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What would you want in future Primaris expansions?

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there are a couple of reasons i suggest the wound increase for gravis:

  1. As mentioned, only having 2 wounds means there are a lot of weapons that outright kill them, it also means that they really dont feel much more resilient than regular primaris marines.
  2. They're described as being almost as defensive as terminator armour, I dont think they should get the 2+ save, thats a terminator thing, but the +1 toughness simply isnt enough to make a difference against too many things. +1 Wound is what terminators get, along with a 5++ (which aggressors also shouldnt get). so a combo of +1 T and +1 W vs +1 W a 2+ and a 5++ seems a reasonable way to differentiate the two suit types.
  3. I really want to like aggressors, but they die far too easily. Inceptors also die too easily for their points - both of those units are expensive, potentially useful but far too fragile for their points. The gravis captain is likewise too expensive for what he gets over regular primaris captains.
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Thing is gravis is ugly.

Potato armour with gorilla fists. Some new Primaris armour following the design of the Custodes one. Less ornaments obviously.

I'll stand by Termie armour for Primaris.

I have to say, gravis has grown on me, I'm really pleased with my custom gravis captain for example. And as a fun aside, i've never liked terminators (I have plenty, of all three varieties), the exception being tartaros which I thought looked a bit better, but not a lot.

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I don't care for Terminator armour at all, the regular design has really dated.

I like Cataphractii as a form of relic armour and it looks especially cool when used by Chaos Marines, but Tartaros is my favourite by some margin. I just love those mini Contemptors!

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Idk what primaris are, but I wish GW would make a fully fleshed out black templars upgrade kit for their new truescale marine line they put out with 8th.




Seriously tho. BT bits are all I care about. If I can't put BT bits on it, then I'm not interested.


Truescale (primaris) terminators would be pretty rad tho!

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I think it's all about fulfilling a role with Primaris and doing something that regular marines cannot do, all based around the idea of an aggressive battle style. Primaris are the shock troops in an army of shock troops


Breachers are something people have touched on and I like the idea - move in, take a point and hold it. But I don't think basic rifles would be the way to go for them. These guys should be the anti-assault unit and made to clear & secure the area/ drop zone. Agressors already have the whole "Flamers/ Grenades" thing covered, so my initial idea of a Boarding shield with build in grenade launcher that auto hits like a flamer but only fired in overwatch?


Jetbikes let's face it, they're a must. Single man however I don't think is the way to go. I quite like the idea of mix between a Land Speeder & Attack Bike. Primary Weapon options include Onslaught Gattling Cannon, Plasma Incinerator & Las-Talon - secondary would be some bolters I guess.


Drop Pod unsure on this one, don't want to tread on the old-boys toes... If they did get one however it would need to be really unique. I'm thinking designed to drop a few squads at a time, built in defensive weapons.

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I don't want to see any more Plasma Incinerators or Gatling Cannons on anything lol. Primaris have enough plasma and anti horde weapons as is.


I really like the Las Rippers on the Astraeus Hover Tank. I can imagine Jet Bikes armed with Las Rippers as fast moving vehicle and monster hunters.

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Cost would be my suggestion, although inceptors arent much more mobile than aggressors to be fair - aggressors move and run and shoot with no penalties so have a movement speed between 6 and 11. vs inceptors speed of 10.

Speaking of which, gravis captains should have the same rule to move, run and shoot IMO.

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Just get rid of the old boys. They are a thing of the past now. Grav rhino for Primaris. Do it.

=][= Enough with the Trolling =][=
Trolling? It's stated in the canon. Even Guilliman in dark Imperium sees that the way forward within the chapters is with Primaris. And they need a cheap transport, following the grav theme, a grav rhino or any variance of it would be welcome.


How about special weapons other than Plasma? How about some Hellflamers? Or Meltablasters?


Also would like to see variant units that (imo) are less goofy looking.

Im adamant that they should keep with classical look. New variations of it of course, like MKX armour. It's new, shiny, but still retains the classic look of power armour.

Edited by Sete
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I'm on board with the less goofy looking units and have advocated reimagining of specialized legion units  for the 41st millennium


Other ideas....


souped up Auto-cannon/ Grenade launcher supports squads, with a variety of ammo types for dealing with specific enemies...  


A support squad armed with variants of assault bolters jacked from interceptor 


Some sort of replacement for Honor Guard/First company veterans for primaris only chapters, I imagine them like a melee oriented veteran tactical squad from 30k. Maybe More analogous to the templar brethren of old (but without artificer armor)

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Idk what primaris are, but I wish GW would make a fully fleshed out black templars upgrade kit for their new truescale marine line they put out with 8th.


Seriously tho. BT bits are all I care about. If I can't put BT bits on it, then I'm not interested.

Truescale (primaris) terminators would be pretty rad tho!

Who needs BT bits? They look pretty boss with a good paint job.


Ok maybe some more robes/tabard MKX models would be nice so I can make some propper Sword Brothers.

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Just get rid of the old boys. They are a thing of the past now. Grav rhino for Primaris. Do it.

=][= Enough with the Trolling =][=
Trolling? It's stated in the canon. Even Guilliman in dark Imperium sees that the way forward within the chapters is with Primaris. And they need a cheap transport, following the grav theme, a grav rhino or any variance of it would be welcome.

How about special weapons other than Plasma? How about some Hellflamers? Or Meltablasters?

Also would like to see variant units that (imo) are less goofy looking.

Im adamant that they should keep with classical look. New variations of it of course, like MKX armour. It's new, shiny, but still retains the classic look of power armour.

=][= It's inflammatory and trolling because this topic is what new models should Primaris receive. What's that got to do with your opinion on existing Marines? I'll answer for you - nothing.


Not to mention you don't know the source as it wasn't Guilliman who said classic Marines are numbered but an actual Primaris Marine...


So on that note, we'll see this as done since warnings are normally given for deliberately taking a thread off course with inflammatory discourse that could be interpreted as trolling - and I'm sure that you weren't intended to do that... =][=

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An extra wound on them....seriously it seems every new codex being released has an easy way to spam 2 damage attacks. >.<


Some variant on weapons would be good, but to be honest we don't really need a massive variation in squads. Even with all the variety we have for devs, tacs, etc the good builds always tend to be the same/similar. It reminds me of World of Warcrack talent builds back in Vanilla; plenty of choice but only 1/2 competitive builds.


Really all primaris need are a good CC unit, some more transport options and some way to boost up the specialists/officers with a bit of speed.

Edited by justicarius6
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Don't overreact please. You are blowing things out of propotion, when you could just deleted the "trolling" part of the post. Spare me the drama.


Like a said previously, cheap transport is needed, along with a dedicated close combat unit.

While the reivers do allow for some shenanigans on the backlines, a battleline unit charging out of a transport should be an option for Primaris.

While the current units fill a niche on the SM range, eventually they will start treading on each other toes.

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Idk what primaris are, but I wish GW would make a fully fleshed out black templars upgrade kit for their new truescale marine line they put out with 8th.


Seriously tho. BT bits are all I care about. If I can't put BT bits on it, then I'm not interested.

Truescale (primaris) terminators would be pretty rad tho!

Who needs BT bits? They look pretty boss with a good paint job.


Ok maybe some more robes/tabard MKX models would be nice so I can make some propper Sword Brothers.

That is some nice work! But to answer your question.. me... I need BT bits... honestly if we don't get a new model soon I'd be concerned, it has been a very long time. Especially since imo we won't see any (or many) new non primaris marines in the forseeable future. But who knows.

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Guys can we please be a bit more friendly around here? The hallowed halls of the Ultramarine forums are no place for squabbling.


*Edit* Whoops, this is the general space marine forum. Point still stands!

Edited by Ishagu
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What I meant, granted I could have been more clear, mea culpa, is that I would like to see the restrictions from transports lifted from Primaris. Would love to use Rhinos and Drop pods with them. But fair enough there is probably future releases that will cover those options.

Which I'm eagerly waiting for.

I just want some squads with chainswords and power weapons. Also a Captain with lots of options on sprues so we can do "our" dude.

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