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The Siege of Terra: Solar War


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Basically guilliman mass recruited from his 500 world's to give him back a good chunk of numbers during the years of IS, while also gathering a bunch of the shattered legions and army/naval assets via the pharos. He also scoops up literally everything nearby during his offensive push to allow sang through.


So sure horus may have more ships, but he can't afford to let guilliman get him from behind; resources are stretched thin and his forces are fraying in terms of commitment. He has to end it before his forces unravel and guilliman either hits them mid siege (if they commit) or before he takes back swathes and they lose even more resources and fray more.

Of all the Primarchs I expect RG to be the one to best marshall all the forces he can so I can buy that. I wish in the recent Ultramarines novella they would have provided some insight to RG doing a mass recruitment and ship build-up.

I believe that it's mentioned in Slaves to Darkness that the Ultramarines fleet, when it appears, is comprised of a whole bunch of different classes and categories of ships, rather than all being standard Astartes vessels.

Pretty much just this. Guilliman organized all naval assets into cohesive battlegroups regardless of the authority they fell under before the war.

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Isn't it also the case that Guilleman arriving would also effectively cut off the supply lines for the traitors? At this stage they don't have any reserves, whereas the Ultramarines, Dark Angel and Space Wolves could be reinforced?


I skipped a few books, can anyone point me in the direction of the books that detail the Dark Angels taking out traitor home worlds?

Edited by Preliminary Bombardment
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The Space Wolves are spent, probably less than 100 ships and 10k Marines. While a considerable force against 99% of possible foes not this one. The Dark Angels my guess is 4-500 ships and about 5-60k Marines. The Ultramarines I am guessing is 150k Marines and a few thousand ships. We know that Vulkan is at the gate on duty but where is Corax in the final days? I've never been a fan of how he sort of gets lost at the end. Corax and his legion ( remainder) could have been invaluable. Of course I would have tasked him to kill Abbadon and all the other first captains.

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Corax was planning on being another threat hanging close at hand for horus and co, forcing them into a rushed siege. But we don't know how threatened the traitor fleet would be by 4000 legionnaires or so.


Hopefully they'll be addressed in the siege books, as Gav jumps from saving the wolves at yarant to the scouring.

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The handling of the Space Wolves has been one of the most mediocre things of the HH series.  Prospero Burns and A Thousand Sons were great but after that, many of the subsequent stories made Leman Russ seem stupid and utterly inept.  The events of "Wolfsbane" makes no sense from any perspective, let alone someone who is supposed to be a consummate general and tactician.

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The handling of the Space Wolves has been one of the most mediocre things of the HH series.  Prospero Burns and A Thousand Sons were great but after that, many of the subsequent stories made Leman Russ seem stupid and utterly inept.  The events of "Wolfsbane" makes no sense from any perspective, let alone someone who is supposed to be a consummate general and tactician.


I liked Wolfbane, LR planned a great strike. Obviously they were not going to let him kill Horus even though according to Horus he could have but hesitated. Perhaps his guilt about what happened to Magnus weighed on him as the book allowed, that said it was utter BS he didn't slay Horus. That is what he told his brothers on Terra he was leaving for and his sons when they dreamed up this plan. Notwithstanding the lore of the spear that seems to be a recent development we all know he cannot kill Horus so this is all just filler to explain why the Wolves were not on the walls and why their forces were depleted. Russ has probably killed perhaps two other brothers so the one brother that is openly a threat to kill his father and he had the chance to end the HH and passed to possibly redeem him because he felt bad about Magnus does not suit the E executioner.

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I think that whole book should have been merged with Titandeath, Russ confronting Horus at the height of the battle and basically surviving long enough to land a blow.


So Horus smashes Russ to the ground, his armour in tatters. Then he leans in to ask if Russ has any last words. But Russ does: "Morkai". (Stab)

Edited by bluntblade
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I havent read these last pages since the LE went out (dont want to spoil it) so got no idea if this was mentioned by you guys, but for someone that has read the book, is alexis polux, his fleet and the many imp fists with him, mentioned in the novel by Dorn or anyone else? Just want a yes or no (or if polux and co appear directly or not).
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Just 4 chapters into this and it’s superb. Wonderful to see some old favourites return to the fray and some humans take centre stage.

Johns kicked this off fantastically, hopefully the others can keep the momentum going! No pressure at all!

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I havent read these last pages since the LE went out (dont want to spoil it) so got no idea if this was mentioned by you guys, but for someone that has read the book, is alexis polux, his fleet and the many imp fists with him, mentioned in the novel by Dorn or anyone else? Just want a yes or no (or if polux and co appear directly or not).



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I think that whole book should have been merged with Titandeath, Russ confronting Horus at the height of the battle and basically surviving long enough to land a blow.


So Horus smashes Russ to the ground, his armour in tatters. Then he leans in to ask if Russ has any last words. But Russ does: "Morkai". (Stab)

That would have worked.


The other option would be Russ not hesitating and committing 100% but Horus just being too powerful. Russ skewers Horus and drives him to his knees, thinking it was a mortal blow. Horus struggles to speak and Russ leans in, horrified and fascinated to hear the Warmaster's final words.


"You should have gone for the head, Brother!" <SNAP> :biggrin.:

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Thanks for the reply. I guess each of us takes away something different. Curious, if the E has seen that Horus is beyond redemption this early in the siege then why hold back when they face each other? He should just go in and blow him away and be done with it as everything I've read before these books states he does just that, holds back not believing he has fallen fully. Of course this flies in the face of what the Primarchs ( even RG in 40k) believed that he didn't care about them as sons but only weapons of war.

The old fluff about the Emperor holding back was written in the early 90s and was just a short story. I think that the BL team have already stated that they don't consider themselves bound by this anymore and will quite happily change the final confrontation to suit whatever narrative they want to establish.


"The Emperor and Horus" presents us with a very human and relatable Emperor that does not resemble the character the BL team have built up over the last decade. Certain points are fixed IMHO, such as Horus killing Sanguinius but the final battle is probably open to interpretation.

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Hi folks. With the standard editions of The Solar War going up for pre-order tomorrow, it feels like a good time to mention that I've got a short-ish interview with John about the book, the characters, and how it feels to reach the end of the Heresy. It might be of interest to a few people in here, especially those who didn't pick up the LE hardback, so I hope it's ok to link out to it here!







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