Luna707 Posted February 22, 2019 Share Posted February 22, 2019 (edited) ++ Biggerized Marines, Terminators, and Vehicles, Show Us What You Got! ++ (Also feel free to add links to different Truescale blogs, tutorials, and other resources for people who may be interested in starting truescale conversions. Art and truescale inspiration by Karl Kopinksi) Edited February 23, 2019 by Luna707 MikhalLeNoir 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted February 22, 2019 Share Posted February 22, 2019 (edited) Does using Primaris to make True-Scale astartes count? Because for one of the Ordo Xenos Inquisitors I have in Inq28, they have a small group of Astartes that they often use. Watch-Sergeant Darren, seconded from the Guardians of the Covenant: Brother Shan'poe, seconded from the Salamanders: And when the Inquisitor visits the Watch Fortress, Watch Captain Marez of the Crimson Fists: They're all based off of my friends from my FLGS. I've got an Ultramarine, Imperial Fist, Raven Guard, Emperor's Spear (myself ), may also have a Space Wolf to add as well. Edited February 22, 2019 by Gederas robofish7591, Luna707, Honda and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MikhalLeNoir Posted February 22, 2019 Share Posted February 22, 2019 (edited) Behold the destroyers of the XIth Legion. They sided with their executioners to murder their primarch. And here my tutorial how to create truscale Tartaros Terminators Edited February 22, 2019 by MikhalLeNoir Isengrin, Bjorn Firewalker, bluntblade and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luna707 Posted February 22, 2019 Author Share Posted February 22, 2019 (edited) Great to see people jumping in! Man, I love that Tartaros MikhalLeNoir! I'm working on one right now actually, I'll definitely be checking out your tutorial as I move along with it. Here are my Iron Tenth: Also here are the links to my full project log and Instagram: Edited February 22, 2019 by Luna707 Kizzdougs, Honda, Pearson73 and 7 others 10 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isengrin Posted February 22, 2019 Share Posted February 22, 2019 Oh yeah, this is my jam! I really have to paint more though. DaBoiKyknos, Kolgrim DeathHowl, Kizzdougs and 18 others 21 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryltar Thamior Posted February 28, 2019 Share Posted February 28, 2019 Excellent idea for a thread! The number of times i've found myself scouring the net and this forum looking for legit truescales for inspiration - or, for that matter, to see if anybody else's come up with a solution for some of the more interesting potential issues with some builds [LOOKIN' AT *YOU*, GORGON TERMINATOR LEGS!] Anyway. Literally all of my marines, 30k, 40k, or otherwise, are truescales. So this'll .. take awhile to go through, photograph, and then upload. I'll try and keep things broken up by project and detachment. Starting with my AyasaBhutaGana Loyalist Iron Warriors (and friends). [the full log of which, including all our other various 30k materials, is available here]Now, as you may have noticed, they're all in Mk.VI(ish) armour. The backstory reasons for this hinge around the shipment of prototype at that stage "mark five" or whatever it was, that got sent to both the Salamanders and Iron Warriors for field-evaluation. Perturabo, as the history goes, was pretty non-plussed by it and seemed to work actively to try and get it trashed as a potential avenue for development. The BhutaGana are a holdover from the IVth Legion's Terran Unification era past; and for some unspoken crime, wound up banished from their Legion by the Lord of Iron part-way through the Crusade's progress. They would have been put to death then and there; but for the intervention of Russ, whose martial honour and savage nobility shon through in his intercession on the battalion's behalf. A "bet" of sorts was entered into between the Brothers Feral & Ferrous , should the BhutaGana manage to survive for a set amount of time, bringing a designated number of worlds to the Emperor's Light, largely unsupported except for their attached long-serving Mortal Auxilia, and a small number of Space Wolves along for the ride to observe, they would be regarded as 'redeemed'. Perturabo, however, seeing an opportunity to demonstrate the faillable nature of both the steel and the men who bore it in one, mandated the re-equipping of the BhutaGana with the hated prototype of what would later become the Mk.VI armour. Confident that it would assure their doom. Fate, however, had other ideas in store ...Anyway, on with the show. [i also may write up the above in a properly dark and grim format at some point in the indeterminate future.][also, as a bit of a caveat .. these miniatures span more than two years' worth of hobby-development on my part. Sooo, the painting-standard at the outset should not be taken as indicative of where we're at more presently. The lengthy timescale *also* explains the uh .. level of dust on some of these, which I *am* aware of] First up, one of the first miniatures I painted upon getting back into the hobby maybe 2 and a half years ago. One of the aforementioned Space Wolf "oversight" . Also, it's worth noting that a lot of these earlier miniatures, were actually physically assembled and converted by my comrade-in-crusade, Umbral after we'd done the concept-work together (and he'd put up with an awful lot of "can we move the head a milimeter to the right .. no, the other right" from yours truly), as a that stage, i was still very much "finding my feet" with knife and sprue. I'll demarcate which ones are which in that regard; as I would feel extraordinarily remiss if I absconded with the credit due to another. In any case, he'll always be one of my favourites. Both because of the sheer dynamism of the 'running pose' achieved with his legs, and arms; and the vibe with the dual axes. Calculated barbarism. Also, you may notice both the scroll, and the small human-scale woodsman's axe on his belt. The idea with that is that it's a *throwing axe*. Because a Marine throwing something at somebody .. is going to do a huge amount of *hurt*. Under the old Inquisitor 54mm rules, it was "joked" about that a Marine throwing his bolter at you could possibly do more damage than the Marine *firing* his bolter at you - at least at close range. Sooo .. throwing axe ... Two of his squadmates. We were really trying to emphasize the ''ramshackle' and "field repairs" nature of a lot of their equipment. As well as the fact they're "trench-runners" - hence the potato-masher grenades. The chap on the right ... is a sniper - since we figured that a Marine sniper, in the 30k context, and given the IVth's habitual preference for SUPERIOR FIREPOWER, would logically be carrying something that could feasibly double as an anti-material rifle. These two are also Umbral built, as is the last one. Last of said squad. Thought we'd try something a bit different with a close assault Marine; not only in terms of the very cool older Iron Warriors 40k-era upgrades [meltagun and helmet] (also the old metal Legion of the Damned shoulderpad :D ]; but also the chain-flail .Now, for something a *bit* more recent. Ribhus-Sainak Vaja , whose writeup you can read here. A techmarine, of a sort; also equipped for breaching. The base miniature is the Iron Hands Iron Father, which has a very cool 'striding forward' pose. [another Umbral build; as is the rest of the breacher squad]. Breachers, to go with. The one on the right is a reasonably straightforward Astartes with shield and bolter; the one on the left, however, as you can see, is wielding a heavy bolter as something like a P90. With suspensors , it could conceivably be utilized as a bit more of a close-range assault weapon, especially with a change-up in the ammunition. The Death Shroud legs are very cool and dynamic especially as a change of pace from the Tartaros that comprise .. so much of the rest of everything. The ballistic apron effect also goes quite nicely for void-hardened armour - absorbs shell-splinters, shrapnel etc. [some of these are also rocking Grave Warden torsos for a much 'heavier' look]Next two Breachers: plasma-gunner on the right, and a demolition Marine who's also a bit of a pack-horse [he's carrying heavy bolter ammunition magazines as well]. The idea with the latter was that if you're boarding a ship, you *probably* want to be carrying out sabotage operations. Or, in a pinch, "problem-solving with high explosive* the old fashioned way ... , by throwing satchel charges at the enemy if they're attacking in dense concentrations down corridors. "Don't use in an enclosed environment". "Don't worry, after I throw it, this won't *be* an enclosed environment", indeed.Now, as a bit of a contrast, and potentially [in theory, at any rate] a more *subtle* operator - a seeker squad veteran sergeant. [Last of the Umbral-builds for this particular set of uploads]. Very cool . Also a shift back towards a much more 'conventional' Mk.VI aesthetic, particularly with the greenstuffed torso-build etc. Now, onto some of the more recent (last year or so) efforts; once I started getting to grips with converting, myself. There's a gradual evolution of quality on these, as i found my feet; although I don't use greenstuff so it's required a different approach of manually building up armour plates and such, which considerably slows things up and complicates the efforts :P I thought I'd take a stab at making a close-operation forward observer unit. Hence all the scratched up armour from shrapnel and *too*-close bombardment efforts. The backpack, i've attempted to do something like the old Legion of the Damned ones, by putting old-school Tomb Kings plastic skulls on the exhausts [since they're .. so overly large for actual human cranials, they're just about right :D ] .[technically, the helmet's mounted a bit high up, so it can look a bit like one of them old 'rock'em sock'em robots' , due to my not being quite adroit with the grave-warden torsos or the unique challenges of fitting Mk.VI helms to truescales with relatively 'high collars'; I've never really got around to fixing it, and from an underside, it isn't that noticeable :P ] Another, likely from the same unit. The potato-masher grenade approach has had a bit of an upgrade .. as you can see .. from Bretonnian men-at-arms bitz, to the full-on Goliath ones that were then a relatively recent release. Axe is from one of the Alpha Legion characters - quite a dynamic bit of kit in its own right . Now *here's* where I reckon I started cooking with gas. Figured for a long while that the BhutaGana require an apothecary. Many of the parts are from the Ravenwing command (very cool for ornate vaguely Heresy-era parts, with a lot of Mk.VI flavourings - the heads with the comm-gear, as well!]; with a deathshroud terminator ballistic apron added, since it seemed to make both aesthetic and realistic sense. Drum-mag bolters and bolt pistols are also legit. Right. *Whew*. Last of the BhutaGana that's basically completed, for now. A Seeker Squad member, with one of them legit headhunter combi/spec-ammo bolters. And er .. well, I do 'realistic' levels of stowage on all my Marines. I occasionally run out of thigh-plate and belt etc. after all the pouches and side-arms go on , so the meltabomb and grenade wound up in the only spot left. I didn't *quite* think that one through ... [another Ravenwing Command Mk.VI helm, with detail shaved down to de-First Legion it] :D There's several more BhutaGana in various stages of completion at present; with the theoretical 'next move' being the flamer/heavy flamer close support squad.Oh, we *also* have a truescale Space Wolf terminator , but that's presently at Umbral's place, so photos shall have to wait. Now, there's quite a few more Heresy-era truescales we've done , so expect those up in the next few days. Bjorn Firewalker, Honda, ForLogarForThePantheon and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryltar Thamior Posted March 2, 2019 Share Posted March 2, 2019 Next set - Deathwatch. Now, in terms of what's going on here ... one of the first Big Ideas which we had for an Inq28 campaign, was something I rather creatively called "InquisiNecronMunda". You can probably guess the eventual antagonist based around that; and suffice to say Fall of Orpheus had been rattling around in my head quite a bit during the conceptualization process (which was sometime in late 2012 .. gah!) Anyway, the campaign is, as with everything else we do for *some mysterious reason*, on hold in terms of prep, although we do still build and/or paint something for it every now and again. This has actually turned out to be a surprising positive, as it's wound up with a whooole lot more 'background' fleshing out going on to make it something that'll perhaps be rather epic in scope. Should it ever eventuate :P As that relates to this 'ere showcase - one of the things we *absolutely* knew we'd need , given the much younger me'd always wanted to play a "certain sort" of Ordo Xenos approach - was a Deathwatch Kill Team. Of course, because we're uh .. the sort of people and writers/hobbyists that we are, it couldn't be just *any* set of chapters and downright almost faceless 'cookie-cutter' Marines. Instead, every Astartes involved was going to be a bit 'different' from what you might expect in terms of personality and operating ethos - which would thusly inform their representation on the tabletop. As all good narrative wargaming efforts should!First up, we have the Black Templar. Again, one of the first miniatures I painted upon getting back into the hobby , in iirc mid 2016 (which goes to show, just how long the gap was between us having some of these ideas and actually managing to scrape together the cash and wherewithal to actually *do* something about them!) ; and an Umbral assembly-job ... ... the idea with this Marine was that he'd be, to put it bluntly, Patrick Stewart/Picard esque. So, you know, thoughtful, reasonable, and even occasionally rather "pragmatic", rather than a frothing at the mouth crusader zeal meme. An older figure, and probably one who's 'matured' and changed in those regards due to his substantial time in the Deathwatch (in fact, he's probably playing a lead role in commanding the team) and "seeing some things" in the course of that service - it's quite likely that , again ,to put it bluntly, he's not especially welcome back with his chapter of origin. A factoid or inferential that'll suit him just as well as it does the rest of his brethren. *Mostly*. Next up, another Son of Dorn - this one being both an Umbral build and an Umbral paint ... since he put significant effort into greenstuffing the Hammers of Dorn chapter icon for the shoulderpad :P As you can see, with one of them heavy thunder hammers, he's about as subtle in both where he's from and how he comes across, as you'd probably expect from such a Marine and such a Chapter. This one was also fully Umbral's idea in terms of characterization - the Hammers of Dorn are absolutely demented, so to speak, about adherence to the Codex Astartes; to the point they'd out-Ultramarine Ultramarine-stereotypes in this regard. So, the idea with him as part of the Kill Team is to present the insufferable and snootily superior sort who's constantly and continually lecturing everybody else about how they *should* be doing things.This will, predictably, be aimed in the especial direction of the Ultramarine [yet to be done] who's *also* in the kill-team ... for reasons that should be patently obvious :P And we had a neat idea for a story-vignette featuring both of these Astartes having an argument over some teaching of the Codex and its proper interpretation .. at which point the Space Wolf [also yet ot be done] would interject from across the room with a third interpretation that appears demonstrably superior to both - which'll surprise everybody on grounds that they hadn't even assumed a Wolf would have *read* the dang thing, let alone be able to offer insightful commentary thereupon same. Lastly [for this upload, anyway ... you have no idea how many *more* Adamanticores, Heresy-era Legionaries, and even one or two Haunting Harii of Hvergelmir I'm going to hit this thread with over the next few days ... ] ...We have the Red Scorpion. Now, this was a bit of a 'test-bed' for something new we were trying [and by "we", i particularly mean Umbral, who's once again taken the lead on crafting here, with his hands and blade]. As I've previously mentioned (maybe?) it's surprisingly difficult if not outright frustrating to do various armour marks other than the standard III and VI, thanks to Cataphractii and Tartaros, respectively. It's *possible* to do Mk.VII utilizing Indomitus terminator legs, but I've generally been of the opinion that they're far too "squat" and just generally 'unrealistically posed' to be worth the trouble of infilling the thigh-plates etc; unless one wants to do an awful lot of cutting and repositioning into the bargain. This is particularly the case with Mk.IV - with its distinctive and somewhat irregularly shaped kneepads forming the especial 'difficulty point'. It's possible that some of them relatively new Thousand Sons 40k terminators may be viable for such purposes; and it's also possible that some of hte new developmentst possible thanks to Primaris legs might *also* fit the bill .. but 'easy' Mk.IV has remained a bit of a pipe-[armour]dream. However, with the aavailability of Carab Culln in terminator plate, this seemed a bit surmountable, for a change. Although it required reasonably extensive rebuilds to the upper torso to make it 'properly' upright etc. [fortunately, the legs, while indomitus-ish, were not entirely unfeasible in their original positioning] Handily, it retained much Red Scorpions iconography that we could use, into the bargain :D Anyway, in terms of characterizatoin, we were basically thinking the typical RS neurosis of clean-freak germophobe and 'unclean' paranoia; ratcheted up with a German (perhaps Prussian-ish?) eth(n)os - hence in part why he's carrying what's clearly a duelist's finesse facilitated chainblade in addition to his storm bolter and narthecium etc. (which is hidden behind the right hand from this angle) ; and also supporting his stereotype of punctiliousness and endeavours to superhuman levels of efficiency. THere's also a *subtle* nod to *something* with the purple touches also on show on various portions of the miniature .. I wonder what *that* might be in aid of ... Isengrin, Bjorn Firewalker, Luna707 and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Posted March 6, 2019 Share Posted March 6, 2019 Behold the destroyers of the XIth Legion. They sided with their executioners to murder their primarch. And here my tutorial how to create truscale Tartaros Terminators That’s a Tartaros? Throne, I thought that was a contemptor! MikhalLeNoir 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MikhalLeNoir Posted March 7, 2019 Share Posted March 7, 2019 Behold the destroyers of the XIth Legion. They sided with their executioners to murder their primarch. And here my tutorial how to create truscale Tartaros Terminators That’s a Tartaros? Throne, I thought that was a contemptor! Hehe. The size fits^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryltar Thamior Posted April 10, 2019 Share Posted April 10, 2019 Late Unification XIXth Legion in what we'll say is prototype Mk.III armour. The idea with these was to try and get a 'Scythian' sort of vibe going'. Which would build upon the dark-grey shadow-stalker ethos of the Unification-era XIXth , by 'fleshing out' their characterization and visual aesthetic with GangSteppe Indo-European 'like the wind' nomads.The touches are minor, and mostly not visible from the front [perhaps i should have done some rear photography]; but include things like a golden arrow [recalling the myth of Abaris, in part] , a skull and other trophies, that sort of thing. The very large blades from the Catachan command , with their teeth and such attached, were also pretty legit; and I'm rather taken with the Ravenwing Command head i've used on the plasma-gunner. There's a fifth member of the squad equipped with two blades, but he's still even more of a painting [and perhaps modelling] in progress], so have just gone with the four to hand for now for this upload.Technically, there are probably a few areas i should tweak or touch up the paintwork ... Isengrin, Luna707 and Bjorn Firewalker 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jackalwolf Posted April 18, 2019 Share Posted April 18, 2019 Here's my Heresy true scale! Managed to finish 5 and prepare 5 more bodies, will post next week when I'm back home. Luna707, Raztalin, Dosjetka and 9 others 12 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Rage Posted April 22, 2019 Share Posted April 22, 2019 (edited) The first of many in the works (upscaled to primaris height but havent made them much bulkier just taller) [EDIT] Just added shots for scale, I was trying to keep things in proportion with the primaris, such as knees, waist and so on... Not sure why but the first picture made the primaris look taller but they look pretty much same height with my eyes (maybe I need new glasses) but overall i am happy as I just don't want all the new up-scaled chaos models looking down on my marines. Edited April 22, 2019 by Dark Rage Freakshow668, Chaplain Raeven, Luna707 and 7 others 10 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lionofjudah Posted April 25, 2019 Share Posted April 25, 2019 Here’s a lil story of the yellow Bjorn Firewalker, choppyred, Dosjetka and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted April 25, 2019 Share Posted April 25, 2019 (edited) Good job on the Mk. I (Mk. II?) Rhino, lionofjudah. Edited April 25, 2019 by Bjorn Firewalker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryltar Thamior Posted April 26, 2019 Share Posted April 26, 2019 Steel Panthers. What happened here was we had a few gorgon terminator legs around which, for various reasons, hadn't been turned into truescaling. Partially it was the somewhat 'awkward'/'waddling' poses; and the very heavily 'accessorized' look with the cabling, ablative plating, ec. that's moulded on. One got used for an Adamanticores techmarine [assembly/conversion-work as done by Umbral] ... but the rest ... I guess I wound up setting myself a bit of a 'challenge'. Inspired somewhat by the fact that Umbral managed to turn a bunch of Red Butchers terminator legs [which looked seriously awkward imo] into some very cool truescales, and the fact that we've used pretty much every other 'standard' set of heresy-era Terminator legs at least thrice ... I decided to try and turn them gorgon legs into something worthwhile. But what? Well, I took their tech'd up and cybernetically enhanced appearance, and ran with it in a bit of a different direction. Not the 'predictable' Iron Hands style approach. But rather something different ... and *harder* -well, more heavily 'armoured', at any rate. Building upon the various "it just makes sense" principles underpinning Astartes directly interfacing with their vehicles via the black carapace etc., I figured that these Astartes would be specialist tankers - that would be their Chapter 'hat'. Not all of them would fight as vehicle crew, of course - in a manner similar to Israeli Merkavas carrying infantry sections for 'organic' support, and built upon just how many Astartes combat vehicles are in fact actually very heavy, very well armed transports ... there'd be a logical 'place' for something closer to the more 'traditional' Marine infantry. In order to show this, i covered over the gaps in the rear armour build-ups that I do with my no-greenstuff truescaling approach, with cabling and jacks. I figure this particular Marine is one of those tank crew - hence both those, and the fact that his close combat weapon is a rather small knife [the better to fit inside his fighting compartment with him in comparison to the massive chainsword of the other line marine, to be shown in a moment]. Here's the first one I did, from the front this time. The legs are striding the wrong way for an easy 'charging and shooting' pose, so I went down the other approach of an Astartes getting ready to take a shot, or inspecting the field as he 'cautiously' advances. It was inspired, i suppose, by the 'classic' Marine feel that comes across in various art of really big hulking Marines that look like a sledgehammer given vaguely human form. "Transhuman Dread", indeed. I went with a nicely customized Mk.VII helm from the Space Wolves plastic kit - it seemed to have the right 'vibe' for a chapter that's presumably also pretty good at the artisanal and artificerial customization of their wargear. Mk.III arms also go nicely with the enhanced [even by , well , you know, marine model standards] bulk of truescaling; and the Mk.X power-pack ... well, it's a nice silhouette - very classic, very cool. And also goes to show that these Marines , at the same time-period as the Adamanticores, *also* have something a bit .. odd going on, and probably require enhanced power output for all them heavy plates and upgrade systems in their armour. This Astartes shows the 'opposite' facing on the legs - although didn't quite match up for a running/charging and firing pose. Perhaps he's inspecting the results from his previous precision shot [which will have been made easier with the ocular augmentation visible on his helmet]. I also experimented with Mk.III pauldrons for a change of pace from the previous sharp lines of the more regular rims. Finally, I figured that it'd be interesting to try a close combat oriented vibe - the sort of Marine who jumps out of a Land Raider and charges through seemingly "hard" cover to start tearing up the entrenched defenders. I've found it pretty difficult to 'realistically' pose lightning claw armed truescales previously, so this was an interesting and welcome shift. Another Space Wolves helmet, a downsized power-pack [sternguard veterans this time] , and vanguard claws ... plus a fine lightning-bolted tartaros torso to complete 'the look'.Colour-scheme wise, the dark grey and very light silver, I felt it'd be an ideal place to give it a shot. And lighter/hard green, mid-hard blue for accenting, in addition to the various metallic tones also in place elsewhere [not that you can see it, but bronzy-gold on the shoulder-circle, golder-gold on the lightning bolts on the crux terminatus, etc.] Oh yeah, and an incredibly obvious reference with regard to the chapter name, there :D Luna707 and Dark Rage 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryltar Thamior Posted April 28, 2019 Share Posted April 28, 2019 Veteran Sergeant JataVeda of the BhutaGana - The Instigator.A Terran Veteran of Unification, JataVeda leads the Hotr - a flamer, combi-flamer, and heavy-flamer equipped forward operations squad who burn at the leading edge of the BhutaGana's advance like the blade of a plasma-torchJataVeda's Aryas origins are plainly visible in both panoply and nomenclature; his name referring to an ancient bearer of purifying flame, and carrying with it the underlying signifer of the "inceptor", the "leading edge" of a blessed and mighty work, while his squad's cognomen is derived from archaic Sanskrit for the master of the sacrificial fire - itself a development of a far older term referring to the action of "pouring", and therefore most apt for the stirling description of the application of burning promethium to the foe. In addition to a power-tulwar of black meteoric provenance, JataVeda carries a decidedly non-standard [particularly for Astartes use] pattern of customized flamer; closer in form to those more commonly used by the Army of Unification and then Imperial Army, than the mighty Marines - although with the more usual hose and back-mounted fuel-tank replaced by a much less hazardous (to the operator) canister independently mounted upon the weapon itself. This is likely to have been an operational necessity, given the nature of the BhutaGana's preferred mode of warfare as well as squad Hotr's own habitual place within the vanguard of clearance operations in dense terrain. As it substantially lessens the risk of a stray shot or shrapnel-fragment provoking an explosion and subsequent burning that the bearer would otherwise be unable to easily extinguish or distance themselves from. Meanwhile, the chestplate of JataVeda's slightly altered field-evaluation phase Mk.VI armour has also been plated with an honorific design that simultaneously recalls the Lightingbolts of Unity (also featured upon his Raptor Imperialis shoulder-pad), as well as the burning (destructive) illumination which the Hotr, and JataVeda in particular, inevitably cast before them. The noted Terran author, PTerry of the Ankh, once memorably opined that in situations of darkness, it was often better to light a flamethrower than simply to curse the dark. This was built upon by the NAS Combat Theologian, Curwen Ares Rolinson, into a broader maxim around the salience and significance of Fire in an Indo-European mythic context - the culmination of which, was the way in which its simultaneous conveyance of illumination/wisdom and destruction/removal of the false, supported its metaphysical implication as the direct conduit to the Realm and Mission of the Ishvara : the Emperor. Twenty eight thousand years later, Vet. Sgt. Jataveda continues to put that mantra into practice. The fiery doom of his weapon presenting the Emperor's Judgement upon those who would otherwise deny by their very presence, thought, word, and deed, the implicit divinity of Mankind. And the mastery inherent in the unfurling of "Krinvanto Vishvam Aryam" across the Stars. choppyred, Dark Rage and Isengrin 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Rage Posted May 6, 2019 Share Posted May 6, 2019 Anniversary mini upscaled. Luna707, Ryltar Thamior, Grotsmasha and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryltar Thamior Posted May 7, 2019 Share Posted May 7, 2019 There's just something about the Consecrators' colour-scheme that goes spiffingly with the old Rogue Trader style aesthetic of the miniature. Well done! Dark Rage 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luna707 Posted May 29, 2019 Author Share Posted May 29, 2019 (edited) Great contributions everyone, Here's my latest truescale: Edited May 30, 2019 by Luna707 apologist, ForLogarForThePantheon, Dark Rage and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShotgunFacelift Posted June 20, 2019 Share Posted June 20, 2019 (edited) Survivors of Isstvan Building up a truscale squad after reading the imperial armour books is what got me back into the hobby. I wanted to make an an-hoc force from legions who were planetside when the virus bombs fell. . Still wearing pre-unification Era colors . Forgot to take pics after I finished these last guys. Edited June 20, 2019 by ShotgunFacelift Ryltar Thamior, Luna707, Bjorn Firewalker and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryltar Thamior Posted June 21, 2019 Share Posted June 21, 2019 Oh wow, those are excellent! Nice smoke effect on the initial image; and some seriously cool posing and bitz-selection going on there! Paintjobs are legit, also, as is the greenstuffery! [particularly taken with the blue eye-lenses in the brass/bronze Mk.III helm-plate] Also been awhile since I've seen a grey knight terminator based ['Apologist Pattern'?] Heresy-era Astartes; the de-ornated grey knight terminator swords are also a very legit touch. WHat's the partsmix on the Chaplain if you don't mind me asking? I'm particularly interested in the helm. And, for that matter, the origin-point of the axe-wielding XIVth's and the heavy bolter marine's helms.I'm surprised and pleased with how well a XXth Headhunter helm goes with the Sons of Horus scheme, and that rather 'shorter' plasma gun goes very nicely with the overwhelming bulk of the Marines. A conversion or human-statured weapon repurposed? And i'm curious as to the Ultramarine pauldron on what looks to be a XIIth - while also amusedly wondering if he's got a bolt-weapon to go with the extra ammunition pouches at his waist. Good use of chaos terminator legs for the skull, also. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShotgunFacelift Posted June 22, 2019 Share Posted June 22, 2019 (edited) Oh wow, those are excellent! Nice smoke effect on the initial image; and some seriously cool posing and bitz-selection going on there! Paintjobs are legit, also, as is the greenstuffery! [particularly taken with the blue eye-lenses in the brass/bronze Mk.III helm-plate] Also been awhile since I've seen a grey knight terminator based ['Apologist Pattern'?] Heresy-era Astartes; the de-ornated grey knight terminator swords are also a very legit touch. WHat's the partsmix on the Chaplain if you don't mind me asking? I'm particularly interested in the helm. And, for that matter, the origin-point of the axe-wielding XIVth's and the heavy bolter marine's helms. I'm surprised and pleased with how well a XXth Headhunter helm goes with the Sons of Horus scheme, and that rather 'shorter' plasma gun goes very nicely with the overwhelming bulk of the Marines. A conversion or human-statured weapon repurposed? And i'm curious as to the Ultramarine pauldron on what looks to be a XIIth - while also amusedly wondering if he's got a bolt-weapon to go with the extra ammunition pouches at his waist. Good use of chaos terminator legs for the skull, also. Wow thanks for the feedback!. Yes it was the Apologist Grey Knights tutorial that kicked it all off. I bought a boxed set and some green stuff.....and a few hundred $$ later now I am drowning in resin & plastic . The Chaplain started out as one of the store release terminator Chaplains. The model was overly ornate originally but after some significant cutting it came out looking pretty good (need to upload pics). Apart from the bolt pistol its the stock model minus a few grams of material . Even with all the new plastic Crack of the primaris range I still like the scale of the Grey knight TruScale models. The weapons look more realistically sized and the Marines have a more bulky feel of post humans in heavy armor. An example of this is the plasma gun which is the standard tac squad plasma gun, with a normal marine it looks huge but with a truscale it looks like a SMG (should spend some time making a stock or lengthening out the gun to make it look a bit more powerful) Edited June 22, 2019 by ShotgunFacelift apologist and Ryltar Thamior 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chewbacacabra Posted June 23, 2019 Share Posted June 23, 2019 So I'm new in town, but truescale marines have been on my mind since I discovered 40k. Here are some of my Iron Warriors, made from mostly Primaris legs, MKII chests and other bits and bobs. I love the beefyness of the Primaris legs, gives them some stature and they look way less squatty. Hope you dig, seeing the stuff here is really cool. batu, Luna707, Stofficus and 13 others 16 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr_Ruminahui Posted June 23, 2019 Share Posted June 23, 2019 Wow, those guys are great - I'll like them as soon as my likes for the day recharge. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chewbacacabra Posted June 23, 2019 Share Posted June 23, 2019 Thank you! I'm adding to the ranks slowly. Originally they were mostly HW support for a cultist-heavy Killteam list, but the new CSM box has me adding rank and file. The biggest holdup are the bases. They're scratchbuilt and take some time. I'm thinking of using 32mm Necromunda bases to speed up production. If I can find them, I'll post my original truescale attempts, based on the Doghouse conversions of Chaos Warriors. Ryltar Thamior 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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