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Mithril's, 2024 Army Challenge -T'au Army: WiP to Finished...


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++EDIT++ 03-03-2024

Started this army around 2018...Then it went by the wayside, around the year "2020" -I Found this start of an army in a crate in the spare room...brought it out and did a small amount of work on it...Fast forward to present day "2024" Dug it out of a Cupboard again, I think it's  time to actually remove it from my shame file!, Thankfully it Coincides nicely with the upcoming release of the 10th Edition T'AU Codex -For the Greater Good.



New Codex = Finish the Dang army, :laugh:

I have predominantly used Necromunda bases (although those new GW brand "Void War" bases look mighty tempting!!) 

I went for Castellan green worked up to Elysian highlights on all the fatigues for - pathfinders, Fire Warriors & Breachers,

anyway here's my first WiP- pathfinder


*Note - bases are not this cool shout out to the original tau colour scheme anymore. 

sorry for slightly blurred pic's , my phone camera is not the greatest :huh.:

cheers, Mithril

Edited by MithrilForge
Updated Topic. March 2024
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it doesn't look much different but he's done, will crack on and paint the rest of the unit as an assembly line and then base em & transfers at the end of the week hopefully..(i'm an awfully slow painter :blush.: )


Still trying to get better pics with the phone,i'll get there one day :happy.: ...


Edited by mithrilforge
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  • 1 month later...

Well i shelved working on the pathfinders when i heard about the ETL-VI so hopefully they'll reappear in a vow or two :biggrin.:

As to now, i have a breacher squad in the chamber ready to have paint fired at them but due to weather ...no paint as of yet!

so i worked on ETL-VI vow number 2 - a Crisis XV8 iridium commander with quad missile pods (thanks go to Triszin & Jud Cottrel for the idea's)

here he is -


med_gallery_9146_583_130271.jpg med_gallery_9146_583_275676.jpg

and also his Necromunda styled base, i wanted him to look like a suit that had the ability to sit back and shoot from the backlines (which he's designed to do anyways:wink: )

so tried to make the missile pods look like they had the ability to get a better line of sight but could sorta pop back down and become more streamlined when he chose to bug out and move to another firing position... i'm hoping to get some xv8 hands from shapeways to complete the suit

Cheers, Mithril

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@ JUD - thanks man, it's coldish type weather here so i'm twiddling my thumbs waiting for a chance to spray base coat my stuff... :mellow.:

perhaps i'll clean up his friends .

oh nice drones in your thread!!


Cheers, Mithril

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/4/2018 at 4:45 PM, Jud Cottrell said:

Looks good.

Very neat and smooth.

Really like the turquoise.

How did you find using the model holder?


Thanks for the feedback man :happy.: ,The Model holder works well,i still use pots with blu-Tac though as well :biggrin.:  i guess if i had like 10 of these i would be using them all !! they don't fall over easily(a good thing) and you can hold them comfortably. i recommend them if you have spare cash burning a hole in your pocket.


Cheers, Mithril


p.s. jud-  when are we going to see more Kroot??.      

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  • 1 year later...

Wow...Last post...2 years ago .... Dug these out yesterday and started working on them again...I really want that T'AU army now that shadowsun is all plastic (not just that but hey :biggrin.: )

plus I just want to finish this force...it's been sitting in a crate for a couple years in my spare room... :blush.:  ++ little did I know it'll be a few more years again++

Breacher (very WiP) -


at least this time I know the colours I'm using so I just need to actually not think and just put paint on the models...

shock horror (I actually took advice from panzer :laugh.: ) and changed the weapon fronts to simply white and grey...

more soon....


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Wow...Last post...2 years ago :ermm: .... Dug these out yesterday and started working on them again...I really want that T'AU army now that shadowsun is all plastic (not just that but hey :biggrin.: )

plus i just want to finish this force...it's been sitting in a crate for a couple years in my spare room... :blush.:

Breacher (very WiP) -


at least this time i know the colours i'm using so i just need to actually not think and just put paint on the models... :sweat:

shock horror(i actually took advice from panzer :laugh.: ) and changed the weapon fronts to simply white and grey...

more soon....


Hey I wasn't completely against the red. I just thought the partial red version looked better than the completely red one. :D

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