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Mithril's, 2024 Army Challenge -T'au Army: WiP to Finished...


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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

My First Vow for Call to Arms 2024 is ready, only 2 days to go before i can start painting (it's getting a bit unbearable as i want to try out a new scheme idea on my strike team!!:laugh: ) 





If i read the rules correctly then this vow should be 18 points?

- 3x troops 3points, 1x stealth member 1 point, ethereal 5 points, Enforcer Commander 5 points and Ghost Keel 4 points. ...


Cheers, Mithril

Edited by MithrilForge
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1 hour ago, The Pounder said:


Decent size vow, looking forward to seeing it achieved.

Me too brother !, me too :laugh:

thanks for the motivation!! 

Cheers Mithril 

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1st of all, the mini's look awesome. 

Can I also say that I loved seeing this and seeing Mithril. You've been a member here and active for years. As I come and go and dip in and out there are just certain names I always remember and love coming back here and seeing you and many others for that matter, still active. awesome.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update time-

worked out my Fire warriors colour scheme, it uses my set colours for my force (green, white black and red) 

so happy with that, this is test guy about half way done







happy with it so will be now working on call to arms from here forward with my vows 


Cheers Mithril 



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More Base coating, trying to get all my vow up to the same level and do all the highlights etc over the whole lot of them at once … 

Ghostkeel ,very very WiP:sweat: (oh that white's going to take a few layers to just look ok..:laugh:)




Cheers, Mithril 



Edited by MithrilForge
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