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I've not been resting on my laurels, I've been working on various scatter terrain, and working on my backlog of scenery kits which are coming along nicely. More interestingly I recently finished my Wyld Runner - Whyte RabbytPXL_20230222_184840222.thumb.jpg.3c7e24a81b3eadfe739b716ac30cbb82.jpgPXL_20230222_184916328.thumb.jpg.3b131bd7351de6a375c4ca9a62373820.jpgPXL_20230222_184848246.thumb.jpg.f4bf892f707e424509559f3db9888ab7.jpgPXL_20230222_184903937.thumb.jpg.a6329ec448cb6c4daa207ad938522a8a.jpg


Tried three types of white for this model to keep it with a colour theme but with elements of interest, hopefully this worked.

  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/25/2023 at 8:38 AM, Firedrake Cordova said:

That's a good-looking gang there, @MaliGn :smile: 


I like the sneaky witch elf conversion ... 


Thanks, the Witch Aelf was from the first free mini of the month GW did.


Recent activity has included getting a bunch of scenery done to a battle ready standard.




Taking photos in a mirrored cabinet is tricky. The terrain is a simple-bit-effectove series of stippled layers and drybrushing, black, brown, silver.


And then I started on something a bit more silly, an idea I've been planning for a few months has come to fruition.




Yup, an Eddie Van Halen inspired Frankenstubber for my Escher gang!



On 3/7/2023 at 9:36 AM, Firedrake Cordova said:

Nice work on the non-metallic metal on the barrel and chains! :smile: 


Thanks, I don't do it the most technical or sophisticated way but I like to think it's effective enough!


I've finished her off so here is E.D. "Hailin'" Vanyssa, ready to bring the firepower of the Frankenstubber to bear on the foes of the Underhive Harridans and drenching the sump in a storm of bullets!




quite happy with her, sure there's a few bits I could possibly have done a bit better but I'm happy.




And as ever here she is with the model that inspired her from the classic metal gang, I tried to replicate what I could, bionic eye, tabard, sheathed dagger & braids. In hindsight I should have removed the chem synth in favour of a pistol holster but too late now.

As I was planning a game I decided to go back and finish some Carrion Queens I painted some time ago. 




so then we set up a game and had a go.



After some initial cageyness and some ineffective fire the Goliaths took out one of the Escher, before losing him in return, a second Escher fell in close combat and they bottled out at the end of round 2. Round 3 and three of them legged it leaving the remaining ganger to shiv the Goliath she was entangled with before the roll off to end the game came up and the game ended in victory to the Goliaths. 




lots still to learn about the game but keen to get another in soon.


  • 3 weeks later...

I finished the outstanding Iron Lords Goliaths the other week, thereby creating my first "finished" Gang!




What a loveable bunch of rogues you wouldn't want to meet in a dark dome at night!


Moving on from Goliaths, instead of finishing the Carrion Queen I decided to built and paint terrain instead! 


First up I made some more walls, a couple with tunnels (and functional covers) and a couple without. Quite pleased with the tunnels, and the new ladder style using cable trunking and plasticard rod which could be made in all sorts of lengths, which is good. (I think they will likely feature again.)




I'd forgotten how much fun greebling these wooden blocks up was, looking forward to finishing these off. I am thinking of borrowing an idea from my sector mechanicus terrain by getting a basic paint job done before going back and detailing them up, balancing immediate functionality with the longer term vision. It would be handy to get some finished up ready for games I have planned.


Speaking of sector mechanicus I picked up some bargains on some issues of conquest, and rather than allow myself to build a pile of shame I cracked on and got them built and painted along with the feet for the pipes (so many feet!) But because I'd managed to snag the plasma regulators as well as the alchomite pipes I couldn't resist doing the coils glowing.


First one was done blue, and seeing how effective it looked I decided to replicate the effect on some of the conduits. As I have so many I decided to split them roughly in half I will do the other regulator and pipes in an orangey colour. 




I think the blue really breaks up the dingy metal nicely.

Ah, old-school hobbying! :biggrin: (I still have my copy of GW's terrain book from the 1990s which is very much in this style!)


Very nice work - I'm sure the walls will look great painted, and I do love the Sector Mechanicus models ... :smile:  

3 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

Ah, old-school hobbying! :biggrin: (I still have my copy of GW's terrain book from the 1990s which is very much in this style!)


Very nice work - I'm sure the walls will look great painted, and I do love the Sector Mechanicus models ... :smile:  


Cheers, I still very much have an old-school head when it comes to terrain, as nice as the modern kits are they are Hella expensive, so I like to mix and match with scratch built. After all there ain't no school like the old school!




1 hour ago, Pearson73 said:

Cracking work on the terrain, it's gonna look ace painted up!


Really liking the Goliath gang too, the skin is particularly  well painted.


Cheers, the skin on the Goliaths is basically the only bit that's had any attention other than a basecoat and a wash, I find them to be super forgiving to paint, rather like Stormcast Eternals are in AoS and Tyranids for 40k really simple techniques can look quite effective without much work. 

  • 6 months later...

The thing with Necromunda is I just keep soide-stepping between projects all while under the banner of Necromunda stuff. Case in point I've not done much terrain for a while (some larger scale terrain building in the form of home improvements got in the way) and I have now picked up the brushes to paint something I built a few month ago. 




Yeah it's very much work in progress but I'm quite pleased with the start of this Ambot arm.

18 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

Nice work - I really like that blue, and the contrast between the fist and the greys and blacks of the forearm is really nice :smile: 


Thanks, I've pushed the highlights on it a bit further and moved on to the legs which I have photos of that show this stage, 




I'm quite pleased with the direction this is going and the pace of progress.


I'm not even sure I need to go in too hard on highlights on the metal areas.

1 hour ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

That looks great. :thumbsup: 


As a blue, I really like it - what colours were you using?


So over the grey drybrushing that went over the whole model it was Ahriman Blue. I then washed it with thinned reikland fleshshade - the idea being that a reddish orange was opposite blue on the colour wheel and would shade nicely rather than relying on a blue or black wash. Then it is some mixes of Ahriman blue with temple guard blue added and then some baharroth blue added to the mix for the brightest bits. Using some stages to create glazes with lots of water and trying to keep the paint quite thin. And working up and down as required.

So I made progress, quite a lot of progress, it's not 100% finished, but I have assembled the majority of it ahead of final detailing.




Quite pleased with this so far.

I would like to present the newly completed House Escher-aligned Ambot TL122Y, known as Tin Lizzy to her current owners, The Underhive Harridans.




I'm quite happy with the way I've added some subtle nods to House Escher with the off-world fabrics and skulls, and with the overall look of this hulking robotic Brute.


I think she fits in well with the rest of her gang too.




Feedback as ever welcomed.

On 10/18/2023 at 1:20 AM, Bryan Blaire said:

Loving the Ambot and its name, as well as the whole gang.  Really great stuff through and through, and all the little nods are fantastic!


On 10/18/2023 at 9:09 AM, Firedrake Cordova said:

Looks good to me, and fits in with the rest of the gang (which is very nice, too) well :smile: 


Thanks both, it's a really fun project, trying to create loads of individuality in a coherent group.


In an effort to finish off a bunch of partially complete projects I've been working on a Death Maiden. 




reasonably happy with current progress, quite an interesting model to paint compared to the other Escher models.i'm trying for a kinda muted colour scheme to sit with the back from the dead vibes.

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