Hintzy Posted February 4, 2019 Share Posted February 4, 2019 (edited) I've been inspired by the various project logs by all of you glorious contributors and decided to start a thread to show my work thus far. I chose Blood Angels because I had started a BA army long ago when I was in my early teens, regrettably that army was sold off long ago. Of course my painting skills were largely miserable back then as well. Not that they're incredible now, but I'm quite happy with how things have turned out comparatively. As I got back into the hobby two years ago I first picked up a Death Company Strike Force box: Death Company Marines The jump packs are all magnetized should I ever decide to run them on foot or in a transport. Also, approximately half of the shoulders are magnetized to allow weapon swaps. I have three power fists and two inferno pistols primed waiting for paint. I intend to run them with three power swords and three fists. I also need to decide on how to paint my power swords, I've hidden them among the group in this photo intentionally. Death Company Dreadnought Captain #1 A very simple conversion from the Blood Angels Chaplain. The head is from http://conversionworld.de. I intended to add a shield from the same site, but it didn't fit as well against the wings as I wanted. I wouldn't say I'm happy with how the wings turned out, it's a very simple dry bush job. My color selection at the time was pretty limited and I didn't want to directly copy the box art, though I haven't strayed far from it on the rest of the model. Assault Terminators After finishing the DC box I picked up a box of Blood Angels Terminators purely for nostalgia's sake. They were my favorite unit when I was younger, and I ran them in a Land Raider Crusader. Eventually I plan on running them in a Stormraven, which was always a dream model for me as I would flip through catalogs as a kid. All of the shoulders are magnetized, and one of the shields is magnetized at the wrist should I ever decide to run a Terminator Ancient. And this Christmas I received a box of Vanguard Veterans, Blood Angels Command Squad, and some Helverins. Captain #2 I've used the Veterans and Command Squad bits to build another Captain. As my favorite model thus far I've tentatively named him Captain Luther due to my man-crush on Idris Elba and his character. I enjoy the lore side of the game though I'm far from well-versed in it; does Captain Luther conflict with any existing lore? He also has two lightning claws to swap out, though they're only base coated at this point. The jump pack and shoulders are magnetized. And lastly for now, the Armiger Helverins. Though they aren't specifically Blood Angels I very much enjoy them with my army, and have nowhere else I'm particularly interested in showing them off. A self-made house inspired by Duncan's House Griffith painted Knights showcased on Warhammer Community. The paint job is the only aspect I've decided on definitively. Knights will have more royal colors, blues, purples, etc whenever I get the opportunity to acquire more. The next two models I'm working on painting are a Lieutenant and Company Champion built from the Command Squad box and upgrade sprue. This thread isn't likely to be expanded rapidly as my hobby budget is pretty thin and has been for the last two years. The upside to that is nearly all of my models have been painted. My most obvious plan for the future is to buy and build some troops, which I'm sorely missing. These will most likely be Scouts as I know they're one of the two best options. I'm a competitive person in most things, though I do everything I can to hide it in the moment. It's a shame about Tactical Marines, as I loved them as a kid. In fact seeing my friend's starter box of Marines is what first got me into the hobby. At the current time I'm mildly opposed Primaris Marines, mostly because they didn't exist when I was first in the hobby, and like I said I'm largely inspired by nostalgia. Thank you so much for reading and any input, hopefully updates won't be too sparse. Edited October 29, 2021 by Hintzy Jolemai, robofish7591, Majkhel and 10 others 13 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panzer Posted February 4, 2019 Share Posted February 4, 2019 Hey I know that helmet! I got that one as freebie but didn't get around to use it yet! :D Helias_Tancred 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5248680 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted February 4, 2019 Share Posted February 4, 2019 Some solid work, big fan of the Death Company. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5248690 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dolchiate Remembrancer Posted February 4, 2019 Share Posted February 4, 2019 very clean paint jobs all around! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5248704 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted February 4, 2019 Share Posted February 4, 2019 Excellent works. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5248738 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majkhel Posted February 4, 2019 Share Posted February 4, 2019 Very nice painting! I cannot help but notice the beautiful blue gem/lens on the DC Dread. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5248758 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hintzy Posted February 4, 2019 Author Share Posted February 4, 2019 Thank you so much for the kind words everybody! Very nice painting! I cannot help but notice the beautiful blue gem/lens on the DC Dread. The DC Dread was actually the first model I painted after returning to the hobby (about 15-17 years of hiatus). The paint job has since been cleaned up a bit, as my skills improved over the course of painting 15 DC Marines. I did that lens on the very first go though, and I was THRILLED with it and didn't touch it again. I'm still very happy with it Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5248804 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Son of Carnelian Posted February 4, 2019 Share Posted February 4, 2019 Great work! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5248809 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted February 5, 2019 Share Posted February 5, 2019 Great work, more please! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5248938 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hintzy Posted February 18, 2019 Author Share Posted February 18, 2019 My wonderful wife and I had a 750 point game last night. She beat me handily (with my coaching), the final score was 13-10. Mission: Cut off the Head - Chapter Approved 2018 My Blood Angels+Knights JP Captain w/TH & SS (Warlord/Foresight) JP Captain w/TH & Bolt Pistol (Angel's Wing/DVoS) 2x5 Knife Scouts 1x5 Bolter Scouts 2x Armiger Helverins My Wife's Adeptus Mechanicus Techpriest Dominus (Warlord/Autocaduceus/Psalm Code) Techpriest Enginseer 2x5 Skitarii Vanguard 1x3 Kataphron Destroyers w/Plasma 1x2 Dakka Kastelans Cybernetica Datapriest Onager Dunecrawler w/Neutron Laser and 2x Stubbers We played on a 4x4 battlefield and just did simple deployment zones of 12" from the edge. The winner of the deployment roll got to pick any of the four edges. I won, and my wife deployed her whole army per the deployment rules. She did a semi-typical castle in the center with a decent shooting lane and had her Skitariii out in the corners. I hid my scouts in the mid-field as best I could, and tried to hide my Helverins in my deployment zone. I put my DVoS of Captain on the board out of sight and my warlord Captain remained in reserve. My wife took the first turn, and I was unable to seize. I Forlorn Fury'd my Captain into the center of the board out of sight. Ad Mech Turn 1 My wife shifted her castle to be able to see my Helverins. One of her Vanguard squads and the Kataphrons nuked a scout squad for first strike. Her Onager and Kastelans, with Wrath of Mars, brought one of my Helverins down to 5 wounds due to some poor wound rolling on her part. The second Vanguard squad killed two scouts from another scout squad. BA Turn 1 My DVoS Captain moved up for an easy charge into the Kastelans. My remaining scouts stayed hidden near the center objective to ambush any characters that might wander up to try and score some points in later rounds. One Helverin shot at the Onager, accomplishing absolutely nothing, and I switched targets for the second, killing one Kataphron. My DVoS Captain made his charge and rolled a 1 for Red Rampage, and ended up only killing 1.5 Kastelans disappointingly, and I used Honour the Chapter to finish off the last robot for First Strike. I had also declared the Kataphrons, hoping to kill them with HtC, but didn't have the chance due to my failure on the robots. Instead, I piled into the Dominus and Datapriest. Ad Mech Turn 2 My wife fell back from my DVoS Captain and was able to kill him with massed small arms fire from her two squads of Skitarii with some 6's for double damage. The Kataphrons and Onager attempted to kill the wounded Helverin but whiffed pretty hard. Blood Angels Turn 2 I moved my Helverins up in front of the central objective and brought my warlord down behind them on the objective to start scoring it in turn 3. The scouts stayed hidden, and the Helverins plinked away, killing one more Kataphron. Ad Mech Turn 3 My wife started moving forward to contest the central objective and kept trying to kill the wounded Helverin, with no luck. Blood Angels Turn 3 My warlord remained on the objective to start scoring, and one Helverin was able to move into a position to shoot at my wife's warlord. The other Helverin killed the remaining Kataphron. The Helverin closest to her warlord, the wounded Helverin, was unable to kill it. Turn 4-7 Summary My wife continued moving into the center of the board and was finally able to kill the wounded Helverin. My Captain and scouts sprung their trap on her character cluster in the center of the board. My captain was able to kill her warlord, and after two turns of fighting my knife scouts were able to chase down and finish off her Enginseer. Her Datapriest remained in the center of the board dueling a few scouts and eventually won. That 40 point character is surprisingly resilient with its 2+ save. My Captain and the scouts that killed the Enginseer trapped the Onager in combat and were eventually able to kill it, however the Onager blew up (with the aid of a strategem), and killed my warlord Captain, the scouts, and the few stragglers from a nearby Skitarii squad. With no characters left I stopped scoring points, and her Datasmith continued scoring in the center. My remaining Helverin got linebreaker, but continued getting tied up by Skitarii in doing so, keeping it from shooting for the last two turns. The game went to turn 7 and the final score was 13-10 Ad Mech, with only one Helverin remaining for the BA and three Skitarii and the Datapriest remaining for the Ad Mech. Had the game ended on turn 5 I may have won, but the extra two turns just cemented her points lead. It was a small learning battle for us both, and we both had a great time. My wife seemed to genuinely enjoy herself and was making decisions on her own after some early coaching/education from me. Of course winning made it even better for her, she's actually been talking about our next game already. She even jokingly suggested I should start an Eldar army so I can keep up with her. She overhears enough battle reports/podcasts to know they're in a more competitive place than Blood Angels at the moment. The three squads of scouts are currently unpainted, and will likely be the subject of my next post, as they're my next painting project. Thanks for reading! Escaflowne_Z and Majkhel 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5259545 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hintzy Posted February 27, 2019 Author Share Posted February 27, 2019 I'm hoping for some input on the color scheme for my scouts. I'm intending to keep the colors muted to better fit my vision for scouts. On top of this I'm also hoping to keep it very simple. The problem is this test model doesn't feel super Blood Angel-y, and it's almost too simple. For some reason the idea of painting the various holsters/pouches brown is also not appealing to me because I don't really like leather, both in current times and 38,000 years from now, but leaving them black just feels lazy. Any ideas or different color suggestions? As far as setting the sergeants apart I've toyed with the idea of painting their shoulders red, directly opposite of the typical scheme. However, they're all armed with chainswords, and I'm currently feeling like just painting the chainsword red will be plenty to set them apart. There's no point keeping the chainswords' color subdued when they're big noisy chainsaw weapons to begin with. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5264981 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panzer Posted February 27, 2019 Share Posted February 27, 2019 Imo it looks good the way it is. You just nees to paint all the details and do some edge highlights so it doesn't look like mostly unpainted. Having the model based makes a big difference too. About the poaches, no clue why you don't like painting it as leather and I feel like it's a reason I'm not particularly interested in hearing, but I don't really see something else than black or brown working for it. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5265018 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majkhel Posted February 27, 2019 Share Posted February 27, 2019 I agree with sfPanzer - Colors look good. If you want additional BA-fication, paint red chapter insignia on their shoulders - the winged blood drop and 10th company marking. With the colors palette now applied the pouches should also be muted - either black or brown. You could then add a sprinkle of more vivid colors for the grenades (old-school green for frag and red for krak would look good IMO) and pistol optic lenses and you'll be having a really nice-looking miniatures.You could also think on removing those mold lines ;) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5265068 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hintzy Posted February 27, 2019 Author Share Posted February 27, 2019 All good suggestions. I hadn't intended to add the extra bits like grenades just to keep everything simple but adding them on would certainly give me an opportunity to diversify their colors. I did make an attempt to remove the mold lines, but clearly missed a few. I'll get on that Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5265203 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gingerninja Posted February 27, 2019 Share Posted February 27, 2019 I am soon painting up 20 scouts my self and have been thinking of a nice paint scheme for a while. I got a desert like base so i will try to do some sort of desert camo/colors. What i will try on my first scout will be a black base coat, then Zandri Dust the hole model. I will then try a lighter color, maybe Ushabti Bone on the clothes. Gloves and boots will be either in black or in brown and the boltgun will also be in desert colors except the magazine. I like your black boots, so ill maybe try to do something like that. Concerning shades i Ill probably use Agrax and dry brush i haven´t decided. Since you have green bases, I would try the same but with some green colors. Maybe something like Death Guard Green or something. How did you do your black boots and gloves and such? /C Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5265536 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hintzy Posted March 1, 2019 Author Share Posted March 1, 2019 Honestly that's just the black base primer. I just mocked up the few colors to see if I liked the scheme. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5266358 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gingerninja Posted April 7, 2019 Share Posted April 7, 2019 (edited) So I finished up my first scout that I will use as a reference for the others. I think it came out pretty nice. With a desert look and still a red shoulder pad to show they are BA scouts . Here you go https://imgur.com/a/czjAkxY Edited April 7, 2019 by Gingerninja Majkhel 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5292715 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panzer Posted April 8, 2019 Share Posted April 8, 2019 (edited) So I finished up my first scout that I will use as a reference for the others. I think it came out pretty nice. With a desert look and still a red shoulder pad to show they are BA scouts :P. Here you go Looks good so far, but I think I'd keep the black cleaner, paint the leather pouches in a darker brown than the armour (or black too) and paint the cables differently as well. All that to give more contrast as currently the different parts of your model blend into eachother and it looks more like a dirty paintjob instead of an intended effect imo. Colours and forms blending into eachother is good for real stealth purposes but not that great for a miniature. ^^ Edited April 8, 2019 by sfPanzer Gingerninja 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5292843 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wassa Posted April 8, 2019 Share Posted April 8, 2019 The Death Company look amazing! How did you go about magnetizing the weapons? Are they the standard boltgun arms, or did you use the pistol arm and glue a boltgun onto it? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5293008 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gingerninja Posted April 8, 2019 Share Posted April 8, 2019 Thanks for the advice sfPanzer. Ill look in to making some of the changes. :) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5293258 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hintzy Posted April 10, 2019 Author Share Posted April 10, 2019 The Death Company look amazing! How did you go about magnetizing the weapons? Are they the standard boltgun arms, or did you use the pistol arm and glue a boltgun onto it? Thank you so much for the kind words. Models were magnetized at the shoulder. As far the bolters, some are the original arms and others are pistol arms with the pistol cut off and swapped for the bolter just as you surmised. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5293973 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morticon Posted April 10, 2019 Share Posted April 10, 2019 I'm hoping for some input on the color scheme for my scouts. I'm intending to keep the colors muted to better fit my vision for scouts. On top of this I'm also hoping to keep it very simple. The problem is this test model doesn't feel super Blood Angel-y, and it's almost too simple. For some reason the idea of painting the various holsters/pouches brown is also not appealing to me because I don't really like leather, both in current times and 38,000 years from now, but leaving them black just feels lazy. Any ideas or different color suggestions? As far as setting the sergeants apart I've toyed with the idea of painting their shoulders red, directly opposite of the typical scheme. However, they're all armed with chainswords, and I'm currently feeling like just painting the chainsword red will be plenty to set them apart. There's no point keeping the chainswords' color subdued when they're big noisy chainsaw weapons to begin with. Coincidentally enough, the grey and black are exactly the colours I went with for my scouts too!! I think i went with a quite aquilla though! I also went with dark leather holsters. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5293989 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morticon Posted April 10, 2019 Share Posted April 10, 2019 Imo it looks good the way it is. You just nees to paint all the details and do some edge highlights so it doesn't look like mostly unpainted. Having the model based makes a big difference too. About the poaches, no clue why you don't like painting it as leather and I feel like it's a reason I'm not particularly interested in hearing, but I don't really see something else than black or brown working for it. As per your signature, you've alerted us to the fact you sometimes make these language nuance mistakes and come off as more abrasive than you intend to - so that's understood. But I its also my duty as a mod to point out that this is a prime example of one of those moments, so you can learn. Please try to avoid phrases like this in the future. Comments like these don't facilitate a supportive and collegial forum environment, and they go too far a way in making you look like more of a nob than you actually are. Cheers! Panzer, Damon Nightman and BLACK BLŒ FLY 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5293992 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panzer Posted April 10, 2019 Share Posted April 10, 2019 (edited) Imo it looks good the way it is. You just nees to paint all the details and do some edge highlights so it doesn't look like mostly unpainted. Having the model based makes a big difference too. About the poaches, no clue why you don't like painting it as leather and I feel like it's a reason I'm not particularly interested in hearing, but I don't really see something else than black or brown working for it. As per your signature, you've alerted us to the fact you sometimes make these language nuance mistakes and come off as more abrasive than you intend to - so that's understood. But I its also my duty as a mod to point out that this is a prime example of one of those moments, so you can learn. Please try to avoid phrases like this in the future. Comments like these don't facilitate a supportive and collegial forum environment, and they go too far a way in making you look like more of a nob than you actually are. Cheers! Aye, I can see how that phrase is misleading. It sounded a lot less abrasive in my head. Thanks for telling me though! Annoyingly I was thinking about removing said disclaimer since it was going well lately. I guess it'll stay for a bit longer. Edited April 10, 2019 by sfPanzer Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5294022 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hintzy Posted April 15, 2019 Author Share Posted April 15, 2019 Well, my wife went and had us a baby, so progress has been impeded slightly. On the other side of the coin: I'M A DAD! Everybody is doing wonderfully. Paternity leave has presented some opportunity to sit down and paint and I did get my scouts done finally. I decided to just keep it simple and left the pouches black but made sure to throw on a few edge highlights to make it clearly intentional and not look too lazy. I also had the opportunity to use a real camera. Hopefully the image quality is observably improved, but I have zero comprehension of how to actually utilize the extra capability. Like I said, it's intentionally simple. This was also the first time I've done flesh. I wasn't brave enough to try eyes, from arm's length they aren't noticeably missing. The full group photo ended up a little out of focus, I think I probably should have used a different setting on the camera to allow for a wider focal point. Sorry about that. I also managed to paint the lightning claw arms to turn my Smash Captain into a Slash Captain when the mood strikes. I also painted some power fists and inferno pistols for my Death Company. The lightning claws are from the Terminator set, I just carved the shoulders down to allow for normal shoulder pads. The hands are a bit oversized, but I don't think they stand out too much. I just really loved the pose they allowed for. That's everything I've needed to get painted. I still have a Lieutenant and a Company Champion to paint, but as I don't have any immediate plans to play them in a list I'm not terribly driven to get them painted up. It'll give me the opportunity to paint more of my wife's Ad Mech until I find another priority for my Angels. Thanks so much everybody! Kaese, Majkhel, Bjorn Firewalker and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353619-hintzys-blood-angels-latest-ironclad-dreadnought/#findComment-5296829 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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