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Chazzmos' Death Guard - House Makabius Knights


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I finally made a bit of progress on all of my primed Ghost Wolves.


Terminators just need basing, transfers, and some eyes:




These are 2 to go with my Long Fangs and a squad of 5 I've magnetized the arms for to loadout however I want. First time magnetizing a squad for me, the magnets were easy, but the painting process was a bit fiddly. I'm too set in my ways!


And some Wulfen to start to bolster my close combat:




The pupils on these guys are non existent! I just had to guess where they the eyes should roughly be...

@Krakendoomcool - Thanks! They're a good size for each other. I really would've liked a few more running legs for my poses, I like this one the best:



Some of the others are a bit stoic for Wulfen, but let the scrappers come to them!



@I Am Forsaken - Cheers! I definitely wanted to get rid of those comical tentacles, they are a joke! The rest of the parts of the models are pretty cool though.


@Bjorn Firewalker - Thank you! Definitely a quick job, no edge highlighting speeded things up, but they look good from an arms length :biggrin.:

  • 7 months later...

Wow, I hadn't realised it's been 7 months since I've updated this.  I have done a load of painting and working though and have been keeping very busy.  For my Death Guard, I pushed out three Plagueburst Crawlers and three Bloat Drones and a couple of elites.


Most recently I've been working on updating my terminators.  I've got five almost down and another five to go:



I've also almost finished Mortarion.  He's definitely the biggest and most detailed model I've ever painted!  I'm happy with how he turned out overall.



Excellent work on Mortarion and his sons.

Ta! I'm really happy with how me came out overall. A great centrepiece for my army.


Mortarion definitely looks very nice!

Cheers! I'm looking forward to seeing some of your wolves :biggrin.:
  • 2 weeks later...

I've been working on dusting off a mate's Tau army and painting that up:



He wanted Sa'cea Sept, so I've been quickly airbrushing them and just need to oil wash most of them now and add a few decals:



I've also got 30 Fire Warriors just about done!


On the Death Guard front, I finished 5 more Blightlords, taking my unit to a very happy 10 termies:



I've decided I want a few more HQ options, so I'm going to try and make another Daemon Prince, a more imposing Chaos Lord, a Noxious Blightbringer, and buy a Plague Surgeon at some point. For the Lord and Blightbringer, I'm working off Blightkings:




So far I'm just playing with some ideas and options. It's pretty much a few Blightlord arms for the lord with a backpack added with a trophy on top. The Blightbringer has just had a backpack added and an arm with a plasma pistol.


Any tips or ideas on positioning, stance, or other bits I might use?

Excellent work on Mortarion and his sons.



Morty looks amazing and his bodyguard too. The next lot of HQ choices are looking promising too, look forward to seeing how these come on

Thank you.  I want something a bit more dynamic for the lord, but I'm a bit lost about how to do it with Death Guard!

Realy cool models but I think the Blightbringer looks a bit sad. Like the rest of the warband is on a stealth mission an he was not allowed to come.:wink:

Haha! Well, that is a bit what I was going for.  I wanted him to be trudging forward, head down a bit, with the bell ringing over his shoulder.

Both the Blightbringer and the Lord are amazing!! the Lord has that prowess and powerfull look about him, where as the Blightbringer has an almost sly/sinister look about him 

Cheers dude! I'm pretty excited to have some cool HQ to add to my daemon prince that I just love looking at!


I've also done some work on the plague surgeon. I still want to cable the narcitheum to his backpack or armpit. I'm also worried that the neck fat roll I've greenstuffed looks too much like he's got a long neck and a cravat.


Your choice of body for the surgeon is cool- the apron that is just pinned to his flesh is very fitting. I think the head sits a bit too high in relation to the shoulders, it’s the side and bottom right pic that show it. Could you add some green stuff across the back of his neck and across the shoulders?
The head is poorly proportioned, and looks too "normal" for the body it's attached to. May I suggest painting it a metallic color, with visible seams, so it looks like the plague surgeon is wearing a mask to hide his hideously deformed face?

Yeah, it is poorly proportioned, but I'm hoping I can fatten if up a bit to tie it in with the model.  Add a bit of greenstuff around the neck, shoulders, cheeks, and jowls.


I'm thinking something like this:




I do like the mask idea, but I think the head looks too normal to be made into a mask.  They usually have a pretty clear edge around them, or some weight at least.


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