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Kill Team Tactica: Adeptus Astartes


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I'm just starting out and churned out two simple lists, what do you think?

List 1: ++ Kill Team List (Adeptus Astartes) [100pts] ++

+ Configuration +
List Configuration: Matched Play: Kill Team

+ Leader +: Intercessor Sergeant [20pts]: Auto bolt rifle, Power fist, Space Wolves
. Leader

+ Specialists +
Reiver Sergeant [19pts]: Combat knife, Grapnel Launcher, Grav-chute, Heavy bolt pistol, Space Wolves
. Veteran
Scout Gunner [17pts]: Space Wolves
. Heavy
. Missile Launcher and Camo Cloak: Camo Cloak, Missile launcher
Tactical Marine Gunner [16pts]: Plasma gun, Space Wolves
. Sniper

+ Non-specialists +
Intercessor Gunner [17pts]: Auspex, Auxiliary grenade launcher, Bolt rifle, Space Wolves
Scout Sergeant [11pts]: Boltgun, Space Wolves

++ Total: [100pts] ++




List 2: Lighter armoured, one more model:

++ Kill Team List (Adeptus Astartes) [100pts] ++

List Configuration: Matched Play: Kill Team

+ Leader + Intercessor Sergeant [20pts]: Auto bolt rifle, Power fist, Space Wolves
. Leader

+ Specialists +
Reiver Sergeant [19pts]: Combat knife, Grapnel Launcher, Grav-chute, Heavy bolt pistol, Space Wolves
. Veteran
Scout Gunner [17pts]: Space Wolves
. Heavy
. Missile Launcher and Camo Cloak: Camo Cloak, Missile launcher
Tactical Marine Gunner [16pts]: Plasma gun, Space Wolves
. Sniper

+ Non-specialists +
Intercessor Gunner [17pts]: Auspex, Auxiliary grenade launcher, Bolt rifle, Space Wolves
Scout Sergeant [11pts]: Boltgun, Space Wolves

++ Total: [100pts] ++

Edited by ranulf the revenant
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My opinion on Intercessor Sgts - if they're equipped with a CC weapon they should be a Combat specialist to get the extra attack. The auto bolt rifle is good because they can advance and still fire, then hopefully get a charge off.


I tend to run a Reiver as my leader because I find them less suited to any specialisms.

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Thanks, I'll consider changing that :smile.:

I just thought Veteran was good on a Reiver for the Advance Move Strategem, which could synergise with him grapnel launching himself around and being an all around melee bully (although he is obviously not that much of a threat against marines and such...). Maybe I'll just drop him.

Edited by ranulf the revenant
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Had another go...

++ Kill Team List (Adeptus Astartes) [100pts] ++


List Configuration: Matched Play: Kill Team


+ Leader +

Tactical Sergeant [17pts]: Combi-plasma, Space Wolves

. Leader


+ Specialists +

Intercessor Sergeant [20pts]: Auto bolt rifle, Power fist, Space Wolves

. Combat


Scout Gunner [17pts]: Space Wolves

. Heavy

. Missile Launcher and Camo Cloak: Camo Cloak, Missile launcher


Tactical Marine Gunner [16pts]: Plasma gun, Space Wolves

. Sniper


+ Non-specialists +


Intercessor Gunner [17pts]: Auspex, Auxiliary grenade launcher, Bolt rifle, Space Wolves


Scout Sergeant [13pts]: Sniper rifle and Camo cloak, Space Wolves


++ Total: [100pts] ++



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  • 3 months later...

Hey guys.


I am getting into a series of matches against Tyranids, at 125 points with Elites, and purchasable upgrades.


First couple of games have NOT gone my way at all, though. My opponent plays a trio of Hive Guard with their guns firing from out of LoS, and although he hits on 6s, even one hit means a dead model for me, with their S8 AP-2.


At present, my team consists of:


(Leader) Tactical Sergeant with Chainsword and Plasma Pistol


(Sniper) Tactical Gunner with Plasma Gun

(Heavy, Extra Armor) Terminator Gunner with Assault Cannon

(Combat) Veteran Sergeant with Storm Shield and Power Sword


Tactical Marine with Bolter

Tactical Marine with Bolter

Tactical Marine with Bolter


Any advise?

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Well, I tried a different one now. Again, it is a 125 points Elites list, with the ability to purchase advancements for points, in a matched scenario.


The list I tried was:


Scout Sergeant (Leader), with a Sniper Rifle and a Camo Cloak


Scout (Demolitions), with a Sniper Rifle and a Camo Cloak

Tactical Sergeant (Comms, with Scanner > Expert > Command Relay), with a Combi Plasma

Tactical Gunner (Sniper, with Marksman > Assassin), with a Plasma Gun


Scout with Bolter

Scout with Bolter

Scout Gunner with Heavy Bolter


Veteran Sergeant, with a Power Sword and a Storm Shield



It worked amazingly well. The Veteran took directly to the enemy, tanking some shots with his 3++ save, while the bolter scouts hanged on objectives for points. My sniper rifle scouts put the pressure on him all along the fight, with my heavy bolter killing off things that were low on wounds. Meanwhile, my Plasma Gunner and Combi Plasma Sergeant teamed up perfectly, granting me lots of CPs and boosting overcharged plasma shots to maximum efficiency. Specially with the ability to move and then re-ready the Sniper specialist.



I know it is not a campaign list, but if I managed, I would totally build towards it during a campaign.

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