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Falcongek's WIP Crusade thread

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HI All,


Decided I'll let you all in on my latest endevours.

It's not much, RL keeps me rather busy (study, family life), but slowly and steadilly we're getting back in the hobby.


Rcently I dug up a squad of terminators. They are the first plastic ones GW produced and I believe a free blackreach termie.

I started to templarise them.


Here are some pics.

Sorry for the crappy cell phone pics, my camera died on me.


Templarification in progress:

20190425 143010

20190425 143031

Some tabbards and a lot of purity seals. Those didn't show up on the phone pics.
Made a mould to see if I could make maltese crosses out of green stuff.

20190425 143040


Worked reasonably well, looks better in RL then on pic.

20190425 143116


Hope you like them,

Comments and feedback is welcome.



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I used the medium brass cross as a template.

Im still finding out the exact plastiness of yhe gs. If its too tough it won"t pass the mold propetly. If its to pliable it will deform when cutting..

I stil have som metal bt shoulderpads. Gonna make a mold for them too

  • 2 months later...

With the etl well underway I've decided to enter the remaining termies for the etl.

I continued with templarisation: More tabbards, purity seals and gs crosses.



These 3 are out of competition, they are too far painted already, but will be painted along with the rest.

DSC00034 1

GS crosses out of a mould I made from oops metal bt shoulder pads

DSC00025 1

Tabbards! (Time for paint, my wife is starting to call them plastic men with green skirts!!!)






They are of course further along, I forgot to take more recent pics, coming soon!



  • 5 months later...



So I decided to get myself a new name, more wh40 befitting, Brother Carpenter.


And more importantly, I managed to get my hands on a metal emp champ of the 2nd generation, and a whopping 200 metal shoulder pads with BT iconography. The OOP ones with cross and scull.




This will defenitely make my life easier, after 20 years of gaming I'm still unable to adequatly freehand our holy chapter iconography.


So, now I have to decide where to stick those pads on......


To be continued.




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