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Big FAQ has dropped.


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Also back to the Drop Pod Door Debate, not that Drop Pods are any good now.

I think Pods are pretty straight forward. You would never deploy them with open doors as keeping them 9" away from enemy becomes pretty detrimental.



Why? Just premeasure to make sure the petal you want is 9.01" away, then you have a giant footprint of move blocking goodness when needed.

There is some good stuff here. Ion shields being capped at 4++ and the fly change are the big ones. The Wraithseer getting T8 is nice though I doubt it's enough to bring him off the shelf.


There is also some crappy stuff like nerfs to Sisters and Grey Knights which need the opposite. Space marine vehicles losing Bolter Discipline sucks too as well as losing double firing Hellfire shells.


And then there is the bizarre missing stuff. The Taunar not losing the battle suit rule is pure insanity.


It's a pretty mixed bag.

What were the nerfs to sisters? I didn't see those

I'm not sure how I feel about this so far.


- Marine vehicles (other than dreads) losing Bolter Discipline sucks, and DW only getting it for normal rounds definitely sucks. But it's still a helpful rule towards Marines, just not as much now.

- Fixing Fly to back how it was meant to be is nice. I'm glad that's been resolved.

- Pick Your Assassin going to 2CP? At that point you might as well just suck it up and take an Aux detachment instead.

- The Rule of 3 clarification, I know some people won't like that one, but I'm glad for it. Too many potential shenanigans with that one.

- The Castellan nerf.... hoo boy... Nerfing Rotate Ion Shields was a good fix. But bumping it up by 100pts? Ouch. That one's a little too harsh...

- Glad to see they adjusted Obliterators properly, and that Lord Discordant gets Legion Traits now.

Lord Discordant is now affected by legion traits, which is good, as they now apply to all characters - hmm, the change only seems to be in Shadowspear & Vigilus Ablaze, not in the Chaos Space Marine codex.

It's in there, bottom left page 1. 

Page 163 – Legion Traits Change the first sentence to read: ‘If your army is Battle-forged, all Character, Infantry, Biker and Helbrute units in Chaos Space Marine Detachments gain a Legion Trait, so long as every unit in that Detachment is from the same Legion.’


Since CSM has a version 2, the firs errata is just for that, and doesn't have any pink updates. If you have version 1, updates start on page 4 of the pdf. 


I'm liking the update, as it means that my Lord on Steed of Slaanesh finally gets Legion traits. 


The Vigilus renegades got limited, each is now restricted to their fluff Mark. Something I expected, but I know it killed a couple ideas people had. 


- Pick Your Assassin going to 2CP? At that point you might as well just suck it up and take an Aux detachment instead.



The Aux Detachment locks you in to a specific Assassin and counts towards your total number of Detachments where that applies. An extra CP to avoid both of those is plenty reasonable (especially for IMPERIUM which hardly hurts for ways to pile on the CP).


There is some good stuff here. Ion shields being capped at 4++ and the fly change are the big ones. The Wraithseer getting T8 is nice though I doubt it's enough to bring him off the shelf.


There is also some crappy stuff like nerfs to Sisters and Grey Knights which need the opposite. Space marine vehicles losing Bolter Discipline sucks too as well as losing double firing Hellfire shells.


And then there is the bizarre missing stuff. The Taunar not losing the battle suit rule is pure insanity.


It's a pretty mixed bag.

What were the nerfs to sisters? I didn't see those

Clarifications really. They're in the chapter approved FAQ, mostly on last page.

Consider me underwhelmed.

There are some interesting things (like the FLY adjustment and the nerfs to the top table armies), some silly things (like the cherub nerf and the Princeps of Deceit nerf) and lots of things that are basically just clarifications. It's far from being the big re-balance thing we were made to expect.


Oh and I'm disappointed that the Bolter Discipline rule is still so counter intuitive. Instead of helping Marines where they need it (when they are close to the enemy) it still promotes a static gunline at max range. No clue why they excluded vehicles either.


Prepared Positions is still doing nothing for Daemons either.



... then again a friend already told me last month that there won't be huge changes this time around. I guess he was right after all.

GW themselves said there wouldn't be huge changes in this FAQ. People could have have hoped for more but anyone who expected more expected so against the stated expectations and plan.

As for the changes itself: Seem fine. I play Knights, not really offended by the change to RIS, Death Grip, or the Castellan. Hurt, and I think the Castellan is now overcosted, but eh.

Wow, a lot of armies got generally nerfed - from hovering flier boop shenanigans, to no more warptime tzaangor bombs, to faction-locking craftworld powers to limiting mob up to boyz only...


A lot of the “tricks” got simplified or taken away. I LIKE it - a lot!

Eldar factions no longer benefit from each other's psychic powers.


No more Dark Eldar re rolls, doomex units, etc. Eldar soup is now under control. Combine this with the new aircraft rule that their units abused most of all and it's a big change.


The game just got a whole lot better. People are upset because their factions didn't get big boosts but are missing the fact that the most obnoxious armies just got far less powerful.


FAQ is a massive, massive win.


Just read the changes to Eldar soup.


Rejoice brothers. The game has just been made far better and far more balanced!

What are the changes?



Doom, Reveal, and Jinx only apply to attacks made by craftworld eldar, not drukhari, harlies, or (maybe?) ynnarri.

Still gonna see stupid amounts of CP around and the same core to every list, but mostly positive changes. I guess the lead 8th designer really is an imperial guard player :biggrin.:


Dark angels get a buff and a nerf. Sammael is from great to fantastic again. Dark Talons now worse two years consecutively. Thanks to which ever bastard played 7 at one GT.

Still gonna see stupid amounts of CP around and the same core to every list, but mostly positive changes. I guess the lead 8th designer really is an imperial guard player :biggrin.:



Grav chutes got a nerf which was welcome for me.

Mekhitar - Warptime tzaangor bombs?

There was a big section clarifying all abilities that allow a unit to be set up “as if from reinforcements”, with lots of verbiage on what it was supposed to mean and be interpreted.


There was a section of the chaos community (though not all of it) that argued that a unit of tzaangors could be moved up the field using the dark matter crystal, and then benefit from warptime afterward because they started on the field.


The FAQ clarified that models that are set up again can not move again for any reason. So, no casting warptime to guarantee that charge.


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