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  1. As a new year has started it’s time for another project! My son suggested that we theme our collection around the Eastern Fringe (we already have some Ultramarines and Nids) so the only thing missing was some T’au! The idea is to build 1250pts of each faction before we expand on them. So by the end we’ll have 3 full armies. So this will be the start of the T’au, the intention is for the Cadre to be as mobile as possible plus loads of Auxiliaries. Here’s the start, a Cadre Fireblade: I think I’ll add some snow to the base but apart from that I think he’s (For the Greater) good to go! Thanks for looking!
  2. ++EDIT++ 03-03-2024 Started this army around 2018...Then it went by the wayside, around the year "2020" -I Found this start of an army in a crate in the spare room...brought it out and did a small amount of work on it...Fast forward to present day "2024" Dug it out of a Cupboard again, I think it's time to actually remove it from my shame file!, Thankfully it Coincides nicely with the upcoming release of the 10th Edition T'AU Codex -For the Greater Good. Mithril New Codex = Finish the Dang army, I have predominantly used Necromunda bases (although those new GW brand "Void War" bases look mighty tempting!!) I went for Castellan green worked up to Elysian highlights on all the fatigues for - pathfinders, Fire Warriors & Breachers, anyway here's my first WiP- pathfinder *Note - bases are not this cool shout out to the original tau colour scheme anymore. sorry for slightly blurred pic's , my phone camera is not the greatest cheers, Mithril
  3. KY'VASH RECON CADRE CADRE FIREBLADE Cadre Fireblade Shas'el Yr'anto. Not all warriors of the Fire Caste seek to don the 'Mantle of the Hero' - a T'au Battlesuit - once their time amongst the infantry has come to an end. Those with the aptitude and inclination may instead remain on foot, leading the bulk of T'au military forces in up-armoured, quasi-powered armour based on the standard Firewarrior raiment. Such warriors are - usually, though not always - limited to the rank of Shas'el, partly due to the increased likelihood of death faced by infantry when compared to those who pilot battlesuits meaning few live long enough to earn that highest honour, the rank of Shas'O. Some do, however, often ending their service as backline generals and strategists, providing tactical support for the more combat-capable suit-pilot Shas'O. Note the Strike Team markings, both a reminder of Yr'anto's past, and signal of his chosen bodyguard unit. The infantry-heavy nature of the Ky'Vash Fire Caste has led to a higher proportion of such leaders among their number, with the majority of active - which is to say, non-training or tactics assigned - Shas'el serving as Fireblades, a term taken from the ubiquitous bonding knife that most wear as part of their combat raiment. It is common for such warriors to be the last remaining members of bonded infantry units, grizzled and prosthesis-enhanced veterans who serve as much as examples to younger warriors as they do as combat leaders. - So, I don't love the basic Fireblade model, it's a little wide, a little... awkward? As such, I've done some modifications to make this one a little more my speed. The arm is from the Pathfinder box, and the helmet is a basic Strike one, which is all I really needed to switch out to make a more restrained take. I have something planned for a second, Breacher-themed one, too, but that's for later. For now, wahey, that's my first vow done! The second is... Bigger. It'll all be showing up here, eventually. Also, what are our thoughts on the black helmet with big marking? I'm considering doing something similar for squad leaders. Maybe JUST the black, or half camo/half black. We'll see.
  4. KY'VASH RECON CADRE GHOSTKEEL STEALTH BATTLESUIT XV95- 'Ghostkeel' Battlesuit, piloted by Shas'vre Ay'aata. The still-developing industrial base of Ky'Vash precludes the deployment of some of the largest, and most expensive T'au battlesuits, as does the operational preference of the Sept Fire Caste. Having developed an identity that favours a mix of stealth, ingenuity, and a certain rugged self-sufficiency the most dramatic of T'au hyper-weapons have proven to be a poor fit. One exception, however, is the Ghostkeel. Despite the larger frame, and difficult material investment for the more specialised systems the XV95 has proven to be a fine addition to the Ky'Vash method of war, serving to provide anti-vehicle or elite infantry punch in ambush, and serving as a deployable mobile weapons platform able to keep up with the far-ranging Recon Cadre ground forces where suits such as the Broadside or Riptide would struggle. Both the primary and secondary armaments are able to be switched out between engagements, chosen based on forward observations made by Pathfinder scouting teams. Armed with heavier main weaponry than standard Crisis Suits, the main advantage provided by the Ghostkeel is a powerful suite of electronic warfare and photonic displacement systems. The suit is, of course, too large to be a true Stealthsuit, even behind a baffle of generated fields, but the various holographic projectors and sensor-baffles included within the hull make the Ghostkeel a difficult machine to target, let alone hit with most firepower that would be sufficient to take it down. It is for this reason that the suit includes a small 'hive' of sub-system drone minds, each slaved to one of the vital defensive systems of the suits, operating the various countermeasures faster than the living pilot could, even if they could split their attention from movement and weapon activation. The Cyclic Ion Raker, an example of suit-scale T'au Ion weaponry, rightly feared. As a specialised suit with limited command or communications functionality, the Ghostkeel is piloted by Shas'vre, similar to those who lead Stealthsuit Teams - and often, in fact, elevated from having done so for several years - and is often the final position held by a Fire Caste warrior who has moved through Pathfinder-sourced development streams. Some do eventually graduate to command positions as Shas'el, or even Shas'O, but most end their careers within the cockpit of an XV95, one way or another. - That was a delightful little project. The largest part of my current Call to Arms vow, this beast of a thing was assembled over the week, and painted in two long sessions this weekend. Full magnetised, too! Not, uh... Quite as finest done as I could have, but I'm sure the slight misalignment of the secondary weapons is hardly noticeable. I was worried that it wouldn't have enough camo on it, but it seems to have come together OK. The extra pop of bronze is nice enough that I may go add it to my Stealthsuits, too. Not worth doing on the basic infantry, but for anything more elite, or more shooty, it fits. Next up: a Fireblade!
  5. KY'VASH RECON CADRE STEALTH BATTLESUIT TEAM Stealth Battlesuit Team 01 - Shas'ui in XV25 Stealth Battlesuits with Burst Cannons, led by Shas'vre in XV25 Stealth Battlesuit with Fusion Blaster. Considered the natural progression for those Fire Caste warriors who serve as Pathfinders, elevation to the rank of Shas'ui allows - and, in fact, demands - training as a Stealth Battlesuit pilot. The XV25, only recently having made it to Ky'Vash alongside other more 'modern' battlesuit designs, is a point of minor consternation to those within the Recon Cadre. Traditionalists within the Ky'Vash Fire Caste consider the bulky, and situationally less flexible nature of the XV25 as compared to the previously favoured XV15 an inferior asset, though such opinions have begun to fade as the suit has proven itself compatible with the broader strategy of the Recon Cadre. While the XV25 has a highly effective stealth system, thus the designation, it retains the camouflage coating of all members of the Recon Cadre as a backup in the event of system failure. - They're just adorable chunky, aren't they? I quite like the old XV15's, but ultimately could not manage a printed/recast version of them that would work for me. Oh well. XV25 are fun, too, and they're VERY quick to paint! Possibly a bit too quick, that drybrushing is a bit dire. In my defence, I've basically run out of my grey, and went for completion rather than slow, steady progression so I wasn't left with anything un-brushed before I get a chance to go buy another pot. Probably back to space marines next, before I get back to the Tau for, depending on many things, either some fire warriors, fireblade, or Ghostkeel.
  6. KY'VASH RECON CADRE FIRESIGHT SNIPER TEAMS Firesight Sniper Teams 01-03 Firesight Sniper Team 02 - Shas'la with Longshot Pulse Rifle Variant & Shas'la Spotter Firesight Sniper Team 02 - Shas'la with Longshot Pulse Rifle Variant & Shas'la Spotter Firesight Sniper Team 03 - Shas'la with Longshot Pulse Rifle Variant & Shas'la Spotter Firesight Sniper Team 03 - Shas'la with Longshot Pulse Rifle Variant & Shas'la Spotter And with that, all three teams are complete! This has been a fun little project, something of a proof-of-concept that I can enjoy kitbashing Tau without losing the more uniform, military vibe I'm after for the army. It helps that I've always enjoyed the mini-diorama style of stand-in, where two smaller models stand in as one. I find it very characterful, and it helps me tell what would otherwise be very samey units into something memorable, which is important for Crusade where I'll eventually be fielding them. Overall, I'm very happy with how they turned out. Up next for the Ky'Vash Recon Cadre: Probably Stealth Suits!
  7. KY'VASH RECON CADRE FIRESIGHT SNIPER TEAM Firesight Sniper Team 01 - Shas'la with Longshot Pule Rifle Variant & Shas'la Spotter. While the Fire Caste of Ky'Vash make use of drones, like all T'au militaries, certain roles usually reserved for these sub-sapient AI constructs have instead been filled by specialist teams of Shas'la Pathfinders. Able to remain still and silent, even switching off their equipment to reduce their chance of being spotted by auspex scans, these two-Tau teams find ideal locations to pick off enemy officers and other high-value targets. The Longshot Pulse Rifle, while not as suitable for vehicle (or power armour) hunting as the rail rifle does allow for a higher rate of fire and reduced electro-magnetic signature, reducing the chance that the team will be slain by artillery or aerial strike before repositioning. The Longshot Pule Rifle resembles its Strike-Team equivalent, though with enhanced options and penetration power, at the cost of reduced shots per recharge. Often considered to be the natural stepping-stone between Pathfinder and Stealth Suit pilot, these sniper team positions are given only to the most promising of Shas'la, especially those who show aptitude for stealth and accuracy over the leadership capabilities that would otherwise see them groomed for Pathfinder team command positions. - This is one of the models I had in mind when I first decided to build a Tau army for 2024. I love making little mini-dioramas with multi-model bases, and as nice and drones are they never seemed appropriate for a sniper. This was built primarily from the Pathfinder kit, with the pulse rifle (and arms) from the firewarriors kit, and gun lightly enhanced with a larger scope. I did some minor cutting and positioning, but this was basically just a kitbash and base sculpting project. I think it came out quite nice! I have two more of these to do, one of which is being dry-fit as we speak.
  8. KY'VASH RECON CADRE PATHFINDER TEAM 01 DRONE SUPPORT Pathfinder Team 01 - Drone Support. Gun, Marker, and Recon Drone. Techpriests of the secretive, and tightly monitored Xenocybernetica have performed extensive investigations into the 'Drones' employed in battle by the T'au Empire. These creations, seemingly autonomous or semi-autonomous in combat were initially suspected to be a budding form of Abominable Intelligence, though such fears have been largely quieted. The programming that drives T'au drones appears to be sub-sapient, and incapable of self-modification, its ability to act without direction merely the result of brute computing power, and a database of potential actions, rather than true 'intelligence'. It has been claimed, by some, that they could be a form of alien 'Machine Spirit', foul a thought as that may be. The T'au of Ky'Vash make extensive use of these constructs in battle, especially the large and well-armed recon drones utilized by Pathfinder Teams as weapons support and communications hubs, extending the operational range of these units before and during engagements. Some, often more veteran teams are known to mark their drones with kill-counters and mottos, marking their stealth-coated casings with small signs of ownership and care. Gun and Marker drones, directly guided by a Pathfinder Drone-Control Specialist. Recon Drone providing fire support for elements of the Pathfinder Team. - Finally! Took me long enough to get a warm, dry, and not too windy day to spray these little guys! I haven't painted a drone in the better part of 20 years, so it was fun to go back. The camo looks alright on the larger, flat tops, though I think I could have made the colour patches a bit larger. I'll mess around with the next set. With that, the Pathfinder Team is done! I'm pretty happy with how they came out. I'll be grabbing a squad of Firewarriors next, though that may not be immediate. Always important to ensure the pile of shame is under control before making it larger, right? Probably some more marines in my immediate future.
  9. KY'VASH RECON CADRE PATHFINDER TEAM 01 Pathfinder Team 01, Pulse Carbines & Rail Rifles. Active in Sub-Sector Vyndax, the Fire Caste of minor sept world Ky'Vash lacks some of the heavier equipment of the core septs, but has proven to be a thorn in the side of Imperial colonial and extractive concerns within the region. Ordo Xenos representatives in the Sub-Sector have tracked reports of T'au recon and infiltration forces on multiple worlds, striking from hidden forward bases and ambushing supply convoys in the less industrialized and built-up Imperial holdings. Ky'Vash Pathfinder units range ahead of more substantial units and support platforms, quite literally 'finding paths' for less mobile segments of the strikeforce in the dense woodlands found on many of the once-terraformed worlds of Vyndax. Shas'la with Pulse Carbine. Shas'la with Rail Rifle. Shas'la Drone-Control Specialist. Shas'ui Team Leader. Note the bonding knife attached to her fatigues. - New Year, New Army! Also new blog, because it was about time. We'll see how I like doing things in here. Having spent most of 2023 building a non-optimal, primarily infantry space marines army, I've decided to do something different for 2024: That, but with T'au. Look, I like infantry! They're fun! This will, eventually, have a Hammerhead and maybe some Crisis Suits, but for now we're doing camo-clad footsloggers. The camo itself is a mix of AUSCAM woodland camo with what appeared to be a one-off Tau Piranha model I found online from like... 2018. This will be the standard scheme for the whole army, though the Pathfinders have more cloth, and thus actually less camo than the Firewarriors will have. Probably. I may end up leaving them with more black armour, we'll see what happens. Drones are pending, we've had some MOIST days, so they're waiting on my painting desk, unprimed.
  10. In keeping with my other armies I will run a WIP for my as yet unpainted T'au before posting the completed models in my Kavaal Korst'la'sha'is thread. As I work through the list I will try to remember to post any details such as magnetisation techniques, tips etc but expect this thread to progress in fits and stops as I am currently bouncing between DA/AM and T'au trying to clear a massive backlog due to my well known addiction to grey plastic acquisition... So to start with here is the T'au painting backlog... HQ Commander Farsight x 2 (old style) Commander Shadowsun Troops Firewarriors x 78 Kroot x 9 Kroothounds x 8 Elite XV8 Battlesuits x 13 Fast Piranha x 2 Pathfinder x 22 Drones x 71 Sun/Razor Shark x 3 (magnets will be involved at some point) Heavy XV88 Broadside x 4 (New style) XV88 Broadside x 2 (Old style) XV88-2 Broadside x 1 Hammerhead/Devilfish x 4 Skyray x 2 Along with these there is also the need to repaint all of the old scheme models - it may take a while
  11. Tau Forces of Thal'asa: Shan’al Aloh’shas – The Cold Fire Coalition http://i.imgur.com/H5ACvaJ.jpg Home World No Man's Land “Why do we keep answering the humans’ calls for parlay?” the younger Shas’la mused, “We come willing to make peace, and every time, they undermine it, and we are at war again.”“It’s as the Aun’el says; we are the river and they, the rock,” Answered his Shas’ui with a shrug, “It is inevitable that they will be worn down, whether to acceptance of the Greater Good, or oblivion. All we need to do is be patient.” “We could take them though. If they could get help, they would have by now. We could—” “Trust your Ethereal, boy.” Thal’asa (alternatively called Taal’asa) is a world of shallow acidic seas and rocky, windswept continents. Within scant decades of its colonization, the surface is now dotted by biodomes in which the colonists shelter from the great storms that roam both land and sea. Under the care of the T'au terraforming engines, what was once highly corrosive acid rain and seas has become only mildly acidic rain and seas, now navigable by conventional T'au vehicles. Though it is still hazardous to be exposed directly to the elements, it is only a matter of a few years before the planet’s water becomes tolerably safe. The sector Thal’asa occupies is fairly spacious, but on the far side of it sits an isolated Imperial mining world, Acro, with which Thal’asa has experienced ongoing conflict. Like Acro, Thal’asa has valuable mineral deposits, mostly concentrated on the beds of its seas. Most of the Cadre’s battles have been fought to gain footholds on Acro, repel invasions from Acro, and in boarding actions against fleets from Acro. Interestingly, the two forces have often joined to repel incursions from roving Orc fleets, and against all odds a burgeoning black market has developed in both cultures for small goods and novelties from the other. Organized near the beginning of the fifth sphere expansion, simultaneously with the colonization of Thal’asa, The Cold Fire Coalition is the main protection and expeditionary force for the sept. Most Cold Fire cadres specializes in ambush tactics using both Kayon and Mont’ka philosophies. Kauyon strategies center around a “spark” unit or units intended to lead hostile to a kill zone, “igniting” fire from the carefully placed ambush units. Mont’ka maneuvers usually target moving columns. As is typical of T'au, the cadres avoid sieges, attrition warfare, and protracted battles wherever possible, and they manage to be fairly successful with this approach despite operating most often in claustrophobic urban environments. Due to their often limited space in ground battles, the coalition favors battlesuits, Piranhas and strong air support over heavy vehicle deployments. Rather than a dedicated armored interdiction cadre, the handful of Hammerhead tanks and Sky Ray gunships in the coalition form a reserve cadre that provides armor to other cadres and contingents on an as-needed basis. Organization +++Hanyon Hive Outpost. . .Acro+++ Gir’hos stood at a window overlooking the battlefield in the distance. The door behind him hissed open, framing Hollowheart in the doorway. She entered unbidden, but the guards didn’t stop her, and she stood silently. He felt her eyes on the back of his head, felt her aggression. Some thought of her as calmer than her brothers and sisters from Vior’la, but he knew better. She was, if anything, more hot-blooded, just better at controlling it. He reminded himself how closely she needed to be watched. “I’m told you have some new intelligence on our enemies, Commander,” he said evenly. “Ostensibly, Aun’el,” came the reply, terse, clipped, “I believe we have an actionable lead on the source of the attack that killed Aun’o Ai’tor. The gue’la...were not responsible.” “I see,” he turned at last, and nodded to the honor guard, “Some privacy, please.” The two guards stepped silently out of the room, and the door slid closed. “Tell me, Commander. What have you found.” Shas’o Taal’asa Tsai’ran – Commander Hollowheart Thal'asa Central Command “Have you noticed anything curious about the Commander recently?” asked Lastinglight under her breath. “Yeah, she’s much angrier than she was yesterday. She about tore my face a new hole over the state of my battlesuit this morning,” Stunningsword grumbled, waving his spoon. “That’s not what I mean. Meeting Aun’el Gir’hos always seems to...wear on her.” “Mmm,” Stunningsword nodded sagely, “bearing the weight of an Ethereal’s counsel is surely an intense experience.” Lastinglight opened her mouth to answer, but paused and thought better of it, shaking her head. Hollowheart was raised and trained on Vior’la and was a veteran of the third sphere expansions who entered cryogenic stasis in anticipation of future expansions. She was fortunate to have escaped the fate of the fourth sphere and been awakened for the fifth. She led the coalition in colonizing Thal’asa, then known as the Thal’asa Expeditionary Force, and then reformed it into the Cold Fire coalition once the planet became an official sept world. As a gesture of commitment to the colonies, she replaced her sept of origin name with that of their new world. As her personal name suggests, Hollowheart is coldly efficient, presenting a steely and aloof demeanor to her troops and enemies alike. She fully embodies the aggression that Fire caste warriors of Vior’la are known for, but has never shared their typical hot blooded temperament. On the battlefield she rarely takes prisoners and enemies who turn down her first demands for surrender are unlikely to get a second chance. Her name has become an epithet among the humans defenders of Acro. Other Leadership Aun’el Thal’asa Gir’hos - The Empire’s interests in the Thal’asa sept were originally overseen by a small council of young but experienced Ethereals. During the initial campaigns to secure the region, however, a series of daring attacks from operatives of the Imperium led to the deaths of all but one. Though each loss was a tremendous blow to the morale of the burgeoning sept, Gir’hos held the T’au forces together, even leading from the frontlines. He is an enigmatic figure, reclusive in his councils and deliberations, but bold and impassioned when he joins the Fire Caste on the battlefield. Some Fire Warriors believe he has a greater revence for and appreciation of combat even than members of their caste. Shas’el Thal’asa Mont’da’erra - Warghost A Pathfinder commander of no small renown, Mont’da’erra spends almost as much time in the field as he does coordinating the coalitions intelligence gathering reconnaissance units. He has proven equally dangerous to the enemy in both roles, with a propensity for slipping through secured perimeters that has often strained credulity among other divisions upon receiving his reports. Shas'el Thal’asa Lunsuoi - Lastinglight Uncharacteristically even-tempered for a Fire caste warrior, even a commander, Lunsuoi has served as Hollowheart's second in command for several years. She sees herself more as a bodyguard than an advisor, and her battlesuit prowess serves her well in that pursuit, but she understands Hollowheart better than anyone and knows that her counsel bears weight, which has saved lives on more than one occasion, both T'au and Gue'la alike. Shas'vre Thal’asa Cal’Tuk - Hardhoof A highly decorated Fireblade, Cal'tuk is a tough and demanding front line commander, but also very close to the Fire Warriors under his command, and the loyalty he has earned has inspired acts of bravery that have been referenced even in the great Fire Caste academies on Vior'la itself. Shas'o Thal’asa Ty’Salash - Quietwave As quiet as her name suggests, Ty'Salash always seemed a perfect fit for a Stealthsuit squadron, and her successes early in the 5th sphere expansion quickly earned her a place in command of the coalitions stealth forces, often working closely with Mont'da'erra. Despite protests from Commander Hollowheart, she also spends a great deal of time leading from the front, though her results can hardly be argued with. Shas'el Thal’asa Sai’nan - Stunningsword Recently promoted, Sai'nan is an accomplished battlesuit pilot with an energetic, intense, personality and a passion for the Tau'va that inspires others, as well as a troublesome thrill-seeking streak. More experienced than most with close combat fighting, Sai'nan's battlesuit is frequently equipped with prototype equipment in need of field testing. Shas'vre Thal’asa Mon’kir- Blackdog Commanding the coalition's relatively small contingent of armor, Mon'kir has earned great favor with Hollowheart for his aggressive tactics, often surprising enemy with the sudden appearance of both light and heavy armor in unexpectedly close positions. Auxiliaries Remnants of the Tio’ve Mont’sha, the Dead Wind Contingent +++Rouen Hive Area of Operations. . .Acro+++ The glow was still receding and the heat trail still rising from the barrel of Mont’sha’s plasma rifle when Hollowheart landed next to him. “I’m supposed to be the one with the reputation for not taking prisoners on this battlefield, Mont’sha,” she transmitted privately to his suit, eyeing the slagged remains of gue’la against the wall in front of them, their weapons clearly cast aside. “They knew nothing of value,” he said, voice barely a whisper over the comms, lowering it’s weapon. “You have been told before, that is not your determination to make. Do not allow your past with the humans to become a stumbling block to the greater good.”There was no reply. “You know from experience where that road leads,” she said pointedly, “You have had a second chance, but there will not be another.” Another moment of silence, before the thrusters fired on his battlesuit, “Permission to secure the next sector, Commander?” “Permission granted, Shas’el. We won’t have this discussion again.” Tio’ve Mont’sha, led by then Shas'o Mont'sha, took part in the ill-fated fourth sphere expansion. After being rediscovered and rejoining with the Empire, it became clear that the members of the contingent had experienced similar unspoken traumas to those of others from the failed expansion, with similar results. It eventually came to light that a gue’la had led a brutal betrayal, exposing them to ambush by an unknown enemy. Nearly the entire contingent, more than five cadres-worth of troops, armor and matériel, was wiped out. Further losses were incurred when Mont'sha led a retaliatory strike that was, again, crushed by the enemy. The remnant of the contingent, now barely enough to compose a cadre, is still commanded by Shas’El Fi’rios Mont’sha. He was held responsible for the destruction of his contingent and subjected to ritual punishment known as the Malk’la. After a lengthy probation and reassignment under Hollowheart, he has since re-earned his battlesuit. Uncharacteristically for those who have suffered the malk’la, the other survivors of his contingent have not shunned him, but requested to serve under him again, and as a force they remain insular. Mont'sha prohibited the restoration of some surface damage on his battlesuit as a reminder of his failure, but he continues to have a habit of brutal extermination towards enemies, particularly humans, continually toeing the line between service and censure. ISOs, Alien AI mysteries Earth Caste Blacksite R&D Lab Powering up, the peculiar disc rose off the table, vaguely resembling one of their own drones. Its edges glowed brightly, and it emitted a vibrating hum that reminded Fio’ui Ora’wra of the sounds produced by Vespid wing casings. “Satisfactory,” a tinny, masculine voice issued from the disc. “Profile seems a bit narrow,” Ora’wra commented, “Even with the light, you’ll be a bit hard to see under any strong lighting.” “Easily remedied,” Replied the disc, dipping and drifting off the table. More light burst from its edges, shifting and taking a shape. A moment later a shadow-black mirror image of Ora’wra stood there, broken up by glowing yellow lines along the edges of the garments, and pale, desaturated skin, with more light glowing from within the collar of its loose shirt. Its eyes, solid yellow, glowed slightly. It extended a hand. “A pleasure to interact in person, Fio’ui. We are Abraxas.” On the edge of the Thal’asa sector lies a nameless world of blasted wastelands and deeply buried ruins, the remains of some ancient civilization. Signs point to the Imperium having visited it long ago, but between the unlivable environment and the seeming absence of technology, they must have scavenged all they wanted from the planet long ago. When the Tau discovered it after establishing Thal’asa as a sept world, they expected to find the same. To the expedition’s surprise, their more advanced scanning tech not only located the remains of sophisticated technology, but found that some of it was still active. Excavating deep into the ruins the Tau uncovered what appeared to be powerful databanks, capable of tremendous digital storage. Most seemed to have had their physical connections severed, including power sources, but one remained active. When the Earth Caste technicians finally interfaced the Tau hardware with the alien databank they found much more than conventional data storage. They were greeted by a collective AI. After some time spent with both Earth Caste techs and Water Caste diplomats, the Tau learned that the AI, composed of countless sub programs, called themselves ISOs. They revealed that their creators had destroyed themselves in a great war over the ethics of their creation. As the only survivors, they had waited in the confines of the digital realm they’d built for themselves, hoping for rescue. While some parties among the Tau were skeptical about the wisdom of freeing such an independent AI, they eventually accepted the ISOs assurances of peaceful intent, though it is doubtless that their promise to share information on the dead world’s advanced technology factored strongly into their considerations. To build trust, the ISOs agreed to provide labor and military support to the Tau in exchange for materials, and after a period of cooperation and a promise of independence, they would give the Tau the specifications for their technology. Though they were initially secretive about what would be done with these materials, it soon became clear, along with how much they could offer. The ISO’s constructed drones to house them and grant them mobility, but more importantly the drones served as emitters from which the ISOs could create hardlight bodies for themselves. Needless to say, the Tau were impressed, and hardlight ISO units quickly integrated into the Cold Fire cadre and Thal’asa sept, most taking a similar form to their Tau allies, including mimicking their armor and weapons.
  12. Part 1 of the ongoing Saga of the Lord Emperor Campaign, a 1K Point League at my FLGS. My Army List and other games I've played in the campaign can be found here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341428-angry-goats-iron-hands-battle-reports-1k-league/?p=4933654 My opponent's list was roughly the following: 1x Longstrike w/Railgun and Smart Missile Systems 1x Hammerhead w/Railgun and Smart Missile Systems 2x Devilfish w/Burst Cannons 1x Cadre Fireblade w/Markerlight and Pulse Rifle 1x Ethereal 4x Strike Teams - Each 5-6 members w/Pulse Rifles ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scout Squad Kiko had been on a routine patrol when they discovered signs of an enemy force. After spending a restless night tracking them down, an encampment had been discovered in the ruins of an Imperial town. These foul Xenos, now able to be identified as a mechanized force of the T’au Empire, had been discovered as they stopped to refuel. Though these T’au had been able to cover ground quickly, they had sacrificed any semblance of stealth to do so. With the Xenos temporarily vulnerable, Squad Kiko called in for reinforcements. Chaplain Valdosta had recently been interred in a Dreadnought Sarcophagus following his heroic sacrifice during the campaign known as Karn’s Winter. He and his task force had spent the last few weeks securing the Eastern flank of the main body’s advance. Though he and his fellow Ancients had held the line through multiple skirmishes, he felt that he had not contributed enough to the war efforts this far from the front. As a result, an emotion sub-routine resembling “boredom” had creeped into his system. So, when the call for reinforcements came from Squad Kiko, nothing short of a direct order from the Chapter Master would have stopped him form responding in all haste. Though Dreadnoughts are tireless and unrelenting in their advance, speed is not their greatest asset. So, by the time Task Force Valdosta arrived, the T’au had finished their refueling and were preparing to depart. Wasting no time, Valdosta sent out a burst of machine code. The four other Ancient Dreadnoughts with him, each a veteran of centuries of battle, fell into a flying wedge formation with instinctual ease as they charged ahead. The T’au sensors had little difficulty in detecting their hasty approach, however. And as the Dreadnoughts crested the ridge, the foul Xenos opened fire. Ancient Saanen, an honored brother of countless campaigns, was the sole target of the initial volley. Though the defenses built into his Contemptor-pattern body was able to deflect the worst of the damage, the Railgun rounds were enough to slow his advance. Seeing his charge stagger, the Techmarine Surati ran forward and began to repair the damage while Squad Kiko provided limited supporting fire. With the initial volley proving less effective than they had hoped, the T’au forces began to spread out in preparation of a drawn-out engagement. Their scouting Piranha moved along Northern ridge in an attempt to outflank the Dreadnoughts, while the Devilfish transports flew forward to provide physical cover as their occupants disembarked. Ancient Pyrenean, also housed in a Contemptor-pattern body, wasted no time and ran towards the Xenos lines as fast as his body would take him with Chaplain Valdosta close behind. As he passed by the Piranha, he raked it with fire from his Kheres Assault Cannon which caused more than a few smoking holes to form. Seeing the primary threat to be the Hammerhead Gunships lining up for another shot, Ancient Repartida sent a volley of Lascannon and Autocannon shots into the lead tank. The shots from his Venerable Castraferrum-pattern body caused the gunship to real backwards. This provided all the opening that his counterpart, Ancient Orobica needed. Armed in the same fashion, the Venerable Dreadnought sent his own Lascannon and Autocannon shots into the stricken Hammerhead and put the foul Xenos machine out of commission. With a hiss of static, Techmarine Surati watched in frustration as the remaining Hammerhead sent more fire into Ancient Saanen. With Surati’s earlier repairs being all that stood between the Ancient and catastrophic damage, the Techmarine set to work fixing this new affront to the machine spirit. Under the cover of these shots, the Devilfish moved to the flanks of the approaching Dreadnoughts and poured fire into them. Unlike the Railguns, however, this fire proved ineffective. The recently disembarked Fire Warriors, seeing Ancient Pyrenean barreling towards them, quickly formed firing lines and sent every shot they could into him. Despite their best efforts, his armor held strong and the damage suffered was of no consequence. He was in amongst them, crushing their relatively frail bodies with his massive power fist, before they could do anything else to react. The T’au forces recognized the main source of the continued Dreadnought threat was Techmarine Surati. And while the remaining Hammerhead attempted to penetrate Ancient Saanen’s quickly recovering defenses, the two Devilfish converged on the Angry Goat lines and concentrated their fire into Surati. But the Techmarine’s armor, nearly as old and venerated as the Dreadnoughts around him, held under the onslaught. Saanen and Valdosta, enraged by the attack on their brother, charged into the two Devilfish and rent massive holes in their hulls with their power fists. Combined with the supporting fire of Orobica, both of the Devilfish exploded under the onslaught. Meanwhile, Ancient Repartida saw the approaching Piranha finally finish its flanking run. With a calm precision born of centuries of experience, he sent fire at both the Piranha and the Hammerhead, destroying them both. With every other threat eliminated, all five Dreadnoughts combined their firepower and sent an inescapable volley steaming into the remaining Fire Warriors, killing them to the last. With the Xenos forces righteously purged, any traces of the boredom sub-routine had been replaced by righteous joy. Chaplain Valdosta, his oration skills not dimmed in the slightest by his interment into the Venerable Dreadnought sarcophagus, led his brothers in celebration of their victory. A simple, but powerful chant boomed from his ancient speakers: My Armor is Contempt! My Shield is Disgust! My Sword is Hatred! In the Emperor’s Name, LET NONE SURVIVE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. I've had a few tau projects in the works for a while and would like to share them with you. Commander Farsight has always been a cool character to me, but I hated the old model, and while I like the new one, I never got around to buying it, so I decided I'd give a crack at him myself. He is a kitbash if I've ever seen one, and as you'll see, I've reached outside the bounds of gamesworkshop to build him. His torso, jet pack, hands, and a few other bits are from various gundam action figures. I wanted to try something new, while still remaining some aspects of the current Farsight. http://i.imgur.com/IEV7i9A.jpg?1 http://i.imgur.com/dtI0CS6.jpg?2 http://i.imgur.com/JYwG3SD.jpg?1 I have more of him on the way in a bit as well as my alterations of the XV22. C+C welcome!
  14. So, yesterday is typically my 40k day at my FLGS. This week, the store has gotten a jump start on the Fate of Konor campaign, and I initially signed up for Imperium since my primary army is Blood Angels. But then I spoke to a couple of the store guys and quickly realized that there were too many Imperium players. There are simply not enough Chaos and Xenos players to guarantee a match-up for all of the Imperium players. So, instead of fielding my Blood Angels, I will be contributing to the war as a Tau-Eldar alliance. I'm not trying any power-gaming, but I only have a few Tau models. We're playing it as an escalation league, so I'm not going to be able to field the higher pointages since they're keeping substitution to a minimum. But I have a friend who has a large Eldar army. So, early on, I'm going to try to play straight Tau, but gradually shift to Eldar as the points rise. That all said, any advice for maximizing my Tau elements? I have a couple of fire warrior squads, one piranha, a few drones, three crisis suits, and a couple Ethereals.
  15. It's the very first time I've tried my hand at T'au. In my own mind, they, like Sisters, Dark Eldar and Necrons are still "New Races" as my first foray into 40k back in Rogue Trader and early Second edition, they didn't exist. With that in mind, I never really looked into them all that much when I returned at the back end of fifth edition. That said, I have a substantial Sisters army (circa 3-4k, half unpainted) and a few Drukhari that might see paint one day. That leads me to T'au. I'm not entirely sure what has lead me to the Greater Good, but having read a little in the Xenos II book, it piqued my interest somewhat. It's pure coincidence that they're getting their Codex this weekend. So far, i have a squad of Fire Warriors from the Kill Team box. I intend to get a few more models and get assembling soon. For now, i can only show you all what im working towards in the list below. Bear in mind I've never made a T'au lost before, so if I'm making any glaring errors, please let me know! :lol: It centres around Shadowsun and like most of my armies, my decisions on what to take are based on rule of cool just as much as strategic soundness. Hidden Content ++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (T'au Empire) [83 PL, 1497pts] ++ + HQ + Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit [8 PL, 166pts]: Advanced targeting system, Early warning override, High-output burst cannon, Missile pod, 2x MV4 Shield Drone, Puretide Engram Neurochip Commander Shadowsun [9 PL, 184pts]: Exemplar of the Mont'ka, MV52 Shield Drone, MV62 Command-link Drone, Warlord + Troops + Breacher Team [6 PL, 116pts]: DS8 Tactical Support Turret w/ Missile pod, 9x Fire Warrior, Fire Warrior Shas'ui, MV1 Gun Drone, MV4 Shield Drone Breacher Team [6 PL, 116pts]: DS8 Tactical Support Turret w/ Missile pod, 9x Fire Warrior, Fire Warrior Shas'ui, 2x MV4 Shield Drone Strike Team [6 PL, 116pts]: DS8 Tactical Support Turret w/ Missile pod, 2x MV1 Gun Drone . Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse rifle . 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Carbine . 5x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle Strike Team [6 PL, 116pts]: DS8 Tactical Support Turret w/ Missile pod, 2x MV1 Gun Drone . Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse rifle . 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Carbine . 5x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle + Elites + XV25 Stealth Battlesuits [6 PL, 90pts] . 3x Stealth Shas'ui w/o support system: 3x Burst cannon XV25 Stealth Battlesuits [13 PL, 174pts]: 2x MV4 Shield Drone . Stealth Shas'ui w/ Early warning override: Burst cannon, Early warning override . 3x Stealth Shas'ui w/o support system: 3x Burst cannon . Stealth Shas'vre: Burst cannon XV8 Crisis Battlesuits [14 PL, 223pts]: 6x MV4 Shield Drone . Crisis Shas'ui: Burst cannon . Crisis Shas'ui: Burst cannon . Crisis Shas'vre: Burst cannon, Early warning override, Plasma rifle + Heavy Support + XV88 Broadside Battlesuits [9 PL, 196pts] . Broadside Shas'ui: 2x Smart missile system, Early warning override, Heavy rail rifle, Seeker missile ++ Total: [83 PL, 1497pts] ++ Created with BattleScribe I'm also mulling over a few colour schemes. Whilst I want to stay fluffy with Shadowsun being in white, I'd prefer to honour my Liber roots and create a DIY Sept. I'll get back to you on what I decide on :) Thanks for looking! ^_^
  16. The Yncarne

    objective downed pilot

    From the album: The Yncarne's Tau

    Downed Tau air caste pilot. Used as an objective marker. Sorry about the harsh lighting.
  17. The Yncarne

    Broad Sides

    From the album: The Yncarne's Tau

    Sorry about the harsh lighting
  18. The Yncarne

    Broad Side

    From the album: The Yncarne's Tau

    Slightly out of focus
  19. The Yncarne

    Tau Tetra

    From the album: The Yncarne's Tau

  20. The Yncarne

    Tau Tetra

    From the album: The Yncarne's Tau

  21. The Yncarne

    Fire Warrior

    From the album: The Yncarne's Tau

  22. The Yncarne

    Fire Warrior

    From the album: The Yncarne's Tau

  23. The Yncarne

    Fire Warrior

    From the album: The Yncarne's Tau

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