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k0nahrik’s World Eaters ‘Fifteen Fangs’ - Kill Team


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Being a longtime lurker on BNC (since the age of fourteen, in fact) I’d always admired the World Eaters of the likes of Biohazard, KrautScientist and Augustus b’Raass (to name a few) and for a long time I’ve wanted to explore the XII legion myself.


At the same time, reading ADB’s Talon of Horus made me absolutely fall in love with the Ezekarion - I made the promise to myself that one day i’d convert all the members.


Then came Kill Team - GW releasing a game that focused on small specialised squads rather than large armies, with plenty of room for narrative and making each member of the Kill Team unique and a character in their own right. I knew I had to get in on the action, but I wasn’t sure what faction to play. That was when all the pieces fell into place - it was a perfect opportunity to kill (maim, burn) two birds with one stone! I could have a play around with some world eaters, without commiting to a full army - and I could also tick Lheorvine ‘Firefist’ Ukris off of my list of Ezekarion members to convert.


So here we are! I’ve spent the last month or two slowly collecting bits and converting members of the ‘Fifteen Fangs’, Lheorvine Ukris’ dwindling warband of world eaters.


Currently, the Kill Team stands at 6 models, all in various stages of completion, ranging from finished but unpainted to ‘torsos and not much else’


Today I’ll be showing the completed two models I have, in their unpainted state.


Without further ado! :






First up is Lirrak, Khornate berserker. I wanted him to be posed extremely aggressively - charging into a swing with his chainaxe.






And this is Konarich, another berserker; admittedly I got a little self-indulgent with the naming of this character.


Since no rules yet exist in Kill Team for Khornate Berserkers, they will likely be ran simply as CSM with bolt pistols and chainswords, or - situation permitting - with homebrew rules.


I won’t update with any of the other three berserkers yet as they are still in their WIP phase and to keep things less cluttered I will post them when they’re completed.


However, due to his special nature as a character and also the most heavily converted and kitbashed of the team, I will post some WIP shots of Ukris as he is built:






I’ve gone for maximum accuracy to the artwork here, featuring a bare right arm and armoured left, an imperialis on the chestplate and the modified grip on his heavy bolter. I plan on using the legs of the FW Praetor in PA, and converting the AoS Skullgrinder’s helmet to have more accurate bunny ears before using that as a helmet. Lastly I have sourced an old metal Khârn backpack to use for the skull-shaped vents.


Ukris utilises a heavy bolter which is also unfortunately not permissible for Squad Leaders in Kill Team, so as with the berserkers I will be either using him to fill the heavy weapons slot, using him as a normal leader character or again homebrewing some rules to use if the opponent is okay with it.


I’m aiming for 8 members of this Kill Team (the number’s significance to Khorne is not lost on me), hopefully I’ll be updating fairly regularly as the parts arrive and the men are completed.


I’m open to suggestions, specifically I am debating on whether or not to keep the chainmail effect on Konarich’s arm or to scrape it clean and sculpt some more traditional ribbed soft armour there instead, and whether there is a better leg option for me to use for Ukris, so please let me know what you think and leave a comment!


Blood for the Blood God, Skulls for the Skull Throne!

Cheers for your comments guys! I’ve got two more berserkers today:






This is Krios, another berserker. I gave him a bionic arm, partially because there are so few left hands using guns, and I wanted my squad to have a fairly even mix of left-handed and right-handed axe users.






This is Menotius, fourth member of the squad. I’ve decided to use Bloodbound helms as opposed to normal 40k helmets in most cases for my kill team - this is because I’m a big fan of how muzzle-like they are, as if they’re as much for keeping the savagery in as they are for keeping bullets out.



Lastly a very small update on Ukris, Khârn’s backpack has arrived and has been attached.


Again, let me know what you think!

Nice work! The latest berserker is my favorite, great pose on that one! I'd consider giving him another standard shoulder pad though, I've always thought marines without shoulder pads looks a bit naked :D


Ukris looks sweet too, nice gs work on the hands in particular.

  • 2 months later...

Nice work! The latest berserker is my favorite, great pose on that one! I'd consider giving him another standard shoulder pad though, I've always thought marines without shoulder pads looks a bit naked :D


Ukris looks sweet too, nice gs work on the hands in particular.

Cheers man! I’m gonna keep some of the shoulders bare however, World Eaters of course are known sometimes to have one or both arms unarmoured, per the Rampagers or Khârn. I also like how cobbled-together it makes the armour appear, something very appropriate for the Fifteen Fangs especially during the legion wars. Still, not all of them are gonna be pauldron-less!



So today I’ve got a small update to show that I’m not neglecting this project. Together I decided to knock up a new berserker, super early WIP:






Easily the most heavily converted of my whole bunch, I’m really proud of this guy. Of course, there’s still some work to be done (namely on the helm, left arm and leg) but I’m still exceptionally pleased with this guy.


Let me know what you think! Ta guys

Bonus points for original Khârn metal arm!

Nice spotting ;) cheers fella!


Sat down and finished off berserker #6 this afternoon. There are maybe one or two things I may go back and tweak, other than that I’m gonna call him done!





  • 3 weeks later...

I come bearing an update:


More work has commenced on Lheorvine Ukris! He now possesses a set of legs and is really starting to take shape.





I’m really happy with the sense of motion I was able to convey - I used the legs from the DV chosen with the axe, and the striding motion coupled with the sway on the ammo chains and hanging skull give the impression he’s whirling the heavy bolter around to his next target. I was worried that Ukris would look boringly stationary compared to some of my other berserkers so this is really gratifying!





Here’s a set without the arms attached. Again i’ve gone for as close to the art as I possibly could, I wanted a MK6-ish right leg with a daemonic face of some sort and the chosen legs lend themselves to this perfectly. I also chose them because of the inclusion of the knife at the waist, which if you’ve read Black Legion by ADB, is mentioned during one of my favourite scenes.


All I require now is an AoS skullgrinder to get the perfect helmet. I’ll also be adding a chainaxe to the waist, which is another thing mentioned in ADB’s books.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all,


First of all, Happy Holidays to those of you celebrating this time of year. Living in the UK, My family celebrates christmas and the festive period has delivered me the parts I need to progress in my conversion of Lheorvine Ukris, lord of the Fifteen Fangs and member of the Ezekarion, founder of the Black Legion.







He’s about 90% done. After a suggestion from Fenbain on Insta I plan on adding a belly-plate in place of the torso cabling to max out the accuracy to the artwork. You may have noticed several things that differ from the art however:

* Most notably the arms - in the art, both are bare with the left more heavily armoured. In my model, the left arm is fully encased while the right is bare with heavier armour.

* The artwork depicts Ukris with normal hands - this is innacurate. Ukris earned the moniker ‘Firefist’ due to an accident with a plasma cannon during the Siege of Terra which cost him both arms below the elbow - his left arm is fully armoured so this isn’t shown, however I have made an effort to make his right hand appear bionic.

* The inclusion of chainaxe and skinning knife not shown in the art but described in the book

* The smaller set of ‘bunny ears’. The ones shown in the artwork are A - not like any available without sculpting from scratch and B - overly large even by berserker standards, positively dwarfing his head and making them impractical. My model’s ‘bunny ears’ I feel are much more appropriate.




Loving how Lheor looks. It reminds me I need to actually work on my World Eaters :lol:

Cheers man!

Are you depicting Firefist before or after he joined Iskandar Khayon's war band (the proto-Black Legion)?

My depiction of Ukris will be somewhere around the events of Talon of Horus.



So to wrap things up guys, I’m very keen to hear what you think! How should I progress with the torso plate? CC and comments encouraged!

Your work is respectable, even at this early stage. I'm sure Mr. Dembski-Bowden will appreciate your attention to detail, once he views this thread.


Will you also model Iskandar and his war band's other members- maybe Abaddon himself, in the patchwork armor he wore at the time he first met Iskandar?

  • 2 weeks later...

Fantastic work, bro! Love the Lheor conversion :tu:

Your work is respectable, even at this early stage. I'm sure Mr. Dembski-Bowden will appreciate your attention to detail, once he views this thread.


Will you also model Iskandar and his war band's other members- maybe Abaddon himself, in the patchwork armor he wore at the time he first met Iskandar?

Cheers guys! @Bjorn, Yes, in a sense. I plan to convert the entire Ezekarion - including Abaddon, though I doubt they’ll all appear as they did in Talon of Horus. I have an Abaddon conversion in the works, but it will be him in his prime, wielding Drachnyen and the Talon. Iskandar will likely get two models - one for his appearance in Talon wielding Saern and accompanied by Gyre, another representing him in Black Legion, with a mutated bionic, Nagual and Sacramentum. Also on the list are Ashur-Kai, Valicar, Lyras, Ilyaster, Amurael Enka, Sargon and at a later date maybe even Ceraxia and Moriana. For the time being it’ll just be Astartes, however.


I also bring updates to the warband!


Here is the seventh member of the kill team. This fellow is very nearly complete but requires green stuffing for some gaps on his foot and one of his arms.


The eighth, who will be a standard bearer, is in progress. He was in fact the first berserker I built - but he has been lacking a standard, which I ordered parts for tonight. I plan to make it a small back-mounted standard in line with the Vexillas I converted for my iron warriors. I personally feel anything larger just makes you more of a target and becomes impractical, and I knew I wanted both of his hands free so he could enact maximum slaughter for the blood god. I plan to make it out of Ork jaws from the citadel skull set - a little nod to the ‘fifteen fangs’ and their flagship, the jaws of the white hound.


I figure stopping at eight for now is a good idea - it being the holy number of the blood god. Despite every member bearing the same loadout (with the exception of Ukris) I believe I can run every kind of Kill Team specialist with this squad, with the exception of medic - this may be changed at a later date, however, if I acquire an arm with a Narthecium to replace one of the standard arms my kill team uses.


I also bring this - another update picture of Ukris. He is nearing completion, but as is the case with character models, every time you get close to the end, you think of a few more little tweaks you could make to cause the character to stand out even more.


The belly plate was carved from a World-Eaters shoulder pad. I like it how it is now but I am also considering adding some more to the ‘sides’ of it. As well, I am considering diverging from my artwork accuracy and mounting some kind of bayonet to the front of his heavy bolter, artistic license I feel makes sense for the character - it would be inconvenient to switch back and forth between the bolter and chainaxe, which I imagine he keeps as a last resort for when ammo is low, or fighting is taking place in confined space.


That’s all for today! I should be back fairly soon with updates, when my citadel skulls arrive from ebay! I will also likely be starting yet another thread for the new year - something a little different, in fact, for I have begun to collect an Orks Speedfreekz army, so keep an eye out for that!


Cheers for reading, leave a comment and let me know what you think!

If you insist on mounting a chainaxe or power axe blade to a boltgun or bolt pistol, as if it's a bayonet, then I think the ranged weapon should be further modified with a side or top-mounted magazine (see the Sten or Owen submachine guns), so the magazine won't get in the way when the warrior uses the attached axe blade.

If you insist on mounting a chainaxe or power axe blade to a boltgun or bolt pistol, as if it's a bayonet, then I think the ranged weapon should be further modified with a side or top-mounted magazine (see the Sten or Owen submachine guns), so the magazine won't get in the way when the warrior uses the attached axe blade.

The plan is to add a bayonet below the barrel of the gun. Given that it’s a melee weapon made more for stabbing than slashing, and also the fact that the weapon in question uses an ammo chain rather than magazine, there shouldn’t be any sort of issue. The chainaxe is going to be strapped to Ukris’ belt, as a separate weapon.


So much character and energy in these conversions absolutely brilliant work man can't wait to see these bad boys painted.

Cheers man!

Lheor is looking fantastic so far! The WE icon grafted to his abdomen is a great little touch. I would, however, argue against adding a bayonet to the heavy bolter: None of Lheor's appearances in the books make any mention of an addition like that and, more importantly, the weapon is already long enough as is, and I believe any kind of underslung blade would just make it look even more unwieldy -- the only part that I suppose could work would be one of those FW underslung mini-axes for bolters. But I think the chainaxe maglocked to his back is really enough representation of his CC abilities ;)


Fantastic work, bro! Love the Lheor conversion :thumbsup:

Your work is respectable, even at this early stage. I'm sure Mr. Dembski-Bowden will appreciate your attention to detail, once he views this thread.


Will you also model Iskandar and his war band's other members- maybe Abaddon himself, in the patchwork armor he wore at the time he first met Iskandar?

Cheers guys! @Bjorn, Yes, in a sense. I plan to convert the entire Ezekarion - including Abaddon, though I doubt they’ll all appear as they did in Talon of Horus. I have an Abaddon conversion in the works, but it will be him in his prime, wielding Drachnyen and the Talon. Iskandar will likely get two models - one for his appearance in Talon wielding Saern and accompanied by Gyre, another representing him in Black Legion, with a mutated bionic, Nagual and Sacramentum. Also on the list are Ashur-Kai, Valicar, Lyras, Ilyaster, Amurael Enka, Sargon and at a later date maybe even Ceraxia and Moriana. For the time being it’ll just be Astartes, however.


I also bring updates to the warband!


Here is the seventh member of the kill team. This fellow is very nearly complete but requires green stuffing for some gaps on his foot and one of his arms.


The eighth, who will be a standard bearer, is in progress. He was in fact the first berserker I built - but he has been lacking a standard, which I ordered parts for tonight. I plan to make it a small back-mounted standard in line with the Vexillas I converted for my iron warriors. I personally feel anything larger just makes you more of a target and becomes impractical, and I knew I wanted both of his hands free so he could enact maximum slaughter for the blood god. I plan to make it out of Ork jaws from the citadel skull set - a little nod to the ‘fifteen fangs’ and their flagship, the jaws of the white hound.


I figure stopping at eight for now is a good idea - it being the holy number of the blood god. Despite every member bearing the same loadout (with the exception of Ukris) I believe I can run every kind of Kill Team specialist with this squad, with the exception of medic - this may be changed at a later date, however, if I acquire an arm with a Narthecium to replace one of the standard arms my kill team uses.


I also bring this - another update picture of Ukris. He is nearing completion, but as is the case with character models, every time you get close to the end, you think of a few more little tweaks you could make to cause the character to stand out even more.


The belly plate was carved from a World-Eaters shoulder pad. I like it how it is now but I am also considering adding some more to the ‘sides’ of it. As well, I am considering diverging from my artwork accuracy and mounting some kind of bayonet to the front of his heavy bolter, artistic license I feel makes sense for the character - it would be inconvenient to switch back and forth between the bolter and chainaxe, which I imagine he keeps as a last resort for when ammo is low, or fighting is taking place in confined space.


That’s all for today! I should be back fairly soon with updates, when my citadel skulls arrive from ebay! I will also likely be starting yet another thread for the new year - something a little different, in fact, for I have begun to collect an Orks Speedfreekz army, so keep an eye out for that!


Cheers for reading, leave a comment and let me know what you think!


starting mine over and STEALING THISSSS!!!!


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