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Paint, Putty and Procrastination


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Bjorn, cheers! He's a member of the Sons of the Phoenix, one of Cawls absolutely-not-traitor-geneseed-I-don't-know-what-you-mean chapters. They're ostensibly successors of the Imperial Fists, but they have a more than passing similarity to the preheresy Emperors' Children.


I love the colour scheme of the Sons of the Pheonix, and I'm a big fan of the idea of Cawl using traitor geneseed to make primaris chapters - hopefully this is something they expand on a bit furthur. Personally I'm waiting to paint up any of my primaris until a chapter pops up showing signs of Night Lords heritage.


What model (or other place) is the open hand from?

Thanks Forsaken! Glad you like him.

I'm really fond of the idea as well, there's endless story potential in the idea.


The hand is from the intercessors set, I just cut it off the original arm. The part number is 54, if I read the pic of the sprue right.


I kinda wanted to try out a new white recipe, and it's turned out to be far more trouble than it's worth so I'm currently considering what else might work - might redo his armour in a different style. As such, he's taking a back seat for a bit until I decide.


In the meantime, I've dug out an old project: 6/8 mm scratchbuilding. Mainly because I'm commuting between 2 cities atm, and 0.5 mm plasticard, a steel ruler and some exacto blades are easier to transport than models, paints, brushes and everything else I need for painting.


I've picked up a set of knights for scaling, and have take to cutting them up - nothing major so far, but I'm getting there.


I need your help, fraters, for a scaling issue though. Once upon a time I did a quick chimera scratchbuild in 6mm-ish scale, and I found the greenstuff molds I made back then when I moved earlier this year. I thought it'd work as a bit of base debris. Even if the GS molds are absolutely awful for detail, they kinda sorta work for a smashed up vehicle I think.

That being said, I haven't actually held a chimera in my hands for ages, and I've seen a 40k scale knight in the flesh/plastic about twice, so I'm unsure about the scale.


I've thrown a Sicaran in there for good measure - if you know anything about the size of these, I'd really appreciate your thoughts as well!


So, question being: Does this work?





I'd really, really appreciate knowing what you think!


Next post I'll try to keep to an existing project instead of going down another tangent...

Those are fantastic scratch built tanks. It looks about right to me but I don’t actually have a knight in 40k to tell you exactly. I’ll leave that to another frater.


I hope you get settled and manage to paint again. The green on your Dark Angels Is very nice.


Your Death Guard are particularly well done and I’ll be interested in progress with these. I’ve also recently started to make a Necrosius/malignant plaguecaster. If you’re still looking for the conversion you saw then I believe it would have been Duskraider’s Necrosius conversion on Krautscientist’s blog Eternalhunt. I saw it there too and it’s awesome. It’s also in the WIP section right here if you can find the page.

Loving everything you have done thus far, the conversion of the plaguecaster is jaw dropping, looking forward to him being finished and painted. But i do have to say the DA's are my favourite, the way you have painted them is just epic!  

  • 1 month later...

Sagentus, much appreciated! I think I might be swinging back towards my DA or DG soon.


Krakendoomcool, cheers sir! Good memory on the conversion, and having looked it up I think it might well be that.

I took a look on your wordpress site, and think I've found your plaguecaster - I can't see if you have a log around here, so I'll just put it here: excellent work!



Ok, so I didn't keep exactly to an existing project, but it's sorta the same:




She got a lick of paint, and a name: Lady-errant Uxie of House Harnult. I'm still working up the fluff, but I hope to have some more when I post her two friends.


I desperately want to do one of those narrative logs, but I've hit a stumbling block each time. Maybe next project....


Also, a friend picked up Aeronautica Imperialis, so I naturally did the same. Since he started out painting the Imperials, I got the Orks done:



And the Dakkajets:



They've been surprisingly fun to paint! I think I'll hold off on the Imperials until I can pick up a compressor for my airbrush.


Until now I've used one in the club in Copenhagen, but I've wanted one for home use for ages.

I've been reading up on what to get, but is there any fraters out there who can recommend something? I've got a badger sotar 20/20 for the airbrush, so I should be good there.

Thanks guys!


@Zephaniah, if you mean the white on the knights, it's Vallejo Pale Grey (it's quite blueish and covers really well), then a layer of roughly 60/40 Vallejo White and Pale Grey, a bit of glazing back and forth for a smooth blend, if necessary some thinned Pale Grey with a bit of Abaddon Black in it for shadows, the highlights with pure Vallejo White. Dead simple.


The yellow is pretty easy too - it's Averland Sunset (If I use the canned one, I usually follow up with a thinned layer of the pot paint, as they're slightly different tones), then wetbrush Yriel Yellow, then drybrush 50/50 Yriel Yellow / Vallejo Ivory (GW White works as well, it's really not that significant). If I'm feeling fancy I'll add some basic line highlights with this mix too, but rarely for rank-and-file tbh. After that I hit it with a wash of Casandora Yellow, and the armour is done.


A note though: I'd recommend doing everything else, like the ribbing between armour plates, metal bits, etc, after doing drybrush and before doing the wash. Makes it heaps easier to do any corrections.


And after decal'ing and adding battledamage I usually hit the model with some really thinned down washes, typically Agrax Earthshade or Gryphonne Sephia, to tie it all a bit together.


It's not as nice as some yellows out there, but I think it's a good compromise between speed and quality.


The epic scale models were made by simply taking a 40k model (or a template for one, for those I didn't have models for), measuring it, and dividing by 5. The old Epic models were all over the place scale-wise, but the infantry is roughly scaled to 1:5 when compared to 40k (6mm versus 30mm - it's technically 28, but they're BIG 28mm, and I can't be bothered trying to cut to a precision of 1/3 mm. :happy.:  ).  After that, I just build the vehicle as I normally would.


If you're interested, I can take some more detailed progress pictures next time scratchbuilding inspiration hits?


@Bjorn, thanks man!

Thanks Kolgrim!


I've wanted to start up the DA again, and thought I'd try and get my librarian finished. I originally started him more than a year ago, got as far as the basecoats, and somehow stopped there. For some reason, while he was great fun to build, he's proving a real challenge to paint. Please excuse the rather poor picture - I didn't have time to set everything up.




He is, rather obviously, based on brother Tumiel from Dark Vengeance, and a spare quick-build intercessor body. Sword is from a GK sprue of some sort, but I think the sword arm is the intercessor auspex arm. He's VERY WiP, but I figured I'd have to post some WiPs for this log to actually fit in this section...


As always, any comments and feedback is most welcome!

  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers Kolgrim!


Slight amount of progress on Tumiel, the librarian:




Still debating what colour to do his winged sword emblem on the backpack. I'm currently split between red and white, but any thoughts is more than welcome.


He's got a friend as well, the sarge of an agressor squad:



He's close to done - he just needs some decals, a name and some final details. I'd post his squad, but they're just basecoated and placed on their bases; hardly exciting stuff.


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