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What would you want in future Primaris expansions?

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Actually, having a squad of reivers as a head-hunter squad armed with sniper rifles wouldn't be a bad idea.  Fast attack, 5 man squad max, can infiltrate.  Similar to the recon squads of horus heresy.  Sniper rifles can be souped up stalker pattern bolt rifles, heavy 1, AP-2, Str 4, on a 6 to wound is a mortal wound.  Plus getting a long barreled bolt rifle to look like a 50 cal barret would be pretty bamf.  


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Definitely more options for characters. There's no customisation for Primaris which really bothers me about GW with this new release.


That and a cheaper transport. Drop Pod wouldn't be crazy either would it?

You know, with the discription of the repulsors in Dark Imperium, I was surprised they didn't come with some kind of deep strike mechanic. It's literally a drop tank. What a missed opportunity. If I'm remembering that right.


If we do end up getting a cheaper dedicated transport, a rhino/drop pod hybrid would be cool. Deploy it normally or with its own native deep strike rule.

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For me it's

HQ techmarine


FA jetbikes or a heavy weapons landspeeder


Elites a dedicated CC option


Heavy Lasblasters but with different options like the other kits assault/rapid/heavy with heavy being standard lascannons.


Transport - basic a replusor with only 3 small hardpoints so no turret or front gun


But the thing I'd like most personally is for chapter tactics to apply to vehicles as it seems like a massive oversight in the light of later dexs.

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What I meant, granted I could have been more clear, mea culpa, is that I would like to see the restrictions from transports lifted from Primaris. Would love to use Rhinos and Drop pods with them. But fair enough there is probably future releases that will cover those options.

Which I'm eagerly waiting for.

I just want some squads with chainswords and power weapons. Also a Captain with lots of options on sprues so we can do "our" dude.


That's the hope and dream right? Fully customizable captains and lieutenants would be awesome. And yah, still wanting that CC unit to smack some khorne berzerkers around.

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Actually, having a squad of reivers as a head-hunter squad armed with sniper rifles wouldn't be a bad idea.  Fast attack, 5 man squad max, can infiltrate.  Similar to the recon squads of horus heresy.  Sniper rifles can be souped up stalker pattern bolt rifles, heavy 1, AP-2, Str 4, on a 6 to wound is a mortal wound.  Plus getting a long barreled bolt rifle to look like a 50 cal barret would be pretty bamf.


What you describe is an attractive unit ... but then who would ever use Sniper Scouts? As Raven Guard faction player who wants to play all Primaris, I’d be all over it,but I think they’re are some things we just will never see in the Primaris line. Scouts and Devestators topping the list.


The lack of character options is just ridiculous. I can live with limited tanks and transports at the start of a new line, but not having the rules to custom equip HQs in wargear similar to the troops they are leading is unfathomable.

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The Space Marine line is very bloated, though. I don't think we need all the models to receive Primaris variants in the future.

Do we need Assault AND Vanguard squads? No. Do we need Sternguard AND Veterans? No. Do we need THREE variants of Terminators? No.


Primaris literally need a fast moving bike or assault unit, a cheap transport and dedicated high damage ranged units. Also a flyer?

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Those all have a specific purpose.


Vanguard Veterans and Assault Squads literally do the same thing, one does is better.

Same with Veterans and Sternguard, although yes - you COULD give Veterans more CC weapon options but it's a waste to do so.


I'm saying there's a lot of redundant units in the Marine book, not that more units don't need Primaris variants.

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I'm sure you'll start to see some duplication in the Primaris line in time. Its just how GW does Space Marines and I don't think they will change that. Basic unit, veteran/venerable version of it, several chapter specifc specialised versions of it and alternate armour pattern versions of it. Works for me, lots of nice model variation.


Intercessors and helblasters are really just another variation of the tactical and devastator squads anyway.


I would bet lots of money there will soon be an Indomitus Veterans Primaris squad which will basically be an intercessor squad that can take some special weapons and/or close combat weapons, and has slightly more bling.

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Hmmm. Since we are purely wishlisting:


• Heavy thunder hammer reivers for my DW. Maybe dual power axe reivers.

• melta or mini-onslaught hellblasters.

• Power Sword and plasma pistol available on all power armored Primaris sergeants.

• Seige Redemptor with twin close combat arms and a top mounted anti-infantry weapon.

• cheaper transport.

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Primaris wants:


* Cheap Transport, like the humble Rhino

* Long range shooting, the Primaris Units have surprisingly little

* CC units with AP modifying weapons (Reivers stuck with their combat knives... awesome against T3 models)

* Named Characters

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Do Primaris really need named heroes? They really haven't been around that long and they wouldn't be the first "army" to not have heroes. Plus it would mean that they would have to find ways to cram yet more heroes into the SM codex.
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Do Primaris really need named heroes? They really haven't been around that long and they wouldn't be the first "army" to not have heroes. Plus it would mean that they would have to find ways to cram yet more heroes into the SM codex.

They've been around for 200+ years in the time line at this point. Also, if there are Captains, then there should be the potential for named ones.


Isn't the Blood Angel Lieutenant *named*?



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Do Primaris really need named heroes? They really haven't been around that long and they wouldn't be the first "army" to not have heroes. Plus it would mean that they would have to find ways to cram yet more heroes into the SM codex.

They've been around for 200+ years in the time line at this point. Also, if there are Captains, then there should be the potential for named ones.


Isn't the Blood Angel Lieutenant *named*?



He is, and so is the DA Primaris Lieutenant.


We definitely need some unique characters - one for each Chapter at least!

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I would actually like to see an ultima founding primaris supplement that could be used with any of the space marine codices.  That way we could get some more fluff on the ultima founding, add some special characters, and a few new units or options to existing ones (plus, maybe even some special units for certain chapters!).  Really, I just want some more flavor and customization to be added to the primaris.  I like the new models, but I just feel that they have too few options to really make them feel unique.  Characters and sergeants especially need options, the lack of customization and weird arbitrary restrictions (I know it got FAQed, but why would they only let dark angels take power swords and blood angels take chainswords!?) is really my only issue with the primaris line.

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