Honda Posted November 22, 2018 Share Posted November 22, 2018 The idea behind this thread is to highlight modeling and painting efforts put into producing a Kill Team. Not that extra effort is required, but if you put some thought into the story of your team, feel free to share those thoughts along with your painted models. +++ So to set the stage, I present The Scar Crusade, which is based on a small crusade (seven figures) accompanying a Mechanicus Explorator fleet, as depicted in the McNeill "Lords or Mars" trilogy. Two of the figures I did not model as one Kul Gilad, Reclusiarch is in Terminator armor and the other Auiden is an Apothecary. The five models I started out with represent the crusade after a specific point in the story line. Given that it would be a small number of figures, I also decided to true scale them using the Doghouse technique of adapting Cataphractii terminators and converting them to Mk. III armor equivalents. I am a big fan of the Mk. III set of armor. The Scar Crusade Brother Sergeant Tanna - He is described as having a beard and a widow's peak, which I thought interesting enough to model. He is the only member without a helmet on. Yael - Described as the newest member of the crusade, recently promoted to initiate, favored by the Marshal, seems to desire to prove his worth to his more experienced brethren. So I tried to give him a slightly different pose, be it impractical or not, as a way to convey his individuality and style. Also, when he sparred with Magos Dahan, he fought with his chainsword and a combat knife. Issur - If I am remembering him correctly, is a recognized bladesman, but did not receive the Emperor's vision and therefore did not get to become the Crusade's champion. There is a certain level of resentment in him about that. I opted to give him a fairly standard pose to represent his "I don't like what happened, but I am still a Templar" attitude. Bracha - I made Bracha the comms guy because I was running out of names and slots for story/game roles. Zion - Not in the story, it seems from battle reports I've seen, this additional firepower would be helpful. Aetius - Another non-story character added to potentially provide tactical options to the team. Besides, it's hard to burn witches if you don't have a lighter. Atticus Varda (Emperor's Champion) - Oddly, he is not the best bladesman in the crusade, Issur is. Yet he received the vision. He is described as wearing more ornate armor than his brethren and a laurel on his helm made out of ivory. He is the only member of the team without battle damage. It was observed by Tanna after a big fight, that although he was in the thick of huge battle they were leaving, he did not have a mark on him. I thought that comment interesting enough to want to model it. Cheers, DuskRaider, deathspectersgt7, batu and 27 others 30 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted November 22, 2018 Share Posted November 22, 2018 Surprised we've not got a thread for teams, good idea. Â Your guys look cracking, I really like the additional little motifs, such as the cross on the cheek. Honda 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted November 23, 2018 Share Posted November 23, 2018 Great looking Kill Team Honda, very characterful and I love the non-black black.  Alas, mine are still not based (I have a lot of other models that will share whatever theme I choose) but I technically have two.  The first one is Dark Mechanicum using Adeptus Mechanicus rules:  The second is my Pestigor War Band... I created these prior to the Kill Team rules in hopes of using them as Nurgle Daemons, but when that fell through GW saved my hide with the Gellerpox Mutants. I have yet to create a viable Kill Team or field them.  Minotaur of Nurgle #1  Minotaur of Nurgle #2  Pestigor Shaman / I don't know what proxy  Pestigor Banner Bearer  Pestigors of the Shattered Tusk Tribe  The Shattered Tusk Tribe together Race Bannon, Dr_Ruminahui, Darnok and 22 others 24 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noigrim Posted November 23, 2018 Share Posted November 23, 2018 Photos are a bit too dark Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Honda Posted November 23, 2018 Author Share Posted November 23, 2018 @Duskraider: Those are two very cool teams/warbands. I like the idea of both of them and have considered a DM opponent as well. Â Cheers, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted November 23, 2018 Share Posted November 23, 2018 @ Honda: Excellent idea for a threat! That is also a very nice Templar kill team! I especially enjoy Brother Issur, with the distressed cross stenciled on his visor! Â @ DuskRaider: Always a pleasure to see these models again, mate! Â So here's my contribution, fresh off the painting table so to speak: Deathwatch Kill Team Ulrach: Â Â Now the project was begun before the new Killteam was even a thing, and even then, it's mostly a modeling painting endeavour. Even so, some of the models would fit the Kill Team specialist roles rather nicely, I believe. Â From left to right: Â Brother Vargo Diaz of the Crimson Fists Brother [REDACTED] of the Castigators (Zealot) Brother Arcturus Diomedes of the Ultramarines (Sniper) Watch-Sergeant Vorlik Ulrach of the Iron Hands (Leader) Brother Mikahel Zephon of the Lamenters (Heavy) Brother Rudisha Aren of the Celestial Lions (Scout) Brother Komoharai Tetangi of the Carcharodons Astra (Combat) More photos of the individual models can be found here in my INQ28 thread. Elzender, Mithrilforge, Dr_Ruminahui and 19 others 22 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azekai Posted November 23, 2018 Share Posted November 23, 2018 (edited) Wow, such nice kill teams! Here is my humble offering:Valgul's RevelationThis kill team comprises those warriors that can best demonstrate the Maynarkh Dynasty’s utter superiority in small-scale conflicts. The Immortal leader, Nepethne Prime, was once a promising military strategist; it remembers the glory days of the dynasty, when they were the most feared warriors in the galactic south. Though Prime has forgotten the finer details of the ancient conflicts, in many respects war never changes. It is still a competent and driven leader. Nepethne Zeta is secondary authority of the kill team; though it carries out its duties with uninspired precision, it secretly yearns for permanent destruction. It remembers much of what Prime does not, millennia of slaughter and pointless death. The triumphs and glories of the dynasties and phaerons was and is empty... and Zeta knows it. The Faceless One is a scavenging nightmare apparition that haunts the Maynarkh. In its wake, it leaves cryptic glyphs and symbols sketched in blood and directives expressed in shattered bones. The Nepethne Immortals regard it differently- Prime sees it as a nusiance, a tactical unknown that should be eliminated. Zeta has allowed it to escape unscathed in two separate instances, and it sometimes wonders if the key to true annihilation is to embrace the path of the flayer.  Lethe Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Omega are drone-like warriors, following the directives of Nepethne Prime and Zeta without question... although Prime notes that on very rare occasions they seem to stutter or seize. It has slated them for diagnostic checks in the upcoming solar cycle. These guys were thrown together really quick. Most were built out of hand-me down parts, and I had a lot of fun bringing them back to life (I discovered an old metal flayed one sans head lying around my bits box!). The translucent bright green traditionally associated with Necron weaponry wasn't going to work for the Maynarkh dynasty, so I replaced the tubing with straightened out lengths of plastic cut from weed whacker line.I want this kill team to be poised at the beginning of a mechanical descent into madness, and I plan to add some converted flayed ones down the line. Edited November 24, 2018 by Azekai Interrogator Stobz, Brother Dallo, DuskRaider and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Honda Posted November 23, 2018 Author Share Posted November 23, 2018 @KS: Been following your DW for awhile and I'm really glad to see them here. Still magnificent!  @Azekai: Excellent story and I look forward to seeing what you do with the Flayers. I find this concept very intriguing and should be developed. Azekai and KrautScientist 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
blackbabyjesus Posted November 24, 2018 Share Posted November 24, 2018 Here's my most recent killteam, a bunch of 2nd edition scouts (and a 4th, 5th? edition Sergeant Telion) Firepower, Brother Tyler, Spaced Hulk and 24 others 27 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Honda Posted November 24, 2018 Author Share Posted November 24, 2018  Oh wow, talk about a walk down memory lane, what an excellent squad of scouts.  Still  Telion's bolter. blackbabyjesus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
blackbabyjesus Posted November 25, 2018 Share Posted November 25, 2018  Oh wow, talk about a walk down memory lane, what an excellent squad of scouts.  Still  Telion's bolter.  Thanks Honda, it still baffles me how GW went from those amazing metal scouts to the current plastic models, such a backwards step! Honda 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reyner Posted November 26, 2018 Share Posted November 26, 2018 I love those old metal Scouts - wish I had the full set :(Â Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnightmare Posted November 27, 2018 Share Posted November 27, 2018 Wow - these are all brilliant killteams guys, very impressive. Â Keep them coming! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canardwc Posted November 28, 2018 Share Posted November 28, 2018 Alpha Legion Killteam. Two missile launchers, one flamer and 2 Primaris sergeants (The ones in the middle) Aramis K, Macbeefin, firestorm40k and 12 others 15 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aramis K Posted November 28, 2018 Share Posted November 28, 2018 Deathwatch Kill team Athos. Â Â All recon armour, but the sgt and sniper are Intercessors. Â Â Â Brother Dallo, Jokersminis, firestorm40k and 11 others 14 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gaurdian31 Posted November 28, 2018 Share Posted November 28, 2018 Here are all my Death Guard roster members:  Group Shot  Ranged Guys  Close Combat Guys  Poxwalkers  Interrogator Stobz, Brother Dallo, Brother Tyler and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tichinde Posted November 28, 2018 Share Posted November 28, 2018 (edited) here's mine:  <a  hoping to add a couple of Tzaangors (and take some better pics!) soon.... Edited November 28, 2018 by Tichinde Chaplain Raeven, Maxei, Race Bannon and 15 others 18 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Honda Posted December 8, 2018 Author Share Posted December 8, 2018 The Black Daggers - Special Response Team (SRT) The Black Daggers operate with an Action Authority of Vermilion as provided by the entity known as Enigma. This individual (or individuals) claim Ordo Hereticus Inquisitorial sponsorship. The Black Daggers have been known to operate alongside the indentured remnants of the 23rd Elysian Drop Company. The 23rd Elysians began their period of indenture to Enigma for an [REDACTED] period of time as penance for their performance in the ill-fated Taros Campaign. Team Shooters Heavy weapon support (1 x Melta, 2 x Flamer/Plasma gun/Lascutter) I have been wanting to have a SWAT team to accompany my Elysians for quite awhile. The goal was to not only build a Kill Team appropriate force, but also ensure that it could added to my Elysians as either a Veteran team or some Scions/Stormtrooper equivalent. The next step will be to provide them with some means of mobility in the form of an Arvus lighter and a Chimera-equivalent. Cheers, Bjorn Firewalker, Elzender, firestorm40k and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HvitrValdyr Posted February 13, 2019 Share Posted February 13, 2019 Here is my whole Kill Team (so far, I may add another model or two later). The majority of the painting was done by Frontline Gaming. I touched up some bits and pieces once I got them in my hands. Rules wise they are all Intercessors and Reivers, with one Scout. Fluff wise they are based on a pack of Grey Hunters with 2 Wolf Guard and 2 Sky Claws, supported by a few Wolf Scouts. Â The Kill Team designated Blackmane's Teeth dropped onto Vigilus with the Wolves strike force led by Haldor Icepelt. When the Wolves determined that the water supply needed to be protected, the team was dispatched to Kaelac's Bane in the southern polar region, to protect the secondary source of water on the planet. The Wolves, well suited to the winter climate of the region, soon encountered a threat more insidious than the Genestealer Cults faced by their brothers, none other than their arch-enemies, the Thousand Sons. Now Blackmane's Teeth are set to prove that they are the true apex predators on the planet and remind the traitorous sorcerers of the fate that awaits all heretics. Â Valdr Twice Slain, so named for the 2 "deaths" he has experienced since his ascension to the ranks of the Sky Warriors. The first was when he was the sole survivor of his Grey Hunter pack. At that time he took the vow of the Lone Wolf and sought a glorious death fighting the enemies of mankind. When he almost died saving Ragnar Blackmane's life, the Wolf Lord offered him the chance to join a new pack as one of his Wolf Guard. Valdr accepted and was born again and named Twice Slain by his new pack brothers. He leads the Blackmane's Teeth on Vigilus. (Reiver Sergeant, Leader specialist) Â Brand Longhowl and Hakn Ironbrow are the last survivors of their Sky Claw pack. Young and headstrong, they are eager to close with their enemies and utilise their jump packs to do so. (Reivers with grav chutes and grapnels) Â Asger Redpelt was one of the Wolf Guard who welcomed Valdr to the pack. They quickly became fast friends and Redpelt was the first person Twice Slain sought out when Blackmane tasked him with assembling a kill team. Asger leads a pack of veteran Grey Hunters, known as the Redclaws, and was eager to join his brother's mission. (Intercessor Sergeant with power sword, Combat specialist) Â Alrik the Unseen is so called because his targets never see him. The master crafted bolter that he carries is encased in Fenrisian Ironwood and was given to him by Jarl Blackmane. (Intercessor with stalker bolter, Sniper specialist) Â SK-0L1 is a walking communications array. He was assigned to the team to allow them to maintain communication with the main force, despite the distances and interference involved. (Scout, Communications specialist) Â Olvr Shieldbreaker once defeated a Dark Angel is single combat by breaking his shield over his opponent's head. The 2 warriors developed a mutual respect for each other and Olvr carries a pouch from his cousin to this day. (Intercessor with aux grenade launcher, Demolitions specialist) Â Geir Redclaw is the pack leader of the Grey Hunters, a veteran warrior of many decades. He prefers to engage his prey up close and eschews the standard boltgun of his brothers, relying on his bolt pistol and axe to do the job instead. (Reiver, Veteran specialist) Â Ardn Silvertongue is a story teller. His knowledge of the sagas and legends of the Wolves rivals that of the Wolf Priests and he is being considered to join their ranks. He regales his packmates with tales of heroism, boosting their morale and building their brotherhood. (Intercessor, Medic specialist) Â Sven Firefist got his name as a young Blood Claw when he got into a brawl with an older Grey Hunter at the Fang during a feast. Sensing defeat at the hands of the veteran, he quickly doused his hand in mjod, set it alight and punched his foe square in the face. The Grey Hunter's beard caught fire, much to the delight of all the spectators. The young Sven was dubbed Firefist and has been known as such ever since. (Intercessor) Â Yngvar Greymane yearns for the day when he will become a Long Fang as then he will finally be able to utilise the heavy weapons that he loves. Until then he is content to slay with boltgun and pistol. (Intercessor) Â Ivar the Stoic regularly wins contests of endurance at the Fang. There are those who say he could stand up to Russ himself in a mjod drinking conpetition. Ivar himself says little, preferring action to talk. He looks forward to the Wolftime when Russ shall return to see if he can live up to the legend that has been built around himself. (Intercessor) Â Wolf Scouts known as the Svartravnyr. Lokr the Sly (hooded guy) is the newest member of the pack. He looks at Lukas as a kind of hero and while he would never go to the extremes that the Trickster does, he likes to play pranks on his older wolf brothers. (Reiver) Einr Valravn is the pack leader. A grizzled veteran, he is always found where the enemy is least prepared to deal with him. He goes to war accompanied by a large Fenrisian raven to which he is mind linked.(Reiver, Scout specialist) Vilulf Crowhame is a taciturn warrior, preferring the company of the wild to that of other sentient beings. Nevertheless he can always be counted on when it is time for the murder make. (Reiver) Mithrilforge, Jokersminis, Race Bannon and 12 others 15 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Race Bannon Posted February 13, 2019 Share Posted February 13, 2019 Woooow ... Â Well, this is a strong case to ditch OldMarines for sure :yes: HvitrValdyr and Honda 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Honda Posted February 13, 2019 Author Share Posted February 13, 2019 Brilliant looking wolves brother and I loved the stories behind each one. Â Well done! HvitrValdyr 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noigrim Posted February 22, 2019 Share Posted February 22, 2019 (edited) Kill team Chadius is done, inspiration was a mix of Kraut's team, their OP rules, fluff and the release of conquest.  Edited February 22, 2019 by noigrim HvitrValdyr, Raztalin, Bjorn Firewalker and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Chaplain Matthias+ Posted March 29, 2019 Share Posted March 29, 2019 (edited) Here are my 3 completed Kill Teams so far.  Squad Eliphas - Death Watch          Squad Belcus - Death Watch       Strike Team Cyprian - Grey Knights   I think I'm going to take a break from power armored kill teams for a while. I love space marines but whenever I introduce new people to the game and loan one of my armies, there's only so much S4 vs. T4 with a 3+ save you can do before it gets boring haha. My next goal is to finish the Admech and the GSC from the starter box. Edited March 29, 2019 by +Chaplain Matthias+ Elzender, Brother Tyler, JeffJedi and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Interrogator Stobz Posted March 29, 2019 Share Posted March 29, 2019 There's a ton of character in those minis, well done! +Chaplain Matthias+ 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Honda Posted March 31, 2019 Author Share Posted March 31, 2019 You had me with the Templars, but closed the deal with everyone else. Nice and gritty, just the way I like them. Â Bravo sir! +Chaplain Matthias+ 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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