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Kill Team Tactica: Deathwatch


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This is what i have been running recently


++ Kill Team List (Deathwatch) [99pts] ++


+ Configuration +


List Configuration: Matched Play: Kill Team


+ Leader +


Intercessor Sergeant [20pts]: Bolt pistol, Bolt rifle, Leader


+ Specialists +


Intercessor [19pts]: Auto bolt rifle, Bolt pistol, Comms


Veteran [18pts]: Combi-plasma, Sniper


Veteran Gunner [21pts]: Deathwatch frag cannon, Demolitions


+ Non-specialists +


Watch Sergeant [21pts]: Power sword, Storm shield


++ Total: [99pts] ++


Created with BattleScribe


The frag cannon is bananas and is for an absolute beast and must take. More expensive than the infernus but 2d6 with a D2 profile for tougher targets.


I run the commo intercessor with a auspex even though its not in battlescribe at the moment and he buffs the Sniper plasma marine.


I pick the intercessor as my leader as he can stay the back and i still technically have access to the ld9 for the watch sergeant although if im rolling breaktests he is usually dead.


I really like Deathwatch in killteam. The 5 models is fairly frightening as if you lose even one model it hurts. Like today when i rolled all the 1's when firing with my overcharged plasma veteran and lost him on first turn. I did kill my target though...playing Orks it wasnt exactly a 1-1 trade in terms of efficiency lost.

I just realised that if you are playing RAW the auspex is a little strange in deathwatch kill teams.


It triggers off the Adaptus Astartes keyword, which DW vets have as a keyword in addition to the Deathwatch faction keyword.

Primaris squads on the other hand only have Adaptus Astartes as the faction keyword, which is replaced by Deathwatch in a Fortis kill team.


So RAW you can take an auspex in an intercessor or reaver squad in the deathwatch but can only use it to buff a member of the veteran squad


Or am i missing something here?


RAI it should buff both primaris and veteran marines so hopefully it will be addressed in the next FAQ

I just realised that if you are playing RAW the auspex is a little strange in deathwatch kill teams.


It triggers off the Adaptus Astartes keyword, which DW vets have as a keyword in addition to the Deathwatch faction keyword.

Primaris squads on the other hand only have Adaptus Astartes as the faction keyword, which is replaced by Deathwatch in a Fortis kill team.


So RAW you can take an auspex in an intercessor or reaver squad in the deathwatch but can only use it to buff a member of the veteran squad


Or am i missing something here?


RAI it should buff both primaris and veteran marines so hopefully it will be addressed in the next FAQ

RAW you are right.  Primaris lose AA when they become DW, but DW already have it.  I'm guessing that will be addressed in a future FAQ.  In the meantime our group will probably just assume they are still marines like their buddies.

  • 4 months later...

Has anyone ever (even thought of?) running 6 naked vets and a watch captain, all with boltguns?


I've heard the complainant about low model count, and an extra two dudes seems to counter this.


What really makes this stand out for me is that for a mere single point over a standard marine you get access to the ammo rules, which are pretty stellar. It's even worse for my heretic marines, as that point gives you just as much melee clout plus a boltgun (and ammo) over their pistol.


Just a thought experiment right now, but clocks in at 100pts and seems a fun and versatile list to run.

A heavy bolter and two frag cannons are a must

Stalker bolter is good for keeping you leader safe in the back

also: stock up on shotguns

Really? I thought shotguns were meant to be crap? Yeah wish I had made my Leader with a stalker bolter over the cool sword and bolter.

  • 2 months later...
  • 7 months later...

Want to run a Deathwatch 100pt team at my next game next week. Can I get any feedback on this list? Not used DW for over a year and only ever used a Fortis kill team. So this will be new to me.



++ Kill Team List (Deathwatch) [99pts] ++
+ Configuration +
List Configuration: Matched Play: Kill Team
+ Leader +
Intercessor Sergeant [21pts]: Bolt pistol, Bolt rifle, Power sword
. Leader
+ Specialists +
Intercessor [19pts]: Bolt pistol, Bolt rifle
. Comms
Veteran Gunner [18pts]: Boltgun, Infernus heavy bolter
. Sniper
Veteran Gunner [21pts]: Boltgun, Deathwatch frag cannon
. Demolitions
+ Non-specialists +
Intercessor [20pts]: Auspex, Bolt pistol, Bolt rifle
++ Total: [99pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe


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