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What would you want in future Primaris expansions?

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Transfer sheets! A whole shed load, covering everything from (Primaris new chum) Chapters to Astra Militarum regiments, Mechanicum skittari and, especially acsheetvof random "Imperial style" symbols that can be used for Warzone/Crusade indicators. Considering its importance in the current timeline you'd think GW would have come up with a trademark-able symbol for Guilliman's big crusade.
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I want Black Templar Primaris Crusader squad - Intercessors with Chainswords with option for each 5 man a member of this squad can get a special close combat weapon in addition to the Seargent (Sword Brother) and still the option to make them Veterans.


And a Primaris Emperors champion.

Edited by Medjugorje
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Reading this thread has been interesting to see which predictions panned out and which didn't.


I'd still like to see a dedicated CC unit of some kind. Since Primaris units seem to give everybody decent weapons instead of 1-2 guys with super awesome guns and 3-8 guys with filler, they wouldn't even need full on power weapons. Something equivalent to chainaxes or Tzaangor blades, plus a decent delivery method and 2-3 attacks base, would be plenty to make me happy.

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Tacticus Firstborn Squad:

Basically just make bigger tacticals and fluff it as tacticals that crossed the rubricon. Let them take some traditional wargear.


Do the same for Assaults and Devs.


Failing that...




And heavy bolters etc etc


Give Veteran Intercessors options to kit themselves out sergeant-style.


Drop pod rules. Just let them use the drop pod.

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For Reivers to be really good their combat blades should be straight damage 2 and -2 AP.

I’d agree but we’d be likely looking at a point hike with that big a bump which personally I’d like to avoid since Primaris are so expensive. Might even challenge Aggressors in the Elite slot. They be an auto include with Raven Guard.

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  • 1 month later...

After a break from Primaris wishlisting... here we go again: note, this doesn’t even rate a snowballs chance in hell of happening.


Tacticus Breacher Squad - primaris boarding shield and bolt carbines that can be switched out for chainswords. Defensive grenades and maybe even Repulsor tech on the shield. Anti charge unit. Bolt carbines can also be swapped for primaris shotguns, less range, more oomph.


Tacticus Assault Squad - jump packs (optional), more traditional looking, less whatever the hell is on Shrikes back. I would enjoy primaris hand flamers and primaris chainswords. Maybe even three levels of chain weapons. Sword, axe, and an option to forgo hand flamers for two handed chain blades (the name escapes me).


Tacticus Devastator Squad - all primaris heavy bolters. Can be switched for missile launchers with various warhead types or Las cannons.


Tacticus Melta Squad - Primaris melta guns, in assault, rapid fire and heavy versions.


Tacticus Grav Squad - Primaris graviton guns in assault, rapid fire and heavy versions.


Primaris Flamer Squad - Primaris flamers in assault, rapid fire and heavy versions.


Primaris Tactical Squad - no new models, take three Intercessors and 2 of any combo of hellblasters, flamer Squad, melta Squad, grav squad. But all guns have to be of the same type IE assault/rapid fire/heavy. If running heavy weapons, may take Devastator Squad marines as well.


Stand Alone Tacticus Ancient - let me give him power weapons or a choice of one of the three bolt rifle variants.


Tacticus Company Champion - primaris combat shield and power sword.


Primaris Tacticus Legacy upgrade pack - various primaris helmets that look like retooled Mk. 5/6/7 ones. Banded shin guards and Mk 6 and 7 style legs. Various older looking chest pieces as well. Upgraded Godwyns/Phobos/umbra/Tigris bolt guns that look modified to be bolt rifles.


And last but not least:


Primaris Terminators that look like this:




Forgive the rushed link.


Do this and I’ll be ok with whatever Phobos and gravis and omnis you throw at me. I just want an army of Tacticus ground troops.

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Tacticus Melta, Grav, and flamer squads could be rolled into the Suppressor kit. Melta heavy 1 18”, rapid fire 1 12”, Assault 3 9” has some appeal to me.


Definitely need a Primaris Company Champion with an option to drop all weapons for a Relic Blade....this is a wishlist.


For the Devastator Squad 3-6 Missile Launchers with the Impulsor missile launcher anti-air.

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Primaris aren't going to repeat past unit design philosophy. You won't see a Primaris Troop unit repeat the Tactical squad equipment distribution.

Of course not. The old unit design philosophy had options, bits, and player choice.

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Primaris aren't going to repeat past unit design philosophy. You won't see a Primaris Troop unit repeat the Tactical squad equipment distribution.

Of course not. The old unit design philosophy had options, bits, and player choice.



Until the day we see Firstborn removed, Primaris are going to be restrictive in choices. They've said this is to make sure the Firstborn still have a role. Primaris get better stats, Firstborn get flexibility. Why bother taking Firstborn if Primaris get everything the Firstborn do, but are better in every way?

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Primaris aren't going to repeat past unit design philosophy. You won't see a Primaris Troop unit repeat the Tactical squad equipment distribution.

Of course not. The old unit design philosophy had options, bits, and player choice.

Having useful units out of the box is better than meaningless choice. A bunch of pistol options that no one ever takes, as an example.

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