his enginseer off an objective and make a charge on his 2 skitarii squads. Shooting and the wardens do kill the enginseer and I shoot off a couple of other squads of skitarii. The wardens fail their charge, but the terminators make it in and duly beat the knight to death. I use my consolidation to touch 12" to one of his knights. His turn and I immediately tanglefoot said knight and bosch it's a 6, he moves the third Knight up ready for the charge, this guy is the warlord as well. He the. Shoots the wardens down to 1 man, and I think 2 away from the terms, I'm taking them from the side of the tanglefooted knight making his charge longer. Charging and I tanglefoot that knight again, it's another 6 and he's going nowhere. The warlord comes in taking a few wounds to my firepikes. I go for a stopping dive with the bike captain and he makes it, he rolls well and the knight is down to 13, he draws his misericordia and hit something vital, the knight is bracketed. He hits back at the 3 remaining termies, 2 more are killed, time for the last terminator to fight and I pop avenge the fallen and he delivers 8 attacks, doing 10 damage to the knight, nice.

He scores I think 4 points and I score 3, he's way ahead and I'm in this one now for the pride. Oh I forgot, the last aquilon runs to morale (dumb stupid bullcrap)

Everyone moves up now, vexilla ready to charge the warlord. Last warden is going to charge the skitarii, there's about 10 of them in total I think but I'm sure he can wade through them. I finish off some more scattered skitarii in shooting and the ones by the warden are all that's left a long with the other knight and lonely enginseer. Vexilla kills the warlord, but the warden takes a sniper round to the face on overwatch and he falls, argh any thoughts of winning just died with him.

In his turn he clears a few sagittarum and he does manage to snipe out the vexilla as he had taken some damage before from the pesky snipers. My turn 4 and I kill all the majority of the 2 remaining skitarii squads, there's a just a few left. His knight is too far away to try and charge. His knight largely whiffs in his turn and everyone remains unscathed, he's too scared to come in for the kill as Trajann is there ready and waiting. Final turn and I kill off the last skitarii, and his damned enginseer clings on with 1 wound not failing a single 3+. He still keeps the knight away and I weather the shooting for the most part. It ends 21 - 10 but I've killed more than he has somehow and I feel like I played a really good game considering

Just played against Iron Hands Space Marines with my two different armies and all I have to say is, if the IH aren't promptly nerfed I will flat out refuse to play against anyone running them. They are utterly obscene. They are more tanky than deathguard and more shooty than Ultramarines. I wasn't even playing a fluffy list, I played both my competitive Custodes and Ork lists.


Reroll 1's for everything, +1 to AP on everything, 6+++ FNP on everything, +1A when charged against, move and fire heavy weapons on everything, not to mention their characters and Psychic abilities that halve movement and charge rolls, the reroll wounds from the characters, the dumb saves and invulns on the leviathan dread. They've literally given them the passive benefit of five different armies in 8th ed with absolutely no downsides. I don't mind losing and learning from games, but I learned absolutely nothing from this game. There was no possible way I could beat them with my lists and the terrain.

I have played two very different Ironhands games with my very weak Custodes force (Admittedly).  One was against a very new to the game player, who just had a couple Repulsors and a bunch of infantry.  I was able to melee snipe his Forge Father with my allarus (Thanks Slayer of Tyrants!) and that ultimately won me the game.  


The second game was practically an all Dreadnaught list, and autocannons for DAYS.  Lost that one on turn 2.  


I don't know if Custodes are capable of beating them, as a mono-dex.  Custodes can't survive loosing half their forces on turn 1. It's really sad, because EVERYONE at my store has started playing them.  So I would have to turn down a lot of games.  I do try to say, in the interest of fun, can we at least not use the Leviathans?  If they say no I just say sorry, but I'm not interested in wasting 2 hours making you feel special.  

Correct indeed each sub forum / faction has their own list review section Custodes would fall here




You may want to make a post here with a link directly to your thread if you create one



I thiought they just re-released an IH faq that actually does nerf them a bit?  Did I hear wrong?  Totally 3rd person here, so grain of salt...



Rite of Tempering nerf to Infantry only isn't really enough of a nerf tbh.

The sad fact is, competitively speaking, custodes are dead in the water until they get a new dex.

We got 3 top 5 placings in September. We're still placing better than Orks and IG at the moment, but two of those three wins were mainly down to the fact that the armies played weren't affected by the caladius nerf since tournies didn't enforce the rule changes because they were too close to event dates. One list still ran 2 caladius and 3 pallas with post-nerf rules and did well. October placings should tell us more.


I expect to see more troop orientated lists with Sag Guard battalions and the odd caladius as support still. To me the meta is swinging from horde back to vehicle heavy lists and I see flyer spam from many armies being more prominent. Orks need to thank their lucky stars they have tractor canons.

Our Tournament lists are usually heavy on the FW models.  Which is disheartening.  I am considering going back to my bikes + loyal 32 list.  It's the only thing that even dents the meta now, unless I go FW, which I don't have the money for.

I’ve done alright recently (winning 75%+) going all foot. Did it because they all fit in one small carry case so easy to transport and play.


2 SCs with Shields, Trajan, 9 Wardens, 8 Spear Guard, 2x3 Shield/Sword Guard, Vexilla Magnifica & an Assassin.

Deep strike the 8 Guard and 9 Wardens using the Vexilla.


It works okay unless the opponent can stop teleport homer. Now DE, GSC, and Marines can do that in my next build I’m thinking of taking 3 large troop units of mixed load-outs, probably 3 shield/4 spear.

Doesn't the Assassin ruin the Emperor's Chosen?  I had been holding off adding my Culexus and Vindy because I couldn't afford the special detachment in my lists, (1 of each).  Using Operative Sanctioned drops my units from a 4++ to a 5++.  Did I play this wrong all this time?

Assassin Operative Requisition Sanctioned does not cause Custodes to lose their detachment bonuses.


Honestly for the points I just find an assassin auto include. I’ve been liking the Vindicare (opponent dependent), find the other okay/average.

I find the Vanguard Det of 2x Culexus 1x Vindicaire and 1x Eversor to be perfect for Custodes.  It costs more, but it saves CP, and the Eversor Bomb is surprisingly forgotten by a lot of people.  Also, Culexus are almost auto-take if you aren't using the SoS.

I’ve used the Culexus a dozen times now and honestly find it underwhelming. It’s too easy for your opponent to move out or around the 18” bubble and most smite armies have a 24” version. Her shooting attack has done jack all for me unless I use the stratagem so that’s more CP that Custodes generally don’t have. I would like to try 2 or even 3 though to get overlapping bubbles of 18”. I do like the Vindicare or Eversor lots so right now it’s one of those for me.

I dunno, I love having flamer sister squads in my Custodes when I'm playing against hordes.  Nothing says Hello boys! quite like 10d6 autohitting shots.  Getting them in range is the problem, but if you are focused on my Sisters, you aren't focusing on my bikes, my captains, or my termies.

Ended up playing against a deathwatch list with some Knights. Played a generic battalion with sag guard instead of spears and some Aquilons and wardens. Won but only barely but hoo boy the Caladius Grav Tanks are now hot G A R B A G E. I'll never be playing them ever again. Even babysat by trajaan, their str 7 guns are worthless against Knights and barely scraped a few wounds on T7 vehicles.


I think ill drop them for a battalion of guard with basilisks.


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