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How to commit vile Tech Heresy! A tourists guide to Xana II


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Avenger has definitely done work for my (had a game with the infernal household rules last week). I run my chaos knights with daemons and always take at least one (most of the time two) Nurgle Heralds, this gives me access to shrivelling pox (-1 to targets toughness 6 casting value). When you combo this with Daemonic power you are suddenly wounding T8 models on 4s with the avenger which is pretty brutal. 


That being said avengers are now 10pts more expensive.


10 points isn't so bad, I think especially when stacked up against the RFBC's cost, it did need an increase.


On the other hand, the new laser weapon probably wouldn't get taken (by choice) even if it were free... :tongue.:

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Well I suppose now I'm sold on quickly changing my imperial knights to chaos XD I guess that will make my centaur armiger conversions fit better (true war dogs) just a shame I already started painting my questor so cleanly, though I suppose I can fluff it as the house has slowly slid toward damnation with some knights embracing their newfound insanity more than others. Gonna have to get me a defiler kit for all the conversion bits


Keeping more on topic I do love how your house malinax is turning out! The paint looks really nice and your photo's make everything look really dynamic. Looking forward to seeing more!

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Has the channel for all discussing all flavour of knights disappeared?


I can’t seem to find it. It’s been a long day so it’s probably me being daft haha

No you are not being daft... rather confusingly it got renamed by a mod. It's now called: Imperial Knight paint scheme preferences.
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Yeah... I probably need to be a bit careful what I say with regard to that, but essentially, what Mushy said.


Needless to say it was it a bit messy for various reasons (some of which I feel were my fault, others I'm not so convinced about).


But I am officially a VERY NAUGHTY KITTY, so there's that at least :)


Ethically, I have some serious problems with censorship, and personally I have some stuff going on with a terminally ill parent. Taken together it's probably not the best combination for me to be at my most accepting and understanding... O.o

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@stray I’m afraid I have some experience there. Not a nice thing to go through so my heart goes out to you. I don’t have any good advice to share other than just be you and know that your loved. I hope you have a strong network of support and can stay positive


The sub label is fine, I just was a bit lost as to where to go. But a place to chat for all flavour of knights is a good idea. I do enjoy all of your stories, workshop tales and batreps

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Rename it the Stray appreciation thread <3 Hope you are well, despite the trying circumstances. You've always come off as genuinely nice and thoughtful.

On the subject of Chaos Knights - got any ideas for an interesting way to field a Porphyrion? I'm always looking for excuses to bring mine. Adding in some Thousand Sons to cast Death Hex seems obvious. Perhaps run him as an Iconoclast Dreadblade with Vow of the Beastslayer and the Path to Glory pact? Will allow him to reroll hits and wounds against optimal targets, even without a relic and a warlord trait. Thoughts?

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Thank guys.


I'm not sure as yet Helio with regards to the Porphyrion. It likely doesn't benefit much from the extra strength/damage ability that Infernal can provide (Porphy isn't exactly lacking in that department is he? Flat 7 damage is better than 6, but it doesn't improve the number of shots needed to kill a Knight say - both require 4). T10 has some application for sure. I figure often you're fielding a Porphyrion to take out other Knights, and T10 messes with a Str 9 Thermal cannons ability to wound you quite nicely. Lascannon go up a bracket too (though they aren't all that common these days with invulns being so prevalent).


Death hex is a must, I completely agree. I suspect we'll see the Death hex power being a defining component of competitive Knight lists. (That being the case, as good as it seems on paper, the Khorne relic might not see much play. You wouldn't necessarily need it.)


Path to Glory and Beastslayer certainly seem the most appropriate traits to attach to it, feels a shame that Beastslayer requires Iconoclast though as I don't know that Porphy benefits as much from the rest of the Iconoclast crunch.


It's an interesting unit now. With the Castellan being pointed just out of what many consider reasonable, paying a little more for quite a bit more Knight doesn't seem like such a bad idea in games where it'll be used...

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Good points. I think Porphy can do well as an Iconoclast because of the Vows, but the small household bonus to number of attacks when charging/charged could also help mitigate some of his weaknesses - namely being a less nimble tapdancer than his fellows. It's a bonus that does not play to his strengths, but perhaps that's not such a bad thing?

Or maybe I'm just rationalizing everything since I desperately want to bring him more often.

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I think he's viable now certainly, just not efficient in all match ups.


I'm intrigued by the idea of an Iconoclast Atropos running Traitors Mark and the 'Terror' Warlord trait. Having fielded him now, I pleasantly surprised by how much damage he did in the morale phase just by being on the board. He wiped out units that he wasn't even in combat with because of that -3 LD aura. With the other bonuses too, he could really make a mess of some armies by virtue of being there.


The leadership bomb could be enhanced further by a few key Slaaneshi Daemon summons. 


Leadership bombs either work brilliantly or have zero effect I realise, but they're not half fun when they do function. Even the CP pressure of forcing your opponent to keep burning the auto pass strat has an effect.


Extra points if you use all this to get Treason of Tzeentch off on an enemy Knight...

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The leadership bomb could be enhanced further by a few key Slaaneshi Daemon summons.


Leadership bombs either work brilliantly or have zero effect I realise, but they're not half fun when they do function. Even the CP pressure of forcing your opponent to keep burning the auto pass strat has an effect.


Extra points if you use all this to get Treason of Tzeentch off on an enemy Knight...

The nice thing with summoning and our relic/trait flexibility we can tap into leadership shenanigans on the fly.


Treason of Tzeentch is amazing when it works. Managed to cast it on a kellermorph (the gunslinger genesteler cult character), took out two other genesteler characters and then charged him into some aberrants who promptly killed him. He'd come in within 3" of my of my warlord (who at the time was running the leadership debuff relic as it was the only one we had). He killed a herald only for me to summon a new one with treason of Tzeentch. Being able to summon powers if and when you need them is great fun.

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The leadership bomb could be enhanced further by a few key Slaaneshi Daemon summons.


Leadership bombs either work brilliantly or have zero effect I realise, but they're not half fun when they do function. Even the CP pressure of forcing your opponent to keep burning the auto pass strat has an effect.


Extra points if you use all this to get Treason of Tzeentch off on an enemy Knight...

The nice thing with summoning and our relic/trait flexibility we can tap into leadership shenanigans on the fly.


Treason of Tzeentch is amazing when it works. Managed to cast it on a kellermorph (the gunslinger genesteler cult character), took out two other genesteler characters and then charged him into some aberrants who promptly killed him. He'd come in within 3" of my of my warlord (who at the time was running the leadership debuff relic as it was the only one we had). He killed a herald only for me to summon a new one with treason of Tzeentch. Being able to summon powers if and when you need them is great fun.



Yup. I couldn't agree more.


I hope players realise how powerful this can be. Reserve just a few points. Now you want an objective held for a turn while you move on? Summon a group of Nurglings. Realise you could use psychic power 'x', summon the appropriate herald.


We could always do it, but it wasn't always easy as it was only possible on a single Knight (generally your Warlord). Now the traits essentially let us do this on all our units.


Knights are also one of the safest units to use in summoning also as the loss of a couple of wounds isn't a big deal.


Being able to tailor your list on the fly can be insanely powerful (remember it totally sidesteps the reinforcements only in turn two rules also), and almost no other army gets to do it...

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  • 1 month later...

Great stuff here. Very encouraged with regard to my own Malinax project. Got the transfer sheets, some Typhon Ash, and I already have bone bits and skulls all over my assembled Knights.

Given their original Mezoamerican heritage, I think I'm going to add just a little flair with yellow and black stripes around the eyeslits of the helms and maybe a black right foot for each one.

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