Krakendoomcool Posted May 17, 2018 Author Share Posted May 17, 2018 (edited) @ Azwaz The robot wars were fun. I would def love to have the dread mob fully painted. Here is some more from the pile of WIP. Then at the end something I did just now in the last twenty minutes. It’s near enough the only hobby I’ve managed in the last three months. Here is a Stormboyz nob, power klaw and boss pole. I was quite pleased with his pose etc. Here is my battle wagon. I use it as a mobile bunker for flash gitz. Anything within 24” of this thing loaded with flash gitz is in trouble. It’s got a killkannon and 4 sets of rokkits. As it carries flashgitz I put a crows nest and a couple of pirate grots on there. With my Warboss with the 2nd edition style skull on his head and the box of skulls from GW I’ve been thinking about making more traditional Deathskulls. Here is a pic from Guest_Numpty_* over on DaWaaagh of 2nd edition Deathskulls lootas for any of you who don’t remember them... So I got over excited and knocked this guy together really quick to give me an idea of what a modern take might look like. He’s got a lot of bluetac right now... Don’t know how much I can do right now because of RL but this is what I’m busting to do if I can. Edited May 17, 2018 by Krakendoomcool Warhead01, Slave to Darkness, Kierdale and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pandoras Bitz Box Posted May 18, 2018 Share Posted May 18, 2018 Fantastic. Have you abandoned that ex-forgeworld tank project because I loved the look on those tracks you made. Could you make it and use it as counts as something of similar size? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krakendoomcool Posted May 18, 2018 Author Share Posted May 18, 2018 (edited) If I finish the one I made I could use it as a big trakk. Potentially I could make three like that but probably getting ahead of myself. It was a bit of a practice/grounding exercise to see what it’s like before attempting the Killkrusha. Still plan to give the Killkrusha a go one day. In theory. Edited May 19, 2018 by Krakendoomcool Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krakendoomcool Posted May 22, 2018 Author Share Posted May 22, 2018 Actual progress is quite slow. But I’m happy I’m getting any done at all. I’ve been trying to come up with some guns for my Lootas. So far I’m thinking of attempting to make rough versions of these: Triple Shoota Smasha gun Rokkit Launcha Gigashoota Kustom mega blasta Autocannon Plasmacannon The names are really to help me remember what I’m planning the guns are going to look like. In game terms these guys could be nobs with kombi’s, flashgitz, lootas or could be something new that turns up in the codex. Here’s a pic of some mocked up guys as a guide for what the guns and poses might look like... As well as 7 guns I need seven head designs and seven things to do with the left arms. Any ideas? toaae and Warhead01 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magos Takatus Posted May 23, 2018 Share Posted May 23, 2018 Really liking what you've created so far. Have you considered mounting a weapon on both shoulders a bit like the old Broadside battlesuits? It could make one of your Lootas look a bit more unique. As for off-hand ideas, what about having one dragging some gubbinz behind him? They are Lootas after all. Either that, or holding extra ammunition? I can't claim to have good ideas, but there's some ideas to get started with! :p Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krakendoomcool Posted May 25, 2018 Author Share Posted May 25, 2018 I haven’t considered a weapon on both shoulders. It’s a nice idea and would solve the floating left hand scenario (which the current lootas have solved by holding the frame). I’m probably going to try to stick more to the 2nd edition look. It’s hard as I keep having other ideas. The guubinz idea is great a loota should be nicking something. Just need to come up with a good way of conveying it. Ammo is a winner too. Maybe ammo runts also. Thanks for the ideas. It helps. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pandoras Bitz Box Posted May 31, 2018 Share Posted May 31, 2018 How about one with a shoulder mounted missile rack like a terminator can have, and then just a little joystick to aim it? if not for this unit (because it would look so unique by comparason) then your anti marine unit. I really like these gun designs, the split barrel of that one cannon is a lot of fun. and I really like that one that has the techmarine twinlinked plasma pistol end to it, it reminds me of like a lifta droppa or some sort of like, gravity gun like from halflife. You want some ideas, well I know how much we enjoy a movie reference, how about the gun that Gamora fires in Gardians of the Galaxy Vol 2. She uses one of the guns of a crashed space ship, its got 3 seperate cyclical cannons in like a rounded triangular houseing. This reminded me of your orks. Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krakendoomcool Posted May 31, 2018 Author Share Posted May 31, 2018 Not seen Guardians 2 yet. That does look Orky. There is a snazzgun that has a barrel like that. The triple shoota I originally intended was more like that. I’ve gone a different way but could do another one. Here is my slow progress... Need to cover up some of my bodges on the inside of the gun. Also want ammo feeds and an exhaust on the back. After these guys I’m planning a squad of nobs that at least contains each clan. After looking at the 2nd edition pics I realised how vanilla Orks are these days to back then when all the clans had unique models. Skull Drogg’s beaky boys. The deffwatch or Orko Astartes. Basically Ork Deathwatch or collected veteran Space Marine killers from all the clans. Maybe add in a Nurgle Ork, Cyborg and Mek/nerdy one. I’m planning the Snakebite to have a kroot skull trophy, feather trophies and a bow caster (chewie’s weapon). I’m hoping this can convey the primitive meets tech of the Snakebite. If any one has any ideas for the definitive versions of each clan Im interested to hear them. Or any other ideas for members of the kill team. Dumah, Smoke Frog, Kierdale and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pandoras Bitz Box Posted June 1, 2018 Share Posted June 1, 2018 (edited) I'm not an Ork player so I dont think my input is likely to be as relevant as the suggestions of other ork players, but I can give it a go... Blood Axes So these guys have the most contact with humans right, could you kit one out with human weapons or maybe even modified human weapons, like a *load of lascannons arranged around a core like a minigun or just taped 4 different human weapons together. If not something that obvious, how about human paraphernalia? I dont know what kinds of accessories you get on an orky sprue but things like pouches, canteens, knives, auspexes... just something to show the time the Blood Axe has spent among the humies. I guess it would be hard to differentiate between his belongings and trophies. OH, how about make a Blood Axe Commisar, he picked up some nasty habits along with his chainsword and hat... Goffs So these guys are the melee orks? sounds like wet water to me. make it like a necromunda goliath, or like a gladiator. maybe dual wieding weapons? you don't see orks with hammers... what would be the ork equivalent of a thunder hammer? how about a powerclaw on a stick, like a Mega Pikax. Or model it on someone like Conan, classic melee barbarian. Badmoons Rickh orks...How about teeth everywhere. rich humans wear gold after all. pouches full of teef, toof jewelry ( neck, ear, nose...), have them hanging of the guns. maybe something like a top hat, cane and/or monacle? maybe dresshim like an ork pimp, maybe he stole some sacewold furs. Evil Suns Fast and the Orkious: Orkyo Drift. Give this guy a rokkit pack... or a bike... or a ... rokkit bike... ROKKIT BIKE.... STARWARS POD RACER *mic drop* Edited June 1, 2018 by Azwaz Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krakendoomcool Posted June 1, 2018 Author Share Posted June 1, 2018 @ Azwaz Picks up mic...Got some nice ideas there. Commisar idea is a great one, or I might go more Kommando or Catachan with him. The canteens etc is a great one. Gladiator idea is solid. I could give him a full helmet and try to make the weapon even bigger with killa kan parts. Like the bad moon idea, need to keep him and the freebooter as two seperate ideas so may need to diverge a bit. The Pod Racer idea is one I keep thinking I will do for a few years now. A big mek on bike is maybe the time to do that. I've basically got two directions to go as far as I see it. 1. Go full Deathwatch copy. Paint their armour black and keep one shoulder pad as clan colours, have a looted space marine shoulder pad on the other side. For example Blood angel shoulder pad on an Evil Sun. Have the full set of choices in the Kill team like the Death watch do. A biker (evil sun), a meganob (bad moon), rokkit pack (blood axe). Even have characters in there Weirdboy (snakebite). But I feel it might be a bit of a novelty act. The deathwatch struggle to pull off the mixed unit look as it is so I think Orks might look a bit weird. The meganob for example will just look like a basic meganob thats in the wrong place. So alternative (which I'm leaning towards) is... 2. more a bunch of misfits, like the 'last chancers' or maybe like Kommandos. Have them all essentially Nobs but try to eke out the clan aesthetic for each one. The Evil sun for example will be a bit harder but at least he won't just look like every other biker. Apologist's Rogue Trader Orks got me looking into old pics of Orks and Smokefrog's allstar nobs of different clans got me onto this kill team/deathwatch idea. The 2nd edition Orks particularly caught my eye... Of course I'm looking at the Lootas because I've got a Deathskulls army but now I'm looking at the whole range. When the Current Ork boys came out in 3rd edition I loved them and thought they were brilliantly modern. But looking back now I can see they are totally 'vanilla' and we lost out on so much clan uniqueness. Almost all the regular boys in this pic belong to a clan. The death skull has a skull hat, the evil sun goggles, the bad moon a moon shaped hat etc. So I want to get some of that going on for at least this kill team. I've also 'only' got about 50 painted Ork boys (3 Trukks full and then Shoota boys). So if i did want to add to that I might go different clans to spice things up a bit. My Warboss has Looted some other Orks, or the clans have just come together for a Waaagh. I can't see myself painting 90 plain blue orks. I might start with some more obviously deathskull boys. Skull Drogg (head of the kill team) will be an Ork headhunter, looting/collecting the best veteran Orks from the other clans. That's it for now, I will carry on making my old style Lootas and then hopefully get some of these clan nobs together and go from there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pandoras Bitz Box Posted June 1, 2018 Share Posted June 1, 2018 Are you serious? Novelty act? Yout collecting orks! Make the damn kill team! XD Well im glad my rambling was of some use to you. I honestly wasnt sure my ideas wouldd be any good, being an non orky outsider. I dont really know what resources the orky bits have or mixh sbout the fluff (i had to wiki the clans throughout my response) I think that Killa kan weapn idea is cool. Oh i had another idea for the Blood Axe if the pod racer was too big for a death watch biker... How about mounting him on the bike on his belly? Make him look different to the othwr bikers (fastest of the fast. Like tron or batmans bike... But made or riveted junk? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krakendoomcool Posted June 6, 2018 Author Share Posted June 6, 2018 Slow and steady progress on the 2nd edition style Deathskull (nob) lootas... This guy is the most complete out of these... To slow the progress down even further I've also started working on Skull Drogg's Beaky boys (Ork Killteam). I've got a Nurgle Ork in there based on this Artwork. Just trying out the pose at the moment. Then to make a complete mockery of my 'i don't want them to be a novelty act' line. I present the RagnarOrk... He's a Ragnar Blackmane fanboy (like myself).. Smoke Frog, Kierdale, Warhead01 and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pandoras Bitz Box Posted June 6, 2018 Share Posted June 6, 2018 You need to put a head on the base too... maybe it could be a squig with horns Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krakendoomcool Posted June 6, 2018 Author Share Posted June 6, 2018 For the Ragnar Ork? In place of the berserker head? I thought you were talking about for the Nurgle Ork. Which actually has me thinking. There is a boss pole in the Ork Nob kit with a squig on top. I was thinking of putting a nurgling on it instead of the squig. But maybe it's too good an opportunity to Nurgle up a squig. There is also a cyclops squig in the flashgitz kit. Some sort of Nurgle squig (horns/cyclops/both) might be necessary for the Nurgle Ork. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pandoras Bitz Box Posted June 6, 2018 Share Posted June 6, 2018 Yeah I think you should do a full parody/homage/bizzaro Ragnar and go all out on the similarities, some sort of head with 2 long shapes on it. ...But yeah, nurgle squig definitely. Have I seen a cyclopian squig with cross hairs painted on its eye? a slack faced squig with a dead eye and a horn sounds wicked. maybe you could drill out the back so you can see all the way through and put a spine in there!... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krakendoomcool Posted June 8, 2018 Author Share Posted June 8, 2018 So I went with a Nurgle squig. The model is pretty much done, I feel like I could spend forever fiddling with it. The squig has quite a nice spine (ever if I do say so myself) but it’s so small it’s hard to photograph on the phone. So might need to just wait for when he’s painted for that. Pandoras Bitz Box, Redtoof, apologist and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaldoth Posted June 10, 2018 Share Posted June 10, 2018 You need to put him on a larger base and add a runtherd behind him that's prodding him forward and pinching his nose shut :P Good stuff! Kierdale, Pandoras Bitz Box and Krakendoomcool 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smoke Frog Posted June 10, 2018 Share Posted June 10, 2018 The RagnarOrk looks fantastic! I hope he gets painted up in good wolfy colors. Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krakendoomcool Posted June 10, 2018 Author Share Posted June 10, 2018 @ Kaldoth Thank you. Ha! That’s a great idea. Very characterful. @ Smoke Frog Thank you. I think I can go Space Wolves grey and still have him as a Desth Skull. It’s still lucky blue ish. Or he could be a complete Rogue. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pandoras Bitz Box Posted June 11, 2018 Share Posted June 11, 2018 (edited) @Kaldoth That Runtherd idea is wicked For Ragnarork, to make him the same but different... couldn't you paint his armour and weapon to be the same colours as the original GW paint up? or do would you rather he was a direct reference to yours? That Nurglork is really cool and I love the squig with his spine busting out of his skin. Also his bulbus eye will look awesome painted up... really looking forward to seeing it painted up. Edited June 11, 2018 by Pandoras Bitz Box Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
brettfp Posted June 12, 2018 Share Posted June 12, 2018 This thread is awesome! I really love the paintjobs, especially the super-bright blue on the bomba. Nice work!! :) Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krakendoomcool Posted June 12, 2018 Author Share Posted June 12, 2018 @ Pandora’s bitz box With the RagnarOrk I will see how I go. He hasn’t got too much armour as it is. Unless I decide he loots a shoulder pad. It won’t be the gw way however much there is. Manly because I can’t do it. @ brettfp Thank you. I’m really pleased with the Tourquise and white flames myself. brettfp 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krakendoomcool Posted May 16, 2020 Author Share Posted May 16, 2020 Unearth this dusty old thing then! I've painted some Orks! I've finally gone back and finished my Flashgitz. Looking at the previous posts these have spent at least 2 years half painted. I managed to make 8 out of the regular kit and a few Nob bodies. Was a bit torn on the colours. So to make them slightly different to my other Deathskulls they have some purple on them and no warpaint. They are clearly Freebooterz, not Deathskulls... Here are the regular 5... Here are the bonus 3... Here is a couple of close ups... In hindsight I should have left the guns off while I painted them, that was a pain. Also because the gun obscures the body so much and the Nob ones seem to work just fine I feel like I could have kept the unique flashgitz bodies for some other conversions. I think it was the combination of the detail on the models and the difficulty I had painting them that stalled them so much. But here they are now. Azaiel, Kierdale, Pandoras Bitz Box and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azaiel Posted May 17, 2020 Share Posted May 17, 2020 Just went thru the whole thread. Love it! Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warbringer Posted May 18, 2020 Share Posted May 18, 2020 Awesome work brother! I love Flash Gitz and you have done them proud! I hope mine come out half as good when I get the courage to do them. Looking forward to the end of lockdown and we can get all the Deathskulls on the table once again! Krakendoomcool 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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