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How to commit vile Tech Heresy! A tourists guide to Xana II


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The skulls on chains are an excellent touch to the overall aesthetic, and I love the muted creme paint scheme (assuming that's the colour you were going for).


As for the list, any specific reason not to go for a full Battalion to back up the Knights?  Is it just a question of points conservation?  I'm curious if you'll have enough CP to last the full game on the current setup.

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As for the list, any specific reason not to go for a full Battalion to back up the Knights?  Is it just a question of points conservation?  I'm curious if you'll have enough CP to last the full game on the current setup.


It's pretty much a points thing, yeah. I could possibly split the screens into smaller units, but doing so diminishes board presence and under 20 models they lose their -1 to hit ability.


I too, am curious with regard to CP. I have to say I'm not keen on being overly reliant on it and would rather create lists where CP is a bonus, rather than a focus. Renegade Knights really only have the two strats and both tend to be cheap(ish), so it isn't quite the issue that our CORPSE WORSHIPPING, MUST BE GROUND TO ASH... Ahem, 'Imperial cousins' have.


Can you see a way to build it more efficiently?

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  • 2 months later...

Looking great buddy!


Let me congratulate you on your impeccable taste in Knight Households! We're quite the rare breed, though you'll find a few Malanax Scions on the board here. (We like to hide amongst the non-traitor types in the Imperial Knight section as it's a lot more active, but don't tell the mods :P)


Exciting times ahead.

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If I hadn't decided to create my own house I'd have been sorely tempted by bone white with scorpion insignia. I was surprised that I didn't see your reaction anywhere for the new Chaos Knight kit.

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If I hadn't decided to create my own house I'd have been sorely tempted by bone white with scorpion insignia. I was surprised that I didn't see your reaction anywhere for the new Chaos Knight kit.


I started a thread about them, but it got moved to another forum section. It was a bit redundant there though as there was already a separate discussion thread, and being something of a socially anxious cat, I kinda know and am comfortable around the little sub community on the Knight/Mechanicus forum, so I kinda let the thread die.


(I'm still of the opinion that a Knight specific forum would be great - especially as we're two full factions now, and the most profitable model line in the range, but I don't think it fits the way things are structured here sadly :/ - it's a shame as Knights don't have a specific home anywhere on the internet for discussion, yet are tremendously impactful to the whole game, whereas we've forums dedicated to marine chapters that don't even have a codex... yet alone two).


Needless to say the stuff is exciting though! The models look great, though I'm itching more to get a look at the codex itself really. From what the play-testing team are saying, it's very, very good... 

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Due to a bit of cheeky magatisation playing my imperial knights as....heretics could be interesting


I’ve just started a thousand sons army and if if the chaos knights codex is done properly I may just bring Magnus and 3 knights for shenanigans

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Awesome stuff Clingy!


My big worry about the codex is it being taken too far in all honesty. I want a book that provides some parity with Imperial Knights, or is LESS powerful while providing enough tools that we can win a match because we played better.


If we go down the route of certain keywords - DAEMON is very worrying for example, yet very fluffy... - the shenanigans possible will end up being ridiculous. I don't think anyone wants to auto win for six months because of the way rules are written, before being nerfed into the stone age in CA 2019.

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I hate to admit it but I’m looking forward to what heresy you bring about with the new chaos knight book and kits.


Only for holy inspiration from the Omnissiah as a way to motivate my own house to PURGE said heresy, of course. No real interest <coughs>. I have not been hearing any of the whispered promises from the immaterium I promise.

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I hate to admit it but I’m looking forward to what heresy you bring about with the new chaos knight book and kits.


Only for holy inspiration from the Omnissiah as a way to motivate my own house to PURGE said heresy, of course. No real interest <coughs>. I have not been hearing any of the whispered promises from the immaterium I promise.


I'm honestly just stoked there's going to be a full codex. I sorta wonder if that intention was always there, and they deliberately waited to space out Knight releases. Knights are BIG money at GW, and if memory serves it was around this time last year we had the loyalist Knight releases. I'm guessing there might be a favourable fiscal thing around now?


I've been doing quite a lot of Knight work recently, just haven't quite finished any of them to get photos done! The titanicus stuff has been really useful as there was a bunch more example Malinax knights pictured, which has informed the House scheme a little further. I've been using that, and some of the elements of the new Chaos Knight kits to convert and paint up a Lancer, with a Porphyrion, a reasonably heavily converted armiger, and a Discordant spider-guy-thing also being 'finished'. Trying to re-base the whole Household too, as I wasn't happy with that aspect.

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  • 1 month later...

Little bit of a hint as to the roles of the new 'Chaos Knights' today in the Armageddon preview:


'As the Chaos equivalent of the Questoris class, Knights Despoiler will likely form the mainstay of your renegade household. They have an enormous variety of primary and secondary weapons, and even have the freedom to double up on thermal cannons, rapid-fire battlecannons and avenger gatling cannons. With such flexibility of weaponry at your disposal, use your Knights Despoiler to join or offer fire support to your melee-focussed Knights as you see fit.'


So it looks as though the Despoiler at least, is effectively the new name for the standard Renegade Questorus chassis - Confirmed also, it seems, is the ability to continue doubling up on weapon types.


Also of interest was this sentence:


'They also work well as hard-hitting Freeblade or Dreadblade allies in Imperium or Chaos armies'




'In fact, all Knights larger than the Armiger or War Dog classes have access to at least one weapon with the Destroyer ability'


So we can reasonably assume that Chaos gets Freeblade Knights in the coming codex, repackaged as 'Dreadblades'. War Dogs are a new term also, one that certainly wasn't present in Codex: Imperial Knights, so it seems a reasonable supposition that this is the Chaos equivalent of the Armiger once the new codex drops. Maybe even with an additional new model or weapon options? Who knows...


I wait with baited breath upon what else is so come...

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Interesting hints on the datasheets as well:


'Chaos Knights datasheets have the <Questor Traitoris> keyword. When you include a Chaos Knights unit in your army, you must decide whether that unit owes its allegiance to an Infernal household or an Iconoclast household. If the former, then you replace the <Questor Traitoris> keyword in every instance on that unit’s datasheet with Infernal Household; if the latter, you replace the <Questor Traitoris> keyword in every instance on that unit’s datasheet with Iconoclast Household.'


So Iconoclast or Infernal Households? It does look a LOT like we're really getting a 'mirrored' version of Codex: Imperial Knights so far.


Additionally, the Dominus class seems to be called the Tyrant class as Renegades. Nothing indicates weapon mixing - which is probably fair and sensible, but a bit of a shame fluff and fun wise.

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Well well, we have a first taste of some rules cats and kittens:




This'd be great on an Atrapos, given it's 'Ancient Evil' rule which lowers leadership, against certain units. The extra attack brings it up to Gallant standard too...




Dear god... Same unit with traitors mark for a leadership bomb and you could rack up extra attacks VERY swiftly! :ohmy.:




Pretty good. Basically mirrors one of the Loyalist options.




Ditto with this, offering a permanent 4++




These sound veeeeery interesting. Wish they'd provided the table...


...They did! (After the fact :P) Here it is:







The House Taranis, back to life on a 4+ roll trick.




Beautiful. That could make several Knights very, very hard to kill - especially when stacked with Hellwright and Cerastus healing... you could be pulling back up to 10 or more wounds a turn!




'Let’s say some Psyker is messing with you and you really, really want to ruin their day. That’s when you pop Diabolic Rift – a Stratagem that means that enemy Psykers will always suffer Perils of the Warp when nearby, regardless of what they roll. Yes, really.'


...I'm going to go out on a limb and say they messed up the description on the last one :tongue.:


What do we think folks?

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Daemonic Power is very nice... It's basically the Cawl's Wrath upgrade, but on a ranged weapon on ANY Knight. (Every Knight if you wish).


2D3 Strength 8, Damage 4 Helverins?


Heavy 12 Strength 7, Damage 3 Avengers?


Both potentially re-rolling all failed hits with trail of destruction...

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This is looking very interesting. Can't wait to read the full codex!

From the leaks alone I find it hard to decide between the iconoclast households or the infernal dark mechanicum aligned ones. The 4++ relic has been very strong as we well know from the loyalist codex, but the daemonic power one is just so strong and fluffy.... I also giggle at the thought of making my Porphyrion T10.

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Iconoclast lore actually lends itself very nicely to anyone with a loyalist paint scheme. They're often essentially Imperial Knights who decide enough's enough and set out for the eye of terror it seems. Could be pretty fluffy to still have your old heraldry.


Being the loyal cat I am, and never having wavered in my devotion to the cause of mayhem and the knocking of objects off Xana's shelves, Infernal rules are looking as delightful as a tuna freshly stolen from a pensioners lunch table.

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So... I went *OUTSIDE*, and had my first game of 8th today. 


It did not go as expected O.o


We were playing a 1500 pt game, my vanilla Renegade Knights (no new rules, and no Imperial Knights Codex content).

I took:


- Cerastus Knight Atrapos

- Renegade Knight with twin Avengers

- 'War Dog' War Glaive

- 'War Dog' Helverin


Rest of my points were summonable Daemons, none of which made it on to the table. (Probably spent the day cavorting in the warp with Tim Curry. Have you seen Legend? Dudes totally a Bloodletter).


We were against:


- Blood Angels Death Company, all wielding thunder hammers

- Librarian Dreadnought (of the 'I can fly!' variety)

- Smash Captain (in deep strikey reserve)

- Storm Raven containing: The Sanguinor, a Death Company Dreadnought, Librarian, a Sanguinary-dude-guy and some Tactical Marines.


Blood Angels got first turn, moved the Fire Raptor to setup for a turn two disembark, then, Suddenly: Death Company! Gawd those things can move!

My adversary had used a strat that allowed them a pre-game movement, then they moved again (or flew, in fact) right into the face of my poor Twin Avenger Knight. Joining them was the flying Librarian Dreadnought.


I'm sure we can see where this is headed.


The flying-psychic-dreadnought-man failed his charge (I was in no way pleased by this, I swear), but being two inches away, the Death Company didn't. Apparently it's difficult to roll less than two on a pair of D6's, though I suspect adversary didn't try as hard to achieve this as he could have done...


It was at this point, I learned something. 

I wasn't expecting a twin ranged weapon equipped Knight to be up to much against Thunder hammer wielding assault specialists, but as it turns out  24 Avenger rounds is a LOT of over watch. Especially if followed up by two heavy flamers.


The surviving Death Company members managed to knock off 12 wounds (Thunder hammers *hurt*), but come morale phase, being within 6" of the ancient evil of the Atrapos, and the Traitors Mark, they were at an additional -3 LD.


...It wasn't a thing for them back in the day, but Death Company run away just fine in 8th edition.


My turn saw shooting take care of flying-psychic-dreadnought-guy, and the Atrapos roll a 6 on his gravy gun while aiming at the Storm Raven. Covered in Bisto (probably. Other gravy brands are available), it plunged into the ground taking a fair few of its occupants with it.


My opponent very gracefully conceded at this point, and is probably still wondering why he was standing opposite a cat all morning, even after the LSD had worn off...



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A fantastic write-up. I was giggling my way through the battle report. I suspect my humour module has been tampered with... :p


That Blood Angels army seems really odd to me. I guess I'm just old and am used to the one HQ two troops army core of the past.


That double Avenger knight sounds flat out terrifying.

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A fantastic write-up. I was giggling my way through the battle report. I suspect my humour module has been tampered with... :tongue.:


That Blood Angels army seems really odd to me. I guess I'm just old and am used to the one HQ two troops army core of the past.


That double Avenger knight sounds flat out terrifying.


Aww, cheers buddy.


Twin Avenger Knight is ridiculously good. Frankly, with the ability next week to be able to bump up the weapon an extra point of strength and damage as well, I'm considering building a second one. The weight of dice it throws out 100% reliably means it's an amazing target for buffs like Trail of Destruction (re-roll all failed hits) as well. There are just no targets it doesn't do work against.


Re match pencilled in for Monday and this time I think I'll screen it better with some Plaguebearers or similar annoyances. *Evil grin*

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Found the correct wording for Diabolic Rift - it's pretty great:


'Use this Stratagem at the start of your opponent's Psychic phase.

Until the end of that phase, when a Psychic test is taken for an enemy model within 12" of any Chaos Knights Infernal Household models from your army, that enemy model suffers Perils of the Warp on any dice roll, instead of a double 1 or a double 6.'


Perils = always, if in range of a Knight. That's some quite decent psychic defence.


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A fantastic write-up. I was giggling my way through the battle report. I suspect my humour module has been tampered with... :P


That Blood Angels army seems really odd to me. I guess I'm just old and am used to the one HQ two troops army core of the past.


That double Avenger knight sounds flat out terrifying.



Aww, cheers buddy.


Twin Avenger Knight is ridiculously good. Frankly, with the ability next week to be able to bump up the weapon an extra point of strength and damage as well, I'm considering building a second one. The weight of dice it throws out 100% reliably means it's an amazing target for buffs like Trail of Destruction (re-roll all failed hits) as well. There are just no targets it doesn't do work against.


Re match pencilled in for Monday and this time I think I'll screen it better with some Plaguebearers or similar annoyances. *Evil grin*

My poor poor Blood Angels. Bad kitty!


Chaos knights are shaping up to be a powerhouse! With the twin avengers and that strat you mentioned plus serious psychic phase defense that’s crazy.


Do you think we’ll just see twin avenger knights on the table?

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