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+Primaris DIY: Iron Bulls+ Second Squad Almost Done 12/20/18


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Well. It finally happened. I was bitten by the Primaris bug. I swore it wouldn't happen, heck, I can't even tell you HOW it happened. But here we are, a new army. I don't even know what to call these guys. They're silver and blue, basically the colors of the Tyrant's Legion.They have a white bull or minotaur as their chapter symbol. The list I am working towards is kind of a gun-line style list, with Iron Hands chapter tactics, though I will be looking into using the Indomitus Crusader specialist detachment. Anyway, enough gab, here are a couple of really bad pictures:



I will have a better lighting situation after the holidays, but I was just so excited to share! I can see the eyes need some more highlights, and there are a handful of little things that need touching up, still, not bad for tabletop quality!

First up will be 3 squads of 5 Intercessors, a Lieutenant, Captain, Ancient, and 2 squads of 5 Hellblasters. Also after the Holidays, I will be acquiring a Deredeo dreadnought for added firepower and protection with the Atomantic Pavaise. That should put me right around 1000pts.

If anyone has suggestions on names I am all ears!

..Tarsus Bullheart? Is that you? Did you go to space?! ;)


This looks like a good start, looking forward to seeing some completed squads. I can tell, though, that I'm going to get drawn into doing a DIY Primaris chapter myself - it gets harder to resist every time I see a thread like this.

..Tarsus Bullheart? Is that you? Did you go to space?! :wink:

This looks like a good start, looking forward to seeing some completed squads. I can tell, though, that I'm going to get drawn into doing a DIY Primaris chapter myself - it gets harder to resist every time I see a thread like this.

Do it! You know you want to!

Aye, that's a solid start, maybe make those eye pop a little more?

Ask and you shall receive!


Solid start. :thumbsup:

Thanks man!


I assembled and primed the rest of the first 5 man intercessor squad. Yes, one is missing a head, it was primed white separately, as I will be attempting my first bare headed model! :blush.: Just waiting on the primer to dry, and I will start basecoating!!!


Still haven't had any ideas on names, I will be brainstorming while waiting for paint to dry!

If you want some atypical inspiration in the Celtic myth cycles there was the Brown Bull of Cooley and a White Horned Bull that caused a conflict between the Ulster and Connacht clans; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donn_Cuailnge


This forms part of the myth around Cúchulainn.

If you want some atypical inspiration in the Celtic myth cycles there was the Brown Bull of Cooley and a White Horned Bull that caused a conflict between the Ulster and Connacht clans; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donn_Cuailnge


This forms part of the myth around Cúchulainn.


Oooh! Celtic was one way I hadn't thought of taking these guys...thanks for the idea! I'll be doing some reading! :wink:


If you want some atypical inspiration in the Celtic myth cycles there was the Brown Bull of Cooley and a White Horned Bull that caused a conflict between the Ulster and Connacht clans; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donn_Cuailnge


This forms part of the myth around Cúchulainn.


Oooh! Celtic was one way I hadn't thought of taking these guys...thanks for the idea! I'll be doing some reading! :wink:


Celtic mythology is interesting, but usually harder to get into than other mythology because so much of it is centered around mortals rather than the gods themselves.


I've been kicking around the idea of a Celtic themed Primaris force for a while, but I don't want to start anything new until I have my Blood Angels finished. The tentative background starts with The Brothers of The Gael being investigated by an Inquisitor as their primogenitor geneseed is unknown and that he has concerns about their non-Codex nature; four 250 man Companies rather than ten 100 man Companies. Three of these Companies are engaged at the behest of the Imperium and the last remains in system recruiting, rebuilding, and patrolling their sector in the Eastern Fringe. This concerns the Inquisitor that this arrangement masks their true size, and furthermore that they are frequently accompanied on campaigns by non-Astartes indigenous forces that are nominally part of the Imperial Guard.

Alright! Currently working on some nuggets of fluff and still working on a name, but I come bearing pictures of the nearly completed squad! All that needs doing is bases, squad markings/transfers, and a bit of light weathering. Anyway, pictures!

Intercessor Squad 1:


I think they look really impressive together, very happy with how they are turning out. I have some individual shots as well:



Real happy with his face, that's my first attempt at bare skin in many years!



Line Intercessors:



I hope you guys enjoy! 6 models in 48 hours! Not bad at all!

Great work! They look great individually, but also really cohesive as a squad. Have you given much thought to how you'll base them?

I really appreciate it! So far for bases I am thinking a brownish red look, kind of like the surface of Mars. I love the way Kizzdougs does his bases, so perhaps something like that.

Your models are well-painted.

Thanks alot! Very happy with them!


Good work there, the eyes look much better with that increased contrast.


The Astral Claws scheme is a really effective one.

Thanks! I've always loved the scheme, it is super simple, but I think the simplicity is why it is so effective.




Wasn't able to get any work on these guys done this weekend, but by the end of the week I plan on having another combat squad done, and maybe the Lieutenant. I had a little mess around on battlescribe, and I am starting to think about running them as "Red Scorpions". I think a converted Carab Culln the Risen would be a pretty sweet centerpiece model. Any thoughts or advice?

Very nice work. :thumbsup:

Thanks! Your work has always been an inspiration!

I like the basing idea, I think it'll be a great contrast to the armor.

The Red Scorpion idea is interesting, and I can't wait to see your take on a Chapter Master Leviathan Dreadnought.

It's either that or real rusty ship-decking, I've always liked that style of base. And I think it would be a neat challenge. There are some ancient WFB Brettonian shields with the bull's head on 'em...I need to get ahold of those, I think they would be perfect for covering up the scorpions on the torso of the dreadnought.


Here's a WIP picture, first three marines of the second combat squad assembled. Pretty excited for the weapon options Intercessor Sergeants have now, hence the power fist. Enjoy!


What do you guys think of these names:

Iron Bulls

War Bulls


I am struggling with the name something fierce. I normally like single word names like Consecrators, Warbringers, etc.

Nice work on the new minis. I've been wondering how GW are going to develop the Primaris kits to make them as versatile as regular Marines. There are a lot of ways you could go with naming your Astartes;

Alabaster Taurus

Alabaster Minotaurs 

Frost Bulls

Taurus Ferrum

Taurus Pallidus

Pale Bulls

Ice Bulls

Taurus Legion

Brotherhood of Taurus

Nice work on the new minis. I've been wondering how GW are going to develop the Primaris kits to make them as versatile as regular Marines. There are a lot of ways you could go with naming your Astartes;

Alabaster Taurus

Alabaster Minotaurs

Frost Bulls

Taurus Ferrum

Taurus Pallidus

Pale Bulls

Ice Bulls

Taurus Legion

Brotherhood of Taurus

I think they are starting to get there, just need a few more options and Primaris are golden!

Thank you for the suggestion! I think I may have settled, barring any massive revelations, see below.

Suggested name: Tauri Argentum, "Silver Bulls".

Tauri should be plural for Taurus.

I dig the Latin you guys have suggested, so I will mash up the two. In Low Gothic they will be known as the Iron Bulls, in High Gothic, Tauri Ferrum. Kinda how the Carcharadons Astra are the Space Sharks. :teehee: Iron Bulls gives me the right feel that I am going for: Stubborn, Implacable, etc. Trying to distance them from the Minotaurs who seem to be more aggressive. These guys are a bit more methodical, but near impossible to stop once they have committed. Sounds good in my head at least!


I assembled the last two members of the combat squad!


I'll get to prime them when it is daylight tomorrow afternoon, should have some basecoats done tomorrow evening!

Iron Bulls is a good Chapter name, but it keeps reminding me of the Iron Bull, a character in the computer/video game 'Dragon Age: Inquisition'. Will your Chapter have an elite unit- Honor Guards and/or Vanguard Veterans- known as the "Chargers"?

New squad are nicely posed and I like the choice of chapter name.

Thanks a ton! Now that I have a name, I have a bit more to work with!

Iron Bulls is a good Chapter name, but it keeps reminding me of the Iron Bull, a character in the computer/video game 'Dragon Age: Inquisition'. Will your Chapter have an elite unit- Honor Guards and/or Vanguard Veterans- known as the "Chargers"?

I have never played it! Maybe! :teehee:

Just wanted to show some progress with a crappy paint in progress of the second combat squad. All the messy parts/basecoats are done, just need to go back in and neaten up, do some highlights and then some details. Ideally I will have them done by Christmas, shouldn't be too much of a stretch.


Also, I got word that I may or may not be receiving a Redemptor Dreadnought for the holiday...so that will be added to the list!

My idea for the Chargers: Assault Marines or Primaris Inceptors who use jump pack-mounted missile launchers (see Jango and Boba Fett's jetpacks, in 'Star Wars') to suppress enemy fire as they charge into close combat range. They will ride into battle on flyers capable of ramming attacks, e.g., the Caestus assault ram, or suitably modified Thunderhawks (which I made up because the Lexicanum article specifically stated the Caestus was a short-range vehicle).


Edit: As your Chapter has a High Gothic name and a Low Gothic nickname, its elites need a High Gothic name as well. May I suggest "Impessor," from the Latin word for "force"?

My idea for the Chargers: Assault Marines or Primaris Inceptors who use jump pack-mounted missile launchers (see Jango and Boba Fett's jetpacks, in 'Star Wars') to suppress enemy fire as they charge into close combat range. They will ride into battle on flyers capable of ramming attacks, e.g., the Caestus assault ram, or suitably modified Thunderhawks (which I made up because the Lexicanum article specifically stated the Caestus was a short-range vehicle).

Edit: As your Chapter has a High Gothic name and a Low Gothic nickname, its elites need a High Gothic name as well. May I suggest "Impessor," from the Latin word for "force"?

Not a bad idea! We will see what I can do with it as time goes on!



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