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brettfp does Necromunda (Update June 5)


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So I played 2 more games this week,the first one my gang was ambushed and sadly Badger (the hero of last game) was killed :( Eventually I'll get another ganger with is gear, call him Bodger :). The second game was against Kroot (using Cawdor rules) and it also didn't go well as my leader and champion ended up in recovery :( 


but anyway, onto some pictures

Here's an ammo-jack



over on the yaktribe forums, they're having a comp to make pets for necromunda, so I've started on a Hive-Cat


Still a lot of work to do, I've been using my own cat for reference and since he is a small fluffy potato this cat will also be fluffy (which should hide some of my crappy sculpting skills)



Are pets usable in-game, the way Fenrisian wolves are? Or will the hive-cat be a mere decoration- an objective marker at most?

Forgeworld previewed a bunch of pets for necromunda they're releasing soon-ish, so presumably there'll be rules for them. So, no, no rules yet but hopefully soon :smile.:

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Everyone,

So it's been almost a month since I've posted anything, partly because my camera has been playing up (the following photos were taken with my phone, so some of them are a bit blurrier than i'd like) But the main reason I haven't posted in a while is I've been busy moving house :)

One of the upsides to moving into a bigger house is that I now have a room all to myself for hobby (whereas before half of the room was full of my wife's craft stuff) so now I can have a proper set up and have my models on display :)




Anyway, onto the models!


I built to more member of 'The Wilde Cavaliers'



A ganger called Flynn and Heavy Stubber champion called Krow Swift.

I'm really happy with how Krow's tricorn hat came out :)


Also made a bit of progress on the Hive-Cat



I've mostly been slowly adding fur to it with leftover GS form working on other models, but I did add a ball of fur for him to play with :)



I've also started some cultists for a chaos cult gang


These 2 were just made with bits but I've ordered some models and they should be here next week!

I'll go into the background for this gang once I have some more models started





Is Bodger just a play on Badger, or actually a reference to the TV show Bodger and Badger?

Just a play on Badger, I've never heard of the TV show, not sure if It aired in Aus, and even if it did I'm too young to really remember it :)


Amazing conversion work! And your painting compliments it greatly+

Thanks heaps!


Wow, what a great thread! Really like how seamless the robes look on the gang leader. Ammo Jack is very cool as well, great use of that servitor body! Looking forward to seeing the hive-cat!

Thanks! I've put a lot of work into the robes, I'm glad it payed off! :)

Finished making the Hive-Cat



I'm happy with how it turned out, I'll hopefully start painting it tomorrow, I plan to paint it to match my cat, Merkin.


This guy




Made some more for my chaos gang


A Witch


I can't really do much more until my necromunda bases arrive


'The Abyssal Monk' Disciple with Heavy Stubber


I'm gonna give him a ragged hood.


'The Dark Chorus' Disciple with Heavy Flamer


This guy is gonna have speakers on his back


The Chaos Cult gang is called 'The Shadowed Hand' I've started writing some background on them which I will probably put up with my next update :)




Great Orlocks! Looking forward to how your Chaos Cult pans out too :biggrin.:


Too young to remember Bodger and Badger?! (the true reality that I am 30 next year is sinking in :unsure.: )

Thanks! Well, I'm 30 in 2 years, so maybe I'm not too young to remember it and it just wasn't shown here. (Hope that helps)



You're making good progress. I'm surprised the coattails are square instead of pointy; were such coats fashionable at the same time as tricorne hats?

Thanks! If by time you mean the 41st Millennium, I don't know, haha. but seriously I have no idea, although the coattails on the champion are pointy, they just don't really show in that photo :) 

Finished Puddles the Hive-Cat



He's sitting quietly next to his master, Debon Keen.

Pretty happy, I wanted him to look like a haggard tom-cat.

came out looking alright I think :)


I've also decided to start making some terrain!


Some kind of Industrial thingy, still a fair bit of detail to add to this.




Absolutely spectacular modelling and painting! <3

Thanks! :)


Is the hive cat wearing glasses (so cute!) or sunglasses (so cool!)?

Nah, he just has one eye, the other is all closed up, alley cat style

So the stuff I'm using as rivets arrived, So I made some more progress on the terrain


I'm just waiting on the large rivets to arrive to put on the horizontal bands, other wise this is finished :)


I also made another one


It's some kind of tank, although in 40k it's probably called something like a 'Fluidic Depositarium'

I think I'm gonna add some support struts to the bottom and some big rivets then call it done!



This is the start of another something, probably gonna be a large generator








Haha, that cat! Wow! :biggrin.::thumbsup:



Great stuff! Puddles needs there own comic :smile.:

Thanks, that's not a bad idea....If only I was as good at drawing as I was at making models :)


Man that terrain is looking really cool so far. Puddles is great too! The ball of yarn gave me a chuckle, I half expected puddles to be playing with skulls instead. Looking forward to seeing more!

Thanks, Skull would have been a cool idea, but I wasn't sure he was 'cat-y' enough so I really wanted to hammer it home :)

+Quick Update+


Made a prototype concrete barrier for use as partial cover


I made it from a spare bit of foam last night, and painted it up today, I have enough foam to make 2 or 3 more.

I think a handful of these will work :)




This is an awesome necromunda gang! I really love the cat lol


The Shadowed Hand


The Shadowed Hand are a heretical cult base around the visions of it's leader, Nepthys; The Black Priestess. They worship what they call “The Whispers on the Darkness”, voices coming from the warp that they can hear through meditation. Unbeknownst to the cult, these voices are actually the Gods and Daemons of Chaos, guiding them for their own nefarious purposes.


Fiercely devout and loyal to the cause of the cult, the members see it as their duty to fulfil every whim and request for 'The Whispers' as a form of worship and service to the faceless voices.


The name 'The Shadowed Hand' comes from a vision Nepthys received of a hand reaching out from the void, beckoning her towards it. This vision set her on her path to glory.



Finally got the stuff for my chaos cult gang :)



Ghoul (Cultist) this guy is finished now, he'll probably my test model for paint scheme.



Retch (Cultist) Now with arms! 





2 more Cultists that still need names.

I realised that these 2 look more....religious..I guess and the other 2 look more like mutant chaos cultits. As I'm planning on 6 Cultists I'll do 2 more of each type so I'll have 3 of each 'style' of cultist.



Made a start on the Maul and Shotgun for 'The Black Priestess'. I'm using the dark eldar Lhamaean model as a base for her.


And also a shotgun for a not yet started ganger


I made this while staying up late to watch the Warhammer Live stream about Gang War 3.


Also made 2 more barriers



So that's my big update!! :)



  • 2 weeks later...

So I finished building my Demagogue. 'Nepthys; The Black Priestess'



Her design changed quite a lot from what was in my head, but I'm pretty happy with the end result :smile.:

Apparently the chaos gods have given her strength beyond her appearance for someone so slight to hold such large weapons


Finished a disciple 'The Abyssal Monk'


Almost a head taller than anyone else in the gang, I see him as being the enforcer.


Added some more to the other disciple 'The Dark Chorus'


Now it's time to add a speaker tower to his back!


I got some work done on the witch (Still needs a name, any suggestons?)


Still a bit of work to do on her.


Also finished GSing some cultists





And started work on 2 more bringing my gang up to 1500 credits :smile.:







My friend was cleaning out his shed and sold me a bunch of old fantasy warhammer models for $50. having gone through it he way undercharged me. But there was a bunch of empire stuff which I used here and plan to use a lot more in conversions :smile.:


Also, my big rivets finally arrived so I finished my first piece of terrain


Hopefully should be painted soon :smile.:




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