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On 8/20/2023 at 8:52 PM, Dr_Ruminahui said:

I have also gotten some modelling time in - finishing painting the first of my fiendblood possessed kitbashes.  Pretty happy with it.




Don't normally show the backs of my models, but it gives neat picture of how the marine and goat bits go together.




As well, I've done some model building (AKA more kitbashing) but as its for renegade guard, I won't post them here until they are painted.  You can see my built but unfinished models here.

That’s so awesome!! 

Thanks!  I'm glad you like it.  I have 3 more in to paint for the squad - 1 more goatey boy, a bird man and one I just refer to as "the hopper".  Hopefully they'll all be done in the next week or 2.

Long weekend here, which let me get two more possessed painted.  Light's not the best (had to take the pictures inside after dark), hopefully will have better ones when the unit is based - so hopefully next weekend.


Here is the squad champion and last of my goatey boys.  He's simply one of the guys from the possessed box, chosen as commander as he has a heroic corpse to stand on, and given a head swap.




And here's my one and only birdy boy - basically just a slangor kitbash with mostly spawn parts.  I'm happy with the paint job, though less so with the posing - which is why I had to take 2 photos to give a good idea of what he actually looks like.




Thanks TC!


Finished the last guy of my second possessed squad - "Hopper" - and got the squad based up.


Here's Hopper.




This guy was a bit of a challenge to make look different from the base model, as I determined it would be too had to remove the head - I decided to try to go with an exagerated pose instead.  It actually worked better before it was painted and based - I guess the unifinished model drew attention to the pose because there wasn't much detail to draw the eye.  Anyway, here he is next to the orginal model, who is stock except the claw swap for the flag.




And the rest of his mates, who you've already seen but without the bases done.


Squad leader "Keeper"




The other 3 goaty boys, who are as of yet unnamed.





And crowd favorite, "Bird Boy"




And here is a group shot:




Finally, the very first primaris marine I've ever painted - I've shared it with Imperial Stronghold, we'll see how that goes.  :biggrin:



Yes, hopefully a defiler, though I'm not certain if it will be a "gooey" one (or even what, in this context, being "gooey" entails).  :confused:


Anyway, I've started my work on it (using an unbuilt russ kit, not the russ shown above) and should have some photos for everyone over the next day or 2.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

Okay, some photos of my work so far.  As you can see, I'm keeping the internal core of the leman russ pretty standard, as my end goal is to make it look like a possessed leman russ rather than a defiler built to look like russ.




I wanted it to look as if a demon was bound into the engine compartment - hence the chaos star and the chains across it.  This is my second attempt at the star - on my first attempt, I got half way cutting it out and then, because my cutting surface was too soft, my knife slipped and cut it in half.  Lesson learned and I'm happy with the second attempt.




Here you can see that I am placing the weapons that would typically on the defiler's left "arm" underneath the hull - the legs I intend to use and how I intend to mount them should give plenty of clearance.  Here it is with the heavy flamer and the "eye mount" option for the front hull mount.




Here's a similar view but with the havoc launcher underneath and the reaper cannon on the front mount.  For the defiler right "arm" weapons, the lascannon and heavy bolter options will be on the russ sponsoons (in which case the eye option will be on the front mount) while the reaper will be on the front mount with eyes on the sponsoon mounts.  You can also see the turret and the start of my work adding eyes to it.




Finally, an under shot showing the box into which I will mount the final of the left "arm" options - the flail.  I intend to model it using thick metal wire and hopefully it will look similar to the tentacles on a venomcrawler - given their added weight and potential length, I added a second and bigger magnet - the other 2 options just use the only the front smaller magnet.


There are a few elements that are intentionally missing at this point (the front hatch, and the front plow) which I will be seeking advice about from you guys near the end of the project when we'll be able to best judge what looks best on the model as a whole.

Oh man, this is such a great idea! I may have to steal it/borrow the idea if I decide to make a 3rd Iron Warriors Defiler. Amazing work that I'm looking forward to seeing the result of!

I think the best part about modelling and painting Emperors Children is "the whackier the better." 


Plus its fun painting an army with so much colour contrast.  Have you ever tried Vallejo Game color purples and pinks?  they are really bold.

One thing I like about chaos is that there really isn't a "wrong' way of doing it, which allows for very different armies visually and for chaos players to express their creativity in whatever manner works for them.  Modelling wise, I don't think Emperor's Children are "whackier" than other forces (in that model done for them would likely look great in any number of other chaos forces), though I do think they encourage a colour pallet that is more diverse than and might be harder to pull off with other forces.


Personally, this model is pushing my comfort zone some, as while I've done a fair bit of conversion work, its so far been on a much smaller and focused scale.  I think that's part of why with this model I'm trying to tie this model in visually with the official defiler model (so its clear at a glance what my model is) and the venomcrawler (which is to me one of the best depictions of what a demon engine should look like).


I haven't no - not a huge fan of the few vallejo paints I've tried (though I do use their aged gold, as I don't like the colour of the various GW golds except griffon gold, which unfortunately is now only available as a drybrush paint).  Instead, my purples are based off of the Createx florescent purple paint, which mix 50-50 with GW genestealer purple for my main armour colour, and use as a wash for my banners, tabards and demonic skin tones.  And, to admit, I'm not very adventurous in trying new hobby things.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
On 9/21/2023 at 5:41 AM, TrawlingCleaner said:

Oh man, this is such a great idea! I may have to steal it/borrow the idea if I decide to make a 3rd Iron Warriors Defiler. Amazing work that I'm looking forward to seeing the result of!


Realised I missed commenting on this - thanks for the complement!  And I'm happy if I can inspire your own version - I noticed in your own thread that you were commenting you wanted to build a defiler, but I imagine that and my project are just a coincidence.


Okay, put some more work on mine and... its gotten a bit wierd, and definitely more gooey. :biggrin:




First, I added smaller eyes and greenstuff to finish the eye cluster on the turret.




I was then thinking of adding eyes to this side of the turret and then thought "hey, I will always have at least one extra eye plate from the weapon mounts, so why don't I magnetize it instead so I can just mount one of those instead?"  Which is then exactly what I did - here with the front weapon mount eye cluster in place.


This also allows me to mount the havoc launcher of the turret instead of underslung, if I am so inclined:






Now for the weird part - I've mounted the tervigon's gestation sack on the back for some extra fleshy bit and to move the visual centre of mass backwards, as the Russ already has a fairly forward visual centre of mass which will become even worse when I add the defiler claws at the front.  Still need to do some greenstuff detailing, as the very back is pretty plain (as on the Tervigon model that would be mostly hidden next to the base).




Here's the other half, underneath the tank.  Really happy with my greenstuffing here.




Last, I worked on making a hole - I wanted to make it look like the front leg has torn its way out of the chasis, and I think I was reasonably successful in that regard.




Finally, here is the front leg just loosely put in place - I've got some conversion work to do to it before it will be affixed, as I'm working on making it look less tyranidy and more mechano-fleshy. 

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

Finished my one and only Call to Arms 2023 vow, and am pretty happy with my work.


Thefinal model to be completed  vow was my Master of Possession - the flames didn't work out quite like I had hoped, but they are good enough I don't feel I need to redo them.




And here is my entire vow together.



Absolutely great work here Dr! The Russ is coming along great, the MAster of Possession has come out amazingly too! :wub:


On the Defiler, great minds think alike! (I never can remeber the other bit of the saying :wink:)



On 9/5/2023 at 1:34 AM, Dr_Ruminahui said:

Here is the squad champion and last of my goatey boys.  He's simply one of the guys from the possessed box, chosen as commander as he has a heroic corpse to stand on, and given a head swap.


YOOOOOOOOO! Absolutely tops, Doc!


Slaangor Possessed in general are a smashing success : )




The Good Doctor.

Thanks for the compliments, Trawling Crawler, Dr. Clock and Teetengee - my Goatsesseds seem to be a big hit.


This past week was leg week for my defiler - sorry, some of the pictures seem blurrier than I remember them.





This is the right front leg, with the top picture showing it next to an unmodified tyranid claw and the bottom the greenstuff trim so far.  I'm likely going to detail the circles to look more mechanical and maybe add some greenstuff to bulk out the arm a bit - it looks a little weedy right now.






The model will also have a rear and a middle leg on each side, modelled to look similar to the rear legs on a venomcrawler.  The top shows the front of the shield, where unfortunately the trim I cut out ended up being too big for the shield, and in resizing it it ended up a bit lopsided.  Trying hard to avoid that on the next set of trim, but its challenging.


Middle picture shows how the shield and the legs are attached and the bottom how I have bent the plasticard (by repeatedly putting it into a pot of boiling water, pulling it out and bending it a bit, then back into the water) - the different thickness is the left one has trim and right doesn't.


The leg portions still needs some carving and greenstuffing to remove their tyranid elements, but I wanted to get the shields right before I did that.  We'll see if that was a mistake.




Here's a picture of what the tyranid pieces look like that I am working with - the left is what the assembled tyranid leg looks like, the middle is the piece I am actually working with, and the right is obviously is a more finished product with the shield.




Here's roughly how they will look on the defiler - the rear two will be closer together as I end for them to protrude more sideways (rather than front and back) than I was able to achieve in this photo.




Finally, here is the side of the defiler with the leg hole for the rear leg.  Didn't get as good of a bent armoured plate look as on the front leg hole, but I have 6 more opportunities for the other legs and its claws, so I'm hoping to get better as I go.


So far, these legs have been an enormous amount of work (and is still largely undone), but they are what will make the model a defiler so I think its important to get them right, as the look of the whole model will likely hinge on me getting them right.




  • 6 months later...

Been a while since I've really done anything in the hobby, but I'm back working on my defiler.  One thing that I did do last year but didn't get around to posting was I made some markers - the intent for these is to mark "sticky" objectives that were claimed by my cultists.




As for my defiler, one of the things that derailed me (other than general malaise) was the trouble I was having with getting the trim to fit properly to the shields on the legs I've been building.  Anyway, here is a reference picture:




Basically, the way they are built is that I have a thick piece of plasticard that I cut out using a template, then bend to the proper shape.  Then the trim is cut from a much thinner piece of plasticard, using the same template.  Problem is that, even though I have a template, they are cut by hand so are all a bit different - not normally a problem with chaos, which is pretty forgiving with minor differences, but makes it hard to get the trim to fit.


So, for the first one (the one on the right), I cut out the trim only to find that it was too big for the shield it was to go on.  Rather than throw out my work, I cut it down the middle, removed some material, then glued it in place - this left a bit of a gap in the top of the trim, which I've hidden with some battle damage.  So, even though I got it to work, it was way more effort than I had wanted and it left me kind of discouraged.


So, last week I picked the project back up and tried again, just trying to be more careful and not cutting out the internal details until I had the outside dimensions correct.  That didn't work, and the trim piece ended up too small and unusable.  So I got a brilliant idea to glue the thin plasticard to the leg shield with a glue stick (the kind for gluing paper) then trimming it down to fit one the glue was dry.  It then pealed off very easily, and after washing the dried glue off both pieces, I cut the internal details.  The one on the left was produced by that method, and it worked like a charm.


I then finished putting the holes in the side of the hull for the legs, and was able to do so in such a way that I only had to bend back one tiny part in order to fit the sponson (much to my own surprise - I was quite worried about the process warping the side to the extent that the sponson wouldn't fit anymore).  Anyway, here's a picture of the almost finished side plate - just need to decide whether to glue the side hatch on or put gribblies behind it, and maybe put a few spikes through the side.




And here it is with the legs glue tacked on:




Two options for the big claw - the above, where the crusher claw attaches directly to the end of the arm - or the below, where I leave a bit of the crusher arm on to make the arm on the model longer.




Away from the model, I prefer the first option but I think the second looks better on the actual model.


Also, seeing the whole thing together, I'm not sure I like the small claw - do you guys think I should put another armored leg there instead?


So, let me know your thoughts/opinions on the following:


   1.  Short or long arm for the crusher claws?

   2.  Spikes or tentacles on the side, or keep it smooth with a closed side hatch?

   3.  Small spike front leg (like the above) or another leg with an armored shield?

I'm glad you figured out a system for the trim! The Defiler is looking great. 


I don't have an opinion  on Questions 1. The model will look excellent with long or short Crusher Claws.


For Question 2, have a slight preference for emerging tentacle(s), but sealed hatches are cool too.


For Question 3 another leg with armored shield might look nicer.


I'm enjoying watching this project progress! 

91 long for me. Looks less nidy. You want more chaos right? Plus how would reach really work if swinging at likely foes? 

2 spikey tenticles an option? If nit id ve going thr route to look demonic but not infested by nids.

3whilst i love spikey limbed things... they dont really work more traveling as they aughta slice through the ground/sink deep. I like what you have done with the other limbs so that or some heavier such like if possible?


Regardless good work! Keep at it!

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