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Chazzmos' Death Guard - House Makabius Knights


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Going to track my Death Guard army here.  I've got :
Typhus (converted from Lord of Contagion) - need to add dead grass, weathering pigment,and matt varnish
Malignant Plaguecaster - need to add dead grass, weathering pigment,and matt varnish
Chaos Lord - need to add dead grass, weathering pigment,and matt varnish
2 x 15 Poxwalkers - almost finished one squad, just need bases and final skin touches then on to the next squad.
2 x 7 'New' Plague Marines - need to add dead grass, weathering pigment, matt varnish, then OSL plasmas
2 x 7 'Old School' Plague Marines - grass, pigments, more varnish
5 x Terminators - need to add dead grass, weathering pigment,and matt varnish
Fast Attack
Bloat Drone - airbrushed
Heavy Support
Land Raider - airbrushed
2 x Rhinos - airbrushed
Daemon Prince
Bloat Drone
2 x Plagueburst Crawler
2 x Foul Blightspawn
2 x 'New' Plague Marines with Blight Launchers

  • 2 weeks later...

So I've finally got to work on my Death Guard.  I had a bunch of old models sitting in storage for a long time, but Dark Imperium really made me want to get them out and get them happening.


I tested my colour scheme on a few squads of old models first:



This is what the scheme will look like on the new models:






I still need to do some work on the bases.  I was wanted something contrasting to the light model: darkish, blue hued (against the 'brown'), and clean.  I went with arid space rocks, but I think it needs something else, any suggestions?


Next off the rank is some old terminators and some HQ units.  I also have 30 poxwalkers I need to paint up.

Typhus is looking great so far, a simple but effective conversion, I look forward to seeing him finished!


The plague marine champion looks great too, really nice how you changed the horns on the helmet to match the new deathguard aesthetic!

Yeah that Typhus was hard for me. I sculpted the scythe out of plasticard and green stuff and the helmet was a carved down Terminator head with the horn added. I wish I'd had another 'new style' horn though.


Still need to make the plasma glow, and rust to the legs and base, and put some dead grass.

Oh, I also need to put brown and black ink on the tips of the horns!

Admittedly I have a pretty spotty knowledge of models and parts, but you sure had me fooled, I thought the scythe and head had come from another model. Shows how well you nailed the conversion! As for the horn, you could probably cut a suitable one off a poxwalker, they have plenty to spare.

Admittedly I have a pretty spotty knowledge of models and parts, but you sure had me fooled, I thought the scythe and head had come from another model. Shows how well you nailed the conversion! As for the horn, you could probably cut a suitable one off a poxwalker, they have plenty to spare.


This is what it looked like during an early stage



I think I threw out all of the Poxwalker horns as I was converting them :sad.:  I do have some more coming soon though and I'll see if there's a suitable one and if I can be bothered.


EDIT: Whoa! I just saw some of your Death Guard conversions!  Your sculpting is very impressive :D

Really like the pale armour colour you have going on here and the colour youve chosen for the horns works well in contrast to it. Look forward to seeing more

Thank you very much, I'm hoping the brown and black ink will provide a greater of level of contrast in them and tie them a bit more to the shading on the armour.

HQ Progress!


Almost finished basecoating Typhus, just need to do his base and the zombie head:



I had the stock Plaguecaster all primed and ready to go but didn't like the look of him at all so swapped his head, hand, and removed some flowing ribbons.



And finally, I wanted a Chaos Lord and was going to convert the Primaris Captain from Dark Imperium, but wasn't looking forward to it, so I just converted the Noxious Blightbringer.  Still a lot of painting to go (and barrell drilling!)




Alrighty!  I got a bit of varnishing and oil washing done so have made some good progress.


First up is my unit of 5 terminators:





I'm pretty happy with how these guys turned out, my green stuff work leaves a bit to be desired, but I think it passes :D


.  I've still got a few bits and pieces to finalise on them:

- Glue on dead grass once it arrives

- Use some weathering pigment on the base and legs (I've tested a bit on one of the models already)

- Matt varnish


Finally, I'm thinking about using some Nurgle's Rot coming out of the three pipes on top of each of them, what do you think?

And presenting, Herald of Nurge, Host of the Destroyer Hive, the one, the only, TYPHUUUUSSSS:




Still need to grass and weather the base and use some BFTBG on his guts.


Backing him up are my Chaos Lord and Malignant Plaguecaster:






Same goes for these two clowns, weathering pigment, grass, varnish, BFTBG.

Thanks Sagentus :D


I'm going to crack into my 30 Poxwalkers.  I had a bit of a plan for them but I'm not feeling very confident with them right now. 

My main inspiration for them are this: http://wilhelminiatures.blogspot.com.au/2017/06/tutorial-poxwalkers-batch-painting-part.html

And the immensely awesome DuskRaider: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-death-guard-a-return-to-the-past/?p=4817661


This is what the first 15 look like right now:





My plan was to have them a bit more 'space zombie', so I got rid of all of the horns and most protruding tentacles.  I'm happy with how the conversions turned out.


For painting, I am umming and ahhing about the amount of colour in the clothes.  Right now I'm thinking pretty subdued black and brown variations and a few orange jumpsuits.


For the skin, I'm going to do DuskRaider style as a base and then fold in a bit more purples, blues, reds, and greens.  I airbrushed Pallid Wych Flesh (PWF) on them as a base colour, but after painting PWF onto the tentacles of my other models, I've realised that I really needed another few coats of it.  It's too thin on the Poxwalkers.

I can't wait to see what you come up with. I agree with you on the horns, they're a bit cheesy and the models look much better without them. When it comes to the clothing, I went with subdued so the focus was on the flesh, but orange might actually look cool too.

The OOP models bring back memories. :smile.:

Great work so far, the OSL is spot on.

Ta! I think I might need to lighten up the glow on his face pipes a little bit and maybe the next line of raised wood grain.


I've been making a bit of progress on my Poxwalkers, but I'd really love some C&C on the flesh.  I basedcoated it in Pallid Wych Flesh, applied satin varnish, then I've used oil paints to wash and mottle it.  I used:

  1. A brownish/yellow flesh tone over everything
  2. A red wash in arm pits, neck, etc.
  3. A purple/plum wash in dark bits

This is what is looks like right now, I'll wipe some off the raised areas to give a bit more highlight:



What do you think?  I'm liking the one in the top right that has got more of the deeper purple/plum colour.  I'm also thinking I need to apply something on the pustule clusters.  That sounds cool, "pustule clusters"

Dude, those look really nice! I'm almost tempted to say just pick out the pustules and leave the washes as they are, in the pics they look awesome and the boils, etc. will ensure it's not too overbearing (if that's what you're worried about). As for the top right, I wouldn't change a thing. It's good to have variety. As long as the models share the same paint scheme you can always give each more individuality.

Thanks for the encouragement DuskRaider.  I think they actually look better in the picture than they do IRL somehow, usually it's the opposite for me!  Mind you, looks like I did a terrible job removing the mould lines!  I think you're right, I think they just need a bit of highlighting and something to make the pustules pop a bit (pun intended).  I'm thinking I might just highlight them with PWF then make a Nurgle's Rot type paint which is more yellow and pus like by following this:  It might tie them in the with the yellowish horns on the Plague Marines as well.

I did a bit more washing on the rest of the Poxwalkers:





From here I need to:

  • Wipe off the top layer of oil wash to 'highlight' them a bit
  • Paint some of  the pustules with something or just wash with Nurgle's Rot (or Yellow Rot?)
  • Work out what to do with the eyes
  • Dead grass and rust pigment on the base

EDIT: And add some mud onto the black leather


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