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HH 50: Born Of Flame


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The giant XVIIIs on his kneepads are what gets me, he looks like some Salamanders superfan, bedecked in his finest memorabilia. 


Hard pass on this one, while Kyme has slowly improved over time, by that same logic I shudder to imagine reading something he made before Vulkan Lives.

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I've read Scorched Earth and I really enjoyed it, a lot more than I thought I would. There was a plot twist that absolutely caught me off guard, and I thought it a worthy read. Not too sure about the cover art for this new release though... 

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The one thing I'm concerned with is that if Immortal Duty is in this anthology, will that make it the first story that is reprinted in the main novel series, as it is already in Shattered Legions?


Same with Artefacts, which was in War Without End iirc. Thematically they make sense in Born of Flame, but I don't like it either, not one bit.

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The one thing I'm concerned with is that if Immortal Duty is in this anthology, will that make it the first story that is reprinted in the main novel series, as it is already in Shattered Legions?


Same with Artefacts, which was in War Without End iirc. Thematically they make sense in Born of Flame, but I don't like it either, not one bit.



Indeed, there's been overlap with various collections before, but this is the first time within the main numbered series. Seems a bit odd too: those -are- connected stories, but neither of them is essential to reading the novellas, and it's not as if those two are suddenly going to pad it out a lot.


Heck, Black Oculus, Iron Corpses and Eagle's Talon in Tallarn would've made more sense, at least then it'd be a complete Tallarn collection.



I am so pumped for more Salamanders, especially of the Kyme variety. When I think Horus Heresy, it’s definitely the fiery smiths in green, and I can’t wait to read about more of their exploits and how they influence the galaxy during this calamitous time. I can’t believe it’s been so long since we last saw what Vulkan was up to, but now my curiosity can finally be sated!!



Eh, it's just existing material, they were going to be collected at some point. At least this way those who really dislike his stuff can just skip over this one, rather than the novellas being bundled with other material such folks might want.


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To be fair, most of those will get a lot of screen time during the Siege so it makes sense to wrap up sone of the others’ stories now.


Ferrus got screwed though, and I’m not happy about Alpharius remaining so mysterious after so many appearances. Kept me from starting an Alpha Legion army - secretiveness is great for antagonists, but to play an army I need to know what the hell theyre trying to achieve.

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Some of these gaps will hopefully be filled in if the Heresy era remains as a general setting after the Siege is finished. There is easily more space to do character focused books taking place at different stages of the Heresy on the likes of Mortarion, Perturabo..without stepping on what has already been done.


I actually feel we ideally could have one or two more focusing on Horus. Though i enjoyed the book in some ways, Vengeful Spirit really dropped the ball on this, and as i remember it was mainly billed as Horus character piece, but ended up a battle book with quick power upgrade at the end.

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I do have most of the stories. I overall enjoy Kyme's work with a few exceptions like Deathfire. I agree that in general his works have improved over the years and I thought Old Earth was a great read and enjoyed it immensely. I agree scorched earth was good (have the stand alone). I also bought Sons of the Forge but only read the first 30 pages, maybe i will go back to finish it. I always enjoy Vulkan coverart, he seems so badass, it is a shame it doesn't carry over to the stories. I guess it is to maintain his portrayal more than some warlord.


I hope in the Siege stuff, he goes mental and kicks a little ass... 

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Are there any stories about Vulkan where we actually get to know him?


I feel like there’s a lot them with him in them, but not many with him in them.


Still haven’t read Old Earth so I could be wrong.

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I haven't read any beyond Promethean Sun, but it strikes me that no one ever talks about any little quirks or moments that flesh out Vulkan like they do with Jaghatai, Russ and other Primarchs.


Just realised that it looks like Vulkan's cross because a bird pooed on his pauldron...

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Another Vulkan story!? I’m not counting but it feels like there’s been a lot of them.


Plus it’s written by Kyme which does not bring me the warm joyous feeling I like to feel when I read HH novels.


Sad times.

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I haven't read any beyond Promethean Sun, but it strikes me that no one ever talks about any little quirks or moments that flesh out Vulkan like they do with Jaghatai, Russ and other Primarchs.


Just realised that it looks like Vulkan's cross because a bird pooed on his pauldron...


"Aww, I just washed this armour!"

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It's Not that people don't like salamanders, it's just they've had one author for eternity, unless they've made cameos in smaller numbers: damnation of pythos has my favourite salamander dude, even though the read is difficult for me, a few Graham McNeill novels with the sisypheum crew, and there's a short with them in saturnyne armour I think might not be kyme
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