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The Wolves of Huron - Red Corsairs WIP

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Hey all,


So a couple of weeks ago with the impending release of new chaos space marine models I though I'd give my Word Bearers a break and start a new army to fit with the new scaling of the coming models. So, I eventually settled on Red Corsairs. I'm going to aim for a melee focused force that is swift moving and powerful on the tabletop but more importantly fits with the lore of the Red Corsairs (which thankfully melee focused and fast does!). I'm going to aim for a battered and makeshift look on the models that I think befits what are essentially renegade pirates, with lots of scavenged loyalist parts and the like. I'm going to gradually expand the army and probably write a bit of lore as well. Anyway, I painted up a test model with my new colour scheme so I wanted everyone's thoughts on it:

Test Warp Talon 1

Test Warp Talon 2

Test Warp Talon 4

Test Warp Talon 3


Overall I'm pretty pleased with the paint scheme and I'm especially pleased with the GW snow effect. I'm not sure about whether it looks weathered enough though - I painted some battle damage and spattered a bit of blood but I don't know whether it's enough. What do you all think? 


If you want weathered, maybe some chipping effects using a sponge? Perhaps some verdigris on the gold? It’s what I do and mine look beat up :D


I like the test Talon, love the pose and I have always been a fan of blood effects on snow :tu:

Thanks everyone!


If you want weathered, maybe some chipping effects using a sponge? Perhaps some verdigris on the gold? It’s what I do and mine look beat up :biggrin.:


Definitely I think verdigris is a good move. I might sponge it but I'm worried that will be too much, and will obscure all the detail - I normally reserve sponging for tanks/dreadnoughts. 


I have always loved the Red Corsairs, less "all hail Chaos" and more "I want your stuff, gimme!" This fella is a great start!


I completely agree, I really like the whole aesthetic of them - I'll try to minimise the mutations and tone down chaos iconography except on champions who will probably have some minor mutations. 


As of now I have the other warp talons to paint as well as the dark vengeance chosen but they all came apart when I stripped them so I'll have to rebuild them all. I'll spent some time converting their bases as well, I'm going to go for an urban snowy (Stalingrad sort of thing) feel. Does anyone have any good tips for converting rubble and debris? I have some guard and some marine parts that you can expect to see strewn across some of the bases but they need more than just dead/dying bodies...

Nice work, the cool blue of the lenses and eye stand out well.


For the bases, I've seen folk grind up pieces of old sprue for rubble. Alternatively, shredding cork and layering with sand should produce a nice surface too.

  • 2 weeks later...

Alright so I've finally finished the second model. I've gone for a slightly more weathered look than on the talon, particularly with putting verdigris on the gold which has really toned it down (yes I know verdigris doesn't appear on gold but whatever). Anyway, I'm pretty pleased with it myself, I think it captures the paint scheme I had in mind and the aesthetic in general although the DV chosen are a little too mutated for my liking. 


PSX 20190221 181455

PSX 20190221 181525

PSX 20190221 181535


What do you all think? Personally the only criticism that leapt out at me was that the bone is too white, so I'll probably buy some proper bone paints in the next couple of days to rectify that. 

The latest set of pics are a tad too dark, especially compared to the initial lot, but the work looks good and I've always enjoyed a well-painted bunch of Red Corsairs so I'm looking forward to seeing more. :thumbsup:


Edit: Typo.

  • 2 weeks later...

Finally finished the next corsair - this time another chosen from Dark Vengeance. Hopefully the photos are a bit easier to see this time as I've lightened them quite considerably. Apologies for the long wait bit I've been rather busy recently. Anyway, I cannot wait until the new chaos marines come out - I think I might get the monopose marines from Shadowspear off eBay (not sure if the other models really fit in with the aesthetic I'm looking for) and I already know I have to get some Havocs just from the teased minigun model which looks fantastic. Anyway, pictures:


PSX 20190305 220713

PSX 20190305 220733

PSX 20190305 220658

PSX 20190305 220639


Hope you like it! Feedback greatly appreciated. I've darkened down the bone a little but other than that the paint scheme remains the same. 

  • 4 weeks later...

So, I've finally got round to taking photos of the latest models I've painted, namely two more chosen. I've got the Shadowspear marines off eBay and I'll be painting them soon - they'll be done much faster than the chosen because they are both less detailed and actually better in my opinion, so I'll be more motivated to paint them. Beyond that, I have the Chosen champion and another four warp talons to paint, and then I'll be buying ten multipart marines, the Havoc kit, parts for a jump sorceror conversion and if I can still afford it an exalted champion. I also have a Heldrake, DV Lord and Helbrute from an old army I might repaint, and a forgefiend I might strip and repaint as a Maulerfiend, plus a vindicator and a rhino unpainted from a previous army as well - hopefully the genesis of a sizeable Red Corsairs force! Seeing how good the new Red Corsairs trait is, I might even manage to score a few game victories too, although I'm thinking that's unlikely. Anyway, pictures:


PSX 20190403 211706

PSX 20190403 211738

PSX 20190403 211802

PSX 20190403 211847

PSX 20190403 211948


Hope you like them! I'm still not satisfied with the bone though, I think I'm going to buy some new paints for it when I pop down to the store to get the models mentioned above. 


As always, C&C appreciated. 


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