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Kill Team Tactica: Adeptus Astartes


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I'm thinking about a melee Astartes list. Any ideas or is it even possible?


I'm starting with Kill Team, so Vanilla without expansions first.


It has been noted before, but without expansions it will be rough. For melee you have Scouts and Reivers + a tac Sarge with a Fist and a Intercessor Sarge with a Power Sword. Deathwatch veterans offer options for more power weapons. Astartes can use the medic spec, as per errata.


My advise would be


Scout Sarge, Combat Knife, Bolt Pistol (Leader) 11 p.

Tac Sarge, Powerfist, Bolt Pistol (Combat) 17 p.

Reiver Sarge. Combat Knife, Heavy Bolt Pistol (Veteran) 17 p.

Intercessor Sarge, Power Sword (Medic) 18 p.


Thats 63 points, so you are left with 37 to play with. An interecessor with grenade launcher would be useful, as well as a Rocket Launcher or heavy Bolter. Maybe a Sniper Rifle for you Scout Sarge.

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So how are you guys thinking of kitting our veterans? Sternguard look good with just their special issue boltguns, and for vanguard sergeants the relic blade is promising. Jump packs seem pricey but I want to try them, and I think a vanguard sergeant with jump pack and the veteran specialism could be useful for a turn one charge.
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Veterans are in my oppinion a solid replacement for a good part of your tactical marines. Sternguard +2 points (base + Boltgun) for an additional attack, 6" extra range, and -2 DP. Thats very solid. Vanguard +1 points for +1 A and melee kit. And then you get a bunch of options including interesting heavy weapons. As I see it, tacticals are your "I need one more point somewhere" option. On the other hand, you have to be careful to not overkit them and drop your modelcount to much.

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Every point counts. If you are bringing models just to carry bolters, the extra attack on a veteran will not do you much good. Better to save a point or two nd just bring a regular marine.


But, overall, yeah, veterans are better.

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Every point counts. If you are bringing models just to carry bolters, the extra attack on a veteran will not do you much good. Better to save a point or two nd just bring a regular marine.


But, overall, yeah, veterans are better.


The extra attack may not do you much good on bolter Marines, but the extra range and AP on the Special Issue Bolter sure does (if you don't want to take Intercessors for their additional wound). ;)

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So how are you guys thinking of kitting our veterans? Sternguard look good with just their special issue boltguns, and for vanguard sergeants the relic blade is promising. Jump packs seem pricey but I want to try them, and I think a vanguard sergeant with jump pack and the veteran specialism could be useful for a turn one charge.

I'm working on Sternguard right now to add to my Crimson Fists, but they are specifically being made for Kill Team. I only play with painted models so it will be a week or so before I can post the results, but I feel they will do quite well if used correctly. If not, then I still have some pretty cool models for my 40K army. We don't play very competitively at the store I frequent though. 

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Had a question come up today, and I'm pretty sure I know the answer but I'd like to check anyway:


Given the following conditions:

  1. Model A1 has a pistol, and wishes to fire at model B1.
  2. Model B1 is 6" away from model A1.
  3. Model B1 is currently within 1" of model A2 (a model from A1's team).
  4. Model B1 is the closest enemy to Model A1.

Can Model A1 fire his pistol at model B1?


The pistol rules are on page 30, but I'm basically asking if a model can fire a pistol at a target that is both within 1" of a friendly model and not within 1" of the firing model.

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No. What pistols do is:

 - allow a model to shoot despite being in melee itself

 - forcing to shoot at the model closest to it if the above applies (which usually is the model it's in melee with)


It does NOT allow to shoot into melee between two other models the shooting model isn't part of.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How have peoples' games been going with the addition of Elites? I'm planning to start running a single Infiltrator to keep my budget scout sergeant safe from outflankers and/or deep strikers.


I considered just going for an Infiltrator Sergeant as Leader instead, but I couldn't come up with any compositions involving him that I actually liked from the rest of my Command Roster.

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How have peoples' games been going with the addition of Elites? I'm planning to start running a single Infiltrator to keep my budget scout sergeant safe from outflankers and/or deep strikers.


I considered just going for an Infiltrator Sergeant as Leader instead, but I couldn't come up with any compositions involving him that I actually liked from the rest of my Command Roster.


Ours have been good. I am still working on my Sternguard, Supressors, and some of the Phobos marines so I haven't given them a go. But, Company Vets and Termies are fun. A Vanguard or Sternguard Sgt with Combat or Zealot has been pretty effective for me. You just have to do a good job of shielding him as you get him into charging position. Most of my opponents have tried to shoot him to bits except for my buddy that plays Nids. 


All in all Elites made Kill Team what it should have been from the onset to me. I am glad that GW continues to expand on it, and I hope to see even more standard marine units added to it. I have nothing against Primaris, love the models and the concept, but I will forever have a soft spot and nostalgia for my original Astartes. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

What would you guys recommend for a starting Astartes(wolves) killteam? I saw above that the melee focus would be a bit of an uphill battle which is always what im drawn to.


Would a 60/40 range/melee focus be ok or is that an issue of spreading too thin? I've only gotten like 2 test games of Killteam but am doing a bunch this weekend to hopefully kick it off within my group.


Edit: I should mention I'm a sucker for snipers, TDA, and melee :D

Edited by PeteySödes
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  • 2 months later...

Does your group use the Elites expansion or not and what do you usually/expect to face on the tabletop? Once we have the answer to those, we'll be able to narrow down options and such. :smile.:

Edited by Chaplain Dosjetka
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  • 3 weeks later...
Yes, we usually play Elites and 125 points. People mostly play power armour. The factions represented are often Adeptus astartes, Chaos marines, Thousand sons, Necrons and Orks. And sometimes Adeptus mechanicus and Imperial guard.
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  • 2 months later...

It is still a good tactic, to keep models on objectives.


I will still use it, but now it is not as a must use tactic.


i found with it and against it and it was too much of a good thing for marines.


I thought the better way to do it would be to have the tactic cost 2 CP. Then player roll 4+ or 3+ to take a flesh wound rather than model being taken out of action.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I think a full Primaris team is the best way to play. 2 wounds per model is really powerful. If I run regular Marines the most I've gotten into a 100 point list is 7 models, you might get 8 if you're scout heavy. With Primaris I can get 6. Even with one less bod model I've still got 12 wounds with Primaris compared to 7/8 with regular Marines. That resiliency is very powerful.
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I think a full Primaris team is the best way to play. 2 wounds per model is really powerful. If I run regular Marines the most I've gotten into a 100 point list is 7 models, you might get 8 if you're scout heavy. With Primaris I can get 6. Even with one less bod model I've still got 12 wounds with Primaris compared to 7/8 with regular Marines. That resiliency is very powerful.


Not to mention that you can potentially lose half of your wounds without losing a single model.

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