TechType Posted February 4, 2018 Share Posted February 4, 2018 Hello all,Having lurked and commented a bit, I reckon it's time for me to start a log here on this fine forum. The fraters (I believe that's the nomenclature here?) set a high bar, indeed!As for me, I've been in the hobby for a while, having started back in the days with Warhammer Fantasy, but then changed to 40k.I'm far from monogamous when it comes to gaming systems though, and with a complete lack of impulse control I tend to spread my attention over a number of system.Still, 40K, and lately 30K, remains a beloved part of my hobby life. I haven't played an actual game in ages (and the last one, sometime last year, was second edition), but the universe and models continue to inspire and fascinate, not least through the stuff I see here on B&C.Other than that, I dabble in various game systems like Infinity, Ronin, Chain of Command, and various others, but given the lack of both chainswords and bolters, they're not really relevant for the discussion here.I hope to use this log as a home for all my GrimDark armies, of either 30k or 40k varieties. I'll also be using it as a repository for paint recipes, as I have a tendency to forget how I've painted stuff - a side effect of working exceeding slowly, I'm afraid.As I said however, I dabble, so there's bound to be one-offs, or even periods where I can't post my work since it'll be non-grimdark.Just so's everyone's warned.And on another note: I really, really hope for some constructive criticism. I truly do appreciate those comments that point out errors or stuff that might have been better.In all things I try to improve, and that's going to be much, much easier with comments and feedback from you, frater, so pick away, please!Currently, I've got 3 main projects on the go. A while ago I picked up the mid-sized starter, and have been picking away at it. Both the DG and Primaris sides are bound to get a bit of expansion, but I hope to keep it small-ish and not get carried away. That's never worked for me before, but one time has to be the first, right? The last project is my heresy Fists, who've been on the back burner for a bit. I hope to get back to them soonish. I've recently gotten a new camera so if the pictures aren't that great it's because I'm still playing around with it.The Death Guard is going to be done in a relatively fast and dirty scheme. It seemed fitting. Initially, I wanted to stick to the box contents, but I figured that with a bit of conversion, a MKIII plastic marine could become a decent Icon Bearer:He's got 1mm spacers in his legs, a clump of GS between the legs and torso, and a 1mm spacer to bulk out the torso, and he's STILL a bit smallish when compared to the other DG.Also, obviously, a PiP. I'll get round to him, eventually.There's more of the DG, but that'll have to wait for a future update when I get the chance to grab some pictures.I'll finish this off with a pic of the DA that will be opposing the Death Guard.The Dark Angels were my first marine legion chapter, and I've always had a special place for them in my heart. Since I've started I've also painted Blood Angels, Novamarines and Imperial Fists, but the scions of the First are something special.I'm mucking about with decals atm, and trying to get them to work. Comments are more than welcome! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Burias-Drak'shal Posted February 4, 2018 Share Posted February 4, 2018 Looking good so far Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted February 4, 2018 Share Posted February 4, 2018 All looking good there, especially the icon bearer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SystemSyn Posted February 4, 2018 Share Posted February 4, 2018 That's a nice start to your armies! I like the Death Guard standard Bearer conversion, very nicely done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Major_Gilbear Posted February 4, 2018 Share Posted February 4, 2018 Beautiful work - the Pox Walkers and the Dark Angels in particular caught my eye, especially the subtle thigh markings on the Sergeant. Very well done, I hope you'll share more of your work with us! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechType Posted February 4, 2018 Author Share Posted February 4, 2018 Thanks guys, quite the welcome! Major, cheers, and certainly - if you'll forgive the walls of text, I'm in a wordy mood sometimes. I've actually got a bit of a backlog that's due some photography, so there might be an initial burst of activity here. SystemSyn, Pearson73 and Burias-Drak'shal, thanks all! As I wrote in the opening post, I also picked up the smaller starter to have something to play around with. I started work on a converted DG sergeant already, so I didn't have any immediate use for the sarge. I spotted an absolutely brilliant conversion linked by KrautScientist (That I sadly cannot find again) using the body to create a version of Necrosius, and had to make my own version. Necrosius is a fantastic model, and I considered getting him as a centerpiece until I saw him in person and realised he's absolutely tiny. From what I recall he'd be on the small side of a normal marine model, and compared to the new DG he's a hobbit in powerarmour. I deviated more or less instantly and gave him a scythe instead of the halberd/spear. Sure, a "Malignant Plaguecaster", which is apparently newspeak for Death Guard Sorcerer of Nurgle, can't actually have a scythe, but with my working speed we'll be on 11th edition before the army is done and who knows, there might be scythes for everyone there! Besides, I like scythes. I've a hand inbound in a bits order, and I'm working on the banner - was lucky enough to snag 3 skulls off a mate who got the skull box from GW, so I can attempt to replicate the traditional one. I'm thinking I should do something with his breastplate, but I can't figure out what. On the loyalist side, I've picked away at the main reason I got the box - I wanted to try out a conversion I had in mind with the Reivers. Now, I don't really mind the Reivers as such, at least their concept. That being said, skull masks? Power armour shorts? Really? Also, since a fair few of the primaris troops are, to the best of my knowledge, taken directly from the aftermath of the heresy, I can see the Dark Angels among them taking an exception to this. Their legion DID just spend ages fighting Curze's curs, and now they're being asked to replicate the honourless tactics they use? It might have been 10.000 years, but for some of these guys it was the day before yesterday! Still, I like the idea of a unit meant to close with the enemy, using CCWs and heavy bolt pistols to engage them, possibly seeking out leaders and high priority targets, and luckily the First had something a lot like that before the Imperium came to Caliban, in the young knights setting out to slay monsters in the forests. I'd really like to aim for a more arthurian knight-archetype with my DA instead of the monk one that's traditionally associated with them, and this is part of that attempt: I'm struggling a bit in differentiating them from the Black Templars, and I'm still trying to nail down the look. I might go for a hood-thingy around his upper torso, if that makes sense. I'd REALLY like some feedback on this chap, to be honest. I'm considering everything, like replacing the shoulderpads with MKIII ones, using Grey Knight helmets or DA upgrade ones from FW, and a multitude of other things, including just spraying him black and getting on with it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SystemSyn Posted February 4, 2018 Share Posted February 4, 2018 That sculpting work is looking really good! The cloth is particularly well executed. As for the Death Guard sorcerer, I think the breast plate looks good as is. You could always add some details when he's painted, chipping/grime/streaks, that kind of thing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted February 4, 2018 Share Posted February 4, 2018 Aye, the sculpted cloth looks great, very realistic flow to it. I feel he could do with a bit more bulk, however, so maybe those MKIII pads would be a good idea? Plaguecaster's sycthe works really well too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechType Posted February 27, 2018 Author Share Posted February 27, 2018 First off, I'm sorry for the delay in updating, but real life intervened. Work's always busy around January/February. I'll try to do better. System, cheers man. I guess I'll keep the plate. Pearson, much thanks. I agree entirely, and I've been trying to source some spare MKIII pads. The Reivers have a very low priority however, as I'd like the rest of the army done before I embark on unit-wide conversions. Especially with how slow I work sometimes. I've had some progress however: Necrosius has his banner stick and got a new hand from the Primaris Apothecary: I'll be adding a bit of detailing here and there, but otherwise I think he's getting there. I've gotten the first intercessor group done and decalled up: I'll have to dust them off before I coat them with the last layer of varnish, but I expect to do that with the airbrush at some point, most likely in bulk while I'm at the club anyhow. I'm lucky enough that Copenhagen's got an excellent little wargaming club called Rogue Trader, where I can borrow a compressor for my airbrush, and also use it without annoying the GF in our tiny apartment. The lads down at the club will be running a 40k mini tourney soonish, and I'm considering showing up. It's just 750 points, so at a push I reckon I could manage to have either the DA, DG or my IF done. I'd have to change the fists from a 30k to a 40k army, but I think it could be done relatively easily. I'm still very up in the air about what to run, though I'm leaning towards the IF, as they're quite fast to paint and wouldn't require me to buy anything new. I've yet to grab decent pics of the majority of the Fists, but I got the arm-swap done on my Praetor and figured he'd serve as an introduction to them: The yellow got a bit flat, but not much - they're very much speed painted. Thanks for looking! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted February 27, 2018 Share Posted February 27, 2018 Impressive works. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechType Posted March 11, 2018 Author Share Posted March 11, 2018 Cheers Bjorn. Slowly working my way through the primaris - I've been kept busy with work and a bout of illness, so progress has been slow: Now, obviously both of these lack decals, and the inceptor still needs his base done. He's not mounted on the plastic rod either, as I'm trying to find a decent way of mounting him that won't immediately break off and won't require magnets - I don't want him spinning around in game. The current plastic thing would last about 30 seconds in a carry bag, I'd estimate. I'm currently considering just building up the base a bit with rocks and drilling a hole in either his foot or the back so I can use a steel rod instead, but suggestions are very much appreciated! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SystemSyn Posted March 11, 2018 Share Posted March 11, 2018 Those Dark Angels are looking really good. Your highlighting on them is fantastic! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chickenleg Posted March 11, 2018 Share Posted March 11, 2018 Sweet models! I especially like the work on the 2 nurgle standards. The gleaming green of the DA is very well done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skeggold Posted March 11, 2018 Share Posted March 11, 2018 Lovely clean paintjobs on the SMs, Death Guard are looking awesome too. Looking forward to seeing more Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted March 12, 2018 Share Posted March 12, 2018 Some brilliant work in both converting and painting! Love that Necrosius model, the bits all work together so well! Definitely looking forward to seeing more! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechType Posted March 12, 2018 Author Share Posted March 12, 2018 Cheers guys, I really do appreciate it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Capt. Jack Posted March 12, 2018 Share Posted March 12, 2018 Big fan of the Necrosius conversion! Will keep an eye on this thread. Excited to see it develop! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechType Posted March 14, 2018 Author Share Posted March 14, 2018 Thanks Capn', means a lot coming from you - I've spent a fair while lurking around your Anvils of Konor before I started posting. Inspiring stuff! I'm pretty much calling Necrosius done at this point, bar perhaps a bit of roughing up the edges of the cloth here and there. I decided add the stole-like cloth as a reference to the original model, and as a reference to his role as a sort-of priest of Nurgle. The stole is meant to be thinner than the banner and the arm-covering, and so got a bit more movement. Part of me is tempted to redo the arm-bit to better echo the movement in the rest of the model, but I'm leaning towards leaving it as-is. I'd really appreciate your thoughts here! On a different note, I've found out what army I'll be joining that tourney with. I've somehow managed to forget having a smallish BA army knocking about, and luck would have it that I've basically got a 750 point army painted and ready. Just need to find a base for a Land Speeder now! I've dug out an old, old box of metal vanguard and though I'd paint an alternate sarge for an assualt squad to get a break from the green: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chickenleg Posted March 15, 2018 Share Posted March 15, 2018 Very nice work. What are you going to paint on the banner? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechType Posted May 5, 2018 Author Share Posted May 5, 2018 Apologies, Chickenleg - I've had a nasty case of real-life the last while. Comes and goes, the damn thing. Banner-wise I'm far from sure. I think a section of an eight-pointed star should be nice and classic, and also doable for me, My freehand skills are rusty. Other than that, maybe a symbol of Nurgle? I'm open to suggestions if any of you have a good idea! Painting wise I've been distracted lately, but I've finished the lieutenant for the Dark Angels. He's been done for a while, but I've only gotten round to posting now. Well, I say finished. He still needs a decal on his right shoulderpad, the one not show on the pic. Quite pleased with him too. C&C most welcome, as always! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechType Posted August 24, 2019 Author Share Posted August 24, 2019 So yeah, time to resurrect this. In short, the intermission has been due to me moving across the country (it's only Denmark, so not too far), but still commuting to my old workplace and trying to sell the apt we used to live in. As a result, I've basically done nothing hobby-wise from about February to around last month, when I dug out the fists. I've slowly been working though tacticals, trying to get them to a semi-finished state where they just need decals and battledamage before they're done. Yesterday I managed to make a start of the first fireteam of tactical squad IV in an as yet unnamed company, during the heresy and scouring. Thematically, I've gone for a late heresy / scouring period, focused on a unit that's been heavily involved in either ship-boarding actions or manufactorum defense - I feel the bases of the manufactorum set can illustrate both situations. So far, I'm working on a list that contains one 10-man squad with powerfist, meltagun and heavy bolter (these being the first squad here), and two 6-man squads with powersword/combi-plasma on the sarge, and plasmaguns. There's other stuff too, but that's the bulk of the infantry, and I'm trying to get it done first. I'd like to be one of those guys who do the whole pict-capture thing with the background, but for now I just want to get going again. Without any further ado, here's fireteam I of squad IV: As always, comments and criticism is most welcome. I've got their as-yet unscratched comrades of fireteam II up next: As an aside, I've found this guy: The model that broke my will many years ago - he's one of the first finecast models I bought, and the entire Masters of the Chapter set was in so poor quality that I eventually took a 3-4 year detour into Infinity before 40k pulled me back in. He was originally going to be a banner bearer for a Novamarine command squad. I've started redoing all his armour - a lot of the surface is pitted and in really poor condition, and liquid greenstuff didn't do the trick. Still, what do the cool kids give their company commanders these days? Relic blade and plasma pistol? Thunderhammer and combi-weapon of some sort? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Rohr Posted August 25, 2019 Share Posted August 25, 2019 You fast and dirty Death Guard put my slow and deliberate painting to shame. Excellent log, and wonderful conversions! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechType Posted August 26, 2019 Author Share Posted August 26, 2019 Cheers Marshal, much appreciated! I'm actually considering redoing the DG armour to something more typical and greenish, but we'll see if I get around to it - I'm on a Fist binge right now. Now, the pictures got a bit rushed as I had to run out the door to catch the bus to Copenhagen - I'm off to do the last bits before our apartment gets sold. This also means that there'll be no hobby work until saturday at the very earliest, so this'll have to do for a week or possibly two. The last fireteam of squad one has been completed, and now all that remains is a bit of matt varnish before they can take the field: In the front, beside the heavy weapon gunner, is the fireteam leader and squad second-in-command. In the rear and the middle, the vox-operator, and on the left with the black shoulderpad, a tactical marine that's distinguished himself and is considered a prospect for chaplaincy - if he survives long enough. Next up is this squad, 6 guys with a combi plasma and a plasmagun: I'll have to fix the base trim on the sarge, I see now. I've been fiddling with decals and sponges for weathering for a while now, and needed something that was a bit more paintery, if that's a word. A while ago this guy leapt into my imagination and refused to leave until I built him, and he seemed a decent place to start. I'm awful at painting white, but at least I'm getting practice - even if I'm constantly debating re-chaptering him to some other chapter... At least he's a Son of Dorn. Definitely a son of Dorn. No doubt there. (And yes, the pose is more or less stolen from Sigismund. Seemed fitting. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted August 26, 2019 Share Posted August 26, 2019 A while ago this guy leapt into my imagination and refused to leave until I built him, and he seemed a decent place to start. I'm awful at painting white, but at least I'm getting practice - even if I'm constantly debating re-chaptering him to some other chapter... At least he's a Son of Dorn. Definitely a son of Dorn. No doubt there. The model is well-posed. The colors remind me of the Dragonball Z villain Frieza. He's not a xeno, is he? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechType Posted September 6, 2019 Author Share Posted September 6, 2019 Bjorn, cheers! He's a member of the Sons of the Phoenix, one of Cawls absolutely-not-traitor-geneseed-I-don't-know-what-you-mean chapters. They're ostensibly successors of the Imperial Fists, but they have a more than passing similarity to the preheresy Emperors' Children. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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