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Lord Uglor Does Gryphonicus

Lord Uglor

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@ Mendi Warrior- Thanks!


So, upon doing some work in Tinkercad, I have decided a different approach to making my Conversion Beam Cannons for my Asterius Acastus variant.  until I get around to getting an SLA printer, It's just not feasible. I'm going to try and make them using the Contemptor version of the cannon.  I have one unassembled in my stash somewhere and will evaluate the size/scale compared to the Acastus frame.  This may take a bit of time, and could be fairly expensive for a simple conversion, but only time will tell.  I'll be making the Karacnos battery practically using bits and whatnot, perhaps a little 3D printing.

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@ Fajita Fan - Yes, I've been on the fence for a while on this.  Its come down to the fact that a lot of the things I'm trying to print now (legs for my Skorpius Dunerider for instance) are not turning out very well in filament.  My printer is doing an admirable job, and for big builds she's still the answer, but not the fine stuff.

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A quick wip of my Asterius counts as.  I have not been able to find the contemptor C-Beam canon I have so the arms may take a while.  The Karacnos is good enough, in my opinion anyway, to be able to differentiate it from the normal loadout.  I didn't bother changing the lascannons for the volkites as there doesn't seem to be the option for them.


Here it is so far.




Let me know what you think.

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@ Fajita Fam - Yes.  I'm trying to produce a version of the Acastus Asterius the looks more like the Porpherion, and this include changing the Ironstorm missle pod into the Karacnos Mortar Battery of the Asterius.  Just a simple print of three rows of launch tubes, a couple of gems from the middle of a Custodians shield for 'targeting lenses' and a piece from a hellblaster plasma rifle to fill the middle and create interest.  Not much done, but different enough from the Ironstorm that anybody should be cool with it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

@ Mendi Warrior - Thank you!


@ Bjorn Firewalker - Thank you!


@ Gillyfish - Thank you!


@ Marshal Rohr - Thank you!


Alrighty!  I've finally gotten my resin printer, and started doing things with it, some 40k, some Adeptus Titanicus.  I'd really hoped to have more stuff done lately, but I'm a football coach, and this is the busy time of year.  I also tried to revitalize my painting bug by working on an Imperial Fist Primaris force, and was really into the painting of that.  I may start a log of those soon.  But you came here for Titan and Titan related news.  Here is a hint of what I'm working on next!




Forgive the blurry pics, I'll attempt better next time.  Let me know what you think! 

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Well, I've been working on stuff this week, both AT and 40k, and securing files for my printer.  First up on the list is something I plan on using either as an objective or part of an escort type mission.  Very happy with how it turned out.  I call it Take Your Kid to Work Day!




And next up is the Cerastus Acheron in assembled form.  Still have to prime and paint, as well as assemble the second one, but I'm very happy with the look of it so far. Coronus for scale.




Still working on a ton of stuff (buildings for AT18, a Primaris Centurion conversion for my Imperial Fists, printing imperial vehicles for bases and terrain...) and I'll post as I can.  Let me know what you think!

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  • 2 weeks later...

@ Fajita Fan - Thanks!


@Gore Crow - Thanks!


@ noigrim - Thanks!


@ Mendi Warrior - Thanks!


So I haven't done a lot in Titanicus lately, been working more on Primaris Centurion conversions, but I did manage to slap some paint on my Cerastus Acheron.  Here goes!










Once I've got my 3 Centurions done, I'll put a bit more time into my second Acheron and my third Reaver.


Let me know what you guys think!

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