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Kill Team Tactica: Death Guard


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Greetings Fetid Ones,

Well this seems to be the place to chat about KT Tactica for all factions, so I thought I'd start the DG off here.

So to start off. I'm loving KT and have my teams ready to to go. But what I'm liking is adding plague spewer, auto hits which seems to be one of the best ways to go in the game, blight launcher for demo specialist.

One thing I'd love to see is a DG with sniper specialist, that would be fun.

And I'm unsure as to how many poxwalkers to the list, I normally end up with about 3-4 and use them as meat shields to protect my heavies.

So, what is everyone finding with running DG in KT

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My List:


Plaguemarine Champion, Leader, Bolt pistol, Powerfist, Plaguesword 19 p.

Plaguemarine Gunner, Heavy, Blight launcher 18 p.

Plaguemarine Gunner, Plasmagun 18.

Plaguemarine Fighter, Demolitionist 15 p.

Plaguemarine Fighter 15p.


Poxwalker, Zealot 3 p.

Poxwalker 3 p.

Poxwalker 3 p.

Poxwalker 3 p.

Poxwalker 3 p.


100 points


I do not expect "Patient Zero" (the Zealot Poxwalker) to be very useful, its my RP thing. Heavy and Blight launcher allows advancing and shooting without penalty. The Fighter Demo can use Blight Grenades to good effect before getting stuck in. The normal Poxwalkers are just fodder and will multiply whenever I can.


Generally it would be good to get an FAQ how multiple FnP work in KT. Can I use Disgustingly Reslient and the 6+ Zealot FnP or the 5+ FnP Stratagem of the Demo or not? I think it was errataed for 40K that only one can be taken.


Another idea I had was playing the morale phase with the DG. -1 for Tyrant (Level 3 Leader), -1 for Battle Scarred (Level 3 Veteran), -1 for Icon of Despair puts a lot of pressure on leadership. Ironically, the loyalist do it better with Reavers, Tyrant, Battle Scarred and Vox Ghost from Comms spec.

I've been struggling trying to figure out the configuration of my last Plague Marine. It's between a Specialist with Bubotic Axe and Mace of Contagion or a Plague Marine with Icon of Despair. My other 4 are:


Champion with Power Fist and Plasma Gun


2 x Plague Marine Gunners with Blight Launchers


1 x Plague Marine Fighter with Flail of Corruption


I'd like to add another Bolter to the mix which makes the Plague Marine with Icon of Despair enticing, but another strong arm in CC would also help a lot. Thoughts?

I can't make up my mind as whether I'll make a shooty list or add some PM with flail and a bubonic axe. But with taking a bubonic axe and mace of corruption, what benefit does that give you in hth combat?


I'll always take the icon of despair, a blight launcher and a plague spewer.


It's a pity we can't take comma specialty or sniper, would be fun to build those models. A plague ridden comma reply on the back with alsorts or weird dark mechanicus plague tech

The Axe & Mace combo work pretty well in 40K games I've played when they get in CC. I'd rather arm my Plague Marine with a Mace than a Plague Knife, but to get the Mace you need the Axe. It's good against armour anyhow. You can't mix Flail and Axe either. 


I was hoping to make a Plague Marine Sniper but for some reason GW put a kabosh on that which I think is stupid.

This was my list I used in my first Kill Team game:

  • Plague Marine Champion - Leader - Power Fist, Plague Sword, Plasma Gun
  • Plague Marine Fighter - Combat- Flail of Corruption
  • Plague Marine Fighter - Zealot - Bubotic Axe and Mace of Contagion
  • Plague Marine Gunner - Demolitions - Plague Belcher
  • Plague Marine Gunner - Blight Launcher
  • Poxwalker

Was 100 points exactly. I soundly beat my friend's Thousand Sons, as he couldn't kill my Marines or Poxwalker. Seriously, by the time his team was Broken I lost exactly ONE Marine (the Belcher guy).


My next list, after I get Gutrot Spume (leader for Kill Team, Chaos Lord for 40k) and a box of Plague Marines will be:

  • Plague Marine Champion - Leader - Plaguesword, Plasma gun
  • Plague Marine Fighter - Combat - Flail of Corruption
  • Plague Marine Fighter - Zealot Great plague cleaver
  • Plague Marine Gunner - Heavy - Plague Belcher
  • Plague Marine - Icon of Despair
  • Poxwalker
  • Poxwalker
  • Poxwalker
Also 100 points, but has more bodies.
So, with the DG half of the Dark Vengeance box set, and the special edition box set with the left handed meltagun, what would be good additions? What stands out to me with what I've already got is the plasma and melts, plus the pox walkers. If I get First Strike I'd have a blight launcher and leader with PF and pkasmagun, plus more pox walkers, or would I be better off getting a box of plague marines, in which case I could build some fighters and I'd still be able to run a blight launcher? Is the meltagun any good? I'd like a fair few models in my pool to use for matched play games, and for campaign games I'd probably use plague marines as my leader and three specs, plus three more plague marines in my fire team, with the remaining models made up of pox walkers. Its also worth noting that the models would double for 40k proper, not just killteam, and any models left over would be used for 40k too, including any primaris marines if I get First Strike. I'll probably end up getting both, even multiples of both, just wondering which way to go starting killteam?
I'm having such an issue deciding on the team for my first kill team game. Death guard have way too many good options. If I go with what I already have, it would be a champion (fully loaded), heavy with blight launcher, combat with cleaver, veteran with icon of despair, a melta plague Marine and two poxwalkers. But I'm debating getting a box of plague Marines just to give myself all the options. So hard to choose!

This is my current list 1 poxwalkers per DG except the plasma guys getting 2 to give cover to the dg and nerve test buffs to the poxwalkers



++ Kill Team List (Death Guard) ++


+ Configuration +


List Configuration: Matched Play: Command Roster


+ Leaders +


Plague Champion: Leader, Plague knife, Plasma gun, Power fist


+ Specialists +


Plague Marine: Icon of Despair, Veteran


Plague Marine Gunner: Blight launcher, Heavy


Plague Marine Gunner: Demolitions, Plasma gun


+ Non-specialists +













The first strike box gives a great base for a DG killteam. 1 champ 2 specialists and 6 poxwalkers all you really need is 1 more plague marine to build out as a fighter

I fully expect the Death Guard KT Faction starter to be the Plague Marine and Poxwalker easy to build kits. The Plague Marine MPPK is a bit expensive than what we’ve seen in those boxes so far (all have had about $25-35 of Faction models).

RandomMarine, why no plague spewer for those auto hits for getting those groups of 2-3.


It's heavy D6 and you can split it up between the group which is just awesome

They are all easy-fit from first strike + a plasma gunner. So don't have a plague sprewer



Yeah but I think it'll be plague brethren + plus the easy fits. But the full plague marine box is possible with how much the boxes vary in price.

I’ve only played two games so far (both last night against GSC). My KT prevailed in both games. First game we played Disrupt Supply Lines (I was the defender) and the second was Lines of Battle (I was attacker).



++ Kill Team List (Death Guard) [100pts] ++


+ Configuration +


List Configuration: Matched Play: Kill Team


+ Leader +


Plague Champion [16pts]: Leader, Plaguesword, Plasma pistol


+ Specialists +


Plague Marine Fighter [19pts]: Flail of Corruption, Zealot


Plague Marine Gunner [18pts]: Blight launcher, Heavy


Plague Marine Gunner [18pts]: Demolitions, Plasma gun


+ Non-specialists +


Plague Marine [17pts]: Icon of Despair


Poxwalker [3pts]


Poxwalker [3pts]


Poxwalker [3pts]


Poxwalker [3pts]


The Flail wrecked house in both games, as did the blight launcher.

I really like that flail Zealot. Thats probably the best model to use Zealot on. 3d3 Attacks on the charge, Death to the false Emperor + Killing Frenzy means +2d3 attacks on a hit roll of 6+. Str 7 on the Charge and reroll to hit if you can get your hands on Puritan. Wow. (Highly) Theoretical thats up to 63 Attacks :D Insane.

Has anyone had any luck running the flail marine and the another hth marine such as the big cleaver or axe/mace guy. I don't know whether to add 2 or 1 hth marine to the KT, I'm adding the flail of corruption because he is a total kickass monster in hth with zealot on top

The Flail is amazing. It pretty much guarantees that your opponent has to take an injury roll (two take highest actually). For level 1 zealot is okay even tho the +1S doesn't do anything for him, however in campaigns I'd probably make him a combat specialist for more attacks and other useful abilities.


The thing about Death Guard is that you're going to have a really elite team unless you include some Poxwalker so don't focus too much on melee. That'll only work on really dense boards with lots of LoS blocking terrain. On more open boards you're going to need the ranged pressure.

Your right sfPanzer, it all comes down to the board and trying to get the melee marine into hth, our terrain I'd say is average with an even number of places for cover or partial cover.


But I'll always include the flail marine, he's a total wrecking machine, I'll try him with the combat specialist and see how it goes.


It's just the balance with how many poxwalkers do you need to put in. I like the poxwalkers as meat shields and using cloud of flies every turn to protect my most valuable guy. Just crap we don't have comms

I've got the icon/bolter guy done and have the flail ready to paint, I'm thinking I'll add the axe/mace guy to the campaign list as another hth guy just in case, add in some more plague spewers.


And maybe more poxwalkers, but in my first match with them I'll run about 4 of them and see how they go

Just be careful with Poxwalker so you don't get forced to take Break tests too early. I played against Drukhari two days ago and for T'au with their S5 weaponry it would be just as easy to kill Poxwalker as it was to kill Kabalite Warrior (which really was easy). One bad roll and you'll have to take Nerve tests for all of your Plague Marines each round while the dead Poxwalker also add 1 each to make it more likely for your guys to be shaken.

Even if your team doesn't break you have to take Nerve tests for each model with a Flesh wound which can easily ruin your day if too many of your Poxwalker are dead.


I don't have any real experience or proof so far but I have the suspicion that mixing elite teams with fraguile cannon fodder is a terrible idea. :ermm:

About the Flail marine Combat/zealot thing: Does a Fighter with a Plague Flail even need a class? he basically kills most things he gets into contact with anyway. A Class would just make things deader. What do you think?


@sfPanzer: Good advice, I will have to test this. I already had the feeling that Morale manipulation is pretty good in Killteam.


The flail marine is a death machine on its own, but I was thinking maybe in a campaign as he goes up in levies in the class, such as: (this is how I would go)


Zealot, level 1 then on to level 2-Flagellant then level 3-Fanatical


Combat, level 1 then on to level 2-Warrior Adept then level3-Deathblow (with this it's a toss between that and combat master)


And you also have access to the level 2 & 3 tactics to makes things really messy, plus cloud of flies to really get under the skin of your opponent.


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