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Khorne Titanicus Blog: Finished Kytan Knight Banner #32

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Yay. All the yay. Have you got any bigger images? Some of them are really tiny so it's hard to make details out :( The Kytans are awesome very good idea!

Thank you, I'm afraid I don't at the moment when I moved I lost my office space so it's just phone pictures at the moment. Once I'm back at work I will nick the photo booth and take a good few group shots once all three are done. And thanks.


Gorgeous work, I love your kytans. Have you thought of magnetising some parts, in particular the arms to the torsos and the torsos to the legs? Thinking maybe you can end up with 2 different units of knights that way. One the converted kytans, the other before they become corrupted

Thank you. I have to admit these were a on the fly conversion to see how they would look so we skipped magnetising. I'm still not sure of I even want to magnetise any Knights. I won't be doing pre "modification" versions as my other Knights will look that way anyway.


Yes they were/are. The main question was regarding showing hints of chaos corruption. I used Mortis as an example that they went full on with corruption during the heresy. So it is beyond reasonable that Noctem's titans can show hints of Khorne devotion.

Mortis was my inspiration (was almost my Legio choice too). I have come to the same conclusion, I'm only going to mark up the titans so no crazy flesh hound bits popping out of a Warhounds or anything like that.

I'm thinking more the first step down the road that leads to being a possessed Titan Legion.


And 2 at a table top standard! (Sorry not the best picture again)


2 down 1 to go Painting Kytans


-Noctem Cultor

They’re looking great! I’m going with Mortis myself but keeping it early Heresy. Maybe in the future I’ll get creative and start modeling changes like tails, pus weeping from damages armor, maybe a horn growing the the head/cockpit. You know, the good stuff :)

They’re looking great! I’m going with Mortis myself but keeping it early Heresy. Maybe in the future I’ll get creative and start modeling changes like tails, pus weeping from damages armor, maybe a horn growing the the head/cockpit. You know, the good stuff :)


If your sneaky and magnetise some of the plates you can swap them out for warped cracked plates. I had that as a previous idea when I was toying with doing them. Plus Warlord has two heads so why not a corrupt one?


-Noctem Cultor

So... love these!

Wondering if the lil droid from space hulk box would be a good base for a LoS mini to go with these??


I am afraid not the C.A.T is just too small, I'm using a pair of them as objective markers (Magos personal transport). Unfortunately the Kataphron battle servitors would appear not to be perfect either but I found a picture of a conversion and think they could be used.

Example from google if you flipped the tracks the other side and then using something like one of the Gorkamorka Wartrakk tracks in the middle to extend it out, you would have the frame of a Lord of Skulls to then place on the barrels and ascoo. So it could be done but I think the height might be too much.

Personally I'm going to avoid the lord of skulls as he is no bigger than a knight so I have no use for one unless we make the jump to Epic.


-Noctem Cultor

Okay well I'm now waiting for the second coat of Iron eathshade to dry and then I can take a picture of the finished Kytan Knight Banner. I haven't done anything crazy on them as I want a nice table top standard job on all before I get bogged down on anything.


-Noctem Cultor

Here is my finished Kytan Knight Banner. I just want to say thank you for all the comments and likes on these guys as for someone no where near the top of the painting/modelling pyramid the response has been crazy.


Finished Kytan knight Banner

Finished Kytan knight Banner

Finished Kytan knight Banner

Finished Kytan knight Banner

Finished Kytan knight Banner


Buildings next and then the tokens.


-Noctem Cultor

So I put down an order for one Reaver to start with. I'm hoping I can get my Genestealers Kill team painted on the next two weeks, as Titanicus has already put a stop to it once.


-Noctem Cultor

Looking forward you assembling and painting that kit. Any special plans for it?

In all honesty not really. I have its name picked out "Black Shuck" it's a famous Hell Hound from myth. So picture my Warlords scheme but the skull on the head painted black with hopefully a charred skull vibe.

Otherwise he will be the same but will be the first to sport the blood runes.



Thank you!


-Noctem Cultor


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