Krakendoomcool Posted May 1, 2018 Share Posted May 1, 2018 Hello fellow Ork enthusiasts, I’m pretty new to blogging and forums but have been on b&c for about a month in the Space Wolves section (boo!). I’ve spoken to a few of you guys out there on the forums but thought I might post my Orks here in the Ork section. My Deathskulls Warboss Bluetoof... He’s a looter so I’ve decided he’s looted a Badmoons shoulder pad and blood axe kommando camo trousers (blue of course). He’s got a genestealer skull on his head (from chaos terminator trophy rack) like the old 2nd edition Deathskulls did. Since making him GW has literally released a box of skulls so I’ve got no excuse not to go skull crazy and put skull hats on all my guys. This is my most recent Ork, Waaagh banner... I’d been saving this skull for something special. It’s from an old metal Orc shaman. I think I thought it was gonna be for a weird boy but I’m going to go more techno for him. And a Big Mek with KFF I tried to convey the idea that he’s fixing things and he’s been disturbed. He doesn’t like being disturbed! Hope you like them. I can’t wait for the codex to come out and am really hoping for Cult rules. Especially Deathskulls! Dosjetka, tvih, Trask and 13 others 16 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted May 2, 2018 Share Posted May 2, 2018 I am very sure I have seen these before but I can't recall where. Really nice! Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toaae Posted May 2, 2018 Share Posted May 2, 2018 Those are some nice Orks, especially... well, all of them. I can't pick just one! Can't wait to see more.Welcome to the Ork forum! Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trask Posted May 2, 2018 Share Posted May 2, 2018 Wow, there are some very talented painters on these forums. Amazing work! Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Casman Posted May 2, 2018 Share Posted May 2, 2018 These are all fantastic! Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redtoof Posted May 2, 2018 Share Posted May 2, 2018 They look very cool, both striking and realistic. Nice Warboss name as well. ;) Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krakendoomcool Posted May 2, 2018 Author Share Posted May 2, 2018 Thanks everyone! Thanks for the warm welcome. @ Warhead01 Thank you. My mate put the Mek on twitter a few weeks ago and I put the Mek and Banner guy on Dakka yesterday... @ Redtoof Nice to see you here. I can’t take credit for the name. It’s a name from the Ork imperial armour book. I painted the Warboss with blue teeth because of the one in that book although he is a different Warboss. Sounds like a rival to your Redtoof! Btw I’ve been looking for your Orks but can’t find them anywhere. Here is a bit more of the more recent Orks I’ve done. tvih, Tallarn Commander, Trask and 7 others 10 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted May 3, 2018 Share Posted May 3, 2018 Yeah! Some of the best orks I've had the pleasure to see, and Deathskulls to boot; one of the less popular clans in my area. Lovely conversion work and superlative painting. Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krakendoomcool Posted May 3, 2018 Author Share Posted May 3, 2018 @ Brokejaw Gutripper Ha. Thanks. I will attempt to share what I do now. I’m assuming it’s the ramshackle patchwork bit that’s interesting you. @ Apologist Cheers! I guess there’s not too much Deathskulls stuff in the codexes. 1 or 2 models usually. I love the looted stuff, and the dakka and the vehicles and meks... Ok. So I’ve been doing Deathskulls about ten years or so. The dark blue is the standard way I think. I spent most of my time painting them this way. Trying to come up with different patterns and face paint shapes etc. This one of the 2 Deathskulls that we’re offered up in 5th edition codex...(I didn’t paint this) So most of my older stuff looks more like that. Then forgeworld started offering up mind blowing Deathskulls paint schemes. Raid on Kastorel Novem has tons of awesome stuff in it. That was full on ramshackle patchwork, chaotic, over layed stuff. Particularly the Death Skulls stuff. I could spend ages staring at those and trying to figure out what was going on with them. To try to recreate it there’s basically I light blue going on as a base coat on some areas. It’s more noticeable on the gun wagon pic. So I added in light blue as well as dark. Then while doing some Flashgitz I did an Evil Sunz flames on Tourquise. This guy isn’t finished but it shows the left shoulder pad with the white flames on tourquise and his gun is an example of the light blue from the forgeworld stuff. So now when I sit down I’ve got three blues with three highlight colours. Why did I make it so hard! Fleshshade works well as a shade for the light blue and dry brush white is fine for the highlight too. I start with black undercoat. Then tin bitz followed by leadbelcher dry brush. This helps me see what’s going on and psychologically the model has paint on and I could leave it showing through. I then start replacing areas with the various blues and patterns. Also yellow and black stripes too. It’s as tedious as it sounds. Sometimes it’s fun with the patterns but other times is a slog. Urauloth, Warhead01, Smoke Frog and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MagicMan Posted May 4, 2018 Share Posted May 4, 2018 Great looking Orks, man. Dont see many death skulls around. :) Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krakendoomcool Posted May 4, 2018 Author Share Posted May 4, 2018 @ MagicMan Thanks. Not many Lamenters about either I bet. Here is something quite a bit older. The almost obligatory Looted Leman Russ... A lot of my Ork army is painted like this. Back when it was the fun and quick army to paint. I’m mainly using the darker blue here. The grots are showing their age on the painting side in particular. Dosjetka, deathspectersgt7 and 01RTB01 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krakendoomcool Posted May 5, 2018 Author Share Posted May 5, 2018 Here’s something more recent. This is a Burna Bommer. It features my favourite pattern to do right now. The white flames on tourquise. It’s not finished, I think I got so carried away with the base I didn’t get around to finishing the actual plane yet. The pilot’s shades are begging for nmm. I think this is the only time I’ve done it. I managed it for a couple of millimetres anyway. Because it’s a Burna bommer I felt like it was due to blow up any second. I tried to emphasise that with the base. I made a little scene with the grots. I got a guy doing target practice on what I thought he might consider his enemy, the squig hound. It’s pinned to a barrel of oil and he’s narrowly missed. There is a guy loading the ammo feeds, bags and boxes next to him. He’s got an eye patch so figured he may have caught a slug at some point. Round the other side there’s a grot taking oil from a leaky oil drum using a leaky oil can, oh and he’s got s grenade too! The whole scene is set to blow any second including the Burna bommer. Dr_Ruminahui, DeRome90, brettfp and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toaae Posted May 5, 2018 Share Posted May 5, 2018 By Gork's nostril...Your posts keep getting better and better. Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magos Takatus Posted May 6, 2018 Share Posted May 6, 2018 I love that Burna Bommer. There's so many small details to pick out. I see you found a part from an ancient Rhino to put on the base too. Those chrome effect goggles are fantastic. Great work. You make Turquoise look great. :) Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krakendoomcool Posted May 7, 2018 Author Share Posted May 7, 2018 @ toaae Thank you. I’ll try and keep it up but I’m sure that’s not sustainable @ flame boy Thank you. I’ve got an ancient bitz box. I tried to give the Deathskulls something distinctive. The Evil Sunz and Bad Moons both have that flame design and I love it on them so thought I would loot it. Here’s my old Big Mek... Deathskulls of course have blue body paint. I went for a blue check pattern on his face for something a bit different. It makes him look unhinged which I quickly realised wasn’t at all a problem for a big Mek with a Shokk Attack Gun. This guy led the line for years. Before you needed a warboss to call a Waaagh. This SAG has had an interesting record over the years. Some really crazy results. It’s just bad now. I was quite reliant on pie plates before to hit things. But now in 8th they just don’t hit for Orks. Here’s some Warbuggies with Rokkits... I based them on this pic from the 5th edition codex... One is the ‘current’ warbuggy chassis with new crew and gun. The other two are gorkamorka trucks. The one gunner has had an axe for years which he can finally use in 8th edition. The buggies have 4 attacks each. I wasn’t so hot on doing Ork skin back then. I was doing blue flames on black as a pattern. The buggy kit is so old the Orks look like grots. I fantasise about a new kit with 3 buggies in. Maybe we are spoilt for great vehicle kits as Ork players as it is. Dosjetka and Warhead01 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted May 8, 2018 Share Posted May 8, 2018 Fantastic! Love the rokkit Buggies! Nice use for the dread/Kan rokkits. Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bishoujo Posted May 9, 2018 Share Posted May 9, 2018 Your Orks are outstanding. Thank you for sharing these with us. Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krakendoomcool Posted May 9, 2018 Author Share Posted May 9, 2018 @ warhead01 Thanks. Rokkit buggies are a lot of fun. Was quite pleased with how the gun parts came out on the model. @ Bishoujo It’s an absolute pleasure to share these. Everyone here is so nice. Next up is a model that my friend Azwaz made me seven years ago! He’s a Tyrannid player and knew about my Deathskulls. I was telling him how they loot anything even Tyrannids. He then secretly made a Looted carnifex and surprised me with it as a gift! Here is a WIP shot... He also writes on my blog so here is a write up of the lengths he went to to produce this... Another friend of ours drew a picture of ‘Stompy’ also in secret which appeared on a set of rules that was also part of the gift... The effort that these guys went to is humbling. Unbelievably (or believably) I haven’t finished painting it! That’s the kind of ungrateful git I am. I’ll share with you guys the stage he’s at at the moment as you might be interested... I really feel it’s a very impressive model for a non Ork player to make. The Orky features are spot on. The Iron jaw. The power klaw which is my favourite part. Along with the old claw up as a trophy. He’s also standing on an Ork which is a nice touch... apologist, tvih, deathspectersgt7 and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toaae Posted May 10, 2018 Share Posted May 10, 2018 Man, that is stupendous. I have a carnifex model on sprues somewhere, and I may try my hand at something like that. Let your friend know he has at least one admirer in California! Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pandoras Bitz Box Posted May 10, 2018 Share Posted May 10, 2018 Woah!.... man, your Ork thread really blew up! Deservedly so too. Your Orks much like your Nurgle and Wolves are another fantastic army. You put real effort into the character of them all and they are a lot of fun to look at. Im so glad your Non Wolves armies are getting some love now, it seemed criminal to keep them hidden away! Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krakendoomcool Posted May 10, 2018 Author Share Posted May 10, 2018 @ toaae Go for it. Do a Looted Carnifex. I say that having no idea how hard it was. @ Azwaz The man himself. Thanks again. As I was saying before I’ve been gawping at the Imperial Armour book for Orks. The kill Krusha for me was just the pinnacle of awesome... The ramshackle nature of it was so great. I was really thinking one day I might cough up the money for one. Sadly it’s out of production now. But that just makes me love it more. I was getting a bit carried away thinking about it and thinking maybe with enough pics I could scratch one. I didn’t do that don’t get excited. I didn’t even attempt it. But I did muck about with an old basilisk for a couple of hours. I basically thought I could try to at least make a big trakk or mekboy junka first. I have three basilisks in my bitz box which is pretty obscene. They are eBays and I never did anything with them. So firstly I wondered if I could go open track so I had a look under the covers... I was pleasantly surprised by the level of parts inside. I was half expecting it to be empty. I could definitely go open track. As it’s plastic I could try to get a bit of slack or sag going on in the track like on the big trakk and kill Krusha. I just bent the plastic by pushing it. I had a Mek gun artillery wheel in the bitz box so decided to make a cog out of it with a roll of rubber teeth. I rearranged the wheels a bit put the cog in. In this pick I’m holding up a bit of truck I might use to give a bit more detail. It needs some springs, brackets and maybe an exhaust or something to give more detail but I felt I was on the right lines. The basilisk is facing backwards. I put a driver in and mocked up a little cab and engine and things. At this point I felt this was actually something achievable. I would need to repeat the whole track stuff on the other side and figure out a gun but felt I could do this. At this point I put it down and made another 9 Wolf that’s where it has stayed since... Magos Takatus, toaae, walter h and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pandoras Bitz Box Posted May 11, 2018 Share Posted May 11, 2018 I don't think I saw this beyond the point where you made that one set of tracks, it looks wicked, I love it! I'm so excited for when you actually have enough free time to hobby again Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smoke Frog Posted May 12, 2018 Share Posted May 12, 2018 Your deff skulls are truly amazing! I especially like your deffkoptas and the amount of detail you put into your basing. Well done sir. Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krakendoomcool Posted May 12, 2018 Author Share Posted May 12, 2018 @ Azwaz I’m pretty excited too. All this Ork talk is making me want to get back in the mekshop. @ Smoke Frog Thank you. I like to litter my bases with my friends armies. I think there is a Salamander and Ultramarine rhino bits on those. The barb wire is there as a reminder they just fly over infantry traps. Unexploded Rokkit for Orkiness, that one is a Looted idea from someone else I can’t remember where I saw it. I’ve dug out a few WIP shots. Here is me seeing if I could go full scrap heap on a base... The Waaagh banner guy just wasn’t doing it for me on a flat base... I figured he should be more of an inspirational presence. Or one of those flag bearers whose climbed to the top. He needed some height too. It’s an unusually packed base for me but I like it. Don’t think I’ll be doing that all the time though. Here he is painted, you can see a bit more of the scrap from behind. I built a painboy and grot orderly... I went through the sprues and bitz box and found I could build a load of killa kans. I’ve got three older painted killer kans. But I could get a dread mob going. Just needed to bodge a front face and a couple of shins... I had a very fun game of Robot Wars. Ork Mek vs Admech. My dread mob vs Azwaz’s Admech robot hoard. A dread mob is a fun and quick to play army. So hopefully I will get more of these painted up. tvih, toaae, Dosjetka and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pandoras Bitz Box Posted May 14, 2018 Share Posted May 14, 2018 Maybe we should have a rematch now that half my robots are actually painted, I could try to get my Armigers up and ready for you too I cant believe we waited until we both had two children to share our stuff with everyone, I've never wanted to spend so much time hobbying in my life... and now theres no god damn time to do it!... wwwwwwWAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!! Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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