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Codex Next Week


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Funny how the Facebook page is telling a completely different story than the Warhammer Community page. The latter is saying this was a very recent and purposeful change made AFTER the book was sent to the printers while the Facebook page has repeatedly said that it was an error that was only recently caught and the PDF is an attempt to correct their mistake.

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It sounds like they sent the book to the printer before final play testing showed the traits were good enough so they added the saga stuff later. Non English versions of the codex will have the real warlord rules in it. It is just the English versions that are outdated and will require you to download the PDF to show your opponent.


Wait  needlessly 15 months for your codex and they can't even get it correct.

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It sounds like they sent the book to the printer before final play testing showed the traits were good enough so they added the saga stuff later. 


Yes, that's what it sounds like if you haven't been reading the posts from the Facebook page, which has been telling a different (and consistent) story for days about the wrong version being sent to the printer and this PDF being their attempt to correct their own error.

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Anyone else a little dissapointed with the sagas? Most of them sound like standard warlord traits without the bubble.


The only one that I thought was interesting was the Saga of Majesty. If somehow your warlord kills your opponents warlord, every model with an aura ability within 9” of your warlord extends their aura by 3”. The problem is that you’re prabably pretty tight to your warlord already.

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Guest Triszin



I think your right.


I think the space wolf codex was supposed to come out last year, then the book ashes of prospero.


ashes of prospero, takes place after the events detailed in the codex, and the important passage in the codex is the first 1-2 chapters of ashes.


so its quiet clear the direction the wolves are headed.

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Guest Triszin

So can we expect later print runs of the Codex to have the full Saga rules in? And if so, how long until the corrected books will be available?

for the english codex's probably a long time. they print in bulk quantities, so they wont do a second run till they need more. could be 8 months, or more potentially.

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I know jump packs are the hotness but as someone whose HQ models are made from PA Space Wolf Pack models or my magnetized Terminators (seriously, who has all these jump pack backs sitting around?)...


Do you guys think TDA will be "good enough" for Wolf Lords and Battle Leaders? You still get the deep strike but lose the ability to reposition, in exchange for 2+ and 5++ on the Battle Leaders. Also, TDA is way cooler than jump packs.

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I know jump packs are the hotness but as someone whose HQ models are made from PA Space Wolf Pack models or my magnetized Terminators (seriously, who has all these jump pack backs sitting around?)...


Do you guys think TDA will be "good enough" for Wolf Lords and Battle Leaders? You still get the deep strike but lose the ability to reposition, in exchange for 2+ and 5++ on the Battle Leaders. Also, TDA is way cooler than jump packs.

You get to laugh as you tell your opponent you heroically intervene further than you can walk

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I think your right.


I think the space wolf codex was supposed to come out last year, then the book ashes of prospero.


ashes of prospero, takes place after the events detailed in the codex, and the important passage in the codex is the first 1-2 chapters of ashes.


so its quiet clear the direction the wolves are headed.

Triszin, I don't follow... what direction do you feel the wolves are going? (I didn't read Ashes of Prospero)
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Guest Triszin




I think your right.


I think the space wolf codex was supposed to come out last year, then the book ashes of prospero.


ashes of prospero, takes place after the events detailed in the codex, and the important passage in the codex is the first 1-2 chapters of ashes.


so its quiet clear the direction the wolves are headed.

Triszin, I don't follow... what direction do you feel the wolves are going? (I didn't read Ashes of Prospero)





is basically the first 1-2 chapters of


ashes of prospero

- discussion




finished the book, found it after I misplaced it.


but from the sounds of it the the wolves retreived


13th company

Wolf lord:

- bulveye


-command squads




the first champion of russ

ulfar, termintor armor with a chain axe, missle pods and a storm bolter? ( blew up a chaos tainted ogryn)



multple legion era Grey slayer squads

multiple legion era devastator, support squads

multiple legion era terminator squads



- a few dreadnaughts were stated, by which versions and names not present



x1 stormbird

x3-5 thunderhawks

- gunships were stated, some were outright stated as thunderhawks, so I assume the rest were

x2-3 sicarian tanks (one was stated to be fully kitted with laz)

x1 mastadon


x? a few landraiders


and the biggest thing to come back?


x3 iron priests from Hersey era

-- this could mean that wolves could start to produce legion era equipment again

-----teach our techmarines to produce equipment through science, repair our damaged fang

-----40k tech marines could teach helfrost weapon tech, then 30k perfect it and mass produce it

-- especially since the legion era tech marine looked down on the mechanicum and the religious tendencies they had



so sounds like the 13th co, that isn't wulfen turned, will be around 40k great company sized, but with legion era equipment



gives me hope for the new lore and codex


in addition to that


I am focusing on all the positives



Issaakar and njal understand each other now, and imparted some knowledge on each other


there was a part where njal used the wyrd to increase his physical abilities and ran several kilometers in terminator armor in a few minutes, mixing enhanced speed with mini gate jumps to accelerate his speed. the terminator armor was described almost like a train, taking a while to build up speed initially before moving at frightening speeds. ( issakaar was impressed by this use, otherwise mainly looked down on njal for most of the book)


in anodd way, both the wolves and tsons issakar are right and wrong with how they use the warp.

wolves and scars channel it through planet/planet deities as shamans to act as a safeguard buffer

while issakar and tsons (pre heresey) used it as close to scientists as possible, often not viewing the negatives as they should have.


so if njal mixes a little of control, but with the shamanistic habits of wolves, then I could see Njal becoming a mystic, able to manipulate the warp, while always being on the defensive.




basically the 13th company has been rescued, for them it has only been a few weeks since the assault on prospero.

but with them they bring tons of knowledge (imperial truth, 30k era techmarines, lost patterns of equipment)


so the only thing that is left to return now is russ.


as ALL of the 13th co have basically returned, the wulfen, and the 13th co old wolves who havent turned yet.

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Hm I like the Sagas. And aftet thinking about it I understand that this happens. These books can be sent to print months in advance. It has been corrected.


And a few of the sagas I really like.


Saga of the Wolfkin let us add attacks like crazy amd actually favor thunder wolves (the 5 hammer attacks and 3 teeth attacks would quite easily net you 5 melee kills) so I enjoy it. (And mathematecally will probably be the best trait for a Smashlord, since with the stratagem to reroll to wound against higher power ratinf and the Wulfen Stone it is a bit better tham Beastslayer).


Saga of thr Beastslayer gives us the Red thirst against vehicle and monsters and if pulled off with a pack of Wulfen neraby it would make them murser machines (with a Wolf Priest and a WGBL each Hammer Wulfen would be doing 6.5 wounds against Knights, so that is a dead Kinight a turn if you have 4 in the Pack).


Saga of the Hunter makes us pretty mobile amd actually a Wolf Lord on Bike makes great use of it (over 20" charge range on the first turn? Yes why thank you, and his retinur of Wolf Guard wouldn't mind going in with him)


Saga of Bear is a good all rounder to increase survibability but I doubt it'll see to much play. Majesty is good but the deed is too much to be worth it normally. And Warrior Born it is only if we go against a very melee focused army.


Edit: too bad the aura starts at the end of the phase. It would be great to charge your Warlod advancing and charging and since he is within 6" of his retinue allow him to advance and charge them too.

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It genuinely blows my mind how people are responding the Warlord Trait debacle, on this forum and especially on the FB page. GW fixes their mistake and provided a solution which is no different than their 2-week-out FAQs. It’s such a non-issue to me, and I’m super stoked those sagas made it in: Saga of the Bear giving a FnP aura?! Yes please. If anyone from GW is paying attention, thanks for addressing it in a timely manner!
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It genuinely blows my mind how people are responding the Warlord Trait debacle, on this forum and especially on the FB page. GW fixes their mistake and provided a solution which is no different than their 2-week-out FAQs. It’s such a non-issue to me, and I’m super stoked those sagas made it in: Saga of the Bear giving a FnP aura?! Yes please. If anyone from GW is paying attention, thanks for addressing it in a timely manner!

Yeah, I mean sure, I'd rather have my book be right from the start, but who cares? We are getting some fun rules. And this is all meant to be fun right?


Beaides, I'll buy the paper, and split a digital, so I'll have both versions. I like having a codex on my phone at all times ya know.

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I think the general unrest is coming from the fact that our long awaited and worth the wait Codex has an error that GW says in one sentence was a recent change and the other sentence says that it was a misprint they had seen but could not do anything about. FAQs are put out to re-balance after thousands of people have play tested it over two weeks which may affect the Codex. This is something that is changing right out the gate and only for the English versions which is a large breath of the player base. Personally I am happy we have the rules and I would have appreciated some further token (i.e. here is a free sticker we will be sending out you can place over your incorrect page!) but do not need one.

I reread the relic on the previews for the armor of russ. I do not see anything that stops Bjorn from taking that relic. It doesn't say anything about infantry only? 


Named characters cannot take relics, I know that it states that somewhere (not sure where).

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