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The Blood Angels ETL VII Campaign Awaits!


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Looked through my plie of shame, definitely gonna go with Dread Party.


Probably going to be some combination of 5 Relic Contemptors and a Dredeo Dread. Works out to around 223 points give or take per Unit, I'll have to have a better look and see what other weapons I can arm them with, which may boost that up.

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As ETL prep continues i've spent friday night and most of satuday building my BA leviathan. Does anyone recommend magnetizing the waist and pelvis? I've also gotta go out and pick up some small magnets for the torso guns, normally i'd just glue in the option I like the most and play counts-as on a game by game basis but felt this regal model deserves better. (and I doubt 40k ever letting us use the torso assault cannons)

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I would not recommend magnetizing the waist, as the torso section then tends to spin around a lot during handling unless the magnets actually connect with each other. This is especially true for dynamic poses, where the torso leans to one side even a bit. When you add arms, the center of weight shifts and whole upper section will rotate.

If you really want to do that through then you can mitigate that effect by adding a kind o stopper protrusion(s) to one section and cutting appropriate slot(s) for it in the other one. I have made this for my Libby Dread and it really helped in limiting the way the upper torso rotates.

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Well now, it's that time of year again already!


One question, can I pledge Titans for the Blood Angels Lamenters Sub Forum :biggrin.:?


In our ETL history, we've yet to have a titan pledged for us or a champion retain his title. Sounds like a challenge? ;)

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I'm going to have another go this year, but really focus on getting my pledge done - between my RL commitments and achingly slow speed I shamefully failed to complete last year.


I have a huge backlog, but don't want to make the same mistake of overcommiting, and I'll be trying Luthermax's new fast ink based scheme. Just put the shapeways order in for the bits I need to upgrade my DI models. I'll probably start with inceptors and devastators, and then 8f that goes well it'll be a choice between the pair of redemptors or going straight at my shiny new BA leviathan dread.


Don't worry about last year, just try your best this time around. You know what you can do so plan it out and you'll be fine :)

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Night and half worth of effort prep is underway :smile.:

Very nice, how's it coming along?

As ETL prep continues i've spent friday night and most of satuday building my BA leviathan. Does anyone recommend magnetizing the waist and pelvis? I've also gotta go out and pick up some small magnets for the torso guns, normally i'd just glue in the option I like the most and play counts-as on a game by game basis but felt this regal model deserves better. (and I doubt 40k ever letting us use the torso assault cannons)

wrt the magnetisaton, I have used there for my Contemptor arms and Knight Paladin waist (which is loose inside to allow movement). They hold them in place fine.


If I were to magnetise the hips of my Leviathan, I'd do it here:


However, that's a best guess without extensive research online...

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So, 2 more prep nights before it all kicks off. Do i bust out a storm raven and try to get it assembled and undercoated or go for more infantry? Infantry prob would be some tartaros termies and a capt karlaen...


What did you choose in the end?

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Aaaand I overdid it :tongue.:

Somehow managed to mix up magnets on the DC Dread's arms. So now I can only use Melta/Flamer on one, and SB on the other. Unless I find another flamer, my vow will be 10pts less.

So if we loose, you know who to blame :biggrin.:


That's a pain to sort out, isn't it? :facepalm:

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Stayed up a little late last night putting together a few more intercessors for this. Stupidly, I'd already mostly painted the Sgts from Dark Imperium, so I may need to pick up a regular box (and one of hellblasters, and one of reivers, and shadowspear... lol) so I can make a couple of codex legal squads.


Seems like I missed this... how are you getting on here? Did you sort out your units and get them prepped?

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Looked through my plie of shame, definitely gonna go with Dread Party.


Probably going to be some combination of 5 Relic Contemptors and a Dredeo Dread. Works out to around 223 points give or take per Unit, I'll have to have a better look and see what other weapons I can arm them with, which may boost that up.


That right there sounds stunning, looking forward to the group photo!

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I'm going to have another go this year, but really focus on getting my pledge done - between my RL commitments and achingly slow speed I shamefully failed to complete last year.


I have a huge backlog, but don't want to make the same mistake of overcommiting, and I'll be trying Luthermax's new fast ink based scheme. Just put the shapeways order in for the bits I need to upgrade my DI models. I'll probably start with inceptors and devastators, and then 8f that goes well it'll be a choice between the pair of redemptors or going straight at my shiny new BA leviathan dread.


Don't worry about last year, just try your best this time around. You know what you can do so plan it out and you'll be fine :smile.:



Build log has come along nicely in the last couple of weeks;

2 x 5 man intercessors with bolt rifles

2 x 5 man intercessors with auto bolt rifles (need to magnetise Sgt power swords for all 4 squads)

2 x 5 man hellblasters

1 easy-to-build redemptor converted with gatling on the power fist and storm bolters


Just a few more primaris gubbins to glue on, and all set.


Plenty more to build (shadowspear, another hellblaster squad, inceptors, aggressors, various characters, full redemptor, leviathan etc that I can do while waiting for varnish) as well as a box full of classic marines that need stripping and re-arming as vets and devastators, but I want to start simple with a couple of squads and see how I go to gauge what I can accomplish in the time. Going to avoid anything overly fiddly this year, that was my big mistake - so no terminators alas, too much bling, much as I love em.


Still need to make the greenstuff bases, but going to go much simpler this year so should be ready for the weekend, and hopefully a couple of primaris Lts too.


Finally got the inks I need for the new scheme, but gonna try out the Contrast paints for leather, black and plasma and maybe gems.


Just finishing off my BSF beastmen for my May '12 month hobby challenge' then I should be all set to start at the weekend!

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Build log las come along nicely in the last couple of weeks;

2 x 5 man intercessors with bolt rifles

2 x 5 man intercessors with auto bolt rifles (need to magnetise Sgt power swords for all 4 squads)

2 x 5 man hellblasters

1 easy-to-build redemptor converted with gatling on the power fist and storm bolters


Just a few more primaris gubbins to glue on, and all set.


Plenty more to build (shadowspear, another hellblaster squad, inceptors, aggressors, various characters, full redemptor, leviathan etc that I can do while waiting for varnish) as well as a box full of classic marines that need stripping and re-arming as vets, but I want to start simple with a couple of squads and see how I go to gauge what I can accomplish in the time. Least my death company are already done; going to avoid anything over fiddly this year, that was my big mistake - so no terminators alas, too much bling much as I love em.


Still need to make the greenstuff bases, but going to go much simpler this year so should be ready for the weekend, and hopefully a couple of primaris Lts too.


Finally got the inks I need for the new scheme, but gonna try out the Contrast paints for leather, black and plasma and maybe gems.


Just finishing off my BSF beastmen for my May '12 month hobby challenge' then I should be all set for next weekend!


Good to hear! You know what you can do better than anyone, just prioritise what you like best (or failing that, what is the most points...) and go from there :tu:


I don't envy all the troops though!


As for the 12M challenge, I still need to put the finishing touches on my Scouts. I also need to work our why I leave drilling the barrels to the last minute...

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So, 2 more prep nights before it all kicks off. Do i bust out a storm raven and try to get it assembled and undercoated or go for more infantry? Infantry prob would be some tartaros termies and a capt karlaen...

What did you choose in the end?

I chose the tartaros, and discovered a squad of cataphractii and a built but unpainted contemptor in the box with them. I may have a 40k addiction...

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Night and half worth of effort prep is underway :smile.:

Very nice, how's it coming along?

As ETL prep continues i've spent friday night and most of satuday building my BA leviathan. Does anyone recommend magnetizing the waist and pelvis? I've also gotta go out and pick up some small magnets for the torso guns, normally i'd just glue in the option I like the most and play counts-as on a game by game basis but felt this regal model deserves better. (and I doubt 40k ever letting us use the torso assault cannons)

wrt the magnetisaton, I have used there for my Contemptor arms and Knight Paladin waist (which is loose inside to allow movement). They hold them in place fine.


If I were to magnetise the hips of my Leviathan, I'd do it here:


However, that's a best guess without extensive research online...

Well I decided to glue in the torso volkites because CHOOOM! It won't matter in the end as 40k is the only games I plan on playing and didn't like the length of the assault cannons (I also got excited and glued the torsos together preventing me from getting a drill into the torso to magnetize the guns :tongue.:)

Edit: Here is a family shot

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So, 2 more prep nights before it all kicks off. Do i bust out a storm raven and try to get it assembled and undercoated or go for more infantry? Infantry prob would be some tartaros termies and a capt karlaen...

What did you choose in the end?

I chose the tartaros, and discovered a squad of cataphractii and a built but unpainted contemptor in the box with them. I may have a 40k addiction...



Don't we all; I've been ummin and arring over a squad of plasma cannon Devastators because I've got the bits and I've rediscovered a Land Speeder (and a bar of chocolate from Xmas which was in my Scout bikes box but that's another story...)

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Night and half worth of effort prep is underway :smile.:

Very nice, how's it coming along?

As ETL prep continues i've spent friday night and most of satuday building my BA leviathan. Does anyone recommend magnetizing the waist and pelvis? I've also gotta go out and pick up some small magnets for the torso guns, normally i'd just glue in the option I like the most and play counts-as on a game by game basis but felt this regal model deserves better. (and I doubt 40k ever letting us use the torso assault cannons)

wrt the magnetisaton, I have used there for my Contemptor arms and Knight Paladin waist (which is loose inside to allow movement). They hold them in place fine.


If I were to magnetise the hips of my Leviathan, I'd do it here:


However, that's a best guess without extensive research online...

Well I decided to glue in the torso volkites because CHOOOM! It won't matter in the end as 40k is the only games I plan on playing and didn't like the length of the assault cannons (I also got excited and glued the torsos together preventing me from getting a drill into the torso to magnetize the guns :tongue.:)

Edit: Here is a family shot


Cheers for that; it's quite cool seeing the Leviathan alongside the Contemptor as it really shows off its height (mine is hunched over and blu-tacced so it doesn't work for me). Really impressive starting point there :tu:

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Sixth Pic 1

Sixth Pic 2 resized

Sixth support resized

Mad man with a mad plan!

Captain with bolter & chainsword
Libby with stave + bolter
Sanguinary priest with bolt pistol
Chaplain with bolter
2x lieutenant with bolter
Company ancient

3x10 tacticals with lascannon & plasmagun
3x10 tacticals with heavy flamer & flamer
2x10 tacticals with missile launcher & melta
1x10 tacticals with missile launcher & plasmagun
1x10 tacticals with heavy bolter & flamer

Libby dread with heavy flamer
Libby dread with storm bolter
Siege dread with twin lascannon & inferno cannon
Mortis dread with 2x missile launcher

Totaling (only) 2776 points
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Mad man with a mad plan!




What strings do I need to pull to get a double like function on here?

Haha, good question! Edited the post with what it all is! 2776 points of blood angels goodness


Edit: forgot the ancient xD

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