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Let's get social and build up the community spirit here. Tell us what you're working on.


Pictures are good but let's talk hobby. I might even overcome my technophobia and manage to upload a picture one day myself (shock horror).




I'm working on Centurions at the moment. Love the models but only took me a few years to be round to them.


Guilliman of course. The model daunting as I just want to get it right.


I then have some Vanguard with MK4 helms. They look good.

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I've been disenfranchised by the size of regular marines since the release of Primaris marines and it really killed my hobby mojo, but I have recently embarked upon a "true-scale" project of an all MK IV DIY Ultramarine Successor chapter.

Only have about 6/7 miniatures done so far, but I'm just using the old plasticard spacers in the legs trick and it seems to work ok. Some of the legs look a little skinny but I plan on adding a holstered pistol and pouches on all the marines which should hopefully bulk them up a bit.

Trying to go for a Roman themed chapter that has been battered by ongoing wars and is incredibly below strength sitting at about 400ish marines, with a very small armoury of tanks/vehicles/terminator armour etc.


Edit: Just thought I'd throw a quick pic I took of two of them compared to a regular marine if that's okay!



Edited by Centurion Jay

Yeah the size difference can be a buzz kill, especally with the new chaos release. If up scaled classics came out I think I'd quit at that point.


Working on some honour guard; vanguard and sternguard. Repainting a new army is taking alot of time that I just don t seem to have anymore. My brother is also been helping me out with painting a character or two to help keep my motivation up in a hectic couple of weeks








At the moment I'm upgrading three rhino's, but real life is really taking up all of my time and probably will continue to do so until the summer, maybe even longer.

I'm anxiously waiting until I have more time. Once I have I will finally start my project: primaris, and build and paint several thousand points of ultramarine primaris units all in one go (I have two Dark Imperium sets, a Wake the dead set, a tooth and claw set and two shadowspear sets). If I think I will not have the time to start and finish this daunting project I might dabble into some terminator units and other veterans for my ultra's. I'm considering buying an airbrush for project primaris, but am in doubt wether it will truly save me time and effort to get my marines to my desired level of quality.

pics of my army are in my post in the ultramarine forum: 


  On 4/7/2019 at 8:00 PM, Captain Idaho said:

Loving that Honour Guard style model on the left!


Love to see an entire army like these.


Cheers Idaho, the guy on the left is going to be my Captain with Relic Blade and Santic Halo. All my sergeants have the same gladius however so think I'm going to swap it out for a more elaborate looking one.

Aiming to have about 30 Tactical marines, a 5 man Company Veteran squad, and then various characters truescaled like this to begin with for the core of my army.


  On 4/7/2019 at 8:03 PM, jonjacob said:


Yeah the size difference can be a buzz kill, especally with the new chaos release. If up scaled classics came out I think I'd quit at that point.


Working on some honour guard; vanguard and sternguard. Repainting a new army is taking alot of time that I just don t seem to have anymore. My brother is also been helping me out with painting a character or two to help keep my motivation up in a hectic couple of weeks


Loving the custom honour guard, especially the greenstuff cast victrix guard heads!

Just finished Maccrage blue spray on the Vanguard units. Need to get my 2 Redemptors based so they can get a go under the rattle can.

I have 3 more Assault Interssesors kit bashed for a unit of 10. I took the DI Interssesors and used Carbine Bolters from the Reviers kit to replace Autobolt guns, same stats. They look pretty cool.

Then my primaris forces are built. I'm a slow to no painter, so it could be years before they feel the caress of a paint brush.

I've got a build queue of shame for legacy marines as well. Though I may turn to the fell powers for awhile, the new chaos DeX is calling, and that build queue is just as bad.

I'll post my conversion into this post once I get a good shot.

Cassius and Telion are almost finished, Primaris Apothecary almost finished, the second Victrix Honor Guard is partially painted, Primaris Librarian primed, and building the Vanguard Primaris from Shadowspear. Also, I'm working on my son's Chaos forces (ETB Poxwalkers, Foul Blightspawn, Tallyman, and the Daemonkin from Shadowspear) at the same time.

Although I'm armpits deep in Black Legion, I have not forgotten my Ultra's! Right now I just finished putting together the new elite sniper dudes from the Shadowspear kit and the LIbby.


My goal is to finish painting Centurions and have a test game incorporating the new stuff from the box set. I think the Eliminators (?) with the existing Snipers I use could be a really nasty combo to try on certain armies.

I've just ordered my first 40K miniatures in over 20 years.


In total I ordered 500 points of Astra Militarum + Codex/Cards BUT I'm planning to build and paint them as Ultramar Auxilia (I'm thinking Cadian torsos with Scion Beret Heads and some Ultramarine Blue going on - could be cool, could be a disaster) Expanding on that I'm thinking a contingent of Ultramarines/Successors and possibly Knights from friendly Houses...


Not entirely sure this is the correct sub-forum but I'd like to hang out here a little as you guys are all so passionate about Ultramarines I want to make sure I do The Thirteenth justice!

Edited by General Principle

The implication in the forum location of this thread is what Ultramarines are you working on... ;)


  On 4/9/2019 at 1:27 PM, MarcB said:

Working on a Ultramarines Primaris only army at the moment.


So far only got 500 points painted so slowly building that up. trying to finish up a unit of Veteran intercessors and after that the Phobus Lt & Librarian from shadow spear.

Ooo how are you making Veterans stand out for Intercessors?

  On 4/9/2019 at 1:54 PM, Captain Idaho said:

The implication in the forum location of this thread is what Ultramarines are you working on... :wink:




Whoop, sorry Cap! It was the most recent thread on the main page and didnt look carefully. I'll take my leave my blue brothers!

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