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I lack words - these guys are precisely what the BT should be. Excellent work all round, Eberious.

I'd quite like to hear about your approach to the tabard as well - you mentioned an oven, is it really just thin plasticard heated and pulled into shape?

Thanks very much all, :)  I'm loving these Redemptors as it's giving me so much surface area to work with. I can't wait for it to all come together, it's going to be a joy and pain in behind to paint though. 


@Cadius, I'll certainly give one a go. Not sure if a video one or pic and text would be better. 


@techType, cheers for the kind comment.  and yes, 1mm plasticard held over the over, heated and then bent. 


Disclaimer: I take no responsibility and do not urge anyone for trying it and getting burnt fingers... seriously though it's not overly safe in regards to getting a burn or having the plastic melt and drop quickly onto the hob and everything involved with that happening... ..ahem.   


When I do it, it's at the end of a pair of pliers and the very edge of the hob. Ye have been warned. 

Hmm, wouldn't think that it would have enough heat to melt/heat it enough to make it flexible. Also, yes, it would likely take a while to get it to that state. That being said, I have no hairdryer so it's the unsafe reckless oven hob forge it is, lol 


Let me know if you do try it with a H-D though, just out in interest.  

Working on the macro plasma incinerator, still a wip.


It's just my model church.. honest. Nothing to hide here officer.








The Gatling cannon at this point is looking a bit small on the dread.. so trying to find something bigger. Only thing so far is the chaos forge fiend auto-cannon? but It's a tad big  :(  

This projects just gets better and better!



The Gatling cannon at this point is looking a bit small on the dread.. so trying to find something bigger. Only thing so far is the chaos forge fiend auto-cannon? but It's a tad big  :sad.:  


Forgefiend's autocanon is still smaller than Knight Warden's gatling canon. Maybe Leman Russ gatling? Sicaran punisher gatling? Something 3rd party? Or scratch-building. 

Edited by Majkhel

:biggrin.: It's a dam expensive hobby. I'm getting the most mileage out of it as possible. lol 


But, cheers Reinhard.




Ha-ha, I just realised the background paper in the third picture has the highly complex design blueprint for the idea. Yup, that's my design stage. 40 seconds of planning then straight to production. 

Edited by Eberious

Thanks both,


Nah, will likely paint it a burnt bronze/copper colour with a touch of Nihilakh oxide here and there. As there is a lot of extra details and bling I'm looking for darker colours for the main parts so that the smaller details won't be lost. That, and I plan to do the plasma glow shining through the mini arches, so a darker colour will help that show up more. 

This is just brilliant, brilliant I say!


Fine conversionwork, nice kitbashing and greenstuffwork and good, solid painting.


Really inspiring stuff, has me looking at my own pile of primaris that has been going nowhere for the last two years acctually. ^_^

A rather large update, as I was in the process of taking pics I might as well get some better painted shots of the other stuff. 


I tried to upload a video of it but the sodding thing won't work.. just yet. I'm sure I'll crack it.


Pics for now.


















Painted stuff up next


Emperors Champion



























PICS!!! lol, sorry. Did say was a large update


Likely do a Priamaris Crusader squad or sword Brethren squad next. Been itching to do both for ages now.

Edited by Eberious

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