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Hi guys!

Yes, I currently have other WIPs and even more projects open, but I could not resist the call of Blood

So, as told here I was actually convinced by my wife to buy Sanguinius and I am finally ready to lift off with my legion


I not so originally plan a Day of Revelation Rite of war, so I will get a lot of jetpacks. Luckly they come in a not so cheap but affordable way with nice wings with them. We will come to those later.


In my head-canon, the 99 is specialized in Day of Revelation not only from a tactical point of view, but also a bit from a theatrical one.

After all the idea of the attack is to make the target believe the apocalypse has come, that angels have come to save the good and destroy the evil.

So expexcially with characters/special single unit (as the dreadnought) I will go heavy with the angel/wings theme 


I'm in a bit of a hurry as I write, so I will show you my moritat Idea (using the betrayal chaplain as a base)

He will soon get two inferno pistols and probably a new head







He will have a lone wing, in my idea. Obviously any advice is welcome


Then comes the Laser Heavy support squad. nothing fancy here, as they are some kind of special effects team, providing long range anti tank


WhatsApp Image 2019 04 22 At 11.02.43


Then I had some kind of divine inspiration and came out with this as my Incaendius


WhatsApp Image 2019 04 22 At 11.01.37


WhatsApp Image 2019 04 22 At 11.01.39


WhatsApp Image 2019 04 22 At 11.01.40


You can judge it any way, but I admit I am very proud.

More on It later

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The idea striked me, but I will probably left red as a main color, with gold as secondary, white for wings and some black (an all gold contemptor would be too much "custodes" and not blend with the rest of the host). Still the golden death mask will definitevily be the mark of an ex-sanguinary. I will write some narrative on him later(I love this kind of things).

Thanks for the suggestion!


I plan to do a lot of burnings around this models, as they usually face extreme heat in their descending/jetpack insertion actions, so I will look for a good tutorial for that... anyone knows a good one?

Cool start to your Blood angels!


The single wing idea is pretty cool. If you have one of the feathered DE Scourge wings or one of the wings from the flying stormcast eternal prosectuors I'd love to see that on your moritat. I really dig the idea of the moritat, of all units in the BA, to have only a single wing. That just seems poetically fitting. 


I like the idea of the ex-sang contemptor but would you reconsider the wing placement? I think having it on the front covers up so much detail and get in the dreads way (but would make for good extra armor). I really think it would be cool to put them on the back and have them splayed out like a seraphim.


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