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Primaris Night Lords in Dark Imperium


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Sounds crazy? ) But yeah, why not to give them an upgrade?

Rather tired following one and only one painting scheme for my Alpha Legion Primaris , I've decided to paint something new... my choice fell on the 8th Legion, the Night Lords. Well, at first I've decided to take just a basic tactical squad... then raptors, of course... BUT - after building a Full Primaris army... and using that new - TRUE SCALE models... Just couldn't force myself to pick the old models. So I took some already familiar models from Dark Imperium, and started...

Soon I understood, that just painting them in Night Lords wont fit. Every one needs some conversions... Removing aquilla - was the most simple step, the left arm - easy. But winged helm... I never worked with the green stuff before, and here I just couldn't avoid it.

I'm building and painting my little squad of Night Lords to switch focus a bit, so the progress will be sloooow - again, that green thing takes a lot of time)) But I hope, my men will become more personalized by that slow grow.

Here is the first WIP of the Night Lords exalted champion made from Primaris Lieutenant...



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WHAT HERESY IS THI....ooh, its the good kind!


I agree with the purity seal. I say you remove the wax bit, fix it up to look like the rest of the parchment. Make it look nailed to the armor, then chip away at the seal and pain it like leather.

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Looks great so far. Perhaps for the next one don't do the batwings parallel but at an angle. something like \_/


Isn't lightning claw and power sword a bit over the top? That's a TDA claw, right? I think a claw from the raptors pack would be very fitting.

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Thank you all for good advices! I followed them and transformed a seal into a patch of skin) And definitely, will work better with the wings next time.

Claw may be an overkill, but I wanted to make him look lime a melee champion, a bodyguard of the warband's leader. And of course, I will build some Raptors later on... but for them I will mix Reiver squad with the classic models ( still can't force myself build and paint non-primaris :biggrin.: )

Here it is, finished and ready to kill. Well, I think this is my most detailed work ever. But it was a pleasure also. He won't be alone... and soon I will start working on his new battle-brother - the Headsman of the warband. Kellendvar from Pharos inspired me.. so I want to have an executioner)

Exalted champion of the Red Sorrow warband:





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Yup! The change with the purity seal...you nailed it! Pun and all! Looks good and I am looking forward to more!


Have you considered the riever skull helms with added batwings for future Night Lords? I also think you should paint the wings on the chest bigger, show off that sweet painting skill you've got!

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Yup! The change with the purity seal...you nailed it! Pun and all! Looks good and I am looking forward to more!


Have you considered the riever skull helms with added batwings for future Night Lords? I also think you should paint the wings on the chest bigger, show off that sweet painting skill you've got!


Thanks for valuable advices! Yes, I think I'll do this for just boltgun intercessors, and may be add some horns or smth for customization. Next time wings will be bigger I promise! )) And definitely I need to do something with photos... there are more colors!!! Wings seem just flat red, but it is not so((  What is wrong, is it too close or the scale is too large... not a clue.

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Yeah, not everyone has to have those helms. Leaders, some veterans, or a characters. Aside from getting the NL helmets from FW it would be a sweet alternative I think that lots of folks have put to good use. Horns would be cool and just seems like proper chaos. If you can get a hold of the old grave guard kit the helms has some sweet bat aesthetics that could work too.


As for the pictures I can see the extra detail, like in the checst emblem, but I don't now jack about proper photography. I seriously just started playing with filters to make the last few pics I took of a plain model look less dull.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now it is hard to finally finish my Reiver squads of Alpha Legion )) But I am still struggling... Only one left of five...

But instead of focusing on AL, I've started a new one of my Night Lords! And as I promised, he will be a headsman. Headsman needs an axe) I picked one from khornate guy from Age of Sigmar... and the head is also his. My main idea was to make him look like famous Leatherface from Istwaan Dropsite Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Here are some ptotos)



And the body, based in Kantor... with THE AXE!


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Finally my Headsman is finished. Now my champion is not the army of one any more)

And - What next? well, may be I'll start with 5 Intercessors as a first Terror squad... also I have an ancient - and he will become my Trophy keeper. I've not decided what to make next... and in future - I want a squad of Night Raptors and a Leader of this little warband.

The Headsman of the Red Sorrow warband:




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  • 2 weeks later...

A tiny update.

Started working on a first of my future Terror Squad of Night Lords. And because I do not have a big box of intercessors with all the options and variants - just stock intercessors from the Dark Imperium box... well, the need to do something new from them increases)

I'll try to stick to the primaris helmets wherever possible... so here is almost finished one with a little addition:


I do not play, BUT I already have my 10 man AL intercessors squad with stock Bolt Rifles... I've decided to make Stalker ones for my 5 man squad of BatBoys. And here how it looks) It is far from finished :


And I've drilled the barrel! Yes, sir! )))

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Is the hook on the boltgun a mere decoration- "dead weight"- or does it serve some function beyond intimidating the enemy, e.g., as a monopod (half a bipod) to stabilize the weapon when the Night Lord is in the prone position, or as a bayonet positioned in a way favorable to this Night Lord's martial arts technique (he prefers to swing the boltgun muzzle like an ax, instead of thrusting it like a spear)?
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Finally, my work on the first one of the Terror Squad is complete! He has some minor conversions - some of them you are already familiar with... and some - like that freaky face on the right shoulder - not. Well... I'm not happy with it, but decided to leave it as it is... the idea was to make it look like a flayed skin from the face... but the scale - terribly wrong, and now it looks too big.

I gave him the name according to my idea)) So he is called - Munch. After a famous painter, author of the masterpiece called Scream.

Of course, I will continue making of my squad, and I already have an idea for the next one - his armor will be covered with spikes... to simplify keeping his trophies.

So here are the photos!!





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Looking good! I think the flayed face looks big for a standard human...unless that pyscho tangled with an ogryn and kept a momento. You've also just given me the idea to apply scraps of green stuff to skulls to look like severed flesh. Paint and then apply some Tamiya clear red and BAM, fresh trophy.

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Hey man, I'm a little late to the party! These guys are awesome! maybe I should take one for my possessed :devil:


Seriously though, I really like them, I feel like I haven't got your control for edging.  I've always thought the Night Lords are quite cool, I like a unique helmet style and I like the lightening.  enjoying your bloody trophies too... have you tried the blood for the blood god technical paint. I recently purchased a pot for some of my up coming gribbly conversions, I used a tiny bit on my Serpent Templar but it looks really good. There's also cool tutorials of it online. I've avoided technical paints until now assuming i'm just not good enough to use them, I'm trying to branch out.


Looking forward to more updates!

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Looking good! I think the flayed face looks big for a standard human...unless that pyscho tangled with an ogryn and kept a momento. You've also just given me the idea to apply scraps of green stuff to skulls to look like severed flesh. Paint and then apply some Tamiya clear red and BAM, fresh trophy.


Thank you! Appreciate your interest) Yes, you are correct... that what I needed to do. But, Learning from mistakes is also good) 



Hey man, I'm a little late to the party! These guys are awesome! maybe I should take one for my possessed :devil:


Seriously though, I really like them, I feel like I haven't got your control for edging.  I've always thought the Night Lords are quite cool, I like a unique helmet style and I like the lightening.  enjoying your bloody trophies too... have you tried the blood for the blood god technical paint. I recently purchased a pot for some of my up coming gribbly conversions, I used a tiny bit on my Serpent Templar but it looks really good. There's also cool tutorials of it online. I've avoided technical paints until now assuming i'm just not good enough to use them, I'm trying to branch out.


Looking forward to more updates!


Hello, and thank you for your reply) Well, edging... I think it's more a mood than a skill)) My AL Primaris is an army first of all, and a slow detailed edging... takes too long. As for these guys, I said - hey, that is not for the army, no hurry, just paint as good as you can... And edging on these guys looks more accurate) As for the paints - it's Blood for the blood god actually)) Great paint for blood effects. Technical paints are really great... Just test, implement them) 


Love these guys. They are so brutal but the paint jobs are very crisp. The added bits add flavor but is not overdone.


Thank you, man! I hope you will like my future works as well! 


Thank you all! The atmosphere of fraternity and friendship - that inspires me a lot!

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