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brettfp does Necromunda (Update June 5)


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So, my local GW is starting a necromunda campaign and I've been wanting to get into necro but haven't really liked the goliaths or escher, but with the orlock relase I've decided to dive in!


My idea for them is that they are a gang of gentlemen thieves. Inspiration wise I was using fantasy rogues, highwaymen, musketeers, 40k nobility. that sort of thing. I've also been trying to figure out backstories for each model.


so pictures!




Bishop (Ganger) I see him as the voice of reason of the group




(Ganger) Haven't decided on a name for him yet, but hes the gang best lockpick




Pip (Juve)




Vim (Juve)




August Grimm (Champion) Haven't figured oout much backstory, but I imagine him as very jovial, but enjoys combat in a way that is slightly psycopathic




The start of Debon Keen (Leader) Super charismatic but a bit of an a-hole, think Gaston from Beauty and the Beast 




Slug Atkins (Bounty Hunter) A part of the campaign is that we have to bring a bounty hunter (preferably with a converted model) so I'm using this guy I made ages ago. I made him mostly as a bit of fun and to test out some new painting techniques


All of the models are gonna have some GS work done to them, and there's a few more to come too.



I got some GS done, drilled out all the gun barrels and some are now ready to be painted!








August Grimm






Looking forward to painting these soon

I've tentatively named the gang "The Wilde Cavaliers", but am open to better suggestions :)


I also decided to make a model for each of the hanger-ons (hangers-on?), just in case I want to use them at some point. I started work on a dome runner



after reading the description for them I went with a homeless teen hiver look. will probably start on a rogue doc tomorrow :)




He uses antlers in all of his decorating?

Not sure what the reference is here. :S


Very nice. I like the highwayman angle for your gang.

Thanks, It was origanlly going to be more 40k noble looking but things always change with my projects, I think the highwaymen look works though


The basket hilts on the swords are a good addition. How did you make August Grimm's awesome-looking hat?

Thanks! For the hat I used the same technique as I did for lengthening the coats, just plasticard, a lighter, and calloused fingers from playing guitar. you just heat the plastic and bend it. The top part of the hat (I don't know hat terms) was a bit of tube that I heated and stretched slightly to give it a tapered effect. Hope that helps :)


Great work so far.



Nice effect with the painting of Atkins' pistol.

Thanks, that was one of the techniques I built the model for :)

Full gang finished now!!



Graves (Ganger)



Badger (Ganger)



X (Ganger) I finished this guy earlier but forgot to put up his photos with the others. He's the strong silent type, hardly ever speaks, everyone calls him 'X' cos they don't know his real name.



Debon Keen (Leader) as you can probably tell, I had a bit of a superglue explosion :sad.: The bit that really annoys me is that it happened when i was gluing on the last detail. I can tell it's obscured some detail, but I don't I'll be able to tell the full extent until I start painting. What a crap end to a fun stint of modelling :sad.:



Rogue Doc. Got a little bit more detailing to add to this guy.




In the song where we discover that no-one fights like Gaston, Disney also has Gaston tell us that he uses antlers in all of his decorating.

Haha ok, yeah I haven't seen it in forever, but probably not, I'm not sure how where you would even get antlers in the underhive :smile.:

I think the Rogue Doc's apron should be enlarged to cover his chest and abdomen- I expect it to get bloody in the performance of his duties, and if he catches a blood-borne disease, he'll quickly be useless to the gang.


The others' scratchbuilt coats look great. Keep up the good work.

I'm not sure how where you would even get antlers in the underhive

I'm sure there's a gang that uses a stag as its symbol. I'm sure this gang also made a mechanical "stag"- maybe an attack bike with "antlers" made of scrap metal- to intimidate its enemies.


Attack this gang, seize its "stag" as spoils of war, and your own gang is set (as long as they don't mind the artificial nature of the "antlers").

I think the Rogue Doc's apron should be enlarged to cover his chest and abdomen- I expect it to get bloody in the performance of his duties, and if he catches a blood-borne disease, he'll quickly be useless to the gang.


The others' scratchbuilt coats look great. Keep up the good work.



I'm sure there's a gang that uses a stag as its symbol. I'm sure this gang also made a mechanical "stag"- maybe an attack bike with "antlers" made of scrap metal- to intimidate its enemies.


Attack this gang, seize its "stag" as spoils of war, and your own gang is set (as long as they don't mind the artificial nature of the "antlers").



I was thinking about it but I thought he might end up looking to much like a cook, although I might make it a bit longer. I based his apron off these guys.


Ha yeah, I think I might have heard about that gang. They should be easy to attack as I don't think there's many of them left :smile.:

Got 3 painted!











I wanted them to be similar but not too much like a uniform, so they all have varieties of brown but with red jackets and purple tabards.

Pretty happy with them, now to do the other 5, will hopefully be playing my first game next week! :) 



Damn it. Stop making me want to put down my paintbrush and make a mess with bits and styrene. And all of you stop making me want to start a Necromunda gang. My willpower can only remain strong for so long...


Really like the use of styrene, and then you went and added icing to the cake with all the greenstuff refining and detailing? *rolls his eyes* Yes please, take these awesome characterful detailed models and just double down on them with more. I approve.

I've almost finished painting the gang, should have photos up later today or tomorrow, thought I'd put up some highlights from my first ever necromunda game yesterday!


It was against eschers on zone mortalis boards and it took about 4-5 hours as we are both noobs and had to stop every 5 minutes to check the rules. And even then we forgot HEAPS of stuff (which I think is fair for a game as complex as necromunda). My bounty hunter was disappointingly useless, getting seriously injured turn 1 by a chem thrower then spending the rest of the game crawling around behind cover.

August Grimm (Champion) got some good shots in with his harpoon launcher, downing the Escher leader allowing Bishop to come in for a coup d'grace.

The Hero of the game though was Badger. After blasting the Escher champion into an open furnace with his combat shotgun, on the next turn he managed to pin a ganger, who then failed her Initiative check and fell into the furnace. :) He was however, coup d'graced in the last turn as the few remaining Eschers fled the board, but he's ok!

In the end I won, got some rep and some turf and It was a pretty fun game even if it was a long one (it didn't help that i kept missing, but also making all my armour saves)




Damn it. Stop making me want to put down my paintbrush and make a mess with bits and styrene. And all of you stop making me want to start a Necromunda gang. My willpower can only remain strong for so long...


Really like the use of styrene, and then you went and added icing to the cake with all the greenstuff refining and detailing? *rolls his eyes* Yes please, take these awesome characterful detailed models and just double down on them with more. I approve.

Thanks, That's a big compliment coming from you! maybe you should put down the paintbrush and make a mess, it's my favourite part of the hobby! :)


Excellent work!

Have a soft spot for the Orlocks as they were my gang in old Necromunda.

Thanks :) 


Well done. Are the purple tabards meant to ID them as royalty, or back up the gangers' claims they're descendants of royalty? Are they Slaanesh worshipers? Or do they simply like the color?

Thanks, to be honest I just like the colours, although I knew they were royal colours so I kinda thought it's them trying to 'dress above their station' trying to act like they're fancy and classy and not just as poor as everyone else :)


Killer stuff here, they'll be a joy to play with :smile.:

Thanks, and yeah they were! :)

Finished panting the gang!



Debon Keen






August Grimm






Badger (I think his name is even more fitting now that he's painted)


I'm really happy with these, although I think the eyes could be better but I've already had a few attempts on them. But I think it'll do.

I might put some lahmiam medium on their coats as they've come out a bit shiny for some reason, especially Debons.



Finished painting the Dome Runner!




I was originally going to paint him to match my gang, but I decided to paint him in more 'generic' colours so i can use again if I make any other gangs (Which honestly I almost certainly will). I just figured it out one colour at a time without really thinking about the finished colour scheme. Now that he's finished he kinda reminds me of someone...


I'm gonna call him LaForge :)




Well done. Is "Badger" a reference to Mark Sheppard's character in 'Firefly' and 'Serenity'?

Thanks, I was actually looking through different name generators and kept seeing animal names, I liked the idea but none of the animals really suited, then I thought of Badger I figured it suited him pretty well. Then about 3 days later I remembered Badger from Firefly....I think it still works :)


Awesome work dude!

Thanks :)


They're brilliant.

Badger kinda reminds me of Mike from Spaced.

Thanks, I hadn't noticed that but yeah, He totally does! :)


Fine work, sir.

Thanks :)


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