Commissar Molotov Posted January 29, 2019 Author Share Posted January 29, 2019 (edited) Round 3 Begins Atratus: Frag Grenade against Brood Brothers A: (P.12 of the errata lists the Frag Grenade as Blast (4)) 4 Hits (+1 for Explosive) against TB3 and Armour 4: 5, 8, 14, 18, 7 3 Magnitude Damage (17 Remaining) 9 Damage against Genestealer 1 (TB6 and Armour 6): No damage 8 Damage against Genestealer 2 (TB6 and Armour 6): No damage 21 Damage against Genestealer 3 (TB6 and Armour 6): 9 Wounds Inflicted (3 critical) -The explosion destroys any armour protecting the body. Genestealer 6: Run (36m) Khyber Vaidan: Half Action: Aim Half Action: Standard Attack against Genestealer 7 (Hellfire Ammunition) BS42 (+10, Range) (+10 Aim): 49 (HIT) Genestealer 7 attempts to dodge: AG60: 91 (FAIL) Hellfire Ammunition does 1D10+9 (Pen 4, ignoring Natural Armour): 6 (15) Against TB6 and Armour 6(0): 9 Wounds (11 remaining) Broodlord: Run (36m) Varvost: - Full Action: Swift Attack against Genestealer 5 - Attack 1: WS67 (+10, Frenzy): 37 (3 DoS) - Hit - Genestealer attempts to Dodge: AG60: 99 (FAIL) Hits resolved at 1D10+5+11SB (Frenzy) (Tearing, Flesh Render) Pen 3 Hit 1: 6 = 22 Damage Against TB6 and Armour 6(3): 13 Wounds (-4 Rending Damage to the 73 (Leg)) - Attack 2: WS67 (+10, Frenzy): 7 (6 Dos) - 1 Hit Hits resolved at 1D10+5+11SB (Frenzy) (Tearing, Flesh Render) Pen 3 Hit 1: 8 = 24 Damage Against TB6 and Armour 6(3): 15 Wounds Genestealer 5 is killed - Free Action: Varvost spends a fate point to recover 1D10 wounds: 5 (now at 15) Greysight: Full Action: Semi-Auto Burst against Genestealer 1: BS45 (+10 SAB, +10 Range, +10 Bolter Mastery): 48 (2 DoS) Genestealer attempts to Dodge (AG60): 27 (PASS) Brood Brothers A: Run (18m) Genestealer 4: Swift Attack against Solastion: - Attack 1: WS65: 50 (HIT) Solastion attempts to Dodge (AG33): 87 (FAIL) Rending Claws do 1D10+12 I (Pen 5): 10 (22) Solastion has Toughness 49(+10, Frenzy) giving TB10 and Armour 8(3): 9 Wounds - Attack 2: WS65: 25 (HIT) Rending Claws do 1D10+12 I (Pen 10, Razor Sharp): 6 Solastion has TB10 and Armour 8(0): 8 Wounds 17 Wounds sustained (6 Remaining) Turn Sequence: ATRATUS | AG6+10 = 16 | WOUNDS 23/23 | FATE 3 GENESTEALER 6 | AG6+9 = 15KHYBER VAIDAN | AG3+10 = 15 | WOUNDS 13/15 (20) | FATE 1 BROODLORD | AG6+8 = 14 | -18VARVOST | AG5+8=13 | WOUNDS 15/21 (24) | FATE 1GREYSIGHT | AG4+9 = 13 | WOUNDS 21/22 | FATE 3BROOD BROTHERS A | AG3+10 = 13 | MAGNITUDE 17GENESTEALER 4 | AG6+6 = 12 SOLASTION ALBIKUS | AG(3X2)+6 = 12 | WOUNDS 6/23 | FATE 2CULTISTS 2 | AG3+9 = 12 | MAGNITUDE 16GENESTEALER 1 | AG6+4 = 10GENESTEALER 7 | AG6+3 = 9 | WOUNDS 11/20GENESTEALER 2 | AG6+2 = 8GENESTEALER 3 | AG6+2 = 8 | WOUNDS -3/20SHADOWY FIGURE | AG3+3 = 6CULTISTS 1 | AG3+3 = 6 | MAGNITUDE 32NYCAX SABAAN | AG4+1 = 5 | WOUNDS 21/22 | FATE 2BROOD BROTHERS B | AG3+1 = 4 | MAGNITUDE 15 Edited January 29, 2019 by Commissar Molotov Steel Company and Xin Ceithan 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slips Posted January 30, 2019 Share Posted January 30, 2019 Solastion grunted as the Genestealer pressed its attack, one of the claws slicing into his helmet - he could feel the blood flowing down the side of his face - the other puncturing his torso. This wasnt unfamiliar territory he begrudgingly admitted. The sheer press of bodies that now surrounded the Angels made fighting them more difficult for every time he tried to dodge, the mindless mortals were always preternaturally in his way making what would have been a miss a solid hit. Recovering from the vicious blows that landed upon him, Solastion responds in kind with a powerful backhanded swing. At work, no Dice. Solastion will attack Genestealer 4 with an All-Out attack since he's already used his reaction to attempt a Dodge; he will then use a FP to recover 1d10 wounds. Steel Company and Xin Ceithan 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Molotov Posted January 30, 2019 Author Share Posted January 30, 2019 (edited) Round 3, Continued: Solastion Albikus: - Half Action: AIM - Half Action: Standard Attack: WS46(+10, Frenzy, +10 Aim) against Genestealer 4: 59 (HIT) - Genestealer 4 attempts to dodge (AG60): 81 (FAIL) Chainsword does 1D10+3+SB14 damage (Pen 3): 8 (25) against TB6 and Armour 6(3): 16 Wounds sustained - Free Action: Fate Point to recover D10 Wounds: 4 (now 10/23) Cultists 2: Standard Attack against Varvost WS25: 15 (HIT) Cultists do 2D10+3 (Pen 0) against TB10 and Armour 10: 9 (12) - No damage sustained Standard Attack against Solastion WS25: 96 (FAIL) Genestealer 1: Run (36m) Genestealer 7: Charge (18m) against Varvost WS65(+10, Charge): 33 (HIT) Rending Claws do 1D10+12 I (Pen 10, Razor Sharp): 1 (13) Varvost has TB10 (Frenzy) and Armour 10(0): 3 Wounds Sustained (now at 12/21) Genestealer 2: Run (36m) Genestealer 3: Run (36m) Shadowy Figure: Run (18m) Cultists 1 (two full actions): Full Action: Run (9m) Full Action: Charge (18m) Charge against Vaidan: WS25(+10): 77 (MISS) Charge against Sabaan: WS25(+10) 67 (MISS) Nycax Sabaan: Free Action: Ready Combat Blade Full Action: All Out Attack: WS46(+20, AOA, +30 Magnitude): 88 (HIT) (0 DoS) Hit 1: 1D10R+SB10: 17 - 1 Magnitude Damage Reaction: Servo-Arm Attack: WS46(+30 Magnitude): 47 (HIT) (2 DoS) - 1 Hit + 1 Additional Hit 1: 2D10+14: 4,4 (22) Hit 2: 2D10+14: 4,9 (27) 2 Magnitude Damage Brood Brothers B: Full Action: Run (9m) Turn Sequence: ATRATUS | AG6+10 = 16 | WOUNDS 23/23 | FATE 3 GENESTEALER 6 | AG6+9 = 15KHYBER VAIDAN | AG3+10 = 15 | WOUNDS 13/15 (20) | FATE 1 BROODLORD | AG6+8 = 14 | -18VARVOST | AG5+8=13 | WOUNDS 12/21 (24) | FATE 1GREYSIGHT | AG4+9 = 13 | WOUNDS 21/22 | FATE 3BROOD BROTHERS A | AG3+10 = 13 | MAGNITUDE 17GENESTEALER 4 | AG6+6 = 12 | WOUNDS 4/20 SOLASTION ALBIKUS | AG(3X2)+6 = 12 | WOUNDS 10/23 | FATE 1CULTISTS 2 | AG3+9 = 12 | MAGNITUDE 16GENESTEALER 1 | AG6+4 = 10GENESTEALER 7 | AG6+3 = 9 | WOUNDS 11/20GENESTEALER 2 | AG6+2 = 8GENESTEALER 3 | AG6+2 = 8 | WOUNDS -3/20SHADOWY FIGURE | AG3+3 = 6CULTISTS 1 | AG3+3 = 6 | MAGNITUDE 29NYCAX SABAAN | AG4+1 = 5 | WOUNDS 21/22 | FATE 2BROOD BROTHERS B | AG3+1 = 4 | MAGNITUDE 15 ROUND 4 BEGINS Edited January 30, 2019 by Commissar Molotov Steel Company and Xin Ceithan 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted January 30, 2019 Share Posted January 30, 2019 (edited) Igniting his pack Atratus fell upon the rapidly approaching xenos, sweeping their lesser kin aside as he sought out the fore-most of the true genestealers. More of the brood kin quickly closed in around striking and dragging at his armour but he had focus only for the alien as bore down on it with all his strength. The xenoforms speed proved too much for even the Astartes however as it swiftly changed direction using the humans to shield and conceal itself. Atratus's chainsword smashed into the stone floor carving a deep gash as he turned to address his target, a spray of black oil from a ruptured pipeline beneath his feet mixing with the blood of the cultists as he swung his sword at the genestealer once more. Crouched to attack the xenos suddenly twisted away sensing danger from behind as a sheet of flame from Vadians weapon washed over the cultists. For a moment it seemed like the creature had escaped once more until the oil flecked across its carapace caught a spark, engulfing the genestealer in flame. Charge stealer #1 and cultists #1Melee attack vs stealer #1 = 1d100 = 55 vs 93 (charge, high ground, hunter of aliens) = hit with 3 extra DoS Damage rolls stealer = 2 dice tearing and 2 bonus from 'death from above' 4 10 9 1 = 23 damage + fury = 4 --total damage to stealer = 27+16 = 43 damage, pen 3 Magnitude damage roll horde from wrathful descent = 9 Assassin strike = 98 = fails Atratus will hold his reaction to parry (effective parry WS 83) and counter-attack Note - if furious charge is called Atratus will follow up with a full attack against steeler #1 and/or steeler #2. I'll adjust the post according to this and the result the steelers dodge roll Follow up attacks due to righteous fury (if required) - Swift attack chainsword: 41 & 68 vs WS 73 (+10 hunter, -10 two-weapon) = hits Off hand arming sword: 60 vs WS 73 (+10 hunter, -10 two-weapon) = hits Chainsword #1 = 7, furious reroll to 9+16 = 25 damage, pen 3 Combat knife = 5, furious reroll to 9+13 = 22 damage, pen 2 Chainsword #2 = 8, furious reroll to 6+16 = 22 damage, pen 3 Atratus will beat on the first genestealer until it (hopefully) drops and then switch to the second (A million damage dice and rerolls and not a single righteous fury Someone get that man a hellfire bolter.) Edited February 1, 2019 by A.T. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Molotov Posted January 31, 2019 Author Share Posted January 31, 2019 (edited) ROUND 4 CONTINUES Atratus:- Charge against Genestealer 1 and Cultists 1- Hit (43 damage, Pen 3) against Genestealer 1- Genestealer 1 attempts to dodge on AG60: 22 (PASS)- 9 Magnitude damage to Cultist 1 (Wrathful Descent) now Magnitude 20Genestealer 6:Full move (12m)Khyber Vaidan:Half Action: MoveCultists 1 gain an attack of opportunity against Vaidan:WS25: 7 (HIT)3D10+3 damage (Pen 0): 12 against TB8 and Armour 8: no damageFree Action: Holster BolterFree Action: Ready FlamerHalf Action: Standard Attack against Cultists 1 and Genestealer 1Flamer Hits Horde 4+1D5 times (9)Hit 1: 1D10+9 (Pen 4): 7 (16)Hit 2: 1D10+9 (Pen 4): 7 (16)Hit 3: 1D10+9 (Pen 4): 1 (10)Hit 4: 1D10+9 (Pen 4): 3 (12)Hit 5: 1D10+9 (Pen 4): 5 (14)Hit 6: 1D10+9 (Pen 4): 7 (16)Hit 7: 1D10+9 (Pen 4): 8 (17)Hit 8: 1D10+9 (Pen 4): 2 (11)Hit 9: 1D10+9 (Pen 4): 3 (12)9 Magnitude damage (now 11)Flamer hits Genestealer 1:1D10+9 (Pen 4) damage: 10 (RF:10) (RF:10) (RF:9) ???? = 38 DamageGenestealer 1 has TB6 and Armour 6(2): 30 Damage (to -10 critical)Genestealer 1 is killed.Broodlord:Run (36m)Varvost:Full Action: Swift Attack against Cultists 2- Attack 1: WS67 (+10, Frenzy): 63 (Hit, 1DOS) - 1 HitHits resolved at 1D10+5+11SB (Frenzy) (Tearing, Flesh Render) Pen 3Hit 1: 10(RF:7) (33)- Attack 2: WS67 (+10, Frenzy): 14 (Hit, 5DOS) - 1 Hit +2 HitsHits resolved at 1D10+5+11SB (Frenzy) (Tearing, Flesh Render) Pen 3Hit 1: 10 (RF:1) - (27)Hit 2: 5 - (21)Hit 3: 8 - (24)Total of 4 Magnitude Damage (Whirlwind of Death doubles it to 8) - 8 Magnitude RemainingGreysight:Full Action - Declare Overwatch on the Door, Semi-Auto Burst when Genestealer 6 exitsBrood Brothers A: First Attack: Semi-Auto Burst against Vaidan BS30(+10 SAB, +10 Range): 94 (FAIL) Second Attack (Volley Fire): Semi-Auto Burst against Vaidan: BS30 (+10 SAB, +10 Range): 27 (HIT, 2DoS) - 1 Hit + 1 Hit Hit 1: 2D10+3 (Pen 0): 13 (16) against TB8 and Armour 8 - No Damage Hit 2: 2D10+3 (Pen 0): 14 (18) against TB8 and Armour 8 - 2 Damage taken Genestealer 4:Standard Attack against Solastion:WS65: 80 (FAIL) Turn Sequence: ATRATUS | AG6+10 = 16 | WOUNDS 23/23 | FATE 3 GENESTEALER 6 | AG6+9 = 15KHYBER VAIDAN | AG3+10 = 15 | WOUNDS 13/15 (20) | FATE 1 BROODLORD | AG6+8 = 14 | -18VARVOST | AG5+8=13 | WOUNDS 12/21 (24) | FATE 1GREYSIGHT | AG4+9 = 13 | WOUNDS 21/22 | FATE 3BROOD BROTHERS A | AG3+10 = 13 | MAGNITUDE 17GENESTEALER 4 | AG6+6 = 12 | WOUNDS 4/20 SOLASTION ALBIKUS | AG(3X2)+6 = 12 | WOUNDS 10/23 | FATE 1CULTISTS 2 | AG3+9 = 12 | MAGNITUDE 16GENESTEALER 7 | AG6+3 = 9 | WOUNDS 11/20GENESTEALER 2 | AG6+2 = 8GENESTEALER 3 | AG6+2 = 8 | WOUNDS -3/20SHADOWY FIGURE | AG3+3 = 6CULTISTS 1 | AG3+3 = 6 | MAGNITUDE 20NYCAX SABAAN | AG4+1 = 5 | WOUNDS 21/22 | FATE 2BROOD BROTHERS B | AG3+1 = 4 | MAGNITUDE 15 Edited January 31, 2019 by Commissar Molotov Slips, Steel Company and Xin Ceithan 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slips Posted February 1, 2019 Share Posted February 1, 2019 (edited) Solastion will take a half-aim and perform a Standard attack against genestealer 4. Standard Attack: 1d100 42 vs WS 46 + 10 (Frenzy) + 10 (Half-Aim) = 66 for 2DoS Chainsword Damage + Tearing: 2#1d10+17 22 27 Righteous Fury using the 27 damage; breakdown is: SB10 (strength 50) + 2 (PA) + 1 (History) + 1 (Frenzy) = 14 + 3 (chainsword base damage) = 1d10+17. Righteous Fury: 1d10 10 Another Righteous Fury! Righteous Fury: 1d10 9 So close! Total Damage: 27 + 10 + 9 = 46 Damage; hopefully the genestealer doesnt dodge because its too late now for me to change this to an All-Out Attack w/ FP spend to make it a Killing Strike and thus undodgeable / Parryable With the totality of his fury now focused upon the genestealer that presumed to take his life, Solastion muttered prayers to Sanguinius between clenched teeth; beseeching him to give him aid in this moment as his Sons find themselves surrounded by the enemy. As the same xenos beast reared back to attempt to finish the job, the rest of the Kill-Team now engaging in full force caused the beasts attentions on him to slip giving him a chance to strike that he fully seized upon bringing down his chainsword in an low slash across the genestealers midriff. Edited February 2, 2019 by Slips Xin Ceithan 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xin Ceithan Posted February 1, 2019 Share Posted February 1, 2019 (edited) The debased Templum was a riot of shifting shapes and noises. Especially noise. Shouts rang from out among the cultist Some called out to their deformed deity, others alerts to their comrades and requests of aid. Screams of pain. The latter became more frequent as Blackthorn moved in among them. Bolt shells detonated among the mass of cultist. Bits of masonry sprayed around. Fycline smoke from stubbers hung lazily in air. Visibility was practically non existent. The hiss of the Xenos, unconcealed among their worshipping kin mingled among it. Disformed shapes moved among the dust and flickers of light. The distinct noise of chain blades roared through out, the whine rising in volume then muffled as it tore through fabric and flesh, rising again. The sheer wrongness of the Xenos Alpha hung in the room, a presence that was more felt than heard, like a graviton push against the minds and bodies of the Astartes. In all this, Sabaan found himself curiously taking in little details. It was nit his focus that was wandering. He selected targets and brought them down with bolt and blade one after another, methodically, clinically. He still found it difficult to coordinate his actions without the interlink. Blackthorn moved with the gencoded instincts of warriors designed to act as a group and a lifelong experience in combat as shaped by the Codex Astartes. To Sabaan, it still felt more like guesswork. More than once, Greysight downed a foe next to him and Sabaan found that he had left himself open to invite the enemy in and provide that opportunity. But without the coordination of a true clave interlink, it was more a matter of luck and as Sabaan grudgingly admitted to himself, a tribute to the skill of the Storm Son that had allowed Greysight to take advantage of such opportunities so readily. Sabaan also suspected it was due to the lack of interlink feed that his parts of his mind had the leisure to pick out curiosities outside the immediate aspects of close quarter combat. The emotional force released from the strikes of Solastion and Varvost. So very alike and yet so different in their execution. The Apothecary made an art of out sword fighting. The scarred Assault Marine made an art out of murder. . >> A pity they rely on the flesh so much<<. Greysight hung back. That was not unexpected. His shots were measured and he brought down his foes with the precision the y had come to expect from the aloof hunter. His demeanor seemed tense and unusually somber to Sabaan`s curious sate of mind. The Storm Son`s movement were still fluent in a way that his own cybernetic body could not mimic, but it was the grinding pressure of water through thawing ice and not the seemingly effortless grace that he had displayed earlier. >> This one needs to be watched << Most curious though, was Sabaan`s perception of the enemy. As ever, he assessed the their basic numbers, measured speed and reaction times, judged the quality and nature of their weapons and equipment and prognosticated their fighting capabilities, formulated possible patterns of attack, of defense and ever and unrelentingly updated the Calculus of Battle. Yet his mind singled out details that seemed of little immediate use in the middle of a battle. He found himself identifying and comparing the basic shapes and anatomical set up of the traitorous cultist and their increasingly abhuman mutant kin to their xenos masters. Parts of his mind found repeating patterns of skin discoloration and subsequent growth of chitinious growth that betrayed their shared genomic deviancy. There were other >>Observations> details <<DISTRACTIONS>> he noticed around the Templum. It is the very nature of all things viral to insert it's deviation into the shape of the other, the mundane and common to spread it's form. The Templum and it's debased flock reflected the Lore of the Ars Biologist in multiple signs and symptoms. The very lay of the area mocked the design of places of worship found across the galaxy. Fresco and sculptures detailed scenes of the Emperor and his Saints tending to the people of Syndalla. The smiling faces and images of parental care, of familial closeness would not gone well with any Medusan native. But there was deviation there that betrayed the xenos influence infecting it. Among the loving flock, heads were misshaped and fieldworkers sptouted a surplus limb among the crowd. The Symbols of Wheat and Sickle were ubiquitous and the Iron Hand noticed them on the livery or tattooed on oddly flesh torn from the fallen around him,too. But all to often, the wheat bowed in shapes reminiscent of the lurched form of a Genestealer carapace and the sickle was the shape of their claws. Here, at the heart of the cult's activity, the xenos corruption was no concealed. Effigies with too many limbs lined the walls and the bald heads of the sainted protectors of Syndalla were misshapen alien monstrosities. This place had to be wiped from existence along with the xenos infesting it and their deluded followers with them. Sabaan reloaded and begann the next pattern of termination. >>Focus. In the face of the alien, there can only be annihilation.<< Edited February 15, 2019 by Xin Ceithan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Molotov Posted February 1, 2019 Author Share Posted February 1, 2019 (edited) ROUND 4, CONTINUED Solastion: Hit against Genestealer Genestealer attempts to Dodge at AG60: 99 (FAIL) 46 Damage (Pen 4) against TB6 and Armour 6 (2) does 34 Critical Damage, killing it instantly. Cultists 2: Standard attack against Varvost: WS25: 71 (FAIL) Standard attack against Solastion: WS25: 60 (FAIL) Genestealer 7: Full Action: Charge at Varvost WS65(+10, Charge): 19 (HIT) Varvost attempts to Dodge on AG54: 74 (FAIL) Rending Claws do 1D10+12 I (Pen 10, Razor Sharp): 9 (21) Varvost has TB10 (Frenzy) and Armour 10(0): 11 Wounds Sustained (now at 1/21) Genestealer 2: Full Action: Charge at Sabaan WS65(+10, Charge): 3 (HIT) Sabaan attempts to Dodge: AG43: 5 (PASS) Genestealer 3: Full Action: Charge at Atratus WS65(+10, Charge): 69 (HIT) Atratus attempts to parry: WS63 (+10, Balanced): 4 (PASS)Counter-Attack: WS63(-20): 4(?) (HIT) Genestealer attempts to Dodge (AG60): 38 (PASS) Shadowy Figure: Full Move (12m) Cultists 1: Charge against Vaidan: WS25(+10, Charge): 39 (MISS) Standard Attack: Atratus WS25: 73 (MISS) Nycax Sabaan: Standard Attack with Servo-Arm: WS46: 84 (FAIL) Brood Brothers B: Run (18m) Turn Sequence: ATRATUS | AG6+10 = 16 | WOUNDS 23/23 | FATE 3 GENESTEALER 6 | AG6+9 = 15KHYBER VAIDAN | AG3+10 = 15 | WOUNDS 13/15 (20) | FATE 1 BROODLORD | AG6+8 = 14 | -18VARVOST | AG5+8=13 | WOUNDS 12/21 (24) | FATE 1GREYSIGHT | AG4+9 = 13 | WOUNDS 21/22 | FATE 3BROOD BROTHERS A | AG3+10 = 13 | MAGNITUDE 17GENESTEALER 4 | AG6+6 = 12 | WOUNDS 4/20 SOLASTION ALBIKUS | AG(3X2)+6 = 12 | WOUNDS 10/23 | FATE 1CULTISTS 2 | AG3+9 = 12 | MAGNITUDE 16GENESTEALER 7 | AG6+3 = 9 | WOUNDS 11/20GENESTEALER 2 | AG6+2 = 8GENESTEALER 3 | AG6+2 = 8 | WOUNDS -3/20SHADOWY FIGURE | AG3+3 = 6CULTISTS 1 | AG3+3 = 6 | MAGNITUDE 20NYCAX SABAAN | AG4+1 = 5 | WOUNDS 21/22 | FATE 2BROOD BROTHERS B | AG3+1 = 4 | MAGNITUDE 15 Edited February 3, 2019 by Commissar Molotov Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted February 3, 2019 Share Posted February 3, 2019 (edited) As Atratus pressed forward the genestealer nimbly evaded his blows, more than just a beast it showed keen intellect using the cultists to both the astartes attacks. The ground underfoot grew increasingly treacherous with blood and bodies that seemed not to slow the xenos as it dug in with its claws and lunged once more. The strike nearly caught Atratus leaving a slow scar across his armour as his attention wavered for fraction of a second, realising that he had lost track of his true prey amongst the confusion. Twisting around the blow he raised his arm as to strike buying him a moments respite as the xenos instinctively ducked away - but the Raptor was already in the air seeking a glimpse of the brood lord. Faster than anticipated it had circled through its brood and now moved to strike at Vadian. Opening his packs thrusters to full Atratus dived to intercept, calling his brothers to support, "target sighted, with me brothers!" Even as he spoke the words he felt a pang of regret, overstepping his rank amongst the brotherhood in his eagerness and not aided by the clumsiness of his landing amongst the brood kin as the force of his descent carried him into the xenos. Committed to this course he pressed home the attack hoping that success in taking such a prize would at least see his transgression viewed in better light. After counter attack - assassin strike - half movement upwards (no opportunity attacks)Assassin strike roll 44 vs acrobatics 65 = success Spend fate point to restore 1 cohesion Declare furious charge (costs 3 cohesion) Bonus action - charge Patriarch Attack roll d100 = 37 vs WS 93 = HIT (63+10 charge, +10 hunter of aliens, +10 attack from above) Damage = 7/6/5/2 - reroll from charge = 7/10/1/6 + righteous fury = 9 = total damage = 40, Pen 3 Wrathful descent damage to cultists with patriach = 4 Drop into solo mode, activate feat of strength Normal action - full attack on Patriarch Attack rolls 94 / 43 / 8 = MISS, HIT, HIT Damage rolls 9 / 9 / 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Summary (feels like the post needs one) : One hit on the charge for 44, Pen 3 One chainsword hit for 27, Pen 3 One combat knife hit for 23, Pen 2 Wrathful Descent damage to cultists = 4 magnitude Anyone is squad mode with Atratus can declare a free charge action Edited February 3, 2019 by A.T. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Molotov Posted February 3, 2019 Author Share Posted February 3, 2019 ROUND 5 BEGINS Atratus: To be resolved when A.T. posts - presumably melee against GS3? Genestealer 6: Full Action: Charge at Sabaan Greysight fires on Overwatch at the Genestealer Semi-Auto Burst at BS45 (+10 Bolter Mastery, +10 Range, +10SAB): 26 (5 DoS): 1 Hit +2 Hits Hit 1 (Hellfire): 1D10+9(+1): 9 (RF:3) - 22 Damage Hit 2 (Hellfire): 1D10+9(+1): 4 - 14 Damage Hit 3 (Hellfire): 1D10+9(+1): 10 (RF:4) - 24 Damage 60 Damage, ignoring Natural Armour (-18 TB): 42 Damage, killing the Genestealer instantly. Khyber Vaidan: Full Action: Guarded Attack against Cultists 1: WS43 (-10): 67 (FAIL) Broodlord: Charge (18m) against Vaidan WS67(+10, Charge): 19 (HIT) Vaidan Attempts to Dodge (AG39(+10)): 68 (FAIL) Broodlord does 1D10R+12 (Pen 10): 9 (21) Vaidan has TB8 and Armour 8(0): 13 wounds taken (now at 0 wounds) Varvost: Free Action: Fate point to Recover Wounds: 3 Recovered (now at 4 wounds) Full Action: Swift Attack against Genestealer 7 - Attack 1: WS67 (+10, Frenzy): 21 (Hit, 5DOS) - 1 Hit- Genestealer 7 attempts to Dodge at AG60: 30 (PASS) - Attack 2: WS67 (+10, Frenzy): 32 (Hit, 4DOS) - 1 Hit Hits resolved at 1D10+5+11SB (Frenzy) (Tearing, Flesh Render) Pen 3 Hit 1: 5 - (21) Genestealer has TB6 and Armour 6(3): 12 Wounds (-1 Critical to the 23 - Left Arm) Greysight: Half-Action: Aim Half-Action: Standard Attack against Genestealer 2 (-20) BS45 (+10, Range, +10 Bolter Mastery, +10 Aim, -20 in Melee): 3 (HIT) D10+9(+1) Damage: 3 (13) Genestealer has TB6 and Armour 6(0): 7 Damage (13 Wounds remaining) Brood Brothers A: Charge against Solastion WS30(+10, Charge, +10 Ganging Up): 38 (PASS) Damage: 2D10+3 (Pen 0): 10 (13) No Damage Taken Turn Sequence: ATRATUS | AG6+10 = 16 | WOUNDS 23/23 | FATE 3 KHYBER VAIDAN | AG3+10 = 15 | WOUNDS 0/15 (20) | FATE 1 BROODLORD | AG6+8 = 14 | -18VARVOST | AG5+8=13 | WOUNDS 3/21 (24) | FATE 0GREYSIGHT | AG4+9 = 13 | WOUNDS 21/22 | FATE 3BROOD BROTHERS A | AG3+10 = 13 | MAGNITUDE 17SOLASTION ALBIKUS | AG(3X2)+6 = 12 | WOUNDS 10/23 | FATE 1 CULTISTS 2 | AG3+9 = 12 | MAGNITUDE 16GENESTEALER 7 | AG6+3 = 9 | WOUNDS -1/20GENESTEALER 2 | AG6+2 = 8 | WOUNDS 13/20GENESTEALER 3 | AG6+2 = 8 | WOUNDS -3/20SHADOWY FIGURE | AG3+3 = 6CULTISTS 1 | AG3+3 = 6 | MAGNITUDE 20NYCAX SABAAN | AG4+1 = 5 | WOUNDS 21/22 | FATE 2BROOD BROTHERS B | AG3+1 = 4 | MAGNITUDE 15 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xin Ceithan Posted February 3, 2019 Share Posted February 3, 2019 Placeholder as Sabaan attempts to put down GS 2 (Servoarm, Parry) and will attempt to relieve Vaidan after that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Molotov Posted February 3, 2019 Author Share Posted February 3, 2019 ROUND 5, CONTINUED: (A.T., to avoid having to re-do my map and undo what I did this morning, I will resolve Atratus's actions now: ) Atratus: Free Action: Fate Point Spend (up to 3) Free Action: Declares Furious Charge (3 Cohesion Points) Bonus Action: Charge against Broodlord Broodlord attempts to Dodge the Charge with AG60: 58 (PASS) Chainsword Hit - 27 Damage, Pen 3 Broodlord has TB12 and Armour 8(5): 10 Wounds Sustained Combat Knife Hit - 23 Damage, Pen 2 Broodlord has TB12 and Armour 8(5): 6 Wounds Sustained 4 Magnitude Damage to Cultists 1 (now at 16) Turn Sequence: ATRATUS | AG6+10 = 16 | WOUNDS 23/23 | FATE 2 KHYBER VAIDAN | AG3+10 = 15 | WOUNDS 0/15 (20) | FATE 1 BROODLORD | AG6+8 = 14 | -34VARVOST | AG5+8=13 | WOUNDS 4/21 (24) | FATE 0GREYSIGHT | AG4+9 = 13 | WOUNDS 21/22 | FATE 3BROOD BROTHERS A | AG3+10 = 13 | MAGNITUDE 17SOLASTION ALBIKUS | AG(3X2)+6 = 12 | WOUNDS 10/23 | FATE 1 CULTISTS 2 | AG3+9 = 12 | MAGNITUDE 16GENESTEALER 7 | AG6+3 = 9 | WOUNDS -1/20GENESTEALER 2 | AG6+2 = 8 | WOUNDS 13/20GENESTEALER 3 | AG6+2 = 8 | WOUNDS -3/20SHADOWY FIGURE | AG3+3 = 6CULTISTS 1 | AG3+3 = 6 | MAGNITUDE 16NYCAX SABAAN | AG4+1 = 5 | WOUNDS 21/22 | FATE 2BROOD BROTHERS B | AG3+1 = 4 | MAGNITUDE 15 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Molotov Posted February 4, 2019 Author Share Posted February 4, 2019 ROUND 5, CONTINUED Solastion: Half Action: Aim Half Action: Standard Attack against Brood Brothers A WS46(+10, Frenzy, +10 Half-Aim): 18 (HIT): 4 DoS: 1 Hit + 2 Hits Chainsword Damage: 1D10+3+14 Pen 3: Hit 1: 8 - 25 Hit 2: 10 (RF:5) - 32 Hit 3: 10 (RF:6) - 33 All Damage against TB3 and Armour 4 (1): 3 Magnitude Damage Cultists 2: Standard Attack against Varvost: 49 (MISS) Standard Attack against Solastion: 2 (HIT) Damage is 2D10+3 (Pen 0): 12 (15) against TB10 and Armour 8 - no damage Genestealer 7: All Out Attack against Varvost: WS65(+20): 9 (PASS)Varvost attempts to Dodge (AG54): 91 (FAIL) Rending Claws have 1D10+12 (Pen 10): 9 (21) Varvost's left leg has TB10 (Frenzy) and Armour 0: 11 Wounds Sustained 4 Wounds and then 7 Critical (halved to -4 Critical) -4 Critical (I) to the Left Leg: 1D5 levels of Fatigue (5) and movement halved for 1D5 rounds (5) Genestealer 2: All Out Attack against Sabaan: WS65(+20): 89 (MISS) Genestealer 3: Charge Action against Atratus WS65(+10 Charge): 81 (MISS) Shadowy Figure: Move (12m) Cultists 1: Standard Attack against Atratus: WS25: 33 (MISS) Standard Attack against Vaidan: WS25: 87 (MISS) Sabaan: Half-Action: Aim Half-Action: Standard Attack (Combat Knife) against Genestealer 2 WS46(+10, Aim): 30 (HIT) Genestealer 2 attempts to Dodge at AG60: 23 (PASS) Brood Brothers B: Move (12m) ROUND 5 ENDS Turn 6 Turn Sequence: ATRATUS | AG6+10 = 16 | WOUNDS 23/23 | FATE 2 KHYBER VAIDAN | AG3+10 = 15 | WOUNDS 0/15 (20) | FATE 1 BROODLORD | AG6+8 = 14 | -34VARVOST | AG5+8=13 | WOUNDS -4/21 (24) | FATE 0GREYSIGHT | AG4+9 = 13 | WOUNDS 21/22 | FATE 3BROOD BROTHERS A | AG3+10 = 13 | MAGNITUDE 14SOLASTION ALBIKUS | AG(3X2)+6 = 12 | WOUNDS 10/23 | FATE 1 CULTISTS 2 | AG3+9 = 12 | MAGNITUDE 16 TYBER | AG(4x2)+5 = 13 | WOUNDS 18/18 (19) | FATE 3GENESTEALER 7 | AG6+3 = 9 | WOUNDS -1/20 AKKAD | AG4+5 = 9 | WOUNDS 22/22 | FATE 3GENESTEALER 2 | AG6+2 = 8 | WOUNDS 13/20GENESTEALER 3 | AG6+2 = 8 | WOUNDS -3/20SHADOWY FIGURE | AG3+3 = 6CULTISTS 1 | AG3+3 = 6 | MAGNITUDE 16NYCAX SABAAN | AG4+1 = 5 | WOUNDS 21/22 | FATE 2BROOD BROTHERS B | AG3+1 = 4 | MAGNITUDE 15 Slips and Steel Company 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted February 4, 2019 Share Posted February 4, 2019 Atratus ducked aside instinctively as the genestealer pursued, his focus on the patriarch alone. The heaviest of his blows seemed to leave only shallow wounds that closed quickly, but not before more had been opened. As he pressed his attack the lesser xenos leapt forward once more to protect its brood lord forcing Atratus back, but the creature had sacrificed its own defence in doing so and with a single sweeping blow the Raptor swung it bodily from the ground to smash it apart against the chambers stone columns. The remaining cultists seemed little threat but as he turned back to face the patriach he caught a glimpse of the shadowed figure that had stood at its side. It had not fled, and it seemed the xenos yet had a card to play in deciding this battle. Multi-attack - finish off Genestealer 3 before it recovers it's reaction and spill over any excess attacks to the patriarch89 63 50 vs adjusted WS 63 = 2 hits Chainsword damage = 6+16 = 22, Pen 3 Combat knife damage = 3+13 = 16, Pen 2 (rolls for reaction - unless you prefer to roll these?) Parry if needed 25 Counter attack if needed 22 Damage if needed 9+16 = 25 Save a reroll for any potential psychic shenanigans Slips, Mazer Rackham and Steel Company 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Molotov Posted February 5, 2019 Author Share Posted February 5, 2019 (edited) ROUND 6 BEGINS Atratus: Attack 1 against Genestealer 3: 89 (MISS) Attack 2 against Genestealer 3: 63 (HITS) Genestealer 3 attempts to Dodge with AG60: 16 (PASS) Attack 3 against Genestealer 3: 50 (HITS) Combat Knife does 16 damage, Pen 2 Genestealer 3 has TB6 and Armour 6(4) - 6 damage to the 05 (HEAD) -9 Impact Damage to Head: The target’s head bursts like an overripe fruit and sprays blood, bone and brains in all directions. Anyone within 4 metres of the target must make an Agility Test or suffer a –10 penalty to their WS and BS on their next Turn as gore gets in their eyes or on their visors. Atratus: AG65: 28 (PASS) Vaidan: Fate Point spend to recover 1D3 Cohesion: 2 Cohesion Broodlord: Full Action - 3 attacks (Lord of the Brood) - Attack 1 against Vaidan: WS67: 100 (MISS) - Attack 2 against Vaidan: WS67: 4 (HIT) Vaidan attempts to dodge: AG39: 92 (FAIL) Rending Claws do 1D10+12 Damage Pen 10 (Razor Sharp): 4 (16) Vaidan has TB8 and Armour 10(0): 8 Damage -4 Impact Critical Damage to the Body - Attack 3 against Vaidan: WS67: 13 (HIT) Rending Claws do 1D10+12 Damage Pen 10 (Razor Sharp): 9 (21) Vaidan has TB8 and Armour 10(0): 13 Damage (7 Critical Damage) Vaidan is killed. Varvost: Full Action: Swift Attack - Attack 1 against Genestealer 7: WS67 (+10, Frenzy): 23 (Hit, 5DOS) - 1 Hit - Genestealer 7 attempts to Dodge at AG60: 47 (PASS) - Attack 2 against Genestealer 7: WS67 (+10, Frenzy): 5 (Hit, 7DOS) - 1 Hit Hits resolved at 1D10+5+11SB (Frenzy) (Tearing, Flesh Render) Pen 3 Hit 1: 9 - (25) Genestealer has TB6 and Armour 6(3): 16 Wounds (Genestealer 7 is killed) Greysight: Semi-Auto Burst against Genestealer 2 BS45(+10, Range, +10 SAB, +10 Bolter Mastery, -20 in Melee Combat): 13 (HIT) 1 Hit + 2 Hits Genestealer 2 attempts to Dodge (AG60): 71 (FAIL) All shots resolve at D10+9(+1), Ignoring Natural Armour (RF on 9 or 10) Hit 1: 3 (13) (against TB6 and Armour 6(0) - 7 Wounds, 6 remaining) Hit 2: 9 (RF:10) (RF:10) (RF:7) (45) (against TB6 and Armour 6(0) - 39 wounds, killing genestealer outright) Brood Brothers A: Half Action: Aim Half Action: Standard Attack against Solastion WS30(+10): 14 (HIT) 2D10+3 (Pen 0): 13 (No Damage Sustained) TURN SEQUENCE ATRATUS | AG6+10 = 16 | WOUNDS 23/23 | FATE 2 BROODLORD | AG6+8 = 14 | -34VARVOST | AG5+8=13 | WOUNDS -4/21 (24) | FATE 0GREYSIGHT | AG4+9 = 13 | WOUNDS 21/22 | FATE 3BROOD BROTHERS A | AG3+10 = 13 | MAGNITUDE 14SOLASTION ALBIKUS | AG(3X2)+6 = 12 | WOUNDS 10/23 | FATE 1 CULTISTS 2 | AG3+9 = 12 | MAGNITUDE 8 TYBER | AG(4x2)+5 = 13 | WOUNDS 18/18 (19) | FATE 3 AKKAD | AG4+5 = 9 | WOUNDS 22/22 | FATE 3SHADOWY FIGURE | AG3+3 = 6CULTISTS 1 | AG3+3 = 6 | MAGNITUDE 16NYCAX SABAAN | AG4+1 = 5 | WOUNDS 21/22 | FATE 2BROOD BROTHERS B | AG3+1 = 4 | MAGNITUDE 15 Edited February 5, 2019 by Commissar Molotov Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steel Company Posted February 5, 2019 Share Posted February 5, 2019 (edited) Tyber could hear the sounds of battle as he jumped down the last half flight of stairs, landing with a solid thump and crushing of boxes, he looked around as his helm switched to low-light mode, everything was in shades of green or black. The room looked to be a storage room of some kind; crates were placed around the room in an almost unorganized fashion. He could see two doorways leading out, his navigation cogitators working in concert with the squad indicators showed the position of the rest of the squad to his south east. That was when it happened, Vaidan’s read out flat lined, lowering his left shoulder, he pounded into the wall on his left, once, twice and a third time before bursting into a room that seemed to be a study. Trying to keep his momentum going he crashed into the next wall, forcing his way through in two attempts this time. That was when he saw it, the largest Genestealer yet, it was locked in with Atratus and some of it’s thralls, this would be a worthy challenge, and nothing else mattered till that beast was brought low. Trusting Akkad to join him down here in short order and to cover him from behind, Tyber ran towards the largest threat, while setting his vox to external feed, he let out a beastial roar, issuing challenge to the beasts that bore down on his brothers in black. OOC: Tyber will do a run action, going through the room directly to his left, spending 10m of movement going through the two walls and end his movement at the corner of the square 5 down and 10 over from where is now, putting him with in charge distance of the broodlord next round. His path to that spot will give Akkad LoS on the Shadowfigure. Edited February 5, 2019 by Steel Company Commissar Molotov, Slips and Mazer Rackham 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Molotov Posted February 5, 2019 Author Share Posted February 5, 2019 Carnage. Utter carnage. The Eradicator scythes through hordes of cultists, sprays of blood and body parts arcing as he goes about his work. The chain-axe screeches as its teeth bite into flesh and what passes for armour. Each of the Brothers fights their own battles as the Purestrain childer of the brood descend, the many-armed monstrosities loping into battle. Rending claws bite into ceramite, blessed warplate yielding before the bladed limbs of the xenoforms. The lesser broodkin flail uselessly, but are swatted away like flies, meaningless nuisances of little consequence. Their bones are broken and shattered, their flesh is pulped. You see the Patriarch emerge from his cultist-kin, its chitinous carapace cracked and broken from the Raptor’s strikes. Its jaw is open, teeth jagged and strung with ropes of saliva. Its eyes are intelligent, fixed upon Vaidan. Its claws gleam in the candlelight of this profane sanctum as they descend upon the Watch-Sergeant. The Novamarine evades the first strike, standing proudly amongst the dead and dying. He raises his combat blade, his voice clear over the squad vox as he roars his defiance. As your helm-displays register Vaidan's vital-displays turning red, as you see his armour slick with blood, falling to the sanctum's floor, you hear the roar of alien throats, a gloating cry that seems to curdle within you, that kindles the hate within you to a raging inferno. Slips, Mazer Rackham, Steel Company and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slips Posted February 6, 2019 Share Posted February 6, 2019 (edited) Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......... Amidst all the warning klaxons blaring in his helmet each one calling for attention, the unending beep of a flatline was what cut through the noise the best. It was a sound he was all too familiar with and one he dreaded to hear again. Despite being occupied with slaying the enemies before him, Solastion still managed - through the haze of his fury encarmine - to look down at his wrist-borne medicae cogitator to see that the Watch-Sergeants had gone fully red. Clenching his teeth hard enough that a few of them chipped and cracked though unnoticed such was his fury the Crimson Knight got on the vox. ++BY THE EMPEROR AND SANGUINIUS THEY SHALL SUFFER! FOR VAIDAN! SLAY THEM ALL! ONLY IN DEATH DOES DUTY END!++ He shouts, the blood gurgling audibly at the back of his throat as he does so before he turns his attention fully back onto the xeno-hybrids attempting to hurt him but failing to do so and begins swinging into them with near-wild abandon. Rule Stuff and Actions: Now, I know we dont have the ability to share Chapter Squad mode abilities but I was hoping this one might get a pass given how dire the situation seems to be becoming - maybe. Solastion uses a Fate Point to regain Cohesion (unless we already have 3) then use a Free Action to activate his "Only in Death..." Defensive Squad Mode by using yet another free action to attempt to enter Squad Mode with a Cohesion Challenge. Squad Mode?: 1d10 3 I do, apparently. The effects of "Only in Death..." (page 33 Rites of Battle) are: While this ability is active, the Battle-Brother and any within Support Range of him ignore the effects of any critical damage that would not kill them until this ability is no longer active. Once this ability ends, they suffer the full effects of any critical damage they received. If I cant do the above, can Solastion remotely activate and dish out pain suppressant doses for his squad but mainly for Varvost since it would permit them to ignore critical damage for 1d10 rounds. Otherwise, Solastion will hack and slash into the Brood Brothers arrayed before him. Standard Attack: 1d100 81 vs WS 46 + 10 (frenzy) + 20 (all-out) + ?? (magnitude) = 76 + ??; so MAYBE a hit. Chainsword Damage + Tearing: 2#1d10+17 22 23; 23 damage if a hit for 1 magnitude damage. Edited February 6, 2019 by Slips Steel Company, Xin Ceithan, Mazer Rackham and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mazer Rackham Posted February 6, 2019 Share Posted February 6, 2019 Akkad watched with both approval and amusement as the living battering ram that was the huge Marine ploughed through thick and ancient stone, proving once more, if it was required that where there was a will, one could forge a way. The giant Dragon rumbled over rubble, cratess, all manner of detritus with his legs pounding like pistons, crushing all beneath it. Akkad briefly dallied on the notion, thinking he would not make a subtle dancing partner - mainly to take the wall of hissing accusation from the front of his mind as the audio relays finally bit through static. The terrible notes of a flatlined comrade. The sounds of battle reaching hysteria - or what would be considered hysteria if the combatants were human - as the remaining brethren fought that much harder, pummelling their inhuman adversaries with good honest human hatred. The shadows retreated in waves as the blocks fell and the powdered masonry swirled out after the uncaring assault Marine. Daon stood a moment, hefting the heavy bolter. ++BY THE EMPEROR AND SANGUINIUS THEY SHALL SUFFER! FOR VAIDAN! SLAY THEM ALL! ONLY IN DEATH DOES DUTY END!++ A Shadow-haunted figure twitched into his sights, strange auras manifesting from hands and from under the cowl. The figure was difficult to notice, but Akkad tracked it well. Awareness Test: Perception 50 + 20 (Senses) = 70D100: 011 Pass, 5 DoS. Might as well start now. Akkad uses Full Action: FAB at "Shadowy Figure"BS Test: 52 + 20(FAB) +10(Range) = 82D100: 009, Pass 7 DoS. 6 Hits.Damage: 1D10 (2D10 Tearing)+12(Dam)+2(Mighty Shot)Pen: 5Hit 1: Location: Left LegDamage: 19Hit 2 Location: Right LegDamage: 20Hit 3 Location: BodyDamage: 22Hit 4 Location: Right ArmDamage: 17Hit 5 Location: HeadDamage: 20Hit 6 Location: BodyDamage: 21Total Damage: 119 The figure blew apart as if a giant tormented a fly, limbs were shorn and flung in different directions, connected only by the gossamer like filaments of pink-purple sinews stretched beyond tautness as they flailed out behind the gobbets of blood and charred, burned meat from the mass-reactive detonations. Akkad was grimly pleased as a chunk of bony corpse struck one of the mutant-pilgrims on the back of the head, bowling him over. He accessed external vox and the laugh that rumbled forth carried no humanly warmth or mirth at all. Vaidan had been struck down. In the name of the Lugal, they must all die. MR. Xin Ceithan, Reyner, Dosjetka and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xin Ceithan Posted February 6, 2019 Share Posted February 6, 2019 (edited) The Xenos snarled, it's extremities darting, feinting. It bled freely from the wounds the Storm Son and the Iron Hand had inflicted. Sabaan grunted, matching the beast's unnatural vigor and attacks blow by blow, the broken bodies of it's deformed kin lay broken around them Still , it resisted. Beyond, Sabaan the Watch-Sergeant and the Raptor fought among a throng of mutants. The bloated mass of the Alpha Xenos towered among them. Yet, the xenos to his front still denied him a clear shot. >>This taking too long<< Sabaan could almost see the critical balance of the Calculus. Ahead, the disgusting bulk of the Alpha drew back his limbs, preparing to strike.... The Stealer in front of him saw him tracking it's progenitor and thought to take advance of it. The Techmarine shifted and took a sudden step backwards. A claw screeched over his shoulder paldron, the blow off center. Suddenly off- balance, the Xenos found itself open to counterattack. Greysight, ever the marksman, aimed and fired in a single fluid motiion. Mass reactive warheads slammed into the screeching thing, ripping it apart. This close, the detonations almost drowned out the disturbing warning sound as Sabaan's auto-senses registered the total system failure of Vaidan's Warplate. Almost. The Iron Hand cursed inwardly. A string of harsh Medusan hisses escaped from his vox grill. >> FOCUS<< He tore his sight from the black wreckage. His optical node refocused. New variables needed to be inserted into the Calculus. Sabaan fought down the swirl of emotions over the fate of their Watch-Sergeant by focusing on the situational updates branching in his thoughtstream. Here was were the enemy had miscalculated. The loss of it's Alpha would predictably stun and confuse the xenos, delay them. By taking out the human Alpha, the brood seemingly had sought to turn their tactics against the Killteam, likely expecting a similar result. But their organic reasoning was flawed, their deductions too caught in their limited fleshminds. Astartes did not break. They did not falter with the loss of a leader. They rallied and brought rightous Vengeance upon the foe. Thus was the superiority of the Great Maker's design revealed in their actions. As Solastion's ' s rallying cry rang over the vox, Greysight and Sabaan shared a quick glance in silent understanding. They raised their Bolter in perfect unison and opened fire... OOC: It's either aimed bolter fire at the Broodlord or if that is not possible it's supporting Atratus by bolter bursts. Edited February 6, 2019 by Xin Ceithan Steel Company 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Molotov Posted February 7, 2019 Author Share Posted February 7, 2019 (edited) Solastion:1 Hit against Brood Brothers A for 1 Magnitude Damage- Fate Point spend to activate "Only in Death..." - 0 Fate Points remaining, 0 Cohesion RemainingCultists 2:All-Out Attack against Varvost:WS25(+20): 10 (HIT)2D10+3 Damage (Pen 0): 16 (No Damage)All-Out Attack against Solastion:WS25(+20): 35 (HIT)2D10+3 Damage (Pen 0): 15 (No Damage)Tyber:Move Actions as declaredAkkad:FAB as declaredCultists 1:Full Action: All-Out Attack against AtratusWS25(+20): 23 (HIT)2D10+3 Damage (Pen 0): 13 (No Damage)Sabaan:Half Action: AimHalf Action: Standard Attack against BroodlordBS51 (+10, Range, +10, Aim, -20 Melee Combat): 24 (HIT)Broodlord does not Dodge.Bolter does 1D10+9 (Pen 4) Damage: 7 (16)Broodlord has TB12 and Armour 8(4) - No DamageBrood Brothers B:Charge Action against TyberWS30(+10): 49 (MISS)ROUND 6 ENDSTURN SEQUENCEATRATUS | AG6+10 = 16 | WOUNDS 23/23 | FATE 2BROODLORD | AG6+8 = 14 | -34VARVOST | AG5+8=13 | WOUNDS -4/21 (24) | FATE 0GREYSIGHT | AG4+9 = 13 | WOUNDS 21/22 | FATE 3BROOD BROTHERS A | AG3+10 = 13 | MAGNITUDE 14SOLASTION ALBIKUS | AG(3X2)+6 = 12 | WOUNDS 10/23 | FATE 0CULTISTS 2 | AG3+9 = 12 | MAGNITUDE 8TYBER | AG(4x2)+5 = 13 | WOUNDS 18/18 (19) | FATE 3AKKAD | AG4+5 = 9 | WOUNDS 22/22 | FATE 3SHADOWY FIGURE | AG3+3 = 6CULTISTS 1 | AG3+3 = 6 | MAGNITUDE 16NYCAX SABAAN | AG4+1 = 5 | WOUNDS 21/22 | FATE 2BROOD BROTHERS B | AG3+1 = 4 | MAGNITUDE 15 Edited February 7, 2019 by Commissar Molotov Steel Company 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted February 7, 2019 Share Posted February 7, 2019 (edited) As Atratus turned to strike at the lesser genestealer the broodlord made its move, the two working seemingly in concert by some form of psychic or chemical signal. It fell upon the already wounded Vadian, a seemingly fatal blow, but could go no further as the watch captain grappled with it to his last. A good death if it was to be such as the hammering sound of a heavy bolter announced the sum of the kill teams arrival. There would be no escape for the xenos now as Atratus ducked below the beasts next swing and circled to take Vadians place between the creature and the doorway. Multiple attacks86 18 81 - one hit 5 + 16 = 21 damage, Pen 3 If/when attacked: Parry vs first attack = 42 = parried Counter attack = 06 = hit Damage = 9 + 16 = 25 damage, Pen 3 Assassin strike away into the air to avoid any further attacks and prepare to charge if the Patriarch manages to survive the round Athletics test = 53 = success, 14m move with no attack of opportunity Edited February 7, 2019 by A.T. Steel Company and Xin Ceithan 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Molotov Posted February 7, 2019 Author Share Posted February 7, 2019 Round 7 Begins Atratus: Multiple Attacks: 1 Hit 21 Damage, Pen 3 Cultists 1 take the blow for their Patriarch: 18 vs 63: 1 Hit + 2 Hits: 3 Magnitude Damage (13 Remaining) Broodlord: Half-Action: Delay Action Varvost: - Full Action: Swift Attack against Cultists 2 - Attack 1: WS67 (+10, Frenzy): 42 (3 DoS) 1 Hit + 1 Hit Hits resolved at 1D10+5+11SB (Frenzy) (Tearing, Flesh Render) Pen 3 Hit 1: 9 (25) Hit 2:2 (18) - Attack 2: WS67 (+10, Frenzy): 46 (3 Dos) - 1 Hit + 1 Hit Hits resolved at 1D10+5+11SB (Frenzy) (Tearing, Flesh Render) Pen 3 Hit 1: 10 (RF:2) = 28 Hit 2: 9 (25) 4 Magnitude Damage (Whirlwind of Death doubles to 8) Cultists 2 are destroyed. Greysight: Half Action: Aim Half Action: Standard Shot against Broodlord BS45 (+10 Range, +10 Bolter Mastery, +10 Aim, -20 Melee Combat): 54 (HIT) Hellfire Rounds do 1D10+9(+1) Pen 4, Ignoring Natural Armour (RF 9/10) Damage: 9 (RF:6) = 25 Damage Broodlord has TB12 and Armour 8(0): 13 Damage (-47) Brood Brothers A: All Out Attack against Solastion: WS30(+20): 62 (MISS) TURN SEQUENCE ATRATUS | AG6+10 = 16 | WOUNDS 23/23 | FATE 2BROODLORD | AG6+8 = 14 | -34VARVOST | AG5+8=13 | WOUNDS -4/21 (24) | FATE 0GREYSIGHT | AG4+9 = 13 | WOUNDS 21/22 | FATE 3BROOD BROTHERS A | AG3+10 = 13 | MAGNITUDE 14SOLASTION ALBIKUS | AG(3X2)+6 = 12 | WOUNDS 10/23 | FATE 0CULTISTS 2 | AG3+9 = 12 | MAGNITUDE 8TYBER | AG(4x2)+5 = 13 | WOUNDS 18/18 (19) | FATE 3AKKAD | AG4+5 = 9 | WOUNDS 22/22 | FATE 3CULTISTS 1 | AG3+3 = 6 | MAGNITUDE 16NYCAX SABAAN | AG4+1 = 5 | WOUNDS 21/22 | FATE 2BROOD BROTHERS B | AG3+1 = 4 | MAGNITUDE 15 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steel Company Posted February 7, 2019 Share Posted February 7, 2019 These weaker things dared counter charge at Tyber, attempting to surround him, just like those at the fort had tried. Like those at the fort, these ones would fall just as easily, still he gave a growl of frustration, they were in the way of a more worthy target. Lashing out with his chainsword and arming sword Tyber went about the bloody work of hacking his way through them, the main beast demanded his attention over these lesser things. OOC: Multiple-attacks at Brood Brothers B TN: 44+ (WS 54 – 20 Two Weapons +10 TWWM +?? Size) arming sword attack against Brood Brothers B: 1d100 20 Hit with 2 DoS for a total of 2 hits Damage dealt is 1d10+17 Pen 3 chainsword attack against Brood Brothers B: 1d100 27 hit with 1 DoS, total 1 hit Damage dealt is 1d10+15 Pen 3 arming sword swift attack against Brood Brothers B: 1d100 17 1 with 2 DoS for a total of 2 hits Damage dealt is 1d10+17 Pen 3 Total Mag damage is 5 Xin Ceithan 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mazer Rackham Posted February 8, 2019 Share Posted February 8, 2019 Akkad will spend this turn to Full Action: Run into the main chamber to stand next to or over the remains of the Shadowy Figure where he can have a good line of fire. MR. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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