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Hi all,

I'm notorious for starting stuff and never finishing it. This is commonly referred to as having "Hobby Butterfly Syndrome" (or "HBS" for short) While I'm under no illusion that this won't change in an instant, I'd like to try and complete at least one hobby project this year. As usual I have a few underway so I'll use this log to document them all. Now, my project list in its current state:

Dosjetka's 2019 projects list (updated: 05/01/2019)
12 Months of Hobby Challenge (link) 12 or more painted models 5th January 2019 31st December 2019 (planned) April models completed
Top secret project At least 500 points painted 19th April2019 9th August 2019 In progress.
? Chapter, Primaris Space Marines At least one 100-point Kill Team 5th January 2019 31st December 2019 (planned) Brainstorming
Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress All models assembled and primed, >50% of both Explorers and Hostiles painted 5th January 2019 31st December 2019 (planned) 5/9 Explorers and 30/35 Hostiles assembled, 2/9 Explorers and 1/35 Hostiles painted
Legio Astorum, Adeptus Titanicus At least one painted Titan 12th December 2018 31st December 2019 (planned) Brainstorming
Iapto Corporation, Genestealer Cults TBD 31st January 2019 31st December 2019 (planned) Cancelled.
Militant Minxes, House Escher 5 or more painted models 10th March 2019 31st December 2019 (planned) Cancelled.

As I get stuff done I'll update the table above so I can keep track of my own progress and folks can follow it, too.

Next update, with pictures, very soon.

Thank you for having a look. :thumbsup:

So, first of my models to receive paint this year is this Traitor Guard from the Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress game.


I intend to get most of it done today. The colour scheme I'm using is inspired from the Sons of Sek uniform.

Thank you for looking. :tu:

Aaaaaaand the model is done. I didn't think I'd kick 2019 off with a Chaos model but in a way I'm glad I did paint something other than yet another Space Marine!




Plenty of bits that I could've spent more time on and plenty of room for improvement but I'm happy with the model anyway and look forward to painting more! :)

Thank you for having a look. :tu:

Looks good, brother. Bit rough in places, but will definitely look good as part of the unit -- though it might be worth adding a little bit of pink to the scarring, specifically. There's nothing on the model that really "pops" to me, it really feels like it needs some sort of spot color alongside the relatively desaturated fleshtone and green, and the mustard fatigues. My only real criticism of it, to be honest. The base is excellent: the GW method really works a treat.

That's a very nice scheme of a Son (or should that be daughter?!) of Sek! I agree with Soldier of Dorn, however, that the model maybe needs a few more touches to make it look ever so slightly less monotonous. Off the top of my head, I'd suggest one or several of the following options:


  • some carefully applied blood spatter (keep it sparse!) or a chaos symbol dabbed on an armour plate in blood
  • some carefully applied red and purple wash to the deepest recesses on the face and hands. The scarring on the face could also use a bit of pop, as per Soldier of Dorn's suggestion.
  • the silver mail on the model's back looks very clean -- I think you might want to think about applying some thinned reddish brown in the recesses to create the suggestion of rust.
  • and a little something that keeps bothering me: The two buttons on the front of the uniform should be picked out in a different colour ;)

That's just nitpicking, though -- looks like you're off to a great start! :)

  • 4 weeks later...

Time to update this. First off, long overdue replies!

Looks good, brother. Bit rough in places, but will definitely look good as part of the unit -- though it might be worth adding a little bit of pink to the scarring, specifically. There's nothing on the model that really "pops" to me, it really feels like it needs some sort of spot color alongside the relatively desaturated fleshtone and green, and the mustard fatigues. My only real criticism of it, to be honest. The base is excellent: the GW method really works a treat.

Cheers for the feedback, mate. I went back and gave the scarring a wash of Carroburg Crimson. Regarding making the model "pop", since this is a simple goon amongst many others in a dungeon crawl game, I'm not really looking at making the model stand out any more than it needs to. That said, I'll add some sparse blood spatters to some parts of the model. :tu:

That's a very nice scheme of a Son (or should that be daughter?!) of Sek! I agree with Soldier of Dorn, however, that the model maybe needs a few more touches to make it look ever so slightly less monotonous. Off the top of my head, I'd suggest one or several of the following options:

  • some carefully applied blood spatter (keep it sparse!) or a chaos symbol dabbed on an armour plate in blood
  • some carefully applied red and purple wash to the deepest recesses on the face and hands. The scarring on the face could also use a bit of pop, as per Soldier of Dorn's suggestion.
  • the silver mail on the model's back looks very clean -- I think you might want to think about applying some thinned reddish brown in the recesses to create the suggestion of rust.
  • and a little something that keeps bothering me: The two buttons on the front of the uniform should be picked out in a different colour :wink:

That's just nitpicking, though -- looks like you're off to a great start! :smile.:

Thank you for the detailed feedback and suggestions, KS! I'll be sure to go back and add some of your suggestions to the model. When I do I'll get some fresh pictures uploaded and posted here (hopefully with a proper camera this time).

Now, I've been busy today with quite an interesting model. Lots of different textures and detail. For the moment I've painted on all the basecoats and applied all the necessary washes:


I did however completely finish painting its autopistol:


I hope to finish the model tomorrow and then move on to another volunteer-employee of the Iapto Corporation. :tu:

Thank you for having a look. :)

  • 3 weeks later...

The cult grows!

In keeping with the Borderlands/Hyperion Corporation theme I kitbashed/converted my own version of the Sanctus model.


Quite happy with how this one turned out. :) I have also been busy with some Acolyte Hybrids but nothing picture-worthy just yet.

Thank you for having a look. :tu:

I bought two of the Sanctus kits before realising they didn't fit the theme I was going for as much as I would have liked. :sweat: Luckily I've found someone who can use the rest of the model for a conversion they have in mind so at least the first Sanctus shall be fully used!

For my February model for the 12 Month Hobby Challenge, I painted the Asuryani Ranger from Blackstone Fortress.



I'll add thorns to the cape when I have a bit more time, patience, and energy but for now I'm calling her done.

Thank you for having a look. :tu:

Hey Dos.  I see you are undecided on a Chapter to paint.  How would you feel about you and I collaborating and creating a Chapter together, both in fluff and model wise?  Each working on an individual company or something.  Feel free to throw away the suggestion, just a thought.  Otherwise keep up the amazing work.

  • 1 month later...
Is that chainsword blade mounted on the flamer? Shouldn't it be moved forwards, like a bayonet, so Vorne can actually stab someone with it, without the flamer muzzle getting in the way? Or is the chainbayonet mounted on a retractable rail, allowing it to move forwards (so it can be used to stab an enemy of the Imperium) or rearwards (so the flamer won't damage the chainbayonet when it discharges purifying flames), as needed?
  • 3 weeks later...

Back to the Genestealer Cultists of the Iapto Corporation now!

I managed to sneak in a couple of hours of hobby time yesterday and alongside assembling some Neophyte Hybrids, I worked on my own version of the GSC Clamavus.

Given that the Iapto Corp is inspired by another corporation from the Borderlands 2 game, I wanted my Clamavus to represent a character from that game (and I'm not a particular fan of the original GW model though some parts are fantastic). And who better for that than the infamous Hunter Hellquist of the Hyperion Truth Broadcast. The aim was to combine the notable parts from both the original Clamavus (and GSC in general) with those of Hellquist. I think I did a good job and hopefully you'll agree. :)


There are a few more models to assemble, notably an Acoylte Iconward to Borderlands/Hyperion-ify, but I should be moving on to paint fairly soon!

Thank you for having a look. :tu:

Cheers, hush. Much appreciated. :smile.:

I seemingly can't stay focussed on one project so here's a model from another: Narcia Joss, former Private in the local Necromunda PDF unit, now member of the Militant Minxes!


Thank you for having a look. :thumbsup:


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