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Facing the Unknown - Starting a New army together


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Welcome Ὀσυμανδύας, HCMistborn and Gederas, glad you could all join in.



--Participant List updated--




Also, Trokair, a question:

What about one-off characters? For example, I was making a True-Scale Deathwatch Kill-Team for Inq28, built off of Primaris Marines, and a majority of them would likely not work for 40k. For example, this Apothecary and Plasmagunner (Hellblaster) would work in 40k, but the Assault Marine would not.


You are free to build and paint them; you just won’t be able to use them to fill a slot in a detachment.


That said Count as is fine as long it is clear what the conversion is supposed to represent and is recognizable as the unit/equipment on the datasheet.


I haven’t looked into kill team much, so I don’t know how many models you will build for that but if there are enough for a Kill Team then the assault marine could be a Vanguard Veteran.



Edit so as to not double post:


I an definitely going to be in for this. As for what army... I don't know yet. I have started most over my twenty odd years in the hobby but have only really ever got a marine army done. Will post a proper commitment once I decide.

I also want to make a personal challenge to my mate Dos, that we will both compete an army together through this challenge. Then if I ever find myself on his side of the world we're could have a game.



With pleasure, mate. :thumbsup:


Excellent, extra motivation is always welcome.  

Good start!


I've got to rush-paint a few Black Templar models for some 500-point games this weekend at Warhammer World but as soon as that's over, I'll focus on creating another Patrol Detachment with not-yet-assembled/painted models. :tu:


Also, Trokair, a question:


What about one-off characters? For example, I was making a True-Scale Deathwatch Kill-Team for Inq28, built off of Primaris Marines, and a majority of them would likely not work for 40k. For example, this Apothecary and Plasmagunner (Hellblaster) would work in 40k, but the Assault Marine would not.

You are free to build and paint them; you just won’t be able to use them to fill a slot in a detachment.


That said Count as is fine as long it is clear what the conversion is supposed to represent and is recognizable as the unit/equipment on the datasheet.


I haven’t looked into kill team much, so I don’t know how many models you will build for that but if there are enough for a Kill Team then the assault marine could be a Vanguard Veteran.

No Vanguard Veterans for Kill Tean, sadly. For Deathwatch it's Veterans, Intercessors and Reivers.

Lionofjudah, Vowed to face the unknown and will learn about the glorious yellow of the Imperial Fists by the end of the year by working on adding a Patrol Detachment(I don’t have any of the 8th ed books but this sounds like the right amount of marines to add to my 501st Aenterian armored guard force). Failure is not acceptable, but should I suffer it I will owe a debt of honour to my fellow participants and I will donate $20 to the B&C(which I’m going to do anyways;)


I’ll be true scaling these guys and bow down again to doghouse and apologist for their pioneering work.


I have 10 plastic cataphractii, 5 plastic tartaros, the DI primaris side, a BUNCH of mastercrafted shoulder pads and bits, a truescaled rhino kit from blood and skulls (been sitting on this for years and super stoked to get it together for this project), a sicarian, a telemon dread (he will be a leviathan) and a glaive :)

I, Lhorke the First, Vow to face the unknown and will learn about the Crimson Fists by the end of the year by working on a Patrol Detachment. Failure is not acceptable, but should I suffer it I will owe a debt of honour to my fellow participants and I will donate $20 to the B&C.


I hope to eventually flesh this out into a full army, maybe around 2000 points.


With the exception of my slowly growing guard army, I have always played World Eaters and have enjoyed slaying our loyalists cousins. However, I have decided that I want to try a loyalists astartes army, and something about the Crimson Fists lore and color scheme appeals to me. Plus I like some of the old school artwork depicting the beaky armor Crimson Fists, so I want to do a sort of shout out to that.


Starting Picture: I began painting this marine last night.


crimson fist

MrBadweed, nice Farseer. I can’t quite tell from the picture but I assume you filled in the sunken part of the helmet rather than shaving of the raised part.


If it helps for future, when I converted my spirit seers I used the blank helmets from the Hemlock kit. Also that Start Collecting kit is such good value!



Welcome Lionofjuda, I have never tried it but I hear paining yellow is a challenge in and of itself, so good luck with that.  


Welcome Lhorke the First, I have no idea if Pedro Kantor is any good in the current rules, but I always liked the models so I hope that you like the look of it as well, especially if your inspiration is some of the clasical artwork (3rd edition SM Codex cover anybody?) and that you will paint Pedro for your Crimson Fists.





Also, Trokair, a question:

What about one-off characters? For example, I was making a True-Scale Deathwatch Kill-Team for Inq28, built off of Primaris Marines, and a majority of them would likely not work for 40k. For example, this Apothecary and Plasmagunner (Hellblaster) would work in 40k, but the Assault Marine would not.

You are free to build and paint them; you just won’t be able to use them to fill a slot in a detachment.

That said Count as is fine as long it is clear what the conversion is supposed to represent and is recognizable as the unit/equipment on the datasheet.

I haven’t looked into kill team much, so I don’t know how many models you will build for that but if there are enough for a Kill Team then the assault marine could be a Vanguard Veteran.
No Vanguard Veterans for Kill Tean, sadly. For Deathwatch it's Veterans, Intercessors and Reivers.



Looking back at my post I may have been slightly confused as well as imprecise.


I haven’t looked into the Game Kill Team much, but that is not really relevant to your question.


What I had intend to point out was that in the data sheet for Deathwatch Vetrans (which I think where called kill team in the previous edition, or what that just the formations? Defiantly called Kill team in the lore though) has the option for a Vanguard Vetran.


As such if you can make your models for Inq28 fit into a valid unit Vetrans for example then you could count them towards this event. If not you are still welcome to do them, you just won’t be able to fit them into a detachment and complete a vow with them as previously mentioned.


On a Tangent is Inq28 just using the old 54mm scale Inquisitor rules with 28mm scale models?


Welcome Lhorke the First, I have no idea if Pedro Kantor is any good in the current rules, but I always liked the models so I hope that you like the look of it as well, especially if your inspiration is some of the clasical artwork (3rd edition cover anybody?) and that you will paint one Pedro for your Crimson Fists.


Oh yes I already have Kantor assembled and primed. In my opinion he is one of the coolest looking marine characters GW have put out.

I've been umming and ahhing about restarting the Sons Of Orar that I vaguely started at the tail end of 7th Ed. I only got a captain, librarian and a tax squad done before 8th came around. I've never had an actual Space Marines army before only bits and bobs. I've also just started Red corsairs again but it's not something different for me as I have a night Lord's army already. This might be the motivation I need to restart my SoO

Farseer Irael looked out over the woodlands ahead of him, its green canopy broken by ancient wraithbone ruins thrusting skywards like ancient skeletal hands.  He often came here to meditate over what the runes had shown him.   Particularly when what he saw troubled him.  And what he had seen when he cast his seer's eye into the future troubled him greatly.  Soon his craftworld and its kin would be drawn into conflict with the Mon'keigh once more.  But this time it was with black armoured astartes whom wore their hatred like a shield, wielded their ignorance like a sword.  They would be a dangerous foe.  But face the the craftworld would, as it must.  For the skiens of fate never lied.  Irael turned to the woman whom stood behind him, motionlessly waiting for his word.

 " Autarch Arelith," he said in his soft spoken voice.  The woman suddenly seemed animated.

" What do you need, Farseer," she said in a tone that was as hard as steel.

" Send world to the Seer Council.  We must awaken the ancestors.  We go to war." he said and the Autarch nodded sharply and then turned and strode from the platform, her movements so graceful she seemed to flow rather then walk.

" And may the fates be kind to us." Irael said, before turning back to the view before him.


I, Brother Argent, vow to face the challenges and vagaries of fate and attempt to assemble a force of the Aeldari, most notably of the shattered DIY craftworld of Ye-Toth.  I will make this a challenge in painting, modelling as well as gaming as I will push myself as far as I can on every aspect.  The craftworld of Ye-Toth is a shattered and crashed ruin, now overgrown with forests and trees.  My eldar will essentially be wood elf ish eldar.


So I shall vow to complete a patrol detachment of the Eldar as my learning vow.  My eventual plan is to have around 2000 points of the pointy ears done.


And with this vow I challenge Dosjetka to the same goal!  An army of witches against an army of witch haters, seems appropriate.  If he lets me know what he is painting for his 500 points I will attempt to match it, at least in vaguish eldar manner...


As an aside I am currently painting about seven other armies so I may vow a second force to this two. (Just got kill team so having fun with that at the moment)

Avoid finecast...


Oh, you meant for dealing with Finecast.  In all honesty I haven't had much dealings with it myself, having been until recently an almost exclusively marine painter (collected lots of everything else, just not painted).  Finecast is great for easy of conversions (super soft to cut, trim, etc)  But I find that the amount of flashing and bent parts is a nightmare.  I am in luck that with this eldar army I will be focusing on Wraith constructs (plastic), guardians and dire avengers (plastic) and jetbikes (plastic... seeing a pattern here?).


As for general tips; wash your models before undercoating.  Hot water (just shy of boiling) will help to straighten wonky bits but bear in mind if they warm up again they will warp back to how they were originally.  If you are painting light coloured models (eldar) consider undercoating in white and then putting a wash of whatever colour you are mostly painting with so as to pick out all the extra tricky bits of flashing etc that finecast comes with so you can remove them.


Hope that helps.


No Vanguard Veterans for Kill Tean, sadly. For Deathwatch it's Veterans, Intercessors and Reivers.

Looking back at my post I may have been slightly confused as well as imprecise.


I haven’t looked into the Game Kill Team much, but that is not really relevant to your question.


What I had intend to point out was that in the data sheet for Deathwatch Vetrans (which I think where called kill team in the previous edition, or what that just the formations? Defiantly called Kill team in the lore though) has the option for a Vanguard Vetran.


As such if you can make your models for Inq28 fit into a valid unit Vetrans for example then you could count them towards this event. If not you are still welcome to do them, you just won’t be able to fit them into a detachment and complete a vow with them as previously mentioned.


On a Tangent is Inq28 just using the old 54mm scale Inquisitor rules with 28mm scale models?

Okay. See, it's more that they're Primaris Marines, but once I work on them, I'm guessing it'll be obvious they're supposed to be True-Scale Marines.


And yes, Inq28 is Inquisitior's 54mm rules with 28mm scale models, and relevant conversions

Welcome Brother Argent, sounds like a interesting project.

Unfortunately now that you have vowed for Eldar you cannot vow for another army within the event. You are free to work o other projects, and even show them here in the context of you learning about your Eldar, but you will not be able to put them towards this event.


Dosjetka, you are clearly a popular Chaplain ;)


HCMistborn, further to Brother Argent’s advice I would like to add that resin is not something you need to be scared of. Yes it is different from plastic (and even forgeworld resin) but you will soon get the hang of it. It is more work intensive as you will spend more time cleaning up the pieces then you would with plastic. When it comes too bent parts, warming them up allows you to straighten them. I personally use a hair dry that I point at the relevant part for a few second, then when it is soft bend it how you need and hold it until it cools. Warm water works as well, and as it is good practice to give resins a was before assembling you may find working with warm water easier.


On a tangent, a lot of the elder range that is finecast is old enough to have been in metal originally and if you scour ebay and the like you can probably find metal example of a lot of the aspect warriors for example. If you prefer to work with metal.

++ Update ++

I have smoothed the Farseer's Helm a bit more with watered down Milliput. it's really nifty, use it as a wash, with severl passes it fills all holes and recesses. Not to keen on the sanding anymore, im scared of messing it up. i also removed the hoodoo from the lance, it cluttered the model too much methinks.


I Also worked on the Wraithlords. The idea is to make them way different, opposites of a spectrum. The first one is regal, almost priestly. Think High necromancer/vampire regality. The Second is messed up. Im thinking the same curse as the Necron Flayers touched him or he just got mental through time. Anyhow he's more spindly, i have not added the armor plates on him and made alterations to his pauldrons. It's also trying to gorge on the flesh of the dead, but having no mout splatters the meat against it's helm. I'l model him on a base full of morsels and chunks of meat, sword abandonned in the muck as he tries vainly to shove food in his non existent mouth. The helm will be spattered with grisly stuff and i hope the contrast between the clean-isj paintjob and the gore will be striking.

Sculpting is W.I.P, im slowly learning in that count. im gonna fill gaps with liaquid milli then attempt to make the joints in green stuff.


Big priest's Loadout is Glaive/ Double Bright lance and shuricatas on wrists. The goal is to have him be a backline babysitter. Take out armor at range and mess up deepstrikers/assault elements.




Gory here is gonna be a Beatstick, Double shuricanon and flamers with a Glaive ( not yet modeled ). The idea is to have him bumrush the baddies to draw fire and attention and attempt a lucky turn 2 charge.

CnC most Welcome !

On another note, i share the hate for Finecast. Everytime i try to get over it and indulge in a finecast model things turn bad. One of my goals here is to proxy/convert Aspect Warriors and other finecrap stuff. For Banshees i was thinking the Myrmourn ETB kit with Harlequin masks. Converted Namarti thralls for Scoprions, a mix of Dragon Princes and Guardians for Fire Dragons an so on. There's a lot of possibilities Imho.

Goodness, I'm loving those Eldar models. The Farseer looks better without the second magic thingy. The contrast between the two Wraithlords is great, the one trying to eat cadaver flesh is particularly creepy. Can't wait to see more!

Ooh, this is a tempting prospect - I see my buddy Grieux is here, I think this would be an ideal opportunity to kick start some Thousand Sons to challenge his Wolves! I do have a Daemon Magnus to paint up.....


Whilst I am not sure about committing at this stage, I thought it best to float the idea. I've become a bit disenchanted with 'regular' marines since the advent of Primaris marines. I am working on 30k-ing the 40k Death Guard models due to the better size/proportions, but that army is pretty well established. I would like do something similar to that with the Thousand Sons as I have plastic magnus and a box of rubrics sitting idle  - although they will not be as straight forward as 'dual purposing' as my Death Guard due to the nature of the Rubric in 40k. I could easily bang out a patrol detachment as I want a couple of 'tac/rubric squads to display around Magnus'. My thoughts would then be to use FW vehicles and Dreadnoughts as these could be hellforged things in 40k; this would allow me to build up to the battalion.


If this would work for the challenge, I might jump on board!



This is such a good idea, and i want to join in, but i can't decide what army to build!


Minotaurs? Awesome paint scheme, i love their background and i would base 'em upon the deathwatch models(mk.8, y'know)


Angels Porphyr? Always loved their paint scheme, plus i've never done a "normal" space marine force.


Heresy-era Night Lords? will have them as allies for my burgeoning heresey-era Death Guard.


Heresy-era Death Guard? I really want to convert the 40k Morty into a 30k Morty, plus i really want a reaping force.


Dark Angels? I've got a ton of parts lying in a box from past purchases, plus i could use a lot of heresy parts to push home their relic theme.


Black Templars? Land Raider spam and ZEAL!

MrBadweed, Those Wraiths are looking good. Slightly worried about the second one as Wraith Constructs don’t eat. What derangement does the spirit that is animating it suffer?

What paint scheme do you have in mind for these?


Lord Commander Eidolon, sounds like you have the right kind of project for this event, so go right ahead. As for using 30k style vehicles, seems perfectly legit as Chaos Marine would have continued what they had. Also with the Rubric, why not extend it to the crew of the vehicles, so that the entire vehicle became like the armour for normal Rubric Marines, hence why they are more pristine and still working compared to other chaos forces.   Whatever works for you.


I don’t know this but I have heard that the Rubric marines are slightly taller than normal marine (similar to how Deathwatch are slightly taller). Now it could just be a more upright pose and their helmets that give them that look.


Thousand Sons are an army I always liked but have not yet gotten to collect so I would be very interested to see where the journey takes you.


Lokkorex, just to add a thought, what about a non-marine army as all your choice appear to be marine centric.


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