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Custodes of the Dread Host

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Cheers Black Orange!

I battled through the humid weather to complete this guy over the weekend:


Had awful trouble with the paints not liking the temperature and humidity. Also I've decided I'll come back to the tiled bases and re-paint them somehow. Not happy with them and I've found it very frustrating trying to match them - all 3 completed models have different base patterns at present :sad.:

Just stumbled on this in the gallery section!
Looks amazing!! :D 

Stealing your basing idea, as I was just having a discussion about using this technique for my Custard Creams :)


What gold are you using? I skimmed through and couldn't see.

Looks mint! :tu:

Keep it up!

Thanks duz, and thank you for the link - might give that a go. I have a load of 'blank' bases ready for painting so I can experiment on one of them :tu:


The gold is really simple:

Spray Retributor Gold

Base Retributor Gold

Wash Reikland Fleshshade

Drybrush Sigmarite

More progress made over the weekend :smile.:


The bases will be painted later once I figure out what I'm doing with them - these are done for the purposes of the ETL. It's taken a while but I have a squad complete! :biggrin.:

Hoping to finish the Custodes this week then dedicate the weekend to either the Wardens or the Allarus... not long left to go now :unsure.:

I had been thinking of some Dragon Forge ones then I saw my friends this week and they look amazing!




Do the Allarus they're a lot of fun to play with! ;)


Bikes are looking great! :tu:

Cheers duz! I've already committed to my cheapo playing card tiles now but thanks for the link... maybe if my next attempts are utter failures then I can have a look :sweat:


Very well, I shall do the Allarus next! Though no promises, this whole project has been declaring that I'll do one thing only to then do something else :teehee:

Custodes done. Definitely made the wrong choice with the bases, they're just too much work and difficult to get looking like I wanted - never mind painting them how I wanted. So post ETL I'll be re-basing the entire lot.


Planning on Allarus next, but not today - I think I've had enough for now!

I think the bases here look good, I'd keep the tiles and see how you feel about colours once you have more models :thumbsup: Great work on getting the squad done you're well on the way to having the army ready, can you give us some close ups? I'd like to see the gold in detail as it's hard to see all the detail from this distance.

The weekend was sort of productive. Two Allarus well on the way and Trajan too. These mostly need small details like gems doing, and washes of course.


Here are a couple of pictures of the normal Custodes. I rushed the photos quick this morning so I can try and take better ones later when I get time.


I pushed on last night to get all the Allarus terminators to roughly the same standard. The plan is to do all the details and tidying up Saturday when there is hopefully decent daylight. Along with their helmets, and Trajann too. Then it's the 5 Wardens... I have a few things going on over the next couple of weeks so it's going to be a photo finish :tongue.:


It really does help a lot. I was a bit concerned when I painted the Allarus Shield-Captain as he was very red and gold but the black on the shoulder pads helps loads with the normal ones. Trajann is still gonna be gold and red but as he's the bigwig of the whole Custodes he's not really a member of the Dread Host so that's fine :tu:


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