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What would you want in future Primaris expansions?

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Unique to Primaris TDA armor pattern.


Something that properly exploits in a tactical way the fact that a TDA Primaris would likely be Wounds and Attacks 3, with the rest of the line normal Marine stats. Yes, give them a 2+/5++ save; that typed, what about a unique role, and if so, what?


Primaris flat out replacing Marines 1.0 seems to me to be a very bad and unwise idea; long term, I do like the concept of Marine model not dictating statline. The problem is, GW wants their new models to support their new paradigm; plastic Sisters should be number one, or, if need be, number zero on the GW models to make list.


I realize I am just one customer; I think unique Primaris battle roles is fine. The problem is thinking so far outside the box that any new Primaris units do both something new, and new enough to not infringe on regular SM squads' roles on the battlefield/table.

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I'd like the reivers to actually have the combat blades covered in a disruption field as described in Dark Imperium, which let them cut down plague marines pretty easily, so maybe AP -2, D2 Str U or something to make them actually worth taking as a terror shock unit.

As mentioned, I'd like breacher squads with a form of combat shield that can be teleported, but rather than bolt carbines give them an astartes style shotgun, high str, no AP, auto-hit or something that is fluffy with a shotgun, with the option to use power mauls.  Riot police marines essentially!

For a super elite unit, I wouldn't mind have a 3-man max terminator style unit, 2+/4++ 3 wounds toughness 5.  Maybe something along the lines of a hybrid gravis+cataphractii armor.


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I like the idea of an AP - (?) on the combat blades, but how would this effect the PL and Point cost? To many bells and whistles and Primaris start looking too much like Custodes (:()
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I like the idea of an AP - (?) on the combat blades, but how would this effect the PL and Point cost? To many bells and whistles and Primaris start looking too much like Custodes (:()

Make the AP a variable based on dice rolls, e.g., a "To Hit" roll of 6 will automatically make the weapon AP -1?

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A solid grav attack tank with no transport capacity but has different load outs to handle different threats.


A jump pack option for hq's


A solid CC option with just combat shields and heavy chainswords would be the :cuss


Maybe another weapon option heavy support squad similar to hell blasters?


Really just the hq thing. Other than that they're pretty solid.

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Regular Marines have never had great cc options. The Aggressors are already as good in cc as terminators.


All Primaris are decent because of volumes of attacks also.


BA and SW will probably get a dedicated unit un future however. BA might gain a cc focused Inceptor Variant, whilst wolves get Reivers with axes.

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Regular Marines have never had great cc options. The Aggressors are already as good in cc as terminators.


All Primaris are decent because of volumes of attacks also.


BA and SW will probably get a dedicated unit un future however. BA might gain a cc focused Inceptor Variant, whilst wolves get Reivers with axes.

:huh.: What have you been smoking ?

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I dispute Marines don't have decent assault troops or never have had. Honour Guard, Terminators and Vanguard want a word with you previous editions and the latter 2 in the current edition.


I also dispute Agressors are as good as Terminators in assault. They are slower moving because they can't teleport which means they'll lose models more readily before combat starts and lower squad sizes means they have less attacks.


I don't want to single you out but Primaris are average at best in assault. No one is scared of Intercessors assaulting their lines, or Inceptors charging in hoping for a Mortal Wound on a 6. It's the firepower and extra wounds Primaris are strongest with.


Don't get me wrong, having twice the number of attacks is nice but less numbers means it is negligible.


As such I think there is scope for a more elite Primaris assault unit. Perhaps a variant on Inceptors with dual Heavy chainswords that grant an extra attack and are -1 AP (so splitting attacks between the 2 weapons grants a total of 5 attacks per model). Maybe even Lightning Claws on them as an alternative?

Edited by Captain Idaho
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I should clarify, when I said Regular I meant Vanilla Marines.


I don't think Primaris are an assault army (Although BA do it pretty well!) but they are definitely decent. Regular Marines do indeed have a lot more options. I just look at units like Khorne Berzerkers will envy!

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From the way Guilliman seems to have developed the training and mindset of the Primaris, said Primaris are basically specialists. And, Marines 1.0 are all in some form or another, generalists, in terms of battlefield roles.


The real problem is, all I know as a player is that Marines 1.0 are the above, and Primaris, Marines 2.0, are stuck in their various specialist roles, until that changes, whenever GW decides it is time to change the new paradigm.


The rub here is that, while Primaris are in all ways superior stat wise, their points values reflect this as well. The ideal for me is that, given a single, Primaris value statline and points value, then, and only then, will both variants of Marines, 1.0 and 2.0, really be able to shine. A Primaris Tactical Marine Squad, be they either Primaris sized or NorMarines sized, would truly be a game changer. The problems would start in that unless the rules and transport capacities for Rhinos and Razorbacks are changed, any Squad or pack with even one Primaris model would be excluded from using either Rhinos or Razorbacks, on the table. Repulsors are great and all; they are also serious investments, points wise.


Still, only GW can shape their current paradigm; all I as a customer am able to do is inform them with feedback, constructive criticism, and purchases to try and best direct their interpretation of the WH40K setting, as it is written, and updated, at the time.

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I actually do want Primaris updated, but I'd like to see True Marines updated as well. I know people want to keep the same stuff they've used since Rogue Trader, but changing the range a little wouldn't kill anyone.


I'd like True Marines to go a Dark Imperium route - emphasis on less advanced tech. Maybe add new units like Boarding Squads.


For Primaris, Jetbikes and a combat unit would be nice. Also, something armed with a weapon other than bolt or plasma would be nice.

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If you want to get good at playing Primaris, I like suggest looking into Eldar tactics. As much as it might be nice to have Hellblaster or two in an Intercessors squad, it would take away one of the things that intrigue me about playing Primaris Marines.


That said ... a squad of las-talon grav-bikes and the equivilant to a couple grav-rhinos would be most welcome. :)

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they shouldn't get sniper rifles, as they dont fit their MO.

I could get behind them having an infiltrate rule though.



I don't think my list has changed particularly..

  • Veteran unit (fancier armour, maybe a few tabards and a bit more bling here and there) that has access to some close combat options and the ability to mix weapon types - think HH veteran squad but primaris style, this would be the one truly customisable primaris unit IMO.
  • Transport vehicle that is, as others have said, just a transport. Probably still anti grav though.
  • Jetbikes, probably with anti tank weapons.
  • Primaris Techmarine as others have said, feels like a really obvious fit considering primaris were developed by a mechanicus guy.
  • The Overlord! Larger version of the blackstar would be cool.
  • Potentially a more dedicated melee unit would be cool, but I think it'd be troublesome to do without stepping on existing marine units toes, having the change to reivers i suggest below plus a proper veteran unit would probably be fine for adding some "oomph" to primaris melee though tbh.
  • Increase Gravis Armour to grant +1 wound as well as the +1T - making inceptors and aggressors be 3 wounds each and gravis captains 7 wounds, possibly a small point increase for it (though i dont think it would be unreasonable for any of them to get that and remain the same cost tbh).
  • Make the Blades used by reivers be -1 AP seeing as they're described as crackling power blades, it would also make the blades more appealing to people.
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I don't feel we need another bulky infantry unit with a Power Fist. Gravis is very similar to Terminator armour in terms of ideas and theme. They definitely need +1 wound as so many weapons are now dealing 2 Damage.

If they were t5 with 3 Wounds and an extra attack I'd certainly build a unit of 5.

Edited by Ishagu
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