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Sanguinius in 40k?


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I to vote for the Sanguinor to have a power boost to match his fluff and become our primarch level character, though I’d also be fine with Dante or Mephiston receiving this boost to. I’d even be able to live with Sanguinius coming back as like a Deamon Primarch of the Emperor, but that’s my limit I don’t want him back and alive again.


Also I love our twin flaws and want them both applied to the Primaris eventually, the Rage in particular gives us a connection to our Primarch that no non Sanguinius chapter has, for others their primarch is a story but for BA and their successors they dream Sanguinius memories every time they sleep. His death is the strongest memory but that’s not all they dream about and that gives the BA a much more personal connection to their father.


Having said that I got very tired of every story about BA focusing on the Flaws, I’m very happy that recent stories have focused elsewhere with the flaws just being part of the story and not it’s focus.

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If Sanguinius comes back, I better get Ferrus Manus back, too!

If Sanguinius comes back there’ll be no more death in the 40k universe, so at that point anyone and everyone can come back.

The daemon primarchs already come back after 100 years of being dead. As soon as the Emperor truly dies he will be reborn even more powerful than ever.


So sanguinius coming back is just another drop in the bucket. Mortals still die in droves.

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The daemon primarchs already come back after 100 years of being dead. As soon as the Emperor truly dies he will be reborn even more powerful than ever.

So sanguinius coming back is just another drop in the bucket. Mortals still die in droves.

The only problem with this is that the Daemon Primarchs weren't dead when they came back. They've been in the Eye of Terror on their respective planets for aeons, waiting for the perfect time to crush the God-Emperor of Mankind - may He be blessed by our righteous hatred.

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If Sanguinius comes back, I better get Ferrus Manus back, too!

If Sanguinius comes back there’ll be no more death in the 40k universe, so at that point anyone and everyone can come back.

The daemon primarchs already come back after 100 years of being dead. As soon as the Emperor truly dies he will be reborn even more powerful than ever.

So sanguinius coming back is just another drop in the bucket. Mortals still die in droves.

Wait what?

None of them are dead.

Why wouldn’t they be able to come back?

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When the grey knights banish Angron he has to go back to the warp for a century before he can return. Kha'Banda has been "slain" how many times now? i.e. Banished. As soon as a warlord becomes a prince of darkness they are fundamentally immortal reincarnating after being slain/banished.

Swarmlord is another example. Every time it dies it is reborn with all previous knowledge and grows ever stronger and more versatile.


You are kidding yourself if you think Sanguinius coming back to life is going to nuke the fridge.

If Sanguinius comes back, I better get Ferrus Manus back, too!

You already got him back in Emperor of Mankind as a greater daemon of the emperor.

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When the grey knights banish Angron he has to go back to the warp for a century before he can return. Kha'Banda has been "slain" how many times now? i.e. Banished. As soon as a warlord becomes a prince of darkness they are fundamentally immortal reincarnating after being slain/banished.


Swarmlord is another example. Every time it dies it is reborn with all previous knowledge and grows ever stronger and more versatile.


You are kidding yourself if you think Sanguinius coming back to life is going to nuke the fridge.

If Sanguinius comes back, I better get Ferrus Manus back, too!

You already got him back in Emperor of Mankind as a greater daemon of the emperor.


We're talking semantics at this point, and that's where I stop any discussion. Good day, Haten.

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When the grey knights banish Angron he has to go back to the warp for a century before he can return. Kha'Banda has been "slain" how many times now? i.e. Banished. As soon as a warlord becomes a prince of darkness they are fundamentally immortal reincarnating after being slain/banished.


Swarmlord is another example. Every time it dies it is reborn with all previous knowledge and grows ever stronger and more versatile.


You are kidding yourself if you think Sanguinius coming back to life is going to nuke the fridge.

If Sanguinius comes back, I better get Ferrus Manus back, too!

You already got him back in Emperor of Mankind as a greater daemon of the emperor.


We're talking semantics at this point, and that's where I stop any discussion. Good day, Haten.


Oh mate, I apologize I was just joking about that. No I get it. I think ultimately it comes down to what they want to do with the primarchs. Honestly they are warp creatures more than transhumans. We don't know what all exactly they actually can become. Obviously it would be more of a reincarnation for Ferrus rather a la clone or psychic essence because if I recall his head is never recovered right? But they were able to save the Gorgon's body? I can't really remember. I feel like the difference is Sanguinius is to an extent still whole. Much like Guilliman and the Lion in stasis. But I'd be okay with all of the primarchs coming back actually.


But all this being said, they need to bring all the ones actually alive back before they start doing anything else. And we really need an actual alive loyalist primarch other than Guilliman back in the big scene.

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Oh mate, I apologize I was just joking about that. No I get it. I think ultimately it comes down to what they want to do with the primarchs. Honestly they are warp creatures more than transhumans. We don't know what all exactly they actually can become. Obviously it would be more of a reincarnation for Ferrus rather a la clone or psychic essence because if I recall his head is never recovered right? But they were able to save the Gorgon's body? I can't really remember. I feel like the difference is Sanguinius is to an extent still whole. Much like Guilliman and the Lion in stasis. But I'd be okay with all of the primarchs coming back actually.

But all this being said, they need to bring all the ones actually alive back before they start doing anything else. And we really need an actual alive loyalist primarch other than Guilliman back in the big scene.



No harm, no foul. Yeah, I'd say the Daemon Primarchs have transcended beyond transhuman, too. We know - of all the primarchs - Lorgar is still brooding in his tower, funnily enough. The primarch of the Legion that invited Chaos worship into the galaxy is brooding because his ultimate plan backfired and created the Imperial Church. Too awesome.


Anyway, yeah, they never recovered Manus' head after Fulgrim chopped it off. There is some ancient fluff about his body being borne to Mars, but it's so old that I'm not sure anyone knows if it is still viable. (After they destroyed our Chapter with the Clan Raukaan supplement, I've not listened to GW when it comes to the Iron Hands.)


In saying all that, I say bring back the primarchs that still live - daemon or otherwise. That would be awesome.

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We know - of all the primarchs - Lorgar is still brooding in his tower, funnily enough. The primarch of the Legion that invited Chaos worship into the galaxy is brooding because his ultimate plan backfired and created the Imperial Church. Too awesome.

Who says he is brooding? Maybe he is just sitting back, munching popcorn and enjoying the LOLs. After all, if anyone was vindicated by the Heresy, it was Lorgar. Gods are real, faith is one of the greatest powers in the Galaxy and entire Imperium now worships the Emperor as a God, just to hold back the tide of Gods that Lorgar invited in.


He was right both first time and second time.

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When the grey knights banish Angron he has to go back to the warp for a century before he can return. Kha'Banda has been "slain" how many times now? i.e. Banished. As soon as a warlord becomes a prince of darkness they are fundamentally immortal reincarnating after being slain/banished.

Swarmlord is another example. Every time it dies it is reborn with all previous knowledge and grows ever stronger and more versatile.


You are kidding yourself if you think Sanguinius coming back to life is going to nuke the fridge.

All of that was a false equivalency.


A Daemon’s banishment is not death, it’s the removal of said Daemon from the standard plain of reality, while a daemon can still permanently be killed, its that’s not my point.


A swarmlord’s rebirth is only so far as a duplicate copy of that swarmlord with its memories since it’s experiances can be downloaded to the wider Hive Mind, having the ability to make this possible.


Vulkan as a third example has been killed countless of times, time and time again coming back because he was a Prepetual.


But all three examples here work well within the pre-establishes peramiters of what is considered reasonable given the mechanics of their respective realities. THIS is key difference between good and bad lore, does it function within peramiters of what is considered reasonable given its reality, history and the conditions that sorround it. This can be subjective, but only to an extent.


Sanguinius doesn’t have anything in his established lore that would allow him to resurrect, so any mechanic used to do just that would feel ham fisted and artificial after 30 years of lore.

Granted, GW lately does not seem to care all that much about giving the job to good lore writers when it comes to recent Codexes nor enough time to do so. So yeah, more garbage lore isn’t going to break the bank at this point, but asking it to be decent isn’t too much to ask.


Im against a direct resurrection of Sanguinius. If they want to do a abra kadabra spirit of Sanguinius in the Sanguinor or whatever, go for it, as long as it’s well written lore, something that I don’t think is possible with a direct resurrection.


Alright, I’m done and I’m gonna disengage from this thread for a little bit because I find no benefit in a back and forth like this about this subject.

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Vulkan wasn't a perpetual till the bad lore about it was written. Just saying.



As the emperor is also meant to be one, wouldn't it make sense if all his sons have the potential. It's no more far fetched an idea. Sanguinius body is in stasis to preserve it iirc. So if he was one, he hasn't had a chance to come back.



Personally I could get behind the idea of his consciousness being in the warp as an entity.

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@M0nolith That's why I'm surprised Jole let is go back down the rabbit hole.


Remember, this is all of literature. I can give a plethora of examples from amazing authors that do the same thing with characters. But I won't because I'm tired of having to make this argument over and over.


Fundamentally the swarmlord is still the same swarmlord. Its simply transcendence the same thing goes for Fabius Bile. He is essentially immortal now because of all his clones, and the ability to transfer his consciousness into other clones, with all the memories leading up to his death. The same goes with Cawl to an extent.


It's not a stretch to have anything happen in a science fantasy world. Especially one that is just now moving forward again; albeit at a snail's pace. 40 years of lore does get stale and we need some new flavor. Fan theory and wishful thinking is healthy, the problem is this is a hard lined issue.


And there's too much partisanship on this issue. And we go back down the rabbit hole with nothing ever accomplished. And those believers that it would ruin the sacrifice or whatever are still all wrong, in my opinion because this isn't comic book land where a main protagonist is killed and brought back to life within the next 2-3 issues.

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@M0nolith That's why I'm surprised Jole let is go back down the rabbit hole.



You can rest assured the thread is being monitored.


I see no problem with it being open whilst there is an appetite for constructive and pleasant conversation that follows the board rules (i.e no RL references to drive your point across, no off topic tangents, etc).


I have no problem being harsh on it's closure either...

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@M0nolith That's why I'm surprised Jole let is go back down the rabbit hole.


You can rest assured the thread is being monitored.


I see no problem with it being open whilst there is an appetite for constructive and pleasant conversation that follows the board rules (i.e no RL references to drive your point across, no off topic tangents, etc).


I have no problem being harsh on it's closure either...

I know brother. I'm sorry I keep harping on it. We both know how quickly south this can move. And it was a definite "wow" moment for me. That's why I keep bringing it up.


Much love Jole. If I'm being that guy I'll try to dial it back. Over the years I know I have been known to fly to the defense of every possible reason Sanguinius should return.

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Few things also to consider:


1) It's really never been explained exactly what happened to Sanguinius' soul once he was killed by Horus.  Only that Horus killed him and that it triggered the black rage. It's possible given his connection to the warp and that he was a primarch that his soul has survived within the warp since then.  Given he was talking with Dante when Dante was mortally/seriously wounded in Devastation of Baal it's possible he's still kicking in his spirit form.  Hopefully this will be touched upon in the Horus Heresy book series.


2) Also, with the vampire part of the bloodline and that they've shown that Dante and others drinking blood has a restorative effect on the Blood Angels it leaves a way to resurrect Sanguinius if they can merge his spirit back to the body.  


3) or as said before, he could come back as some sort of greater daemon/angel of the Emperor, especially since he's already THE angel and it would be a good counterbalance.

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2) is actually pretty important. With the vampire theme and the angels/space jesus theme Blood Angels already have two sources of background where resurrections/immortality play a role.


Lol, yup, sprinkle some super-powerful Emperor blood on his body and call it a day.

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Fluff wise Sanguinius could be brought back via "perfected" cloning by Mr. Cawl. And from a money making stand point I could see GW bring him back as a cash grab. But that day is a long way off at this time.

Fluff wise you could do anything, it's just bad fluff.

Except its not bad fluff. I'm not going back down this rabbit hole, so I'll just say we disagree.


We've brought back Ferrus times innumerable with Fabius Bile's twisted science, only to have Fulgrim kill him every time, as he continually tries to turn Ferrus to chaos during a game of Regicide. We didn't get our knickers in a twist in Emperor of Mankind did we?


And he was the first Primarch to die. His was more tragic because his entire legion was torn apart and the survivors never got the chance to morn, because they lost everything and were taken to the brink of annihilation in the midsts of the HH.


It only matters to BA because Sanguinius was the most warp touched. And his death was imprinted on his sons. The Black Rage should be rare but its not anymore. Because all of the BA authors before always went there instead of down the red thirst path. Which has so much amazing potential. I absolutely love the chaos marine who was a former Flesh Tearer who has been completely consumed by the red thirst and is now a World Eater Slave. That was an amazing character that could have been so much more.

The black rage being rare has always been that it was getting more and more common, and it’s always been in lore that entire companies have been known to fall to it.


Also it’s still rare in lore. Deus Encarmine and Sanguinius were retconned away, so that doesn’t count. That means that the two worst times in the last century was the 5th at Diamore and then the massive amount at the devastation of Baal. Both have legitimate reasons behind them.


But yeah, it’s rare, but not super rare with some always falling before battle. The reason it makes less sense now than before is that before Astorath was introduced the DC that didn’t die in battle were saved for the next. That meant you could have multiple squads from a period of time, and now it’s not like that.

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Fluff wise Sanguinius could be brought back via "perfected" cloning by Mr. Cawl. And from a money making stand point I could see GW bring him back as a cash grab. But that day is a long way off at this time.

Fluff wise you could do anything, it's just bad fluff.

Except its not bad fluff. I'm not going back down this rabbit hole, so I'll just say we disagree.


We've brought back Ferrus times innumerable with Fabius Bile's twisted science, only to have Fulgrim kill him every time, as he continually tries to turn Ferrus to chaos during a game of Regicide. We didn't get our knickers in a twist in Emperor of Mankind did we?


And he was the first Primarch to die. His was more tragic because his entire legion was torn apart and the survivors never got the chance to morn, because they lost everything and were taken to the brink of annihilation in the midsts of the HH.


It only matters to BA because Sanguinius was the most warp touched. And his death was imprinted on his sons. The Black Rage should be rare but its not anymore. Because all of the BA authors before always went there instead of down the red thirst path. Which has so much amazing potential. I absolutely love the chaos marine who was a former Flesh Tearer who has been completely consumed by the red thirst and is now a World Eater Slave. That was an amazing character that could have been so much more.

The black rage being rare has always been that it was getting more and more common, and it’s always been in lore that entire companies have been known to fall to it.


Also it’s still rare in lore. Deus Encarmine and Sanguinius were retconned away, so that doesn’t count. That means that the two worst times in the last century was the 5th at Diamore and then the massive amount at the devastation of Baal. Both have legitimate reasons behind them.


But yeah, it’s rare, but not super rare with some always falling before battle. The reason it makes less sense now than before is that before Astorath was introduced the DC that didn’t die in battle were saved for the next. That meant you could have multiple squads from a period of time, and now it’s not like that.

Well some chapters still keep the death company brothers alive after each battle. Just not so much the actual blood angels.


The flesh tearers are a good example. As are the carmine blades.

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Few things also to consider:


1) It's really never been explained exactly what happened to Sanguinius' soul once he was killed by Horus.  Only that Horus killed him and that it triggered the black rage. It's possible given his connection to the warp and that he was a primarch that his soul has survived within the warp since then.  Given he was talking with Dante when Dante was mortally/seriously wounded in Devastation of Baal it's possible he's still kicking in his spirit form.  Hopefully this will be touched upon in the Horus Heresy book series.


2) Also, with the vampire part of the bloodline and that they've shown that Dante and others drinking blood has a restorative effect on the Blood Angels it leaves a way to resurrect Sanguinius if they can merge his spirit back to the body.  


3) or as said before, he could come back as some sort of greater daemon/angel of the Emperor, especially since he's already THE angel and it would be a good counterbalance.

ADB’s Black Legion books have crystal statues on board the Vengeful Spirit, there’s a statue for everyone who died on the Vengeful Spirit including Sanguinius, they appear and disappear moving location and such. I’ve heard people say these statues are the souls of those who died on the Vengeful Spirit trapped there. That’s not the impression I got, my impression was the statues are psychic imprints left by those who died not their actual souls but I’ve heard people I like say it is their souls trapped there. I did listen to the audio books and so could have missed it.


One of my theories about the Black Rage comes from the fact Sanguinius seemed to have a bit of a psychic connection to his marines other primarchs lacked. What if that connection survived his death, so the memories the Blood Angels experience including his death memories that trigger the Black Rage comes directly from the soul of Sanguinius which is whole in the warp. Further what if the reason Sanguinius soul is still whole is because that connection still exists and strengthens him. Before people bring up old explanations for the Rage I’m aware of them all as I’ve been a Blood Angels fan since 2nd, this is just my own fan theory I had fun working out.


I came up with that theory while thinking of the Primaris lack of Black Rage Issues, my idea was what if the Primaris lack that connection that’d be great for them but as they take over Sanguinius soul would weaken in the warp. My idea was that if the Primaris found this out and were given the opportunity would they willingly take on the burden of the Black Rage to gain a connection to their Primarch and save his soul. I want Primaris to gain the Rage but I want them to somehow gain it willingly as a sacrifice in full knowledge of the risks and this theory does that.


Coincidentally along with the rift this theory also gives a reason why Sanguinius soul suddenly becomes strong enough to start crossing over to the real world making him effectively a loyalist Deamon Primarch should GW take this very controversial route.


Can’t see it being true, I expect the Rage to just start appearing in the Primaris with no explanation as time goes on and GW get around to doing proper models.

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Fluff wise Sanguinius could be brought back via "perfected" cloning by Mr. Cawl. And from a money making stand point I could see GW bring him back as a cash grab. But that day is a long way off at this time.

Fluff wise you could do anything, it's just bad fluff.

Except its not bad fluff. I'm not going back down this rabbit hole, so I'll just say we disagree.


We've brought back Ferrus times innumerable with Fabius Bile's twisted science, only to have Fulgrim kill him every time, as he continually tries to turn Ferrus to chaos during a game of Regicide. We didn't get our knickers in a twist in Emperor of Mankind did we?


And he was the first Primarch to die. His was more tragic because his entire legion was torn apart and the survivors never got the chance to morn, because they lost everything and were taken to the brink of annihilation in the midsts of the HH.


It only matters to BA because Sanguinius was the most warp touched. And his death was imprinted on his sons. The Black Rage should be rare but its not anymore. Because all of the BA authors before always went there instead of down the red thirst path. Which has so much amazing potential. I absolutely love the chaos marine who was a former Flesh Tearer who has been completely consumed by the red thirst and is now a World Eater Slave. That was an amazing character that could have been so much more.

The black rage being rare has always been that it was getting more and more common, and it’s always been in lore that entire companies have been known to fall to it.


Also it’s still rare in lore. Deus Encarmine and Sanguinius were retconned away, so that doesn’t count. That means that the two worst times in the last century was the 5th at Diamore and then the massive amount at the devastation of Baal. Both have legitimate reasons behind them.


But yeah, it’s rare, but not super rare with some always falling before battle. The reason it makes less sense now than before is that before Astorath was introduced the DC that didn’t die in battle were saved for the next. That meant you could have multiple squads from a period of time, and now it’s not like that.

Well some chapters still keep the death company brothers alive after each battle. Just not so much the actual blood angels.


The flesh tearers are a good example. As are the carmine blades.

True, but that wasn’t my point. Although the Flesh Tearers are a good example. They had a enough stored in a ship to board two other civilian starships and kill everyone on board to stop a secret. That’s a lot of death company. Death Company aren’t *that* rare. In 3rd edition you had a 50 percent chance that at least one person PER SQUAD would join the death company. If you roll a six you had a fifth present chance another person from that squad joined the death company.


Then you had that Blood Angel Chaplains were always accompanied by D3+3 death company.


Lorewise it wasn’t rare either.

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If Sanguinius comes back, I better get Ferrus Manus back, too!

If Sanguinius comes back there’ll be no more death in the 40k universe, so at that point anyone and everyone can come back.



To be honest, this is already the case. Leaving St.Celestine aside, most peaople forget that Our Spiritual Liege has been resurrected by Yvraine. When Yvraine &co. debate what to do it is explicitly stated that she is unable to heal RG, because Ynnead's power affects only the dead. On Ultramar she pierced his heart killing him and then insta-respawned him. So if Sanguinius' body was on Baal, it would be perfectly possible for xeno-magic to bring him back.


However, however, however, Sanguinius' body has been apparently retconed, consciously or not, by Haley in Devastation of Baal. There are scenes when Dante contamplates damages done to tombs of the fallen BA, when he inspects the most valuable relics (all named) and oversees their evacuation and not a single mention is made of Sang's corpse. Maybe conscioulsy, since there is no Sang on the last Horus-Emp duel artwork - just saying.


However, however, however, we know that Yvraine is able to ressurect also Rubric Marines, who are simply souls trapped within armours with scanty human remains. Sooooo, if there is Sang's soul somewhere there and since we have relic of his feather, one can wonder if Yvraine could resurrect him nevertheless.

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Fluff wise Sanguinius could be brought back via "perfected" cloning by Mr. Cawl. And from a money making stand point I could see GW bring him back as a cash grab. But that day is a long way off at this time.

Fluff wise you could do anything, it's just bad fluff.

Except its not bad fluff. I'm not going back down this rabbit hole, so I'll just say we disagree.


We've brought back Ferrus times innumerable with Fabius Bile's twisted science, only to have Fulgrim kill him every time, as he continually tries to turn Ferrus to chaos during a game of Regicide. We didn't get our knickers in a twist in Emperor of Mankind did we?


And he was the first Primarch to die. His was more tragic because his entire legion was torn apart and the survivors never got the chance to morn, because they lost everything and were taken to the brink of annihilation in the midsts of the HH.


It only matters to BA because Sanguinius was the most warp touched. And his death was imprinted on his sons. The Black Rage should be rare but its not anymore. Because all of the BA authors before always went there instead of down the red thirst path. Which has so much amazing potential. I absolutely love the chaos marine who was a former Flesh Tearer who has been completely consumed by the red thirst and is now a World Eater Slave. That was an amazing character that could have been so much more.

The black rage being rare has always been that it was getting more and more common, and it’s always been in lore that entire companies have been known to fall to it.


Also it’s still rare in lore. Deus Encarmine and Sanguinius were retconned away, so that doesn’t count. That means that the two worst times in the last century was the 5th at Diamore and then the massive amount at the devastation of Baal. Both have legitimate reasons behind them.


But yeah, it’s rare, but not super rare with some always falling before battle. The reason it makes less sense now than before is that before Astorath was introduced the DC that didn’t die in battle were saved for the next. That meant you could have multiple squads from a period of time, and now it’s not like that.

Well some chapters still keep the death company brothers alive after each battle. Just not so much the actual blood angels.


The flesh tearers are a good example. As are the carmine blades.

True, but that wasn’t my point. Although the Flesh Tearers are a good example. They had a enough stored in a ship to board two other civilian starships and kill everyone on board to stop a secret. That’s a lot of death company. Death Company aren’t *that* rare. In 3rd edition you had a 50 percent chance that at least one person PER SQUAD would join the death company. If you roll a six you had a fifth present chance another person from that squad joined the death company.


Then you had that Blood Angel Chaplains were always accompanied by D3+3 death company.


Lorewise it wasn’t rare either.

This all goes back to the conflicts of canon and realistic numbers. Astartes are finite. If every 3 to 5 per squad or company are being painted up in black armor there is little wiggle room for Blood Angels to be the oldest lived.


It would never get to that point. Plot armor aside the stick of blood Angel's being such great artisans to temper and Steele themselves. They can not be the oldest lived if they are falling in droves to madness. I've never liked that part of their lore conflict.


With regards to Sanguinius's blood line, I want him to come back so we can just do away with the silly death company/black rage and simply let us have the flaws of being half vampires. That so much cooler, and so much better than the bad fluff we have.


*granted we dont have many old marines at all now thanks to DoB.


**it would also be just as easy to retcon the whole DC out and just let it be those unfortunate souls that lose themselves to the thirst and than some weird psuedo magic psychic connection that makes them see everything as if they were on Terra fighting abominations let loose by Horus.


That one excerpt from the codex about Primaris losing themselves to savagery and blood lust was awesome. I hope that is the future we stick to. It very well could be, and I'm all the more excited about that.


If/when primaris begin to fall to the black rage, I will simply ignore it and have my primaris be lost to the red thirst and paint them in homage to the Knights of Blood with reddened skin and yellow eyes.

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