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Where is Alexis Polux now in the HH series?


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Hopefully the Captain went on to greatly underachieve and continue Forgebreaker's legacy

No no no. He did great until Black Library tripped him up and he got his head chopped off, in true Iron Hands tradition.


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I don’t like that for Polux. The Siege is the great crucible for the Fists. They should all be apart of it. The act of not being present for it will essentially make them no longer Fists.


I'm sure every member of the VII Legion would want to be present at the Siege of Terra, but how often does anyone get what they want in the 40K universe, or the Horus Heresy narrative?


Yes, it's currently an open question as to whether or not Polux will be there, because it hasn't been stated either way, but some members of the Legion, realistically speaking, would have to be kept away by the vagaries of war. Why not Polux, as a contrast with Sigismund? It's not like any other memorable Imperial Fists have been introduced who aren't already on Terra.

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Let me be more specific, I’m not a fan of any of the names Imperial Fists not being present at my favorite thing from the lore and I’m not going to be convinced otherwise for the specific reason that it’s my favorite thing and I don’t care about the narrative. It’s like if Darth Vader wasn’t at Endor. Could it make sense? Sure. Is it fun? No.
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