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+++ Vostroyan 94th Battle Group +++

++A hobby blog++


+++ Fluff +++

The Vostroyan 94th at the time of the opening of the great rift were assigned as an auxiliary defence force to Knight world [As yet unnamed]. Since the rift opened regular reinforcement from Vostroya has been spotty at best and so in order to maintain manpower, the 94th have been forced to press the abhuman underclass that makes up the world's peasantry into service.

+++ League List and First Battle Report +++

Over the next few months I will be competing in a round robin league with the top finishers entering a single elimination bracket to determine a winner. The lists are fixed over that time and this is what I have decided to bring:

++ Brigade Detachment +9CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [70 PL, 1245pts] ++

Regiment: Vostroyan

+ Heavy Support +

Armageddon Pattern Basilisk

Armageddon Pattern Basilisk

Cyclops Demolition Vehicle
Cyclops Demolition Vehicle


+ Troops +

Infantry Squad

Plasma gun

Infantry Squad

Plasma gun

Infantry Squad

Plasma gun

Infantry Squad

Plasma gun

Infantry Squad

Infantry Squad

+ Fast Attack +

Bane Wolf: Heavy Flamer, Track guards

Rough Riders

2x Plasma Gun

Rough Riders

2x Plasma Gun

+ HQ +

Company Commander

Bolt pistol, Grand Strategist, Warlord

Company Commander

Plasma pistol

Company Commander

Plasma pistol

+ Elites +

Command Squad

4x Sniper Rifle

Command Squad

3x Melta Gun


Platoon Commander

The Dagger of Tu'Sakh

++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [46 PL, 755pts] ++

Regiment: Vostroyan

+ Heavy Support +

Cyclops Demolition Vehicle

Leman Russ Battle Tank

Leman Russ Demolisher

Track Guards

+ Troops +

Infantry Squad

Infantry Squad

Infantry Squad

+ HQ +

Primaris Psyker

Nightshroud, Mental Fortitude

Tank Commander

Battle Cannon

++ Total: [116 PL, 2000pts] ++

+++ First Match+++

++ Battalion Detachment ++

+ HQ +


Inferno pistol,

Jump Pack, The Angel's Wing (replaces jump pack)

Librarian Dreadnought

Quickening, Gift of Foresight, Wings of Sanguinus,

Furioso fist, Meltagun,

The Veritas Vitae, Warlord

+ Troops +

Tactical Squad


Plasma Gun

Power Fist

Tactical Squad


Heavy Flamer


Tactical Squad


Multi Melta

Plasma Gun

+ Heavy Support +

Devastator Squad
2x Lascannons

Missile Launcher

Plasma Cannon

Hellblaster Squad


++ Vanguard Detachment++

+ HQ +


Unleash Rage, Shield of Sanguinius

Jump Pack

+ Elites +

Death Company


Jump Packs

Various power weapons etc

Reiver Squad


Terminator Assault Squad


Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields

++ Total: [113 PL, 2000pts] ++

My first game was against a Blood Angels list. We are using the Eternal War missions from chapter approved for the league and we ended up playing Roving Patrol. This is the mission where you only deploy a 1/3rd of your force and the rest enters play later. I split my force fairly into three parts, each with a smattering of artillery, tanks and infantry so no matter which 1/3rd I deployed, I would have the tools to deal with whatever Blood Angels appeared.

The game swung very hard my way from the first instance as I won first turn and almost all of my army rolled onto the board and I was able to wipe out his starting 1/3rd almost to a man in my first shooting phase. This included his Warlord Librarian Dreadnought who got caught out by the melta squad and the rough riders appearing behind his screen. He then took his turn and only a couple of his units made it onto the board, effectively ending his chances of winning. We called it and the end of turn 4 after he had got his chance to actually use his captain smash and the accompanying death company to turn a squad of guardsmen into red mist.

Feel slightly bad for this one as he was royally screwed over by his rolls. I think had I not killed his warlord turn one and his death company and terminators along with the librarian had gotten some turn one charges, the game could have been very different. As it was, they turned up piecemeal and were taken apart.

Final Score: Vostroyan Victory, Blood Angels conceded.

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+++Hobby Update+++

The aforementioned abhumans I have been working on:


In the League I am using them as standard guardsmen but I will probably use them as conscripts outside of that. I think the conscript rules better represent their 'drafted peasantry' fluff.

+++League Update+++

I have a game tonight against a Khorne Daemonkin list. I have posted the list below. I think lasguns will deal with the bloodletters but my tanks will have to focus on the Berzerkers. I assume the Bloodthirster and Daemon Prince will deepstrike so I will have to deploy my cyclops' well to deal with them if I run out of fallback space. Hopefully the ratmen's imminent sacrifice will not be in vain.

++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [43 PL, 791pts] ++

Legion: World Eaters

+ Dedicated Transport +

Chaos Rhino : Combi-bolter, Mark of Khorne

Chaos Rhino : Combi-bolter, Mark of Khorne

+ Troops +

Chaos Cultists : 9x Chaos Cultist w/ autopistol and brutal assault weapon, Mark of Khorne

. Cultist Champion: Brutal assault weapon and Autopistol

Khorne Berzerkers : Icon of Wrath

. Berzerker Champion: Bolt pistol, Power axe

. 8x Chainsword and Chainaxe: 8x Chainaxe

Khorne Berzerkers : Icon of Wrath

. Berzerker Champion: Bolt pistol, Power axe

. 9x Chainsword and Chainaxe: 9x Chainaxe

+ HQ +

Daemon Prince with Wings : Daemonic axe, Khorne

Dark Apostle : Bolt pistol, Mark of Khorne, Power maul

++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Chaos - Daemons) [62 PL, 1207pts] ++

+ Heavy Support +

Skull Cannon
Skull Cannon

Soul Grinder : Mark of Khorne, Warpsword

+ Troops +

Bloodletters ]: 9x Bloodletter, Bloodreaper

Bloodletters: 9x Bloodletter, Bloodreaper

Bloodletters: 9x Bloodletter, Bloodreaper

+ HQ +

Bloodmaster : Blade of Blood

Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage: Armour of Scorn, Great axe of Khorne, Oblivious to Pain, Warlord

+ Elites +

Bloodcrushers: 2x Bloodcrusher, Bloodhunter, Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos

++ Total: [105 PL, 1998pts] ++

I like the colours on your Vostroyans, keep the batreps coming too - don't forget pictures if you can!


Regarding the Ratmen they need a bit more done to make them fit into 40k. I'd suggest removing the spikes (mostly on heads from the looks of it, would make them look more like arming caps) and adding a bit more Guard parts. The pouches and water etc bits should do that, then with some appropriate Guard/Imperial paint and transfers they should work. It's unfortunate that their heads are too big for Guardsman helmets as that'd work really well!

++Battle Report++

2000pts, Frontline warfare.

One objective is in the building next to my tanks, two are in the building next to the bloodletters (this mission does not specify objectives must be placed apart so my opponent decided to place his neutral objective next to the one I just placed) and the last is in the building next to the soulgrinder. Note that we play that the bottom floor of buildings block line of sight.

+EDIT+ Just double checked the rules, 2nd objective must be placed 12" away from the first. Will remember for next time.

+Turn 1+


This was just after deployment. The forces of Khorne took first turn and my opponent set up his bloodthirster, bloodcrushers and bloodletters ready to charge me. Fortunately, only the bloodcrushers made it in but they still managed to make short work of one and a half infantry squads. In revenge I moved up my cyclops and detonated it right next to the bloodcrushers and my remaining ratmen destroying both units. Who said that removing templates meant we couldn't kill our own men anymore? I also moved the Banewolf up and between its guns and the nearby lasguns, one of the bloodletter squads were killed. The carpark the opened fire at the blood thirster dropping it to 2 wounds.


Turn 2 saw the bloodthirster fail to charge again while the remaing bloodletters on the left flank cleaned up a cyclops losing two models in the ensuing explosion. On the right flank, the banewolf was removed by skullcannons while the soulgrinder mopped up some rough riders. I was disappointed that I wasn't able to get my infiltrators closer this game as they were unable to have much impact. The Platoon commander did use his relic to get me linebreaker at the end of the game though. In my turn, I was able to end the bloodthirster, scoring me warlord, and take out the blood letters on the right flank. The carpark, after finishing the bloodthirster, took out both rhinos and made a good go at wiping out the berserkers inside.


At this point, it was looking pretty one sided and the rest of the game just involved mopping up the remnants of the khorne worshippers. The infantry squads began advancing towards the central objectives but took some casualties from combat with berserkers and daemon princes.



We decide to call it after turn 5 as it became clear I would win.

Score: Vostroyans: 7 Khorne: 2

Vostroyan Victory

League Record: 2/0/0


It was nice to see the strategy I planned when I wrote the list come off well in this matchup however there was certainly an element of my dice going well and my opponent's dice failing to produce any saves at all. If the bloodthirster had managed his first turn charge then things could have been much different as my carpark could have been neutered. I think in future I will deploy my tanks in a line along the back rather than in the corner. This should allow maximum distance between my screen and the valuable stuff. I will also resist the urge to bring on my reserves in turn 1 if they aren't going to achieve anything. If I had waited this game, they could have been used more effectively. Overall, I enjoyed the game and full credit to my opponent, he was a good sport in the face of a drubbing. He had some well painted miniatures too.

P.S Any advice on formatting these reports would be appreciated.

In a game like this - fully shooty vs full combat - it was always going to come down to early game. If you failed to deliver enough damage and mitigate your opponent it'd be over ;) A good win!


For formatting it's fine, I usually put turn labels in larger font to help separate turns etc but as long as it's readable that's what matters :)

So my next game is organised and it will be against a shooty admech list. I'm a little worried about this game as it could easily end up being decided by who gets first turn. I'll have to be careful to hide my tanks well or his onagers could have a field day. I'm also a little worried about my characters in the face of his snipers. I think guard, and especially my infantry heavy list are very reliant on character bubbles and so snipers are dangerous. I think I will try and pop the onagers turn one and then go after his shooty castellans. With those threats eliminated, I think my mass infantry squads should be able to swamp the objectives with more bodies than he can deal with.



++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Imperium - Adeptus Mechanicus) [107 PL, 1998pts] ++

+ Fast Attack +

Ironstrider Ballistarii

. Ironstrider Ballistarius: Twin Cognis Lascannon

+ HQ +

Tech-Priest Dominus : Omnissian Axe, Phosphoenix, Volkite Blaster, Warlord

Tech-Priest Dominus : Eradication Ray, Macrostubber, Omnissian Axe

Tech-Priest Enginseer : Omnissian Axe, Servo-arm

+ Troops +

Kataphron Destroyers

. Kataphron Destroyer: Heavy grav-cannon, Phosphor blaster

. Kataphron Destroyer: Heavy grav-cannon, Phosphor blaster

. Kataphron Destroyer: Heavy grav-cannon, Phosphor blaster

Skitarii Rangers Omnispex

. 2x Ranger (Transuranic Arquebus): 2x Transuranic arquebus

. Ranger Alpha: Galvanic rifle

. 5x Skitarii Ranger

Skitarii Rangers Omnispex

. 3x Ranger (Transuranic Arquebus): 3x Transuranic arquebus

. Ranger Alpha: Galvanic rifle

. 6x Skitarii Ranger

Skitarii Vanguards Omnispex, 4x Skitarii Vanguard

. Vanguard Alpha: Power sword, Radium Carbine, Radium pistol

Skitarii Vanguards

Omnispex, Rad carbine


+ Heavy Support +

Kastelan Robots

2 Kastelan Robot: Heavy Phosphor blaster

Kastelan Robots [12 PL, 242pts]

  2 Robots, Fists

Onager Dunecrawler

. Neutron laser, Cognis Heavy stubber, Neutron Laser

Onager Dunecrawler

. Neutron laser, Cognis Heavy stubber, Neutron Laser


Onager Dunecrawler

Broad Spectrum Data-tether, Cognis heavy stubber, Icarus Array

+ Elites +

Cybernetica Datasmith

Sicarian Infiltrators


++ Total: [107 PL, 1998pts] ++


I've only played AdMech once in 8th and very narrowly won but that was before their codex was released. I'd be interested in any hints and tips the forum has for dealing with them.

Because I don't use sentinels, I find them a great alternative deep strike deterrent. Since the points increase in chapter approved they don't always get their points back but spread along my line they are a worry for those deep strike first turn and charge units. In my last game a single one killed a unit of bloodcrushers on its own while another put 3 wounds total on two rhinos. In that case they almost got their points back but their biggest use was disrupting the enemy movement meaning he could only manage a turn 3 charge with some of his units, by which point it was too late.

++Battle Report 3++

AdMech. 2000pts, Frontline Assault

Lining up against the Admech I was a little worried, much more so than against the Blood Angels or the forces of Khorne. My opponent had masses of shots to deal with my tide of infantry, snipers to take out my support characters and plenty of anti tank for my car park. This was going to be tough.


Three of the objectives are visible but the fourth is hidden in the building by my Leman Russes. I took a little care to try and hide my tanks from the neutron lasers etc but in the end I though that keeping my russes together so that I could use orders on both (using the stratagem) was a priority. Even though we play the bottom floor of ruins as LoS blocking, there weren't many places to hide. Of note, I kept a group of infantry squads on each flank to make a play for the objectives later on. I find when playing guard, that as we lack fast jetbikes or similar, you need to plan in advance how you will score objectives and set yourself up for success early.


Another pic of deployment.


The Admech took the first turn and my Demolisher was promptly destroyed by his walker. I severely underestimated the damage that his double lascannon-alike could do. Of course, his rolling of boxcars on the damage helped him out! In my turn, my scout movers came on and in what would turn out to be decisive, did crippling damage on the infantry squads in the buildings nearby. My melta command squad also took out that nasty walker. My artillery opened up and took out one of the onagers, with shroud psalm active throughout the game, the AdMech proved incredibly resiliant to my heavy firepower.


Realising that I wasn't able to take out his vehicles and castellans as fast as he was taking out mine, I took the decision to hide my russes as best I could and focus on the imminent threats like the melee castellans that just took out my banewolf (hidden behind the second building from the left). On the other side of the battlefield, the right flank was doing much better than the left. Here I used the combined squads stratagem to ensure my plasmagun remained standing and moved them quickly up the flank towards the 4-point objective. The roughriders maneuvered into position to take advantage of a failed charge by a techpriest in the previous turn. The gunners overcharged their plasmaguns, killing themselves in the process but managing to do enough damage that the priest could be taken out by their comrades in the assault phase.


My opponent began his turn by taking advantage of the hole left by the advancing right flank to bring in his rust stalkers. His shooting continued to be effective as a leman russ fell. The rust stalker murdered one infantry squad quite efficiently while grav guns took out all but one abhuman in between the melee castellan and my warlord. This brave ratman was enough to block the charge from the castellan into my warlord and he even survived the ensuing flurry of blows from the massive robot. As the Tank commander kept being locked into assault by the rust stalkers in these last few turns, he had to keep falling back while blocking my warlord from view from the snipers across the battlefield. With only one infantry squad left in my deployment zone, it was definitely squeaky bum time as I considered how to stop my opponent scoring my vital home-field objective. Thankfully, across the way, I had his objective well wrapped up.


Annnnnd here's how the game ended. Finally, the castellan fell to plasma fire as my squads moved up the left flank. Although the rust stalkers were able to do some damage to my ratmen, enough survived that they could fall back onto the objective securing it for the guard. At the end of turn 5 I held three objectives to my opponent's zero and he promptly rolled a one to continue the game. It's a victory to the guard! Although I suspect had the game gone on to turn 6, he may have turned it around and definitely so by turn 7.

Final score: Guard 8, Ad Mech 2

What a tough, close game. The MVPs have to be those brave abhumans who managed to hold on against all odds and keep the homefront secure. That being said, an honourable mention goes to both flanking groups whose accurate fire helped me take territory across the board. My armoured detachment may find themselves court martialed however, after completely failing to make a dent in the enemy armour.

Aaaaaaand my next game is scheduled. This time it's against a combined Nids/Genestealer cult/guard list. I'm not really sure what to make of this list. On one level it is a similar list to mine but exchanging some artillery for some combat prowess but honestly I don't really understand what the strategy is with this list. I think I will focus the hive guard with my artillery early and try and spread my units as much as possible to deny deep strike. The psychic potential is a little nasty but my list doesn't really fear smite in the same way say, a marine list, does. Honestly, I am a little at a loss here so any input would be much appreciated.



++ Battalion Detachment (Tyranids) ++

Hive Fleet: Kronos

+ Troops +

10x Hormagaunt

3x Ripper Swarm

3x Ripper Swarm

+ HQ +

Hive Tyrant: Adrenal Glands, Heavy Venom Cannon, Monstrous Rending Claws, Power: Catalyst, Power: Psychic Scream, Toxin Sacs, Wings

Neurothrope: Power: The Horror

Neurothrope]: Power: Psychic Scream

+ Elites +

6x Hive Guard

Impaler Cannons


++ Battalion Detachment (Imperium - Astra Militarum) ++


+ Heavy Support +

Heavy Weapons Squad

3x Mortars


Heavy Weapons Squad

3x Mortars


Leman Russ Battle Tank

Heavy Bolter, Heavy Stubber

+ Troops +

Infantry Squad



Infantry Squad

Infantry Squad


+ HQ +

Company Commander

Grand Strategist, Kurov's Aquila, Plasma pistol, Power maul, Warlord

Primaris Psyker

Nightshroud, Psychic Barrier

Tank Commander:

Heavy Stubber, Lascannon


++ Supreme Command Detachment (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) ++

+ HQ +


Might From Beyond


Familiar, Power: Mass Hypnosis



+ Elites +


20x Purestrain Genestealer


Let me know if there is something I am missing, or something to look out for.

looking at that list (and comparing it against yours), my thoughts would be:


The mortars will rip some chunks out of your inf, you can handle that... no issue

his battle tanks will be matched by yours... no issue

His inf will be inferior to yours (I guess they exist to give his tanks some protection against deepstrikers).

His Hive guard and flyrant will be bigger issues, but you should have the firepower to bring them both down before they can really do much damage


the last ace in his hand is the purestrains... they 'should' get first turn charge when going with the patriarch and primus using the ambush rules. I suspect it will come down to how well they do at breaking your line/causing a problem. If they do well in their intial rush then it will hurt your fire power, if not then you shouldn't be too pressed to take out his list.

The good thing is, my LOS ignoring guns massively outrange his and I have more drops so I will hopefully be able to deal with the hive guard first battle round regardless of who gets the first turn. I guess it will be down to the russes to take out his Tyrant.

++Battle Report++

2000 pts, Roving Patrol, Dawn of War, vs Tyranid Soup

Considering my success earlier in the league against the Blood Angels, I was relatively unconcerned when we rolled roving patrol. Having so many units allows me to field three roughly identical large patrols which means I am never caught waiting for a singular, important unit to make an appearance. However, Dawn of war deployment is possibly my least favourite deployment map as I like having the narrow front other maps offer in order to make the most of my range advantage over most enemies. Knowing that deep strikers were coming, I deployed the majority of my forces around my own objective with a fast moving flank to intercept some genestealers ( I didn't realise that they could redeploy later). My opponent wisely kept his forces hidden away in ruins to deny me the majority of my shooting should I get first turn.

Note, the enemy objective is in the 2nd building from the right on the far side, mine is directly opposite it with the central objective on the central structure.


I won the role for first turn and crucially, one of my basilisks failed to arrive. This limited my shooting to one manticore missile and one earthshaker round at the genestealers killing about 3. Not really what I hoped for at all. I should have really popped smoke on most of my vehicles rather than shooting to try and survive the counter attack better but I either forgot to or wasted their shots instead. In the Nids turn, their tanks and mortar teams rolled on and opened fire, destroying my basilisk and weakening my infantry. His Hive Tyrant also came in and despite failing to first turn charge, it did get catalyst up and running which would prove to be a thorn in my side later on.

Advantage Nids.


Rolling into turn 2, my remaining units came on and I tried to spread out in my movement phase to deny deep strikes. The majority of my heavy arms fire went into the Hive Tyrant this turn but failed to do any significant damage thanks to a combination of invulnerable and catalyst saves. Perhaps here I would have been better targeting the enemy Leman russes or mortar teams to strip him of the ranged parity he had achieved but I caught 'shoot the scary monster' disease hard. Shrugging off my artillery, the Tyrant got into combat with my infantry and promptly butchered them. The genestealers also reappeared in front of my lines and did significant damage to the demolisher and and accompanying infantry squad/ (Unfortunately, I cut off the board ends on some of my pictures. I will take more care to avoid both that and the blur in future).


Turn 3 arrived and I finally had a satisfactory turn of shooting. Falling back from the tyrant and the genestealers, I used a combination of orders to liquefy both. Pot shots from the tanks that didn't fall back took his tank commander down to 5 wounds but he would later jury rig it back to full ballistic skill. My opponent immediately replied by blowing up my leman russ with his own pair of Russes and the Hive Guard. Those heretic russes, hurt me so badly this game.


With turn 4 arriving, I suddenly realised that I hadn't made much progress towards the central objective. With this in mind, I began moving up my infantry. In the shooting phase, my manticore got a missile off against the hive guard, killing 3 or 4. I then made a blunder by shooting my tank commander at his, even though my demolisher was in range and more than capable of finishing it off on its own. Those wasted shots could have gone into the other russ instead for a much greater effect. Compounding the error, I then ignored the hive guard with my basilisk and targeted the russ instead. Knowing that my infantry massing behind the central structure would be key to victory, I perhaps should have targeted the weapons that ignore line of sight. In my opponent's turn, his patriarch got into the manticore and the remnants of the squad that survived the tyrant, promptly tenderising them.


Realising that this game would be decided by the central objective, I endeavored to get as many guardsmen on top of it as possible. While I couldn't get in range by the end of my turn 5, I would be able to in later turns should the game go on. Ending my turn, I thought I was in with a chance but alas it wasn't to be. The trouble with moving my men up onto the central structure was that suddenly, his whole army could see them and they took devastating casualties.


Even though the game continued, even into turn 7, I decided to call it before playing the final turn as it had become impossible to even force a draw. My desperate rush for the objective in my last turns had failed dismally and my advancing guardsmen were gunned down to a man with their officer. Elsewhere, my tanks were taken out and the patriarch moved in on my home objective although failed to get through all the guardsmen on top of it.


While I initially thought that it was my lateness in rushing to the objective that lost me the game, given that my opponent managed to wipe them out anyway, it wouldn't have mattered if they got there a turn earlier. Instead I think my loss was caused by two factors. Firstly, I think it was a heavy disadvantage to go first in this matchup. Going first meant that I effectively lost a round of shooting and that my opponent had the final turn to make a play for the objective that I couldn't counter while any objective holders I had would have to survive a turn in the open. However, I couldn't do anything about that so instead I will focus on what I could control. Namely, how I dealt with the tyrant and later, the patriarch. I spent two turns, shooting almost my entire army into the Tyrant, a 200 point model when instead I should have slowly fed it ratmen and tarpitted him. While difficult to do against a flyer, this would have bought me a few turns to return fire against the Russes, mortars and hive guard. Going into this matchup I thought he had the combat advantage but I had the ranged advantage. By shooting everything ineffectively against the tyrant, I ceded a whole turn of shooting and with it, my ranged advantage. Of course, if I had killed it in that first turn of shooting, maybe it wouldn't have seemed like a mistake. Oh well, C'est la vie.

Good, close game.

++Result: Vostroyans: 3 Tyranid Soup: 8 ++

Game 5 is scheduled


This time I will be facing a combined Deathguard/Nurgle Daemon list:


++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Chaos - Daemons) [38 PL, 693pts] ++

+ Heavy Support +

Plague Hulk of Nurgle: Warpsword


+ Troops +

3x Nurgling Swarms

3x Nurgling Swarms

30x Plaguebearers: Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos,

+ HQ +

Poxbringer: Balesword, Fleshy Abundance

Poxbringer: Balesword, Virulent Blessing

++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Chaos - Death Guard) [80 PL, 1307pts] ++

+ Heavy Support +

Plagueburst Crawler: 2x Plaguespitter, Heavy Slugger

Plagueburst Crawler: 2x Plaguespitter, Heavy Slugger

Plagueburst Crawler: 2x Plaguespitter, Heavy Slugger

+ Troops +

Plague Marines

. Plague Champion: Plague knife, Plasma gun

. 5x Plague Marine w/ boltgun

. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Blight launcher

. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Blight launcher

13x Poxwalker

13x Poxwalker

+ HQ +

Daemon Prince of Nurgle: 6. Arch-Contaminator, Hellforged sword, Miasma of Pestilence, Warlord, Wings

Lord of Contagion: Manreaper

+ Elites +

Deathshroud Terminators

. Deathshroud Champion: Manreaper, 2x Plaguespurt gauntlets

. 2x Deathshroud Terminator: 2x Manreaper, 2x Plaguespurt gauntlets

Foul Blightspawn

++ Total: [118 PL, 2000pts] ++


I'm not confident against this list at all to be honest. My opponent is currently 5-0 in the league and although the majority of his force is slow, he has enough deepstrikers/fast movers to disrupt my shooting well in advance of the rest of his force reaching my lines. As such, I will have to be canny with my cyclops deployment to punish his deepstrikers and make sure my tanks are screened effectively to prevent a repeat of the last time we played when his daemon prince shut down all my tanks very effectively. I'll definitely be keeping my fingers crossed for a longways or diagonal deployment map to give me as much space as possible. As for targets for my tanks, I think the plagueburst crawlers will be my prime target but the plague hulk will need to be dealt with when he appears. as for his horde of poxbringers and plaguebearers, hopefully my extra range vostroyan lasguns can do some damage before they get close but my tanks may need to get involved too.

You're getting regular games in which is great :tu: I'm afraid I don't know the Death Guard in detail but I do know they're very tough - numbers will be the way to win. Drown them in dice, but also to endure the inevitable hits you'll take in doing so.

Use Vengeance for Cadia on your manticore every turn vs DG, CP reroll the number of shots where needed - target the tanks early and hard with your artillery, nerf their movement. The Russes and mass lasguns should be able to deal with the deepstriking stuff.

From our game (nids) your target priority was the downfall I think. You let my Russes live for too long and also the mortars, only 66 points of mortars but probably took out 30-40 guardsmen over the game so you had no influence on the central objective by the end. Was a very close, very good game though :)

++Battle Report++

+2000pts, Nurgle, Roving Patrol, Search and Destroy+

So we rolled roving patrol yet again, that makes it three games of five in this league. I'm not sure how I feel about this mission anymore. Previously I thought it gives me an advantage but I think that this advantage only takes effect if my opponent follows the same strategy as I do of dividing my forces relatively equally. I divide my force relatively equally so I have the tools to deal with any threat in each detachment, however, if my opponent then puts all his infantry in one group, all his tanks in another or similar, I get slightly overwhelmed by not having enough toys on the board to deal with it. Of course, If I were to divide my force differently, a random rock/paper/scissors scenario occurs. Definitely something to think about. Below is my divided force for reference.


And the board:


Deployment ( and the beginning of my opponent's first turn)


+Turn 1+

My opponent took the first turn and immediately started sending his daemons up the board towards my shaky line of ratmen. On my right flank, the nurglings charged into my guardsmen, starting a stalemate that would last about 4 rounds of combat. On the left, the plague hulk dropped in and immediately charged my demolisher, smashing it and reducing it to 12 wounds. On my turn 1, I seemed to fail an inordinate amount of reserve rolls although that may have been mostly down to my failing 5/6 of my infantry rolls as most other things came on. My shooting mostly targeted the first plaguecrawler and the plague hulk although lasgun fire did bring down a smattering of plaguebearers. (Plague this, plague that, plague something else. Welcome to fighting Nurgle)


+Turn 2+

Turn 2 Nurgle saw more of the same, a slow grinding advance forward. On my right flank, some terminators and their lord dropped in but only the terminators made their charge into my leman russ. On the left, the plague hulk charged my demolisher once again but some lucky rolls and the defensive gunners stratagem put about 6 wounds on him on overwatch. This only seemed to enrage the daemon engine as it promptly annihilated the demolisher in combat. In my turn, the combination of a cyclops arriving from reserve and leman russ fire saw the plague hulk taken down. On the right flank, the Banewolf and some plasma shots severely damaged the terminators although the last man proved too resilient for much of the rest of the game. Again, lasgunners pulled down more plaguebearers finally dropping the unit below 20 models thus removing their -1 to hit modifier.


+Turn 3+

Turn 3 and the advance continues. The lone terminator finishes off my damaged leman russ on the right flank while the Lord goes after the melta command squad that had the gall to try and snipe him out. On the left, nurglings continue to halt my rough rider's advance towards the backfield objective although one squad manages to break free and in a remarkable display of luck, hit 4 overcharged plasma shots into a putrifier, blowing him up in an explosion of pus. My artillery finally manages to take out the first plague crawler but the other 2 remain undamaged. In the centre of the board, the plaguebearers are finally dealt with, leaving the centre objective open for a last turn rush.


+Turn 4+

In a canny move, my opponent moves one unit of poxwalkers up towards the centre objective and the other inside the building to hide from my rough riders. In my turn, I attempted to do the same thing, moving my infantry up towards the centre objective. Panicking slightly about the backfield objective now my rough riders were locked out, I tried to do some damage to the pox walkers in the building and unleashed my artillery on them but I forgot to activate vengeance for cadia on my manticore and missed most of my shots resulting in only 3 dead poxwalkers between my 3 artillery pieces. Not good.


+Turn 5+

The plague crawlers finally got in range to unleash their flamers and they promptly massacred the nearby guardsmen. Crucially though, two guardsmen from the nearest squad to the centre survived the torrent of filth while the rest of my lines collapsed to daemon princes and other assorted nurgle nastiness. In my turn, I realised that with the plague crawlers controlling the centre, I would never be able to take either the centre or rear objective without a miracle should the game go on. Thus I had to make use of my two remaining guardsmen within range of the centre to take it this turn and pray for an early game end. As such, I opened fire with everything at the pox walkers in the centre, reducing the unit down to a solitary survivor. Success! I had two obsec models whithin range of the centre to my opponent's one. If the game ended, I would win. Unfortunately, my opponent promptly rolled a 4, thereby continuing the game. With the game store closing soon and my chances of victory slim to none, I conceded.

Unfortunately, in the excitement I forgot to take a picture of the final moment. Sorry


What an exciting finish! My opponent asked if I wanted to concede at the beginning of turn 5 but was sweating by the end. I am unsure how to process this game tbh. On the one hand, I had a shot to win, but it was a long shot. If I was to play it again, I might be tempted to focus my artillery elsewhere to push my numbers advantage but the basilisk mostly sucks at removing low save troops. Maybe if my infantry had turned up turn one, I might have been able to make a more effective push for the centre but it is hard to say. Depending on my next opponent, I might experiment with targeting their obsec units before their high cost units to try and make the most of my numbers advantage when it comes to endgame objectives. Hard to say.

++Hobby Progress++

I also finally finished giving all my ratmen lasguns. I also dug around in my bits box to find some cadian parts from tank crews to "guardify" the rats a bit more.


(Only one of them has this hat lol, I know it doesn't look quite right but I think its funny)

My next game is organised for tomorrow. This time I will be playing another slightly different guard list. I know my opponent likes to keep his cadians pretty well turtled up and only use his scions to grab objectives. The Scions might pose a threat to my guardsmen due to their volley guns and -2 ap but if he fails to effectively cripple all my infantry on his deepstrike, he will struggle to prevent them dying in the following turn. To deal with his castle, I think I will use my superior ranged vostroyan guns to allow me to park my guardsmen out of range of his while still shooting him. This will either make him move up and lose his cadian rerolls or stay put and lose out on shots.


++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [18 PL, 416pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

Regiment: Millitarum Tempestus

+ Troops +

Militarum Tempestus Scions

. 2x Scion: 2x Hot-shot Lasgun

. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Hot-shot Volley Gun

. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Hot-shot Volley Gun

. Tempestor: Bolt pistol, Power fist

Militarum Tempestus Scions

. 2x Scion: 2x Hot-shot Lasgun

. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Hot-shot Volley Gun

. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Hot-shot Volley Gun

. Tempestor: Bolt pistol, Power fist

Militarum Tempestus Scions

. 2x Scion: 2x Hot-shot Lasgun

. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Plasma gun

. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Plasma gun

. Tempestor: Plasma pistol, Power sword

+ HQ +

Tempestor Prime : Chainsword, Display Astra Militarum Orders, Tempestus Command Rod, The Deathmask of Ollanius

Tempestor Prime : Display Astra Militarum Orders, Plasma Pistol

+ Elites +

Militarum Tempestus Command Squad

. Tempestus Scion: Meltagun

. Tempestus Scion: Meltagun

. Tempestus Scion: Meltagun

. Tempestus Scion: Meltagun

++ Brigade Detachment +9CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [73 PL, 1221pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

Regiment: Cadian

+ Heavy Support +

Heavy Weapons Squad

. Heavy Weapon Team: Mortar

. Heavy Weapon Team: Mortar

. Heavy Weapon Team: Mortar

Leman Russ Battle Tanks

. Leman Russ Punisher: Heavy Bolter, Turret-mounted Punisher Gatling Cannon


. Basilisk: Heavy Bolter

+ Troops +

Infantry Squad

. 6x Guardsman

. Guardsman w/ Vox-caster: Vox-caster

. Heavy Weapon Team: Autocannon

. Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol

Infantry Squad

. 6x Guardsman

. Guardsman w/ Vox-caster: Vox-caster

. Heavy Weapon Team: Autocannon

. Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol

Infantry Squad

. 6x Guardsman

. Guardsman w/ Vox-caster: Vox-caster

. Heavy Weapon Team: Mortar

. Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol

Infantry Squad

. 8x Guardsman

. Guardsman W/ Special Weapon: Flamer

. Sergeant: Boltgun, Chainsword

Infantry Squad

. 8x Guardsman

. Guardsman W/ Special Weapon: Flamer

. Sergeant: Boltgun, Chainsword

Infantry Squad : 9x Guardsman

. Sergeant: Boltgun, Chainsword

+ Fast Attack +

Armoured Sentinels

. Armoured Sentinel: Lascannon

Armoured Sentinels

. Armoured Sentinel: Missile Launcher

Armoured Sentinels

. Armoured Sentinel: Autocannon

+ HQ +

Company Commander : Boltgun, Chainsword, Display Astra Militarum Orders, Grand Strategist, Warlord

Tank Commander : Display Tank Orders, Lascannon

. Command Battle Tank: Battle Cannon

Lord Commissar : Bolt pistol, Power sword

Primaris Psyker : Force Stave, Nightshroud, Psychic Barrier

+ Elites +

Master of Ordnance: Kurov's Aquila

Command Squad

. Veteran: Lasgun

. Veteran: Lasgun

. Veteran Weapon Team: Lascannon

Tech-Priest Enginseer: Servo-arm

++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [23 PL, 362pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

Regiment: Cadian

+ Dedicated Transport +

Chimera : Dozer blade, Heavy Bolter, Multi-laser

Chimera : Dozer blade, Heavy Bolter, Multi-laser

+ HQ +

Company Commander : Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Display Astra Militarum Orders

+ Elites +

Platoon Commander : Chainsword, Display Astra Militarum Orders, Laspistol

Platoon Commander : Boltgun, Display Astra Militarum Orders, Power fist


. Veteran Sergeant: Boltgun, Chainsword

. 6x Veteran w/ Lasgun

. Veteran w/ Vox-caster: Lasgun, Vox-caster

. Veteran Weapon Team: Lascannon

++ Total: [114 PL, 1999pts] ++


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