SnorriSnorrison Posted June 19, 2020 Share Posted June 19, 2020 Nicely done, Hintzy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hintzy Posted June 20, 2020 Author Share Posted June 20, 2020 Thanks guys! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hintzy Posted August 29, 2020 Author Share Posted August 29, 2020 Finished up a few more Impulsors and another squad of Intercessors. I also fitted them with some Thunder Hammers to better bully folks off of objectives.   I also finished up my first ever Forgeworld model, the dreaded Leviathan!      Bjorn Firewalker, Damon Nightman and Majkhel 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majkhel Posted August 29, 2020 Share Posted August 29, 2020 Fantastic reinforcements!How was the assembly and painting of the Leviathan?Nice walking pose btw. Manages to capture the feel of it's enourmous weight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted August 29, 2020 Share Posted August 29, 2020 Excellent works. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hintzy Posted August 30, 2020 Author Share Posted August 30, 2020 (edited) Thanks! The most challenging thing about the Leviathan was choosing how to pose the legs. The pose-ability felt pretty endless. The resin itself wasn't too bad to clean up, there were a few imperfections but nothing upsetting. I filled a few bubbles with some putty and straightened out the gun barrels with some hot water and the rest was fine. I also magnetized him at the waist and elbows, which made painting a bit more manageable. Edited August 30, 2020 by Hintzy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenophon40k Posted August 30, 2020 Share Posted August 30, 2020 Neat Like how the impulsors differ and look the same simulataneously.  Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hintzy Posted August 30, 2020 Author Share Posted August 30, 2020 Thanks! The right knee of each Intercessor squad matches their ride as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hintzy Posted September 9, 2020 Author Share Posted September 9, 2020 Began making some progress on the Indomitus models finally. Had to get the Eradicators painted up to make my Leviathan street legal, so to speak.And finished up the Bladeguard as well. Quite a bit of detail on these models, each one felt like painting a character.   Majkhel, Freakshow668 and Spyros 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hintzy Posted October 12, 2020 Author Share Posted October 12, 2020 Played in my very first tournament this last Saturday. I am super excited to have finished 3rd with two wins out of three games, and 2nd best overall with paint scores.  I played with a simple, durable list and just focused on playing the mission and board control. Despite being held on the same day as the Codex Space Marines release, we used the old rules for everybody and disregarded the FAQ that came out last week. So it was the last ride for Codex Blood Angles and Blood of Baal.  Smash Captain - Artisan, Death Visions Librarian Dreadnought - Wings, Quickening, Sarcophagus Intercessors w/TH x3 Bladeguard 8 Sanguinary Guard Sanguinary Ancient - Warlord, Standard of Sacrifice, Soulwarden Eradicators Relic Leviathan - Storm Cannons, 3x Missiles Impulsor w/Shield Dome x3  Considering that the rules used are no longer relevant it's almost certainly not worth anybody's time to go through each game play by play, but I'll hit some highlights and lessons learned.  My first game was against a shooty Deathguard list focused around Contemptors, a Deredeo, and a Leviathan all with Disgustingly Resilient. My strategy was to play bumper cars with the Impulsors to minimize shooting and just hold the board. I chose the mission secondary instead of Bring it Down because I wasn't anticipating being able to kill many, if any, of the dreadnoughts. Bring it Down would have been the better choice, three points would have been better than the zero I scored from the bad secondary. It was a close win 62-57. My highlight of the game was the Librarian Dreadnought soloing the Leviathan.  Second game was against another Deathguard list, the one I least wanted to play of everybody present. My opponent was Wyatt from The Long War podcast, if anybody follows them. I was excited to meet him and he was super nice and a great player, no surprise. He was very generous, and gave me pointers throughout the whole game. Wyatt was playing Mortarion, with a Land Raider Achilles and a normal Land Raider, both of which had Disgustingly Resilient. I'd never played against Mortarion before and wasted my Sanguinary Guard into him, which was a big mistake on my part. I was trying to take advantage of the fact that his Death Shroud Terminators weren't on the board to shield him, but it was wholly not worth it, and I ignored him the rest of the game. The game finished 46-71.  The last game was against Adepta Sororitas with a bunch of Melta Retributors, a Rhino full of Repentia, another full of Arco-Flagellants, and a full Zephirim squad. My bumper car Impulsors really paid off against the Retributors and annoyed him the whole game. I was able to force him to waste his Repentia into Intercessors and they got wiped the next turn. My Sang Guard pulled off an Unbridled Ardour into the Zephirim and wiped them and the Arco-Flagellants whiffed into my Eradicators and got wiped. The game finished 90-26 (the 10 points for paint weren't used for the tournament).  Lessons learned: Mortarion is a real jerk. I did a decent job of building a list to deny secondaries, but I need to build more secondary options into the list for myself. The shooting from the Leviathan was about the most shooting I've ever had in a pure BA list, and it was really nice. Being able to wipe out my opponent's backfield objective holders in a single round of shooting really paid off in my two wins. Impulsors WERE great, time will tell if they're still worth it after the handful of nerfs they just received.  Majkhel, librisrouge and Morticon 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morticon Posted October 14, 2020 Share Posted October 14, 2020 such a solid list!! I totally feel you with regards the shooting from the Levvy. Its such an exceptional workhorse. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hintzy Posted October 14, 2020 Author Share Posted October 14, 2020 such a solid list!! Â I totally feel you with regards the shooting from the Levvy. Its such an exceptional workhorse. Thanks, Mort! Â I also should have mentioned that I won the roll to go first in all three games and made my opponent go first each time. I wanted to be able to charge my opponent off of objectives, and I think going second was a good call. With enough terrain on the table weathering the first round of shooting wasn't too bad. Â I also treated the Eradicators as a distraction carnifex and my opponent took the bait every game. I wasn't expecting much out of Blood Angel Eradicators and only took them as the relic tax. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majkhel Posted October 14, 2020 Share Posted October 14, 2020 Great job Hintzy! Congratulations on the 2nd best painted army too  I've had the not-pleasure of facing Mortarion once in 8th and totally agree with you it's best to just ignore him whenever possible. His MW aura is bane for our characters and CC squads if he gets in range. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hintzy Posted January 19, 2021 Author Share Posted January 19, 2021 (edited) I haven't broken out the lightbox in a while to photograph units as they're finished but I did take a group photo of everything I completed during 2020. Gotta get that added before it gets too much further into 2021 Edited January 19, 2021 by Hintzy Majkhel, Vermintide, ShibeKing and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted January 19, 2021 Share Posted January 19, 2021 Fine works. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mapple Posted January 20, 2021 Share Posted January 20, 2021 They look good as a force! The knight also looks like it could go in the same army but still stands out. That's a good balance! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hintzy Posted January 20, 2021 Author Share Posted January 20, 2021 I'm not sure when I'll be bothered to break out the lightbox again, so I'll just throw up a few hobby desk shots of the individual units that were finished and included in the group photo. Â Â Vanguard Vets built on the Blood Angels Tactical Squad kit. Still trying to source five more jump packs. Â New Ancient built with the Sergeant model from the Blood Angels Tactical Squad kit with magnetized arms and banner stolen from the first Ancient. Now I can run 10 SG with the Ancient. Â And finally Incursors. The first unit finished in 2021. Â Currently in progress: a Whirlwind conversion using the Razorback kit and an Air Defence Tarantula. Majkhel, Xenith and Bjorn Firewalker 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hintzy Posted January 20, 2021 Author Share Posted January 20, 2021 Thanks for the kind words, everybody! This weekend I'll be attending a small RTT and intend the bring the following list:  Chapter Master - Warlord, TH/SS, Rites of War, Gift of Foresight, Hammer of Baal Chief Librarian - Psychic Mastery, Tome of Malcador, Veil of Time, Null Zone, Psychic Fortress, Unleash Rage Chief Sanguinary Priest - Selfless Healer  Incursors Incursors Assault Intercessors  10x DC w/JP & 5 Hammers 5x SangGuard 5x SangGuard 10x VanVets w/shield & claw Scouts SangAncient - Wrath of Baal  Whirlwind  The motivation that arises from thin air to get units painted prior to a tournament really has done wonders over the last few weeks. I was waiting on conversion bits in the mail for the Whirlwind, which just arrived today, so that needs to get knocked out right quick. On a good pace thus far. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted January 20, 2021 Share Posted January 20, 2021 Great looking force and good work on painting so much Is this your first Tourney with the new codex? Keen to see how it goes! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hintzy Posted January 20, 2021 Author Share Posted January 20, 2021 Thanks! This tournament will be the first with the new codex. It's looking like it will probably be so small attendance wise that it won't mean a whole lot from a competitive standpoint, but I'm still excited to get some games in. I think one of the higher ranked (mid 30's?) ITC players will be there, so hopefully I have the opportunity to get smashed by him and learn a lot in the process. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hintzy Posted January 25, 2021 Author Share Posted January 25, 2021 The tournament yesterday was a success! I finished 2nd with one loss.  I don't think I can write out a play by play of every game in a compelling way so I'm just going to summarize the highlights as shortly as I can.   I took the following list:Chapter Master (Warlord): Jump Pack, Thunder Hammer, Combi-Melta, Rites of War, Gift of Foresight, Hammer of Baal Chief Librarian: Psychic Mastery, Tome of Malcador, Veil of Time, Null Zone, Psychic Fortress, Unleash Rage Chief Sanguinary Priest: Selfless Healer  Incursors Incursors Assault Intercessors w/TH  10x Death Company: Jump Packs, 5 TH, 5 Chainswords 5x Sanguinary Guard with Swords 5x Sanguinary Guard: 4 Axes, 1 Fist Sanguinary Ancient: Wrath of Baal 10x Vanguard Vets: 11 Claws, 8 Shields, Pistol on Sgt w/Quake Bolts Scouts  Whirlwind   All of my opponents were fantastic. The first of which played Grey Knights with one max size Paladin bomb and two Dreadknights. I was able to kite the Paladins after they came down from deep strike until my Sanguinary Guard linked up with my Librarian and he got a Null Zone off, the Paladins got wiped in the ensuing combat and I just avoided his last Dreadknight who had to stay in my deployment zone to score Linebreaker while I scored Relentless Assault in his. Final Score: 90-57  My second game was against a gentleman currently ranked in the top 20 in ITC. He wasn't playing his primary army, but still brought a shockingly nasty Astra Militarum list comprised of Tempestus Scions full of plasma, Taurox Primes, Basilisks, and Carnodons. Nearly everything was multi-damage and he had an extra AP on his Scions from their Regiment Trait. -4 AP overcharged plasma and -3 AP on his hotshot las with mortals on 6's just melted through anything it touched. There was enough terrain on the board that I could hide, so I focused his Basilisks which I think was a bad call. The mobility and volume of fire of the Taurox Primes with the extra AP made them a much bigger threat than I gave them credit for. I was able to score well enough on my secondaries, but he cleaned me off of objectives with all of his firepower and I only scored 20 for primaries. Going into turn three I felt like I had a real shot, only to face the harsh reality that I'd forgotten quite a lot of his force was still in deep strike and arrived with a vengeance. I basically had to hide for the last half of the game hoping he couldn't catch up on score as I was about 30 points ahead going into turn four. In the end I lost by a single point: 61-62. I was pretty thrilled with that result, as I went into the game with no expectation of winning in the first place. He was very generous with me, we had a friendly game, and I'm certain he could have beaten me much more soundly had he put his game face on.  My last game was against another Blood Angel army, the first mirror match I've played. Our lists were fairly similar, he had two max DC squads, two 8-man SG squads, Chief Librarian, Chief Sang Priest, and Assault Intercessors. The major deviation was a drop pod filled the a Captain, 2x 2-man Company Vet squads, and a Tactical Squad intended solely to drop into deployment zones and put 5 units down immediately for Relentless Assault. He said he got the idea from the Blood Angels Commander YouTube channel, which has come up in other threads before. After the game he was a disheartened with the strategy, but for approximately 250 points worth of units it did score him a worthwhile number of points, in my opinion. Not something I'll be replicating, but an interesting idea nonetheless. He got first turn, which is what I had wanted. I had blocked out his Forlorn Fury with my Incursors and he took the bait, charging them with his DC. The rest of his army moved up just a little into the mid-board. He traded his DC for my Incursors, and I killed one DC unit , the Librarian, and a Sang Guard unit in my turn one counter-charges with the aid of Wrath of Baal. It was pretty much over at that point. His second DC unit failed their charge from deep strike, but they would have just traded for some characters and had no real impact on the end result. Instead of fighting his Drop Pod stuff I just ran everything into his deployment zone and stood there, countering his Relentless Assault. Veil of Time and Suppression Fire from the Whirlwind were key in helping my dictate the pace of combat. Final: 95-56  Final Thoughts: -I'm really happy with my list. There'll be another tournament next month and I don't anticipate changing much of anything except for some wargear. I'll probably put Storm Shields on the rest of the VanVets and the Chapter Master, and probably drop Hammer of Baal for Teeth of Terra. I'd like to swap out the Assault Intercessors for Infiltrators, but I'd have to buy the models which may not happen. The Intercessors just guarded the Whirlwind and only saw combat once. Infilitrators would be much more useful for that. -Veil of Time, Null Zone, and Suppression Fire from the Space Marine Codex really paid off. -I need to practice. These were the first three games I've had with the new supplement, and I've only had six games now of 9th, all of which have been tournament games.  I forgot to deploy scramblers in my first turn in game two, which set me back a turn. Luckily I was able to use the Phobos strat to redeploy some Incursors to finish it in the final turn. It was a very friendly atmosphere, and mistakes and take-backs were made on all sides, but I need to stop scheming and just play. Shaezus, Damon Nightman, Xenith and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majkhel Posted January 25, 2021 Share Posted January 25, 2021 (edited) Cngratulations Hintzy!It's a lovely list Edited January 25, 2021 by Majkhel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted January 25, 2021 Share Posted January 25, 2021 Nice list, super aggressive! Â My only comment would be on warlords/relics - I'd try and get Armour Indomitus on the priest for another CP. +1 to cast from psychic astery is great or you could make the libby the warlord and give him the "cant shoot me at all" trait. Personally, damage output has never been a problem on my captains, but getting hit back is - maybe swap the MC hammer for The Chapter Master Armour Angels Artifice? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hintzy Posted January 25, 2021 Author Share Posted January 25, 2021 Nice list, super aggressive! Â My only comment would be on warlords/relics - I'd try and get Armour Indomitus on the priest for another CP. +1 to cast from psychic astery is great or you could make the libby the warlord and give him the "cant shoot me at all" trait. Personally, damage output has never been a problem on my captains, but getting hit back is - maybe swap the MC hammer for The Chapter Master Armour Angels Artifice? I'll consider the changes for added durability on the Chapter Master for sure. As far as the Priest goes, I'm maxed on relics already and like what I've got a little more than I'm currently worried about the priest. If Tome of Malcador gets FAQ'd to just one additional power from your chosen tree I'll probably drop it and do what you've suggested. As far as the Librarian trait, I believe you're referring to the Phobos trait that my JP Librarian can't take. I don't own a Phobos Libby, unfortunately. I hobby on a budget as best I can. The Psychic Mastery trait was fantastic, I don't recall failing any crucial spells, and the +1 did make the difference a few times. Â Thanks for the input! Xenith 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted January 25, 2021 Share Posted January 25, 2021    As far as the Librarian trait, I believe you're referring to the Phobos trait that my JP Librarian can't take.  I'm getting mixed up between tournament armies in different threads, I think! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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